Ghazan: Part 3: Departure

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Ghazan: Part 3: Departure

Post by rufusluciusivan »


Her mother’s reveal had turned Aisha’s plans upside down. Her latest victory was now looking hollow… How could she use the information her cousin would find if she was on the other side of the world?

Plus, Aisha being sent on a diplomatic mission also meant she could be separated from her teammates for months. And just as they were making progress against Esteban...

The princess couldn’t allow it to happen. She had to find a way to keep Zaïde, Rasha, and Beatrix close to her.

By any means necessary...

After her argument with Yasmin, Aisha felt guilty to keep on planning escapades outside the palace.

However, she also felt she didn’t have the choice. She didn’t want to leave her crew behind. She knew Esteban was to blame for the situation. And she suspected the man didn’t set up things just for the pleasure of sending her onto a trip. If she had to unravel mysteries in the Old Continent, she would need help.

And she had an other reason… If one of her teammates truly was a traitor, she preferred to keep her close. It was best to force her to take part in the expedition, meaning she’d be surrounded by Aisha, Yasmin, Ezgi, and loyal guards. If the traitor stayed in Ghazan, she would be left behind unguarded. Free to infiltrate the palace.

Therefore, Aisha had started to come up with ideas to bring her teammates with her.

Including Zaïde to the expedition would be easy. Aisha’s cousin was a high-ranked member of the court, and part of the core royal family. Zaïde had enough influence to successfully obtain to become part of the diplomatic mission.

For Rasha and Beatrix, it would be more complicated. However, Aisha had an idea.

Among the expedition, there would also be guards, aides, and various pagegirls and pageboys. Rasha and Beatrix could play the part of such people. Zaïde could easily pretend Rasha and Beatrix had been part of her retinue all along. Scribes, aides, and guards were numerous under the employ of the aristocracy. Nobody, not even her father or his spies, could know all of them.

Aisha’s crew simply needed to falsify the archives, in case her father’s agents would do a background search on the members of the diplomatic mission. (And Aisha knew they would.)

However, it would require to infiltrate the royal archives.

Aisha realized she kept on disobeying her family’s wishes. However, she reasoned it was necessary. Her Mother had sent Yasmin with Aisha, hoping the former would protect the latter. But Yasmin was also going to be in danger. Aisha wanted to protect her twin sister. For that, she needed all her resources.

Plus, she had thought it was time to give Esteban a taste of his own medicine… She intended to plant fake evidences linking him to the robbery of the archives.

Two could play the game of slander...


Aisha gave a meeting to her cousin as soon as she could. This time, they were gathered in the servants’ wing of the royal palace. That way, Aisha would remain in the building if she was summoned by her parents. They were waiting for Rasha and Beatrix. Ezgi and her maids were covering up for them.

Zaïde was on board with the plan, especially the part about slandering Esteban’s name.

“I love the poetic justice…” she said. “Plus, I also think I know why Esteban is sending you to the United Lands.”


“I’ve started to read the files we stole. I found his accomplice hails from there. I haven’t found their identity yet, but that I am sure of.”

“That explains his move…” Aisha checked the water clock. “Rasha and Beatrix should be here soon.”

Zaïde grabbed Aisha’s arm. “Can I have a word with you?” She had lost her smile.


“I think we should stop associating ourselves with Rasha.” Zaïde bluntly announced. “I’ve read Esteban’s proposition. Too much money is at stake.”

“Then why did she warn me?” Aisha objected. “She was the first to do it, of her own volition.”

She hadn’t planned on adding anything, but Yasmin’s warning about Zaïde was still fresh in her mind, so she remarked:

“You didn’t.”

Her cousin grimaced. “I was going to. You were faster than me.”

She was looking sincere, but Aisha knew her cousin was a mistress at hiding her emotions.

“Rasha and I are on the same page.” the princess retorted. “I think it’s Beatrix we should be wary of. She doesn’t like me. I can picture her betraying me.”

However, she and Zaïde weren’t able to press the subject any further.

A servant discreetly opened the door, and allowed two women to enter. Rasha and Beatrix had arrived.


Aisha explained her plan.

The two women didn’t look very on board with the idea of leaving El Idriss for a long period of time. However, Aisha and Zaïde were offering them a lot of money for this special task, and since they had always been fair in their dealings, Rasha and Beatrix trusted them enough to agree.

“I hope you don’t expect me to join the side of the Law.” Rasha joked with a wink.

“I hope to be properly compensated.” Beatrix interrupted her.

Something about the way she said it immediately ticked Aisha off. “You will. As long as you don’t start looking somewhere else for coins.” she retorted.

Beatrix’s glare could have melted steel. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You tell me. How much money would it take to make you talk?”

The bounty huntress gritted her teeth. “You insinuate I’m a squealer?”

Rasha walked in-between Aisha and the redhead.

“Let’s not forget how profitable our partnership is for all parties involved, please!” She gave Beatrix a meaningful look.

The redhead clenched her fists, but then nodded. “I want the money sent to Halil’s hospice for war veterans during my absence.” she demanded.

Her request intrigued Aisha. Why would she ask that? However, Zaïde nodded. Apparently, she knew what the redhead meant.

Rasha kept talking, which distracted her for now. “I’ve never attempted to break into the archives. I relish the challenge. Tell me the plan.”

Aisha nodded. “Listen well. Because contrary to last time, we’ll start the operation right away.”

