Steal The Command Codes

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esercito sconfitto
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Steal The Command Codes

Post by esercito sconfitto »


Attached to the Combat Engineer Corps. This type can be found in bases and facilities.

The technician in question makes her way through the isolated service shaft toward the apparently faulty grid. Little does she know that she is not alone in this quiet section of the base.

Agent Blake tampered with the grid so as to induce the enemy to send a technician up here. She plans to steal the woman's uniform and use the disguise to travel more freely through the base. This part of the base only controls basic lighting so it is not a major security issue. Or so the guards would think......

Technician: "Control I'm approaching the grid. Inform the officer that I'll need to manually access the locked electrical board in her work room once I'm done here. Unless of course she has a key?"

Control: "Copy that. She says she wasn't issued with a key so you'll have to go down there once you've checked out the grid where you are."

Technician: "Roger that control."

Unfortunately for the technician, Agent Blake has no intention of letting the woman leave these shafts alive.

Once her target finishes the conversation, Agent Blake makes her move. With calculating and ruthless efficiency she breaks her target's neck before the woman even knows what hit her.

She deliberately chose this bloodless method of killing since she rquires the now dead technician's uniform.


A short while later and the dead enemy has been stripped. Agent Blake then quickly undoes what she did to the power grid so as to simulate its repair.
Once she does this, she radios the control room. One of her many skills is an uncanny ability to mimic voices. From the little she heard of the now dead enemy at her feet,Blake is able to effectively communicate with the control room with the operator being any the wiser.

Agent Blake: "Control, the grid has been repaired. Just some wind causing the usual light damage."

Control: "Copy that. I'll relay the message to lieutenant Chang. She'll now be expecting you in her work room. Sector 5 room 3 over."

Agent Blake: "Roger that. I hope she isn't too cross!"

Control: "Heh she seemed so over the com. Poor you!"

Agent Blake's plan is working. Now she can waltz right into the special weapons room and prep the EMP bomb.

She doesn't have to worry about her cover being blown since the only permanent base staff here are those billeted to the control room. New faces are always coming and going so blending in won't be an issue.

Taking an empty bag from a nearby, never used first aid station, Agent Blake packs as much of her own clothing and equipment as she can into it. However she places her weapons in the deceased technician's tool kit. This gives her easy access to them. She also has the firearm of her slain enemy.

Glancing at the semi nude corpse of her victim, she quips on how lucky she is that the dead woman was of a fairly similar shoe size to her. She may not get another chance to switch uniforms so easily.
esercito sconfitto
Posts: 7166
Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:06 pm

Re: Steal The Command Codes

Post by esercito sconfitto »


The tarmac is busy with various transports ferrying troops and supplies to and from the base.


Agent Blake must exfiltrate the base before the EMP goes off and a general lockdown occurs.

She intends to obtain a patrol hoverbike then proceed to exit the base disguised as a guard on a routine patrol.

First she must dispose of the guard meant to be on patrol.


A strong chain makes for a superb garrote as Agent Blake catches the woman off guard


Soon enough the guard ceases to struggle and a low gurgle is let out as she expires.

Agent Blake will now relieve the dead woman of her uniform.


Finding a secluded spot of the hangar, Agent Blake strips the slain guard of her uniform. She will hide the woman's body before using her hoverbike to exit the base.
Agent Blake stores her guns and any clothing of hers in the vehicle trunk.
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