The Woman Behind the Masque

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The Woman Behind the Masque

Post by tirepanted3 »

Hi, everyone. Here's the next part of my Marvel universe collaboration with Rufusluciusivan, told from alternating perspectives between Mary Jane Watson and Felicia Hardy (the Black Cat).

Previous chapters can be read here, in this order:

Mary Jane, Part 1: viewtopic.php?f=234&t=8827

Mary Jane, Part 2: viewtopic.php?f=234&t=8855

Black Cat, Part 1: viewtopic.php?f=51&t=8953

Mary Jane, Part 3: viewtopic.php?f=234&t=8971

And now the second chapter of Black Cat's perspective, told concurrently with the third chapter of MJ's...


The Coachwhip costume feels tight around my figure as I step into the warehouse. My high-heeled boots click a steady pattern on the polished marble floor. Two steps in, and I can already see that the inside of the warehouse is a lot fancier than the outside.

In fact, I hesitate to call it a warehouse - clearly that was just a cover. It's like the inside of a mansion, with tables, comfy chairs, and lounge areas. Some fancy paintings and embroideries line the walls - any one of them would probably fetch a pretty penny.

I recall a comment I heard back at the Bar with No Name about the Kingpin being in charge, and clearly he's spared no expense. This place is gorgeous.

It's also quite crowded - which is less to my liking. Lots of costumed supervillains and their henchpeople milling about. Several caterers mill about, carrying food and drinks on silver trays. It'll be tough to steal anything in the main hall with so many people around.

Then again, I remind myself that I'm not here for just the paintings - they're just small potatoes. If Kingpin is willing to put these artworks out in full view of a gang of criminals, he must not care that much about whether a few get swiped. What he's presenting must be really valuable.

The question is, what is it? And where is it? Presumably Kingpin won't just have it out in the open, or present it to just everyone here. This is a big place, and I'll need to do some poking around...

"Hey, toots!" I hear a loud voice behind me, and whirl around.

It's Melter - one of the crooks from the bar earlier. He gives me a grin, and for a moment I worry he may have recognized me. But that doesn't seem to be the case - he was fairly drunk then, and looks to be just as plastered now.

"Welcome to the party, Coachy!" he says. "I was wondering when the pretty girls would show up. Buy you a drink?"

I glare at him from beneath my visor. "No," I say tersely, almost forgetting to do an impersonation of Coachwhip's voice.

"C'mon, baby, one drink won't hurt... It'll loosen you up!" He emphasizes this by giving me a sudden smack on my rear.

That's the second time tonight, and it's twice too often. Without thinking, I clench my fist. Immediately, an electric whip shoots out of my wristband and hits Melter in the chest.


Melter gives a sudden start, then groans and falls to the floor.

I look at my wrist in surprise, then watch as the whip immediately shoots back and furls itself up inside my wristband. Wow... so that's how this gadget works. I like it!

"Arrgh... What hit me?" Melter lies on the floor, twitching. His friend Steeplejack runs over to help.

"Pretty shocking, wasn't it?" I call as Steeplejack quickly drags Melter away. Then I immediately regret it - a badass moment ruined by a cheesy line.

Oh, well. No one knows it was me who said it. If anything, they'll blame Coachwhip - the Black Cat's reputation will remain intact.

"Nicely done," says a woman nearby.

I recognize her from her green costume, even though her stinger has been removed - Elaine Coll, better known as Scorpia.

"You're Coachwhip, right? Pretty good with those whips." She takes two drinks from the tray of a passing waiter and hands one to me. "Follow me, we'll find a place that's less obnoxious."

I smile and follow her. Maybe this is my chance to get some information.

She leads me to a nearby lounge area, where a few other villains are gathered - Walrus, Shocker, Trapstr. They all have drinks and are chatting with one another. I catch a few words about Spider-Man and hide a grin.

Shocker looks up as I approach. "Hey, you're with the Serpent Society, right?"

I hesitate a split-second before nodding. I really need to read up on the supervillains I impersonate beforehand.

"Did you hear anything from King Cobra about what this meeting's all about? He seems like the type of guy the Kingpin would talk to..."

I take a sip of wine. "Hasn't told me anything... I'm as much in the dark as any of you."

"I think it's all a trick," Walrus growls. "Like this is all a setup by the cops or something..."

Trapstr smirks. "You think it's a trap... and yet you came anyway."

"Hey, I'm not gonna resist all this free food!"

It doesn't sound like these idiots know much of anything either... Are there any major criminals around? I look around; there don't seem to be any heavy hitters in the main lounge...

I raise an eyebrow as I glance toward the entrance. Another villain has just walked in - Lady Beetle, flanked by White Rabbit.

Now there's an idea... I remember that Lady Beetle is the daughter of Tombstone, one of the top crime bosses in the city. Maybe her father has clued her in on what the main event here is...

Then I remember that I saw Lady Beetle flying overhead some twenty minutes earlier, towards a landing pad on the roof - where she met a woman dressed like the title character from Alice in Wonderland. A woman I have a hunch may have been an imposter.

Which means that this Beetle girl who just walked in the door may be an imposter as well...

My thoughts are interrupted as I see Big Wheel approach Lady Beetle and White Rabbit and start yelling at them. A moment later, White Rabbit kicks him in the crotch.

I stifle a laugh, as do Scorpia and Trapstr beside me. Walrus and Shocker wince. I haven't gotten much information so far, but I'd be lying if I said this gathering wasn't kinda fun.

Still, I do need to talk to someone who has information - and Beetle (assuming she is Beetle) may or may not be that someone. Question is, how do I get her to talk?

Luckily enough, the question answers itself - a minute later, she strides towards our little group

"I thought we’d be lucky enough to see some big shots!" she says loudly. "I was promised some action!"

Well, the personality isn't quite the Beetle I remember - she wasn't very sociable. Then again, I only knew her from a couple of villainous gatherings, back in the day.