It had been her idea. If one of her teammates truly was a traitor, she wouldn’t be able to warn Esteban and set up a trap.

She noticed Beatrix’s grimace.


The royal archives were well-protected, since they contained many important documents. A squad of janissaries, the elite corp of Ghazan’s army, were permanently stationed to guard the place.

The vast building was located in a well-off area of the capital city, not too far from the royal palace. It wasn’t in a residential district, and was isolated from the busy merchant streets. Therefore, there usually weren’t many people nearby, outside of the ones who specifically came to the archives.

Two janissaries named Kamelya and Manolya were patrolling the area near the archives’ backdoor – the one used by the servants, the archivists, and the guards.

Kamelya had black hair, a dark skin, and golden brown eyes. Manolya had light brown hair, hazel brown eyes, and a tanned skin. Both women were tall, with fit bodies, and aquiline figures. Their haircut was a tight low bun.

Their uniform was a bright blue sleeveless calf-long tabard, a bright red tunic, a brown belt tied around the waist, red puffy trousers, a white turban adorned with a golden yellow metal feather, and brown leather boots. They were each armed with a sabre, a dagger, and a jezail.

Kamelya and Manolya turned around a corner of the archives. They were new recruits, but looked proud in their uniforms.

A nearby beggar woman was asking for coins. In front of them, a merchant was having trouble with her covered cart. Her mount seemed to be adamantly refusing to move.

The two sentries exchanged a glance.

The sights were a bit unusual, but nothing too suspicious either. This part of the town wasn’t busy, but the people passing through here to visit the archives were usually well-off. So from time to time a clever beggar came here. The merchant was probably here to supply the archives, or an other official building of the district.

Still, the two janissaries tacitly agreed they were going to question these women. They needed to look professional. In their squadmates’ eyes, they were still green horns.

They approached the suspects.

However, as they were reaching the cart, Kamelya frowned. She could have sworn she had briefly seen a blue ray.

“Manolya… You saw that?”

Her partner didn’t answer.


She heard a moan, and the sound of a limp body falling onto the ground. She turned.

Manolya was lying on her back, legs and arms spread, eyes closed, deeply unconscious.

Kamelya realized that, because of the merchant’s cart, nobody could see her partner’s predicament. Her senses immediately went on alert. She grabbed a small horn strapped onto her belt, to sound the alarm.

She didn’t get to blow it though.

A blue ray of light suddenly hit her in the exposed right temple. Kamelya’s eyes widened. She dropped her alarm horn. Then her eyes rolled back, she let out a long soft moan, and she fell backwards.

The beggar woman swiftly moved behind the janissary, and caught her under the arms. She dragged her towards the cart. The merchant helped her lift the unresponsive unconscious woman into the covered cart, concealing her from prying eyes. Then, they picked up Manolya by the legs and the under-shoulders, and also put her into the cart. The merchant sat behind her horse while the beggar climbed into the cart’s back.

Everything had happened too fast for anyone to see anything.

The merchant moved the covered cart away. At the same time, the back of the vehicle was slightly rocking. An outsider would think it was simply the result of the street’s pavers. An expert would however notice the rockings were the result of unresponsive bodies being stripped of their clothes.


Zaïde, who was disguised as the beggar; Rasha, who was disguised as the merchant; and Aisha, who wasn’t disguised at all and had been waiting inside the cart, stripped Manolya and Kamelya of their janissary uniforms. First, they took off the weapons, boots, turbans, and belts. Then they slipped off the trousers. Finally, they pulled off the tabards and the tunics.

The two sentries were left clad in their undergarments: a pink sleeveless top and pink knee-long undertrousers for Kamelya; white bandages wrapped around the breasts and grey underdrawers for Manolya.

Manolya and Kamelya were trained athletic women. Therefore, when restraining them, Aisha, Zaïde and Rasha didn’t take any risk.

They cross-tied each janissary’s wrists behind her back with ropes, then immobilized her upper-arms and forearms with a complex pentagram bondage technique. Finally, they hog-tied each sentry – not too tightly, but enough to prevent them from easily crawling. Kamelya and Manolya were stuff-gagged, cleave-gagged, and blindfolded with thick scarves, and left lying on their left side.

Zaïde and Aisha put on the janissary uniforms. Rasha was a bit too small to properly wear them.

“Good thing we managed to snatch this cart…” the thief commented. “Gotta thank the owner for being so cooperative...”

The owner of the cart was already lying on the wooden floor, concealed under a rug, bound with ropes, and gagged and bindfolded with scarves. She was a petite brunette, light-skinned and green-eyed, with thick hair tied into a shoulder-long ponytail. She was clad in a faded purple brassiere and matching knickers. Rasha was currently wearing her clothes.

The bound-and-gagged Kamelya and Manolya were dragged next to the merchant, and also concealed under a rug.

Zaïde and Aisha copied the janissaries’ neck buns, and were ready for the next step.


Beatrix regrouped with Zaïde, Rasha, and Aisha. She slipped into the merchant’s clothes Rasha had removed, while the thief put back on her own outfit. Hopefully, nobody would question a merchant with a clear Charioteer ancestry – their people were known for their trading caravans. The redhead would leave the covered cart in an isolated part of the town, to make sure the three mugged women wouldn’t be found too soon. In the meantime, Zaïde, Aisha, and Rasha were going to break into the archives.

Zaïde, Aisha, and Rasha exited the covered cart, then Beatrix led it away.

The two fake janissaries opened the backdoor for the thief, and followed her inside.


The royal archives were administered by a group of full-time employees.

Salma was one of these archivists. She was easily recognizable, thanks to her deep blue long-sleeved hooded frock. The garment was baggy, and adorned with silver and gold arabesques. A brown sash was tied around her waist.

The woman was an erudite through and through. Small, nervous, mousy-looking. Her shoulder-long curly brown hair were left untamed, barely tied up into a functional ponytail with a green ribbon. She clearly didn’t spend much time to take care of her appearance. She was usually keeping her green eyes low, to avoid making eye contact with someone else.

Salma was carrying one huge notebook, protectively holding it against her chest. She passed in front of a bunch of archive rooms. These ones weren’t visited often. They contained old information. Her task today was to inventory them.

The last door was suddenly swung open.

Rasha grabbed Salma, clamping a hand onto her mouth.


She jerked the short erudite into the archive room, then kicked the door close.



One swift neck-chop made short work of Salma. The limp unconscious body collapsed in Rasha’s arms.

“I love this technique… Imported straight from the Land of Kin…” the thief commented as she dragged the archivist in a corner of the room.

She laid Salma onto the floor, and stripped her of her sandals, sash, and long frock, leaving her clad in a night blue sleeveless slip with a yellow trimmed collar.

As always, Rasha was carrying a few coils of rope – thin but sturdy – hidden under her clothes, wrapped around her torso. The three intruders used them to restrain Salma. They bound the woman’s wrists, shoulders, thighs, and ankles. A kerchief was used to gag her.

Rasha slipped into the archivist’s long frock, tied up the sash around her waist, and put on the brown sandals. She ruffled her hair to better look the part of the intellectual.

Aisha and Zaïde noticed an empty cupboard, and stashed Salma inside, seated in a corner and resting against the frame.

The three women then exited the room. Now that they all had a disguise, they could take the risk of passing through busier parts of the building.


Indeed, nobody paid more than a passing glance to the archivist carrying a big notebook and escorted by two janissaries. Their disguises did wonder.

Zaïde knew the layout of the archives. She was walking fast, and led her two accomplices inside a specific room.

“It shouldn’t take long.”

Zaïde searched for one specific register, then grabbed a quill pen and some ink. She wrote inside the book.

“And two fake identities… two!” she muttered to herself.

“Now, we simply need to make it look like a mere robbery took place.” Rasha snickered to herself. “Talk about a role tailored for me…”

Zaïde briefly glared at her. Then she added: “I will plant the fake proofs.”

Aisha nodded. The idea was to make it look like agents of Esteban had raided the archives, and then attempted to pass their robbery as a petty theft. It was convoluted, but also exactly Esteban’s kind of schemes...


Exiting the archives was easy. Salma hadn’t been found yet. Nothing disturbed them. Nobody tried to stop them.

All in all, the mission was a rousing success. It lifted Aisha’s spirit. She was confident that, this time, there would be no complications. Her family would suffer no bad consequence. Only Esteban was going to get in trouble.

This operation had also allowed Aisha to make progress on another front.

The traitor, if there was one, hadn’t struck. However, Aisha was expecting it. There wouldn’t have been a diplomatic incident if she had been caught inside Ghazan’s archives, since her parents could easily cover it up. Plus, she hadn’t given her teammates the time to contact any outsider.

Her suspicions were confirmed. Esteban was most likely involved.

However, she still had no definitive clue on the traitor’s identity…

She needed to do a little investigation.

Fortunately, Aisha thought she had a lead...

Beatrix had mentioned Halil’s hospice. Her offhand comment had aroused Aisha’s curiosity. Why would the bounty huntress want her money sent here?

Was she using this place as a front to meet with her contacts?

Aisha was determined to find out! She only had a few days before her departure to the United Lands, and most of that time would be spent in formal events, but she intended to make the most of whatever free time she could have.


The research part was easy. Halil’s hospice was well-known. A place in which former soldiers and war veterans could find treatment, food, and shelter.

During the next couple of days, Aisha put on her best behavior during the diplomatic meals and formal receptions she was forced to attend to. Her parents and her sister were a bit surprised by this change of attitude, but it helped her escape their suspicions.

Once again, Ezgi’s help proved invaluable. Two days before the boat’s departure, she pretended to take Aisha with her for an afternoon of shopping new dresses for the diplomatic trip.

Of course, in truth, she accompanied her near Halil’s hospice.

“You need to reduce the number of your getaways, love. I won’t be able to cover for you that often.” the servant playfully commented as they were observing the building from afar, their identities concealed by desert cloaks.

“Don’t worry. It’ll be the last one before I set sail.”

She pecked Ezgi on the cheek. Then the rebellious princess approached the building.


Aisha was feeling a mixture of worry and excitement at the prospect of infiltrating a place alone.

She approached the hospice through the backyard. There were a lot of empty crates piled up. They had most likely been used to deliver medical furniture. They also made for good hiding spots… The area was devoid of any passerby. Nobody wanted to come close to the building if they could avoid it.

Aisha immediately spotted the lone nurse, who was busy burning soiled bandages.

The woman was wearing a beige baggy tunic with long sleeves, and a matching long skirt, as well as a black sash tied around her waist and brown sandals. A beige cap was covering her head.

A perfect opportunity!

She approached the woman from behind.