"You should have arrived on time," Scorpia tells Beetle. "They were all here."

"They’re below. In the underground part," Walrus adds. "You know, the one reserved for the big shots."

At this, my ears perk up. An underground level? Yes... that makes sense. And that's probably where I need to be.

"Don’t know what they’re doing," Walrus continues. "Told us to wait here until they’re done... Then they’ll have a proposition. We have free snacks, so I’m not complaining."

I see Lady Beetle fidgeting a bit. I decide this is a good moment to test her - see if she really is Beetle - before interrogating her further. So I decide to bring up her father.

"But you better beware, if you don’t want to get grounded!" I pipe up, a note of mock menace in my voice.

Lady Beetle looks at me in confusion (I think it's confusion - I can't tell while that stupid mask is covering her whole face). "Why?"

"'Cause Tombstone is the Kingpin’s surprise guest of honor!"

I actually have no idea if Tombstone is the guest of honor, or if there's any guest of honor, period. But this seems like a good way as any to twist the conversation.

"Tomb...?" Lady Beetle pauses and hesitates, for just a moment. "My father?"

I raise an eyebrow. She answered rather quickly... and yet, she doesn't offer any sort of followup. Did she expect her father to not be here? Is he here at all?

The other villains are staring at me, so I get quickly think up a punchline. "Yep! So behave like a good daddy’s girl, if you don’t want to get in trouble…"

It works! The other villains laugh, and a couple start chanting "Daddy's girl." I'm guessing Lady Beetle is not very popular around here.

In response to this, Lady Beetle turns and storms off.

Scorpia chuckles. "You're a mean one, Coachwhip."

I grin in response - but when Scorpia turns back to her friends, I cast a backwards glance at Lady Beetle. She's in the other corner, chatting quietly with White Rabbit.

White Rabbit catches my eye, and I quickly look away. Then I turn back a few moments later, to see the two of them heading out of the main lounge.

There's something weird going on with them...

I finish my drink and excuse myself from the rest of the group. Let's see if I can find the entrance to this underground level.

For the next few minutes, I explore the lounge and the surrounding area - several hallways with private rooms, a number of storage closets, and an emergency exit. Good - that last one could come in handy if I need to beat a hasty escape.

At this point, though, my Coachwhip costume is starting to chafe. It's also probably drawing more unnecessary attention than I need, particularly from the various bodyguards patrolling the area. The outfit was a useful way of getting around the building, but the bright yellow one-piece is not exactly what one would consider "undercover."

I need a change of clothes, preferably something much more low-key.

I happen past the women's restroom. Perhaps I can find a new disguise there...

I open the restroom door and step inside, glancing around. Trapstr is at the sink, touching up her makeup. White Rabbit and Lady Beetle are standing by one of the stalls - they glance at me when I walk in.

I still think there's something fishy about them (and as a cat-themed girl, I know the smell of fish). But I can't quite figure out what. Besides, none of these women are wearing outfits that are low-key enough to get me around the area. I need something like a staff uniform, something that no one would give a second glance at.

I step out of the restroom and head back down the hall. Then I see an opportunity.

The young woman standing at the other end of the hall is dressed in a pristine, elegant catering uniform - pressed white button-down shirt, black sleeveless vest, long black trousers, white satin gloves, and polished black shoes. She's balancing a silver tray in her right hand, though the hors d'oeuvres it holds have been nearly depleted.

The woman herself has tan skin and dusky brown hair tied back in a sophisticated bun. She looks the picture of elegance - blending into the decorum around her. Whereas the supervillains stick out with their bright costumes and fancy masks, no one pays much attention to the caterer.

Just the type of disguise I need.

And yes, I know what you're thinking - but I promise I'm not just repeating myself. I usually don't like wearing the same disguise twice in one night, and I already mugged a waitress earlier to get into the Bar with No Name. But that was a low-class supervillain bar, this is a high-class supervillain gala. The circumstances are totally different.

Anyway. With her tray empty, the caterer turns and starts walking back to the kitchen - in my direction. I quickly duck into a nearby maintenance closet.

I stare at my wristbands - that is, the ones I swiped from Coachwhip. The whips they contain are certainly powerful, and can deliver quite a jolt - but I don't want to hurt the caterer too much. I notice a small mechanism next to the wrist which seems to determine electric output, and turn it off.

As the caterer walks nonchalantly past the closet, I make my move, aiming my wrist and clenching my fist.

The next moment, a long black whip shoots out of my wristband. It swiftly wraps itself three times around the caterer, pinning her arms to her sides.

The caterer raises her eyebrows in shock. "What the... ooop!"

I yank hard, pulling her swiftly into the closet and shutting the door. A quick THUNK! interrupts her before she can let out a scream.

The whole process takes less than five seconds, with no one else catching a glimpse of it. Damn, I'm good.

But there'll be time to pat myself on the back later. I start stripping the unconscious caterer out of her uniform.

I'm a little surprised by what I find - though the caterer looks elegant and sophisticated on the outside, she's quite the rebel beneath the uniform. Black bralette and bikini panties decorated with pictures of flaming skulls (is she a Ghost Rider fangirl?), plus a tattoo of a viper curling around her upper left thigh. Beneath her white satin gloves, I can see her fingernails are painted black.

I quickly figure it out - Kingpin must have hired one of those underground service companies, the type that cater (no pun intended) to criminals. They're comprised mainly of street thugs and low-level criminals, but they dress up in pristine uniforms to give themselves an upper-class air.

This is one of my favorite perks about stealing disguises - you can often learn a lot about other women based on what they wear and how they look beneath their uniforms. Not the most important part of the job, of course, but a nice little bonus.

In any case, I drag the criminal caterer to the rear of the closet, where I carefully detach the whips from my wristbands (they don't appear to have any electric charge when disconnected) and use them to bind her wrists and ankles. Some white duct tape from a nearby shelf serves as good gagging material, and a grey blanket from another shelf gets her covered and out of sight.