The nurse wasn’t a native of Ghazan. Her blond hair, and light blue eyes were a giveaway she was from the Northern Kingdoms – formerly the Vassal Kingdoms of Pakal’s Empire, which had reclaimed their freedom after the fall of the Mages. Her skin was tanned – but it was the kind of tan people from northern countries got after spending some time under Ghazan’s sun. Her haircut was a low bun.

Aisha was sure there was an interesting story behind this woman’s presence in the hospice. However, she neither had the time nor the interest to learn about it. She was only interested in the woman’s clothes.

Aisha clamped a piece of cloth soaked with a narcotic potion over the nurse’s mouth and nose.

Startled, the blonde started to struggle, but Aisha immobilized her by wrapping her arm around her waist. The thick rag muffled the nurse’s cries for help. The woman wasn’t a fighter. Soon, her mind was overcome by the fumes, and her struggles grew weaker. She moaned a few more times, then her body slumped into her mugger’s arms.

Aisha didn’t waste time. She dragged the unconscious body behind some crates, and laid her onto the ground.

She swiftly divested the nurse of her clothes. First, she took off the cap and sandals. Then she pulled off the baggy tunic, and shimmied the skirt down the legs. As undergarments, the blonde was wearing a white sleeveless top, and black panties. Aisha noticed the woman was actually quite busty under her baggy outfit.

Among the furniture in the crate the nurse had next to her, Aisha found clean bandages. They were sturdy enough to be used as ropes. She bound the nurse’s wrists behind her back, then tied her legs, and finally wrapped a long strip of bandage around the shoulders. She picked up a few bandages that weren’t dirty, made them into a ball, shoved them into the blonde’s mouth, and tied an other thick bandage, using it as a cleave-gag.

Wooden barrels were lined up against the back wall of the building. They were most likely used to store garbage. Aisha located an empty one, and stashed the sleeping nurse inside to conceal her. She left the rag soaked with narcotic potion inside the barrel with the blonde, to make sure the nurse would sleep for the next couple of hours, then put on the lid.

Aisha hid her desert cloak and civilian clothes inside an other empty barrel, and put on the nurse outfit. She then took a breath, and used her powers. Her hair turned blond, and her skin changed to mimic the nurse’s tan.

She attempted to copy the woman’s hairstyle. Her low bun wasn’t perfect, but hopefully it would be enough… The nurse cap would obscure part of her head anyway.

Aisha adjusted her black cloth sash, then entered the hospice through the back door.


Under the guise of the nurse, Aisha walked the corridors of the hospice, pretending to carry some furniture. She was keeping her head low, to not make eye contact with anyone.

The few people she came across didn’t stop her. The blond hair and outfit were enough to fool them.

For now however, her search was unfruitful. Only storage rooms filled with medical supplies or food, dormitories for the inmates, and a huge refectory with a kitchen.

Aisha couldn’t help but think she had been too quick to jump on assumptions, and that the hospice was exactly what it looked like.

Maybe I should just leave. I don’t have much time left. Ezgi is waiting for me.

The disguised princess froze when she heard a few voices coming from a nearby corridor.

“… been coming more often lately.” It was a male voice – perhaps Halil himself.

“I don’t have much choice. I’ve received a new mission. One that’ll force me to be away from El Idriss for months.”

Aisha recognized the woman’s voice. It was Beatrix’s!

Even with my blond hair, she’ll recognize me for sure!

Oh, how she wished she could shapeshift her entire face like her mother...

Aisha immediately entered the nearest room. It was a dormitory for the inmates. Several persons were sitting on their beds. Most had a vacant expression. A nurse was already in the room to tend for them. Fortunately, she was too busy to notice Aisha.

Halil’s and Beatrix’s voices got closer.

“…gave instructions to have the money sent here.”

Damn! They want to enter this room!

Trying to look as natural as possible, to not alert the other nurse, Aisha went to a corner of the dormitory, and pretended to rummage through supplies.

Halil and Beatrix entered the room. Luckily for the impostor, they didn’t intend to converse with the nurses.

Out of the corner of her eye, Aisha saw the redhead sit next to one inmate – a woman with black hair, and horrible burn marks on all her body and face. They started a conversation. They weren’t talking very loud, but Aisha could discern it was uninteresting small talk.

The princess realized she wouldn’t learn anything useful here.

She was thinking of a way to leave the room without alerting Beatrix when she noticed Mira stiffen. Suddenly, the wounded woman grabbed Beatrix’s arm, squeezing it hard enough to make the redhead wince.

“What’s this? It’s… It’s… God above! Liquid fire! They have liquid fire!” Mira’s eyes were vacant, staring into nothing. Aisha understood her mind wasn’t here anymore. The former soldier was reliving a past battle.

Beatrix tried to restrain her friend. “Calm down! We’re not on the battlefield!”

But Mira wasn’t listening. She started to struggle. “God! It’s all over me! My flesh! I’m burning! Help me!”

Halil and the other nurse ran to help Beatrix immobilize the delirious woman. “The straps! Use the straps!” the healer exclaimed.

Mira started to cry. “Help me! Please, God, help me! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die...”

Seeing a grown woman wail like a child was a dreadful sight… Too much for Aisha, in fact.

She took advantage of everyone’s distraction to flee the room. She ran in the corridors, and left the hospice as fast as she could.

She was feeling guilty. She didn’t mean to eavesdrop on such a personal scene.