Getting out of Coachwhip's uniform is nearly as difficult as getting into it, but somehow I accomplish the task. Thankfully, the catering uniform is much more comfortable - I can breathe normally again! Even the gloves and shoes are a decent fit.

I assemble my long hair back into a bun, about as best as I can without a mirror handy. Hopefully this disguise lets me fade into the background, with no one thinking to look too closely at me.

Once I'm all set, I pick up the silver tray and step out of the closet, quickly jamming the door behind me. Then I head for the kitchen to fill up on drinks before heading back out to the main hall.

The main hall itself is still filled with low-level and mid-level supervillains. I scan the area as I walk the floor, looking for some way to gain access to the lower level.

I also keep an eye out for Lady Beetle - but she doesn't seem to be here. Is she still in the restroom? What was that all about?

As if in response to my thoughts, I hear Shocker and Trapstr talking near one of the lounges.

"So where did that 'daddy's girl' Beetle run off to?" Shocker asks.

"I saw her in the bathroom," Trapstr replies. "She's probably still sulking. Under her body armor, that girl's got such thin skin..."

Neither of them notices me as "Coachwhip" from fifteen minutes ago, and that's just how I like it.

As I turn away, something catches my eye - two somethings, in fact.

A pair of women walk past me, both dressed in identical costumes - full-body catsuits with white torsos and black limbs, white gloves and boots, and small golden masks over their eyes. Both women are light-skinned - one has blonde hair tied back in a stern bun, the other has red hair in a pixie cut.

It's the masks that tip me off - these two must be henchwomen for Madame Masque!

Ah, Madame Masque. Also known as Whitney Frost, but she would not take kindly to anyone using her real name. She has a reputation as one of the toughest and most calculating crime bosses in the country. But among superheroines (and anti-heroines like yours truly), she has a different reputation - one of the most popular disguises in the underworld.

Multiple stories have circulated over the years of prominent female superheroes needing to go undercover at a villains' gathering. The quickest way to do it? By mugging Madame Masque, of course! She wears a full-body uniform, complete with signature gold mask, that makes impersonating her a piece of cake. The only part of her not exposed by her costume - her shoulder-length black hair - can be duplicated as a wig, should the impersonator need it.

I'm a little surprised that Masque was even invited to this gathering, considering her reputation. Maybe the bad guys haven't caught on yet? Maybe she's too embarrassed to tell them how often she gets her costume stolen. I suppose I'd feel sorry for her if she wasn't, you know, evil.

Truth be told, I've never mugged Madame Masque before. But this is a great time to try! If I can locate her and steal her costume, it'll be a cinch to infiltrate the underground meeting.

I discreetly start to follow the two Masque henchwomen, keeping myself at a distance. With luck, they'll lead me right to their boss...


I cling to the shadows as I follow the two Masquettes (I don't know what she calls her henchwomen, or if she gives them any names at all, but that's how I'm referring to them) out of the main hall.

I see they come upon a door that appears to lead to an underground level, as well as an adjoining elevator. But to my surprise, they walk right past it. Where are they going?

I hear them whispering to each other discreetly as they head for a quieter area, filled with storage and maintenance rooms. What are they looking for?

I'm lagging behind, hoping they don't turn around, since there aren't any other people in the area. I'm a bit too cautious, though - when I turn the next corner, they're gone.

Where did they go? And where am I now? And...

"Who are you?"

Rats. Turns out I'm not alone here after all.

I turn around to see a young woman standing behind me, arms crossed. She has light skin and curly shoulder-length orange-red hair. She's dressed in a white lab coat over a dark blue T-shirt and light blue jeans, plus scuffed white sneakers. On her face are a pair of black horn-rimmed glasses.

Judging by the lab coat - and the nerdy-looking glasses - she's some kind of scientist. And she does not look pleased to see me.

"What are you doing back here?" the nerd-girl scientist presses. "This area is off-limits to caterers. You should be in the main hall."

"Oh, I was just... looking for the girls' room." I try to show my dumbest, most helpless smile. I don't think she's amused.

"Well, it's not around here. Better go back the way you came. And do it fast, I've got to get back downstairs."

I hear footsteps - the two Masquettes are coming back! Gotta think fast.

I turn back to the scientist. "Did you say you have access to the underground level?"

"Of course," she says, a little surprised.

I grin. "That's all I need to know."

Immediately I lunge at the scientist, covering her mouth with a white-gloved hand. I wrap my other arm around her and pull her into a nearby storage room.

I shut the door with my foot, then turn my attention to the struggling scientist. "Calm down, honey, you're just getting one quick neck chop..."

Unfortunately, the nerd-girl puts up quite a struggle, squirming in my grip to the point that it's impossible for me to position my patented judo chop properly. "Mmmppphh! Hhhlllpp mmmpphh!"

"Shut up, shut up!" I hear the footsteps getting closer. Immediately I switch tactics, opting for a sleeper hold.

The footsteps stop outside the door, apparently alerted to the scientist's muffled sounds of struggling. I hold my breath, praying they don't open the door.

One of the Masquettes speaks up, her voice muffled behind the door. "Should we...?"

"...investigate?" the other finishes. "We better not. They wouldn’t take kindly to our intrusion."

I breathe a sign of relief. You got that right, sister.

"Plus," the second Masquette continues (is it my imagination, or does her voice sound familiar?), "imagine we interrupt a romantic intercourse."

I stifle a chuckle, even as the scientist in my grip slowly loses consciousness. Is that what they think is happening back here?

"You speak like you’ve already come across such a thing..." the first Masquette says.

"I’d rather not talk about it," her friend replies, as I hear their footsteps recede back down the hall.

A romantic encounter! Hilarious. Thank those girls and their imagination. I would never do any sort of thing in a storage room - not after what happened a couple of years ago. Me and Spider-Man had just started kissing, when suddenly Mary Jane what's-her-name walked in...

And then suddenly I freeze, as it hits me. That's why the voice sounds familiar - and that's why Screwball's voice sounded weird earlier tonight.

That wasn't a henchwoman - it was Mary Jane Watson!

And the other one - now that I think about it, her voice sounded a bit familiar as well. Like I've heard it before, also muffled by a mask. One of the other Spider-People... Spider-Woman? No! Ghost-Spider, AKA Gwen Stacy!

With the scientist now unconscious, I peek out through the door. The two women are gone. Nevertheless, I'm almost sure of it - those two women were Gwen and Mary Jane. For all I know, they may have been adopting other disguises in and around this event as well - like Lady Beetle and White Rabbit!

Well... this certainly just got interesting.

They're probably here for some superhero snooping. Scouting the area, then heading down to the underground level.

I'd better follow them - as soon as I've changed into some more acceptable clothes.

I strip the scientist out of her lab coat, as well as the T-shirt and jeans, the better to complete the disguise. Under her clothes, she's wearing a pink T-shirt bra and aqua boyshorts. No tattoos, so maybe she's not that evil.

The storage room I'm in contains some handy rolls of grey adhesive tape, and I spare no expense in taping up the nerd-girl's wrists and ankles. Two strips of tape over her mouth, and she's the picture of helplessness.

I change into her clothes - shirt, jeans, shoes - and slip the lab coat over my shoulders. I mess up my hair bun a bit, giving it the sense of a harried and overworked lab scientist. Hey, it's all about the details.

Something feels like it's still missing. What is it? I glance down at the unconscious scientist, and it hits me.

I bend down and pluck the glasses off her face, then slip them onto my own. They blur my vision a bit, but nothing too bad. I'll get used to it.

"Sorry, hon... But if I want people to think I'm a real scientist, I'll be needing the smarty glasses."


I descend the staircase cautiously, not knowing what I'll find at the bottom. Being a professional infiltrator means being forever on your guard.

Luckily, I blend right in as soon as I reach the lower level. The white walls and neon lighting suggest a lab environment, and the scientists and technicians bustling this way and that tell me that things are quite busy. Once again, no one pays me any attention.

There are also some villainous henchmen and henchwomen wandering around, presumably awaiting the big meeting. I look around, searching for the two "Masquettes."

After several minutes of searching, I'm about ready to give up - this place is huge, with multiple halls and side rooms. How does anyone navigate anything around here?

I eventually reach an isolated area, wandering passed an unmanned console. There's an open toolbox on the floor - one of the technicians must have left it there. Then something catches my eye - it looks like strands of... webbing?

I bend down and examine the strands - yes, that definitely looks like the web fluid the Spider-People use. Looks like I'm on the right track...

I straighten up and continue down the hall. Ahead of me, the door to a server room opens. Two women step out, both dressed in technician uniforms - bright blue jumpsuits, orange helmets, and black shoes. Beneath their helmets, I can see that one is a blonde, and the other a redhead.

I've never seen Ghost Spider without her mask before, but I immediately recognize Mary Jane.

Fortunately, they don't seem to recognize me. (Thanks, smarty glasses!) They barely give me a glance as they walk past, headed back down the hall.

It doesn't take much guesswork to deduce that the technician uniforms they're wearing have been "liberated" from a pair of real technicians, who are most likely now tied and gagged in that server room they've just exited. How many women have they mugged for disguises tonight? I may have some catching up to do...

I follow them discreetly, curious about what they're up to. I don't want to reveal myself to them until I know what their intentions are here.

Eventually, they reach a section of the lab filled with computer consoles. MJ sits down at one of computers. I linger some ways away; can't get close enough to see what they're searching for without arousing suspicion.

Then something catches my eye - stepping out of a corridor is none other than Madame Masque.

She's a tall, imposing woman, with light skin (though it's hard to tell beneath her concealing costume) and dark hair that reaches mid-back. She's dressed in the costume that has defined her for years - full-body zip-up catsuit with white torso and black sleeves and leggings, elbow-length white gloves and knee-high white boots. Around her trim waist is a white belt covered in various pouches to store her little weapons and accoutrements, and a gun in a white holster is strapped to her right thigh. And of course, her face is covered by a sternly expressionless, gleaming gold mask.

She looks preoccupied, barely glancing at MJ and Gwen before hurriedly walking down the corridor. She barely notices me at all as she turns the corner.

Well, this is my chance. Gwen and MJ will have to wait. I quietly follow Masque down the hall.

She's muttering to herself, and I catch a few words. "Where are those idiots - I can't walk in without an escort..."

She stops at a door at the end of a long corridor and unlocks it. I quicken my pace to reach her.

"Something wrong, Miss Masque?" I inquire.

Masque turns to me, her eyes narrowing behind golden slits. "It's Madame Masque. And no, it's nothing you can help me with - I'm looking for two of my imbecilic henchwomen... They're supposed to escort me into the big meeting."

I quickly figure that the two henchwomen she's referring to are probably the same two whose uniforms Gwen and MJ were wearing earlier, and that the real henchwomen are probably tied up and gagged and stashed away somewhere... But of course, I don't tell her that.

Instead, I simply smile. "Listen, I don't know if this is a good time, but... could I get your autograph?"

Masque stops short as she opens the door. "I beg your pardon?" she asks, clearly irritated.

I adjust my glasses, hoping they sell my image as a slightly geeky fangirl. "It's just... you're my favorite supervillain. One of the toughest women I've ever seen! I just wanted to know if I could get your autograph..."

She stares at me for a moment, non knowing what to say.

"If it's too much trouble..." I turn to go.

"No, all right. Just make it quick."

I hide a grin; my attempt to play on her vanity is working. The quickest way to a villain's heart is her ego.