At least, now she knew why her father chose to withdraw from the war against Pakal five years ago. Why, even to this day, he was still tormented by guilt.

And she hadn’t learned anything to help her inquiry… She doubted she could do an other similar stunt before she had to leave the kingdom.


As much as she wanted to leave the hospice as quickly as possible, Aisha couldn’t roam the streets dressed as a nurse. She returned to the backyard, and retrieved her civilian outfit.

The blonde nurse was still sleeping inside her barrel. Once Aisha was dressed back in her own clothes, she left the nurse uniform with their real owner. At least she’d retrieve her clothes once she was found…

Aisha checked her surroundings to see if the coast was clear.

However, she wasn’t in luck today. Just as she was putting the lid back on, she heard the backdoor being opened.

The princess had just enough time to duck behind the barrels.

Beatrix exited the building to get some fresh air. Aisha had never seen her look so grim.

The man – Halil – soon regrouped with her.

“We’ve given her the medicine…”

“Hurrah.” a deadpan Beatrix snarked. “Now she can sleep on her bed for the next couple of hours, with somebody changing her diapers when she soils herself.”

“At least she’s alive.”

“You call that living?!” Beatrix snapped. “She can’t even leave the hospice! She can’t-”

The redhead interrupted herself, and took a couple of long breaths. Aisha realized she was doing it to avoid crying.

The princess bit her lower lip. She maybe didn’t like Beatrix, but had she been in the redhead’s shoes, she wouldn’t have wanted a spy to see her in such a moment of vulnerability. She wished she could leave, but alas she wasn’t able to do it without being spotted.

Beatrix finally spoke again. Her voice was hollow. “Sometimes… Sometimes when I wake up… I think to myself… I should just shoot her in the head… put her out of her misery… What she has… What she does… It’s not living… It’s dying slowly.” She rested her back against the wall. “Just like us. We’re not living. I still have nightmares of Nawfa. I-”

She was interrupted when a newcomer suddenly entered the backyard.

“Beatrix! My favorite partner! I knew I’d find you here!”

Beatrix groaned, and rubbed her temples. “Rasha… Can you just… not be YOU right now…”

The thief stopped smiling. “Oh. Sorry. Didn’t know I’d come at a bad time.”

“What do you want?”

“What do you think?”

Beatrix weighed up the pros and cons. “Halil. Get inside. You have to tend to your patients.”

The man complied.

Beatrix glared at the thief. “So?”

“The usual. High risk, high reward.”

“What about the departure?”

“I wouldn’t put our mission for Aisha in peril. It won’t jeopardize it.”

Beatrix didn’t look convinced.

“It’s our last chance before we leave!” Rasha insisted. “Just one last heist!”

The bounty huntress gruffed. “Don’t you have enough already?”

Rasha didn’t bat an eye. “Never.” She looked her partner in the eyes. “And neither do you.”

Beatrix shrugged. Her face was stern and unreadable again. Her moment of vulnerability was gone. She was herself once more.

“Fair enough. You’ll explain on the way.”

The duo swiftly left the premises.

Once Aisha was sure they wouldn’t come back, she exhaled deeply.

The princess quickly ran away, and regrouped with Ezgi.

Her chubby lover embraced her, concern written on her face.

“You’re alright? You look awful!”

“That’s because I feel awful! I- Coming here was a mistake. I’ll- I’ll explain on the way… For now, I just want to go home…”

Ezgi wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

“Tell me everything. You know you can tell me everything.”


Aisha’s and Yasmin’s departure was commemorated by an official event.

The king, queen, and prince themselves – surrounded by dozens of officials – formally gave their blessing to the two heiresses. Soldiers were forming a guard of honor. A crowd of aristocrats and rich merchants were witnessing the ceremony.

Esteban wasn’t part of them. Aisha’s plan to smear his name had encountered some success, forcing the ambassador to lay low the time of the inquiry at the archives. Of course, Esteban’s reputation would quickly recover from the blow. However, the small victory lifted Aisha’s spirit.

The rebellious princess tried to put up a good show during the ceremony. The task was hard.

Aisha hated many aspects of the rigid protocol ruling her life. The impossibility to go anywhere in public without the event being turned into an official ceremony was the one she loathed the most. She was feeling trapped by all the eyes staring at her, scrutinizing her every movement, permanently judging her.

The presence of Azeneth, who was standing with the king’s advisers, and of Zaïde, who was standing next to her one step behind, helped her keep her composure.

However, when she glanced at the crowd and saw Istir, she couldn’t help but remember Yasmin’s warning about their cousin.

Ezgi was part of Aisha’s and Yasmin’s retinue – alongside other servants, aides, and a battalion of elite guards. Beatrix and Rasha were standing among a smaller group to the left. Zaïde’s retinue. They were respectively dressed as a bodyguard and as an aide.


Right before the ship sailed off, Rashid, Yuka, and Ahmed managed to briefly see Yasmin, Aisha, and Zaïde privately in the captain’s cabin.

Yuka took Aisha in her arms, and hugged her tightly. “Please be careful.” she muttered while caressing her daughter’s hair.

Aisha returned her embrace while fighting back her tears. “I’ll be fine...”

Her mother then took Yasmin’s hands in hers, and squeezed them. “I trust you. I know you’ll do great.”

At the same time, Rashid put his hands on Aisha’s shoulders. “Stay safe, Aisha. Remember your lessons. And listen to your sister’s advice. She’ll be your best ally.” He also quickly hugged her. “I love you.”

“You two must return as quickly as possible!” Ahmed intervened. “I have many new inventions I’d like to show you!”

Aisha couldn’t help but chuckle.

However, their family moment could only be brief. Too brief. A king’s and queen's schedule was always busy. Soon, Rashid, Yuka, and Ahmed exited the cabin.

Yasmin glanced at her sister. “I’m going up on deck. Remember to wave good-bye to the crowd.” Her voice was blank and neutral. She also left.

Aisha noticed Zaïde was looking at her.

She felt a bit guilty. Her cousin had never known her father, and never had the luck to have siblings. Yusuf had been assassinated before she was born, and Istir never married after her birth. Aisha was always embarrassed when Zaïde was witnessing one of her family moments. She wished she hadn’t displayed such affection with her parents and brother in front of her.

As always, Zaïde easily read her emotions. “Why do you look so embarrassed?”

Aisha stuttered.

Her cousin shrugged. “My father was dead before I was even born. It is something I have never known enough of to miss. It’s always been just my mother and I. Stop walking on eggs every time your father or your brother and I are in the same room.”

“S- Sorry.”

“We better regroup with Yasmin. After the ship leaves, go see Ezgi in your cabin. Make sure everything is in order.”


The two royal princesses and their cousin saluted the crowd. Aisha kept her gaze fixated on her family and Azeneth. It was for them, and them alone, she was waving.

Once the ship had left the harbor, and they didn’t need to uphold appearances, Aisha immediately left the deck to go to her cabin.

Ezgi was already inside, checking the bed.

“Everything is in order, my princess.”

She was smiling. The same smile as a few days ago, when she had been consoling her after the mission at Halil’s hospice.

Aisha had always loved the chubby woman’s way of saying her title. In Ezgi’s mouth, it sounded like a term of endearment, not a formality.

However, this time, Aisha felt embarrassed.

She was realizing that, just like Yasmin, Ezgi wasn’t expecting to be sent away from the palace for many months. Because of Aisha’s actions, her plans were most likely disrupted.

“I’m sorry… Because of me, you’ll have to spend months away from most of the people you know...”

Ezgi looked her in the eyes. “Are you kidding? I’ve spent all my life in El Idriss. I’m ecstatic to see the world!”

Her enthusiasm lifted Aisha’s spirits a bit.

Ezgi tilted her head, and smiled. With a surprising speed, the plump woman grabbed Aisha’s hand. “By the way… Your sister will be discussing our path with the captain. We have a little time ahead of us…” she said seductively.

She gently pulled on Aisha’s wrist. The latter let herself be led, and ended up in Ezgi’s arms.

“I have an other reason to be excited at the prospect of this trip… Even royal princesses can’t bring many servants with them on a ship. I’ll be the sole one attending to your needs, my princess. We’ll have plenty of moments to be alone…” She moved her mouth near Aisha’s ear. “Plenty of moments in which I’ll have you all for myself...”

In public, Ezgi was Aisha’s servant. However, in the bedroom, the plump woman was the one in charge.

And Aisha was loving every second of it…


In El Idriss, unbeknownst to the crowd waving good-bye to the princesses, a woman had discreetly left the ceremony before it was over.

She was wearing the clothes of a rich woman from the desert tribes. She was clad in a long and robust night blue woolen robe covering all the body, adorned with complex arabesques of gold and silver threads. The robe was gathered at the waist with a bright red cloth belt. To protect her head and neck, she was using a dark blue headscarf tied with a red headband. An angular leather masks adorned with gemstones was protecting her face.

Once she was alone in an alleyway, the woman paused.

“Gods above! I can’t stand this any longer!”

She angrily removed the mask and headscarf, and threw them away.

“Ah! Much better...”

The woman then adjusted her coarse braided black hair.

Donna Tzi’Ya Mendoza, subject of the Pakal Empire and wife of don Esteban Mendoza, inhaled deeply.

“I don’t know how you people breath in these things…” she commented to a nearest small alcove.

She was answered by a few muffled moans of distress. Of course, the woman Tzi’Ya was talking to couldn’t say anything else – a thick piece of cloth had been shoved into her mouth and a rag was wrapped around her lower face to silence her. The naked girl was tightly trussed up like a turkey, with her hands restrained behind her back, ropes wrapped around her upper-arms, and her thighs, knees, calves, and ankles also tied up. Her bound body was squeezed in the small alcove, which further prevented her from moving.

Tzi’Ya had been lucky to come across this lone woman on her way to the ceremony. A black-haired ponytailed brown-eyed dark-skinned girl of the desert tribes, who apparently didn’t know about the risks of walking alone in an alleyway.

Tzi’Ya smiled to herself.

Sure, her husband and she had been forbidden to attend to the princesses’ departure ceremony. However, there was no way they would comply. Too many information could be gathered…

The Pakal woman ignored the muffled cries, and walked away.


Tzi’Ya returned to the embassy of Felipe, and entered the building through the servant’s door.

Her husband was in his office room. Esteban was busy writing a letter.

“I suppose the ceremony went without a hitch.” he commented when he heard her close the door.

“Yes indeed.” Tzi’Ya started to remove her stolen clothes. “Gods above! I hate this kingdom’s fashion… I look forward to the day we leave this forsaken place.”

While she was undressing herself, she looked at her husband. He was still writing.

She added: “It pains me to admit, but our attempt against the little princess has been lackluster. She’s even afforded the luxury of dealing us a blow in retaliation.”