I fumble around in the pockets of my lab coat, giving the impression of an overeager young scientist. Then I pull out a notepad with pen attached. "Ah, here we go."

I hand the objects to Masque, who has by now almost fully let her guard down. Just one more thing...

As Masque signs the pad, I glance past her into her room, and raise my eyebrows.

"Whoa... what happened there?" I point into her room.

"Where?" Masque absent-mindedly turns to look - and in the process exposes the side and back of her neck.


One clean, perfectly-aimed neck chop, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Black Cat. Masque stiffens for a moment - then, with a moan, she falls directly into my arms.

I drag her into her room for some privacy and shut the door.

It's a well-furbished room, all things considered - almost like a hotel suite. Bright salmon-colored walls, ornately designed. A king-size bed with a dresser and an ottoman in the corner. Presumably Kingpin has set aside some special furnishings for his fellow crime bosses, on special request. That man spares no expense.


I jump at the sound - Masque is still awake! That neck chop didn't do quite as much as expected - she's tougher than she looks.

She's stirring now. For a moment, I consider using a more direct and forceful maneuver, like a punch in the face - but she's still got that gold mask on, and I don't want to break my fist. One sleeper hold, coming right up!

I loop my arm around Masque's neck and apply consistent pressure. She's not fully awake, not enough to struggle, although she seems conscious enough to the fact that she's been attacked. "Wha... uuurrrggghhh!"

"Consider this the deluxe treatment," I whisper. "Two knockout methods in one... and I'm not even making any cat puns!"

I don't think she heard me (or even if she would be grateful if she did) - she's nearly unconscious by the time I finish my sentence. Five seconds later, she's fast asleep.

"Whew!" I wipe my brow, then drag her over to the bed. I lay her down and help myself to her costume.

The white gloves and boots come off first. I unclip her belt and holster, laying them carefully to the side. Then I unzip her catsuit and ease it off her.

Madame Masque is now down to her underwear - a black bra with shoulder straps, black panties, and black fishnet stockings with garter belts. Why would a woman be wearing fishnets under a full-legged catsuit? Your guess is as good as mine!

In any case, I don't spend much time speculating on Masque's fashion choices - my attention is now focused on her face, and the gleaming golden mask she's wearing.

I try pulling the mask off gently, but it won't move - it must be affixed to her face somehow. I could probably dislodge it if I pull harder... but that could risk damaging the mask. It could also risk waking her up, and the last thing I need is an irate criminal mastermind awakening to the prospect that I've stripped her to her underwear.

I glance around the room, and my eye falls upon the dresser, which is lined with several foam mannequin heads. The one at the end wears a spare mask. Jackpot!

I step over to the mask and examine it - yes, it will do just fine. My eye also falls on a small roll of grey adhesive tape on the dresser - that'll come in handy as well.

Scooping up the tape, I pull the unconscious Masque off the bed and drag her over to the ottoman. I wrap the tape several times around her ankles and upper thighs, then tape her arms behind her back. I pull her to a seated position, then wrap the tape around the ottoman, looping it over her arms and behind her back. I repeat the process several times, until she is tightly bound to the ottoman. As a finishing touch, I smooth one more piece of tape over her still-masked mouth.

I stand up and admire my work. Somehow, keeping her mask on makes Masque look kind of silly in her current position - she's still got that intimidating frozen facial glare, but the rest of her is most unthreatening. I can't help but chuckle.

From there, it's a matter of shedding the scientist disguise (so long, smarty glasses... I feel dumber already!) and getting my new costume in place. I zip up Masque's catsuit, pull on the gloves and boots, clip the belt around my waist and strap the gun to my thigh.

There's still the matter of the hair, though - she's a brunette, I'm a blonde. Glancing over at the dresser once more, I see that some of the foam mannequin heads are wearing wigs - and one of them is quite similar to Masque's hair color and style.

I tie my hair back into a tighter bun - who needs a stylist? - and pull the wig over my hair. As a final touch, I don the mask, peering out through the eyeholes at my reflection in the mirror.

Voila! I glance back and forth between my reflection and the real Masque. We could be twins! Except, you know, that I'm currently wearing clothes and she's not.

"Thank you, dear," I say to the still-unconscious Madame Masque, doing my best impersonation of her voice. "This is so much better than an autograph."

After checking her bonds one last time, I exit the room and lock the door.

I head back down the hall, feeling more confident with each step. The costume is sleek but comfortable, and the mask is pretty cool. I can see why Madame Masque is such a popular mugging choice for superheroines. Five stars, would definitely recommend!

As I walk down the hall, I spot another masked villainess whom I recognize as Iron Maiden. She's dressed in her usual scaly metallic costume and is flanked by a couple of other women in full-body AIM hazmat suits.

"Hurry up," Iron Maiden beckons the two AIM women as they step into a file room. "We need to get the papers before the big meeting."

Looks like the meeting hasn't started yet - I'm in luck. At the far end of the hall, I see the crime bosses Tombstone and Hammerhead, flanked by some bodyguards, heading toward a large set of double doors. Kingpin is arriving there as well. I quicken my pace to catch up.

Hammerhead gives me a look as I approach. "About time you showed up. Where are your bodyguards?"

Oh, right... Masque's two guards have gone missing, thanks to Gwen and MJ. My mind races. "They were lazy and ineffective. I had to... terminate them."

I give my voice a sinister edge that sells the meaning of my words. Fortunately, they buy it.

"Step this way, please," Kingpin says, as his bodyguards open the doors for us to enter.

As we step into the room, I catch a quick glance at the computer consoles. The two maintenance workers I've pegged as Gwen and MJ are discreetly watching us.

They're whispering to each other. Guessing they want to find a way inside...


Kingpin takes his place at the head of the long table. Tombstone takes a seat near the end - guess he's not the surprise guest of honor after all.