Still no reaction. Tzi’Ya felt a bit offended. Usually, Esteban was paying her attention when she was half-naked in the room.

“This doesn’t seem to bother you much.” she remarked to her husband.

Esteban shrugged. “A minor setback in a major operation. Besides, we both know who she’ll be facing…”

He got up from his chair, and moved one library, revealing a mirror-shaped device hidden behind.

“Speaking of which. My dear, would you kindly? I don’t mind seeing you in that state of undress, but our partner might feel offended. We’ll have plenty of time in the bedroom later.”

Tzi’Ya grabbed a set of Pakal clothes, and slipped into them. “Duly noted. I’ll make sure you remember your promise.”

“Of course. But first, we need to warn our partner of the latest developments…”

The mirror was in fact a magical artifact, a device allowing to communicate with the person who possessed a similar mirror.

Officially, magic was banned from the most of the Old Continent. However, unofficially, most persons of power still secretly used magical artifacts. Some even had mages or witches under their employ.

“I’m quite sure she’ll want to do something before they reach the Old Continent.” Esteban concluded.


The woman looked at herself in a mirror.

She wasn’t a striking beauty. Clearly not courtesan material. And yet, most thought there was a certain charm to her.

It was her eyes. People said they were captivating. As blue and as changing as the sea.

Her current clothes were most likely helping. Her flowing dress was colorful and warm, red, orange, and yellow, and also designed to be easily removed. The cleavage left little to the imagination, and the bottom of the garment was split on the left to show her legs. A flowing translucent yellow sash was tied around her waist. This was the outfit of a high-class entertainer.

The polite term for luxury whore…

The woman flinched very slightly when a male voice called her:

“Come here, dear Juliette…”

She hid a grimace of disgust. Her name wasn’t Juliette. Juliette had been a foolish girl who had come to El Idriss from the United Lands, hoping to build a new life. Instead, she had become a whore, and had had the bad luck of crossing path with her.

Juliette is dead. I slit her throat, took her clothes, and threw her corpse into the river. I didn’t want to leave any witness to spread the tale this time.

That was what she wanted to say. Instead, she smiled: “Coming~”

The man lying on the bed was an officer of Ghazan’s fleet. A man of high birth. A member of the upper-crust. In private, he was painfully drab and dull.

She had had a hard time playing the part of the obedient floozy. She was captain of her ship. Usually, she was the one giving orders.

Thankfully, this assignment had come to an end.

She had received a new message, from Esteban himself. She and her crew had to set sail as soon as possible. They had a new mission. Their quarries were heading towards the United Lands. They had to make sure their journey would go wrong during their stop. She was confident in her ship and her crew. They’d be able to sail faster than the Ghazanite embassy’s vessel.

Now, she simply had to finish the task at hand...

She slowly approached the officer. He didn’t notice the small dagger hidden under her clothes…

I won’t give him the pleasure to sleep with me. she decided. If his performance in the bed is as good as his conversation, it’s not worth my time.

She lasciviously sat in front of him. The man began to caress her thigh.

He didn’t see her grab her dagger…

… One minute later he was dead.

She was already removing her disguise. There was blood on the clothes anyway.

Hopefully my next assignment will be more rewarding. It’ll be the first time I move against royalty...


Later, Aisha regrouped with Zaïde and Rasha on the deck. Beatrix was busy talking with the soldiers elsewhere.

“Stop smiling like that. Or else everyone will know what you and Ezgi just did.” Zaïde teased her cousin.

Aisha shook her head, trying to get rid of her blissful grin. “Your smile is even wider than mine…” she playfully retorted to her cousin. “Should I deduce you and Rasha had fun too?”

“I like snails, not oysters, thank you very much.”

Once again, Aisha lost the battle of words. She put a hand on her mouth. “Zaïde! You can’t be so- so- so explicit!”

Zaïde chuckled. However, she then agreed to explain: “We’re going to the one place in the world that can give Ghazanite court intrigues a run for their money! Of course I’m ecstatic!”

Aisha lost her good mood. “Great… More rampant hypocrisy…”

Rasha sneaked behind her, and put a hand on her shoulder. “More excuses to sneak into places!”

Aisha noticed Yasmin was observing them from afar. “I wish…” she muttered.

To distract herself, she gazed at the sea. As far as her eyes could see, there were only gorgeous shades of blue illuminated by the sun.

A promise of new lands and adventures. And most likely of danger as well.
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Re: Ghazan: Part 3: Departure

Post by meditions142 »

Great continuation of the story.

Love the wonderful take down of Kamelya and Manolya. Perfect the way they are picked off one by one with the ray. Great description too of the two unconscious women being hidden away to be stripped.

I also really liked the quick and efficient take out of Salma. "One swift neck-chop made short work of Salma. The limp unconscious body collapsed in Rasha’s arms."

Also very much liked Aisha good old narcotic potion take out of the nurse. Simple and perfect.

Great chapter!
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Re: Ghazan: Part 3: Departure

Post by tirepanted3 »

A relatively short chapter, mainly serving to transition the story to (what is presumably) the main plot, but enjoyable as always.

The threat of a mole in the ranks of Aisha's team continues to gain prominence... I have some suspicions, but won't divulge them at the moment. I will say it adds some suspense and shows that the main group of heroines isn't quite as fully-formed a "team" as that of the Utopia or Pakal stories. Adds a layer of intrigue and complexity to their dynamic.