I recognize a few other mob bosses around the table as I take a seat next to Masque's designated nameplate - some major power players in New York's underworld. And here I am, right under their noses. Wonder what they're all gathered here to see?

"Thank you all for joining me tonight," Kingpin says broadly. "I have asked Iron Maiden to fetch the necessary materials... She should be along in a moment."

So that's why I saw her entering the file room on the way here. Kingpin probably sent those two AIM women with her to make sure she doesn't run into any trouble.

A minute ticks by... then another, and another. Around me, I can feel the other mob bosses getting restless.

"When do we get started already?" Mister Negative mutters.

"Er... just another minute, I'm sure," Kingpin says, though he doesn't look too sure.

Another minute passes, and the mob folks continue to mutter amongst themselves.

Suddenly, Kingpin turns to me. "Er... Masque," he whispers to me. "Could you check on where Iron Maiden is?"

I'm caught off-guard for a moment, but quickly regain Masque's haughty persona. "And why should I be the one to do it?"

Kingpin glares at me for a moment, and I wonder if perhaps I've overstepped my boundaries. But he continues in a low voice. "You're... the only other female boss here. Just check the executive restroom to see if she is... indisposed or something."

I suppress a chuckle. Kingpin may be the toughest crime boss in the city, but he still tries to present the air of a gentleman.

"Oh, very well," I grumble, standing up.

To be quite honest, I'm a bit curious about where Iron Maiden is as well. This could be a chance to learn something else.

I step out of the room and back down the hall toward the file room. The door is closed.

I reach for the knob, when suddenly I hear a voice from the other side.

"You already disguised yourself as Lady Beetle!" The voice is muffled, but clearly a woman's. "I’m tired of being the one who wears the tacky costumes! I wanna look cool for once!"

It takes a moment for it to register, but that voice is clearly one I recognize. Again.

"And I insist," the woman continues. "I’m better than you at impersonation."

I grin beneath my mask. The sense of inferiority complex beneath that line... There's no mistaking it. It's Mary Jane Watson.

"Okay. You won," says another woman's voice, which can only be Gwen Stacy's. "Her suit is easier to configure than the Beetle armor... There. It won’t enhance your strength, but you’ll be able to walk normally while wearing it. Let’s just conceal Melina and her two goonettes first."

The pieces click into place. "Melina" must refer to Melina Vostokoff, AKA the Iron Maiden, and the two goonettes are probably the two AIM scientists.

Looks like I've stumbled on the two heroes in middle of a costume steal, much as they almost did with me earlier.

I dare myself to quietly open the door a crack, and peer inside. Sure enough, Gwen and MJ are there, their backs turned to me. They're currently in the process of loading a trio of unconscious women - all bound and gagged with what looks like spider-webbing - into some closets. One of the women is still wearing her AIM uniform, but the other two have been stripped to their underwear.

I'm half-tempted to jump into the room and yell "GOTCHA!" or something to that effect. But the timing isn't right just yet... I still want to learn what Kingpin and his team are up to, before anyone gets wind of any infiltrators.

I quietly close the door and leave quickly, before Gwen and MJ turn around.


I return to the main meeting room and take my seat once more.

"Iron Maiden will be along shortly," I tell Kingpin. "She just got a little held up."

(I almost used the words "tied up," but I'm trying not to push my luck at this stage.)

Sure enough, a few minutes later, an armored woman enters the room, holding a suitcase, with a woman in AIM suit right behind her.

"Ah, Melina!" Kingpin says, his voice in good cheer. "Fashionably late, as any good lady should be!"

I grin beneath my mask as I watch "Iron Maiden" approach the end of the table, where Kingpin is seated. He's clearly trying to pretend like this was part of the plan all along.

Sure enough, when the woman places the suitcase on the table, Kingpin grabs her arm and starts whispering angrily at her. He does not look pleased!

Still, Mary Jane - assuming the discussion I overheard was accurate, that's her and not Gwen - seems to satisfy his annoyance with a quick explanation. He lets her go and she takes her seat.

I realize that I'm probably the only one looking at Iron MJ (yes, that's what I'm calling her), while everyone else is looking at the suitcase. She stares back at me for a moment - in the same way that "White Rabbit" stared at me when I was masquerading as Coachwhip. I can't help wondering how many times we've passed each other tonight, in how many disguises.

Tombstone interrupts my thoughts, cutting into the discussion. "What’s this supposed to be?" he asks, glaring at the suitcase.

"This," Kingpin says dramatically, "is the future."

He opens it up - slowly, dramatically - showing a cube-shaped device inside. I don't recognize it... but it certainly looks valuable.

Kingpin notices me staring at the object, and must think I look impressed. I decide I need keep up the Masque persona.

"The future looks like some ugly paperweight to me," I say.

There's a chuckle from Hammerhead. At least someone appreciates my comedy.

"This device is the result of an investment of billions of dollars," Kingpin continues, unperturbed by my smart remark, "and the combination of the most advanced human and non-human technologies out there. Gentlemen..." He glances at me. "...and woman. This device has the power to send an IMP wave powerful enough to destroy all the electronics in an area the size of New York. Picture this: The banks' high-tech security systems. Police's and army's communication devices. The stock market's database. All gone at the press of a button."

My mask hides my surprise - yes, this device is very valuable... and in the wrong hands, very dangerous.

"The entire city will be thrown into chaos. A chaos which we’ll use to empty as many vaults as we can, thanks to the help of all our costumed friends gathered above."

My mind is racing. The device certainly can't be in the hands of criminals... but I'll bet the heroes would pay a hefty price to me if I retrieve it. I'm sure SHIELD would shower me with cash if I present it to them.

"We’ll make sure to target all the city with our wave save for this specific location. Which means they, and we, will be the only ones in New York with functioning technology."

So the plan is to strike tonight... Means I'll need to work fast. Steal the object now, figure out what to do about it later.