The scene with Beatrix in the hospice was quite dark and sad, more so than these stories are usual. Come to think of it, this chapter dud feel a bit more serious than prior installments, with even the USB scenes short on quips. (Though Rasha's enjoyment at being part of a heist was palpable.)

Still, those USB scenes remain fun and enjoyable. I like the way the methods of takedown feel like old-fashioned versions of modern USB techniques. The narcotic Aisha uses on the nurse being an early form of chloroform, Rasha performing an early use of a neck chop. Adds entertaining texture and realism to the period drama.

Also interesting how the period and cultural influence allows for new types of USB victims, or variations on common victims. I think it's safe to say this is the first instance of janissaries getting their uniforms stolen. :lol:

The setup of new villains at chapter's end is also intriguing. Tzi'Ya's scene in particular shows her cruelty and callousness (towards the woman she mugs) and suggests a threat to Aisha and her team worth exploring in future chapters. I look forward to it.
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Re: Ghazan: Part 3: Departure

Post by simon4242 »

who is pretending to be juliette,do u think u could do a little flashback scene of the crime lol
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Re: Ghazan: Part 3: Departure

Post by rufusluciusivan »

To meditions: Thanks a lot!

To tirepanted: This chapter is indeed more or less the epilogue of the first act.

Aisha's group is indeed very different from my other teams of heroines. More dysfunctional, that's for sure.

While the identity of the mole is a bit of a mystery, I also anticipate people may unmask her in advance. I'd be curious to hear your suspicions though. ;) (In a short PM for instance? If you have time of course.)

Beatrix's story is meant to be dark and sad - after all, PTSD and war aren't light-hearted topics. I confess I didn't think her subplot would look that darker/sadder compared to some of my other ones - like Coulter's entire clan being slaughtered by the Mages (babies and elderlies included) or Aaria losing her husband and infant daughter to arson. Though it's true Beatrix's subplot is more explicit - less is left to the imagination. Maybe that's the explanation.

Writing a medieval fantasy USB-story can be a bit of a challenge because some tools that are a staple of Uniform Stealing stories either aren't available (like tape), or I can't use the contemporary easy-to-use name (like chloroform). First time janissaries are featured on this Board, but since the real-life counterparts are a male-only corp, I don't think it's much of an accomplishment. :lol: Though joke aside, I think this is the advantage of a fictional world. It allows to imagine women dressed in uniforms they could never have worn in our real history.

A bit ironic Tzi'Ya caught your attention, since she's not going to be a major player in the upcoming arc compared to the other villainess mentioned at the end. Thankfully, our unnamed pirate girl will soon have her name revealed. :P

To simon: She's the pirate girl, the one who was featured in the first scene of the saga. Her name hasn't been revealed yet. For now, she's only identified by her eyes. I most likely won't write a flashback though. I think leaving most of the crime to the imagination makes it more powerful.
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Re: Ghazan: Part 3: Departure

Post by simon4242 »

so pirate girl score is two tied up and one murdered lol
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Re: Ghazan: Part 3: Departure

Post by tirepanted3 »

rufusluciusivan wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:03 pm Beatrix's story is meant to be dark and sad - after all, PTSD and war aren't light-hearted topics. I confess I didn't think her subplot would look that darker/sadder compared to some of my other ones - like Coulter's entire clan being slaughtered by the Mages (babies and elderlies included) or Aaria losing her husband and infant daughter to arson. Though it's true Beatrix's subplot is more explicit - less is left to the imagination. Maybe that's the explanation.
That may be so. It's a little more up front, plus coming in the middle of a relatively transitional chapter makes it hit harder. Hopefully the dark material won't feel at odds with the lighter aspects as the story continues to develop.

I look forward to learning more about this mysterious pirate girl - though I do hope she doesn't make killing a regular part of her identity thefts.

And perhaps I'll divulge my thoughts on the mole before long... In the meantime, you're doing a good job building suspense. :)
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Re: Ghazan: Part 3: Departure

Post by rufusluciusivan »

To simon: Yes, for now.

To tirepanted: This story is meant to be darker than the previous ones - or perhaps should I say less optimistic, less idealistic? The end of the pilot is, I think, the best illustration of this state of mind: Aisha and her team manage to perfectly pull off a daring heist... and then reality kicks in when the princess is informed her rash illegal action will have negative consequences for her, her family, and her kingdom.

The pirate girl will be featured more prominently in the second arc. I think it's not a spoiler to say she'll be a key character. :P She's meant to be a dangerous antagonist - hence her lack of scruple when it comes to killing. I think such action tells everything one needs to know about her as a character. I don't intend to go into grimdark territory, but I suppose it's fair to warn the character isn't the sort to avoid killing unless there's a benefit for her.
And perhaps I'll divulge my thoughts on the mole before long...
Fair enough. ;) I'm curious to see if your guess is right...
esercito sconfitto
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Re: Ghazan: Part 3: Departure

Post by esercito sconfitto »

I love the nordic nurse in the barrel :)

The whole piece is incredibly well written and the finale intense , evocative, for a moment I was there looking at the sea

A great return
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Re: Ghazan: Part 3: Departure

Post by rufusluciusivan »

Thanks! Writing a medieval-fantasy story is often challenging, but this kind of setting also has its perks. It gives stories a bigger scope, with grand schemes, larger-than-life characters, and wide exotic places.
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