For the moment, I decide I need to keep Kingpin's guard lowered - by continuing to sound unimpressed. "So your big plan is a mass bank robbery?" I say drolly. "I was expecting something a bit more… ambitious."

Kingpin chuckles. "No, my dear. This is only the first step. New York will be a… demonstration, for the entire world to witness."

Oh boy, he's really loving this villain-speech thing, isn't he?

"After seeing that, how much do you think the world governments will agree to pay to not be the next target?" Kingpin continues. "We’ll ransom them billions - anonymously, of course. We’re all respectable businessmen here."

I roll my eyes, though no one seems to notice.

"Think of it, my good friends," Kingpin adds. "We could rule the world from the shadows, and..."

At that moment, his speech is interrupted as one of his henchmen bursts into the room. The guy looks shocked and nervous.

Kingpin glares at him. "I hope for your sake it’s important," he says tersely.

"W-we’ve received a message..." the man says. "From the security detail... outside..."

"Spit it out!" Kingpin yells.

"They’ve found some women stripped and trussed up in a tool shed," the henchman says, more quickly. "Their clothes were stolen by spies. One of them was White Rabbit. And another was Lady Beetle..."

At this, Tombstone stands up in fury. Ah, yes... Lady Beetle is "daddy's girl."

I glance at the AIM woman standing in the corner... the one who is secretly Gwen. She takes a step back.

"The Wonderland gang is combing the area," the henchman continues. "A-apparently, there are several more mugged women in the area. They’re all sentries..."

So they've probably found that Cheshire Cat woman I mugged earlier, and the "Alice" girl that Mary Jane mugged. Wonder if they've found Coachwhip?

I see that Iron MJ looks a bit tense as well. Kingpin looks ready to blow his top.

I decide this is the perfect time to push him over the edge.

"Whose bright idea was it to hire Lorina’s Wonderland Gang again?" I ask. "Sometimes the cheapest option isn’t the best."

For a moment, Kingpin looks ready to lose his cool... But he keeps his temper, and finishes his cigarette with one last, long puff.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he says coldly. "It seems we have a couple of rats inside the building. The chase is on."

Gwen and MJ are probably shaking in their socks right now. I wish I could see their faces.

"I ask for the favor to lead the search," Tombstone says, clearly quite infuriated over his daughter. "Whoever these spies are, I’ll make them regret they were born."

"Of course," Kingpin says. "I suggest capturing them alive. An example must be made of..."

Then he turns to Iron MJ. "Melina!"

Iron MJ keeps her cool as well, though I expect she's panicking beneath her mask. "Sir?"

"Secure the Cube. Take a few of my men with you."

"Yes, sir!"

She picks up the suitcase with the Cube, then stands up. She points at Gwen, still in her AIM disguise, as well as two of Kingpin's henchwomen, wearing suits and fedoras. "You three, with me."

Ah, I think I know what she's planning... Clever girl.

Iron MJ runs out of the room, followed by Gwen and the two henchwomen. I'll need to intercept them if I want to get the Cube for myself.

"The rest of you, spread out!" Kingpin orders. "Find the intruders, and bring them to me... Alive is preferable, though not required."

The mob bosses and their henchpeople lurch out of their seats and head for the door. I follow their lead.

"Er... Miss Masque?" the henchman who made the initial announcement says meekly as I reach the door.

I turn to him, keeping up my haughty demeanor. "What is it?" I ask brusquely.

"Er... your two henchwomen," the man says. "Someone found them upstairs... in the bathroom closet. They were... they were tied up and stripped of their uniforms."

I figured as much. "It must have been those spies," I reply. "We must find them, before..."

Kingpin clears his throat behind me.

"I thought you said you had to terminate your bodyguards," he says sternly.

Uh-oh... I turn to face him.

"Well, yes... I... I had to terminate them since... they allowed themselves to be mugged for their uniforms! Something that Madame Masque would never allow!"

Kingpin glares at me, staring at my impassive face. He looks bigger than I remember.

"Funny," he says in a voice that is both low and threatening. "I don't recall you having green eyes."

Oh, crap.

He grabs my arm before I can move, then throws me against the far wall. I feel pain shoot up my spine.

"Who are you?" he roars.

I'm a little dazed, caught off-guard, but I push myself to regain my composure. What now?

Kingpin is stomping towards me, growing bigger with each step. He reaches for my mask.

Moving quickly, I roll away, then reach for one of the pockets in Masque's belt. No idea what's in this thing, but I pray I grab something useful.

I come up with three small black marble-sized balls. As Kingpin lunges for me again, I throw them at the ground.

There's a small explosion, and suddenly the room is filled with thick black smoke. Kingpin lumbers back, caught off-guard.

Blackout bombs - yes! Thank you, Masque!

I quickly scamper around the blinded Kingpin and head for the door. By the time the smoke clears, I'm out.


Well, this went topsy-turvy pretty fast... Kingpin will probably sound the alarm to be on the lookout for Madame Masque within moments. Gotta get away, and fast.

But I'm not leaving without that Cube - can't risk this whole night being for nothing. Now where did Gwen and MJ run off to?

Navigating my way down a side hall, I decide to check out the file room I previously found them in.

It takes a couple of minutes of circling back, to ensure there's no one else around. But shortly after, I reach the room in question.

I open the door to the file room, and am greeted by quite a sight. Gwen and MJ in their underwear, gathering up the uniforms they've clearly stolen from Kingpin's thugs.

I can't resist. "My, my, what a sight... It’s not every day you catch two snoops with their pants down. Literally."

(Hey, it's been a long night. Don't judge me...)
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Re: The Woman Behind the Masque

Post by Disguisedagent »

Ha! Loved the scientist girl getting replaced. Another great installment!
esercito sconfitto
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Re: The Woman Behind the Masque

Post by esercito sconfitto »

I prefer the caterer in the closet... but the main feature is that, as always when you read a tales by Tirepanted, this latest short novelette is incredibly well written,- as always -, and despite this is an usual feature, I'll never get used to ! :D
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Re: The Woman Behind the Masque

Post by rufusluciusivan »

Just like in the previous story, it's really fun to witness the same events unfold from an other perspective. (Especially the scene inside the storage room. A shame MJ is such a prude, or else Felicia would have been discovered sooner. :lol: ) I genuinely wasn't expecting some of the turns - notably the fact Felicia's cover would be blown at the end. A bit of a twist to raise the tension. Kingpin truly is a delightful villain to write, with his intimidating presence.

Felicia is a fun character to follow. The first-person narration does a lot to make the story endearing, since it allows for a light-hearted mood thanks to Black Cat's inner narration.
The whole process takes less than five seconds, with no one else catching a glimpse of it. Damn, I'm good.
I think her biggest quality is her modesty... or not... :lol:
How many women have they mugged for disguises tonight? I may have some catching up to do...
I'd like to say it's not a competition... But then I'd be lying. :lol:

The uniform stealings themselves were nice, as always. No discovery of an obscure Marvel character this time. (Maybe an other time? :P )I noticed a pattern of Felicia first using a neckchop, then a sleeper-hold, then both. Don't know if it's on purpose, but I thought it was a funny odd detail.

As someone with a moderate knowledge of Marvel's lore, I appreciated the references and private jokes. Like everyone I think, I smiled at the gag of Madame Masque being considered a prime target for good girls looking for a disguise, and later when Felicia actually does a review of the mugging. (At least she got five stars...) Poor woman will never live down her unfortunate encounter with Kate Bishop. No wonder she holds a grudge! (Though Felicia should be careful... She may be added to Masque's list...)

I also still appreciated the continuation of the running gags of your previous part - whether it's the (fishy) cat pun, the (shocking) other puns (that title is illegal sir :lol: ), or the remarks about Coachwhip's impractical outfit (at this point, they are constructive criticism I think :lol: ).

Cool idea to have Felicia use Coachwhip's gadget to capture the caterer. A superhero/comicbook setting certainly allows for more freedom and creativity compared to a more realistic one such as in the Spacesuit saga.

The reveal the caterer is actually a street thug under that pristine uniform is a good trope. The classic 'once the uniform is off, you see the girl's true colors'. (Though in that case, it wasn't a surprise since I knew this plot point beforehand.) Though a criminal being a Ghost Rider fan is a bit ironic...

A detail, but I chuckled at the joke of Felicia equating "no tatoo" to "not that evil".

I noticed two references to uniform stealing scenes from mainstream Marvel comics. First, when Felicia mentions the "smarty glasses", just like the issue in which she mugs a female scientist. And the description of the scene with Madame Masque looks like a huge loving homage to one of the most famous comicbook scenes of this board - down to the underwear's color, the fishnet stockings, the garter belt, the detail of her being gagged OVER the mask, the foam mannequins with the wigs... Even the grey tape and the salmon pink color of the walls! Now that's dedication! :lol:

And I agree. What's the point of wearing fishnet stockings under the catsuit? Maybe she had a date with Hammerhead. (You can thank me for that mental image later. :lol: )

Iron MJ. Love the nickname. But didn't Felicia read the previous title? They call her U.S. M.-J. (the Patriot). :lol:
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Re: The Woman Behind the Masque

Post by tirepanted3 »

Disguisedagent: Thanks! The scientist scene was fun to write, Marvel in-joke and all.

Esercito: Thank you! It's always tricky coming up with new stories (and new formats, like the first-person collaborative story here), but I try to keep them well-written throughout.

Rufusluciusivan: This was a fun chapter to write, in part due to the template you'd laid out with your chapter. I threw in a few twists of my own, including Felicia getting discovered at the end, to heighten the tension.

Felicia's first-person narration continues to be very entertaining to write, allowing for extra humor and personality to the story. Particularly important so the chapter doesn't come off as a retread of MJ's chapters.

Felicia's switching between neck chops and sleeper holds wasn't intentional, but I figure these are the methods that a woman of her stealth expertise would use. Although it's not quite specified how she knocked the caterer out (apart from the sound effect).

The Marvel references were also fun to write, particularly the allusions to Masque's perpetual role as an unwilling uniform donor. Didn't have as much room for obscure characters/references, as I wanted to keep the story moving, but perhaps next time. ;)

And I love a good running gag - even one relating to a cheesy joke. Perhaps Black Cat does need to work on her comedic one-liners, though. :lol:

The catering scene was a good way to "downgrade" Felicia's disguise from supervillain to faceless worker. And thanks for the inspiration in your part to make the caterers all criminals in their own right - it made for a nice detail when Felicia strips the caterer.

And good catch with both of those Marvel references - I modeled the scientist's appearance after the one Felicia steals the "smarty glasses" from in the comics, and modeled the Masque scene after the all-time famous scene with Kate Bishop. But of course, I could not resist commenting on Masque's unusual underwear choice.

Sadly, Felicia has not been reading the US-MJ chapters, which is her loss... ;) Though she's clearly pieced together most of the USB scenes so far. Guess we'll see where it goes from here...
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Re: The Woman Behind the Masque

Post by rufusluciusivan »

I know we only have the sound effect for the caterer, but a THUNK! sounds like a neckchop to me. ;)
I modeled the scientist's appearance after the one Felicia steals the "smarty glasses" from in the comics.
I confess I only caught on to the smarty glasses, not that the description of the woman actually matched the character herself. Allow me to repeat myself: That's dedication! :P
Posts: 1940
Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:40 am

Re: The Woman Behind the Masque

Post by tirepanted3 »

I wouldn't call it "dedication" so much as laziness - as in, it's easier to use character descriptions based on the comics rather than come up with new ones. But I appreciate it nonetheless. :)
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