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darth chlorophorm 2
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Post by darth chlorophorm 2 »

Grudge 1992: School Siege
“A Lost Executioners Tale”
Harmony Point Maine, spring, 1992...
The Pinnacle Girls College is one of the finest private schools on the entire east coast.
However, the school has secretly been taken over by the mutant villainess known as Brainstorm.
Brainstorm is a very powerful mutant with telepathic abilities.
She has used her powers to psychically take control of the minds of every student in the school.
Now the innocent schoolgirls have been transformed into an army of ruthless soldiers who only obey Brainstorm's commands.
The school will serve as Brainstorm's base of operations while she sets her new plan in motion.
To the outside world everything seems normal, however, The Executioners have uncovered the truth.
Death Wish, the team leader, has tasked Grudge with infiltrating the Academy to gather as much intelligence as possible.
The Pinnacle Gardens are the crown jewel of the school's beautiful landscape.
Stacy, a 19 year old freshman, walks along the rose bushes.
Her blonde Pigtails are pushed aside by the morning breeze.
To the casual observer she looks to be on a harmless afternoon stroll.
In reality, she’s covertly patrolling the grounds.
Stacy has an automatic pistol tucked into the waistband of her skirt, hidden under her blouse.
If she had a thought of her own, she’d be complaining about this “Shity” assignment.
But, unknown to her, this day is about to get much worse.
Only several yards away, Grudge is squatting down, using a large Rose bush as cover.
Thinking to herself, as she watches Stacy approach, “She’s a little shorter than me. But now's not the time to be choosy.”
While in her “mutated” state, Grudge’s skin was light blue and her eyes glowed red.
Just as the teenage girl passes by, a gloved hand reaches out from the bushes.
Clamping over the hypnotized girl’s mouth, Stacy has no chance to make a sound.
Quickly yanked over the thorn covered roses, her legs flailing and spreading open as she disappears behind the bush.
Stacy finds herself on her back, shoulders pinned under the knees of her mysterious attacker.
“Help! Intruder!” are the only words to escape her lips before she hears:
“STUFF IT, BLONDIE!” followed by a volley of blows to her face, from the blue skinned mutant.
Completely overtaken by rage, she unmercifully beats Stacy into unconsciousness.
Stacy’s face is bloodied and battered, letting out a final cry of pain as she passes out.
Grudge, with a hint of remorse in her voice: “Oh crap! What have I done?”
Shocked by the violence she inflicted on the young woman.
Muttering under her breath, “I just beat the shit out of a schoolgirl.”
Realizing the mission’s at stake, she pushes those feelings down.
Quickly unbuttoning the pummeled girl's blouse, revealing her white lace bra with a pink and purple floral print design.
“Pretty nice. Better than my piece of shit K-Mart bra.” Groans the heroine.
Then the dark blue pleated mini skirt is worked over Stacy’s hips.
Underneath Stacy was wearing a pair of white cotton panties.
"Pretty!" smirks the mutant.
Grudge doesn’t even bother unlacing Stacy's shoes, she just yanks them off the limp girl’s feet.
Lastly, the dark blue knee-high socks are quickly removed.
Stacy’s nails were painted in a light pink glossy polish.
“I realize you’re under some sort of mind control, but this is pretty fun.” she says.
Soon, fully dressed in the Catholic style school uniform and seated on the grass next to the sleeping Stacy.
She's adjusting the knee-socks and says: “Honey, these knee-highs just ain’t cool. Ugly!”
Standing up, she notices the height difference between her and Stacy.
While the rest of the outfit was the correct size, however, the skirt was way too short on her.
“Great! My ass is practically hanging out!” She complains.
Thinking she’s finished: “Wait…one last thing.”
She roughly pulls the rubber bands out of Stacy’s golden blonde hair.
“Don’t mind if I do.”
Grudge ties her hair up in a set of pigtails, attempting to mimic the sleeping girl's hair style.
Glancing into a small pocket mirror Stacy had on her person:
“Now I’m definitely a slutty schoolgirl!” She laughs. “What next?! Head Cheerleader?! Nah!”
Leaning over to pick up the firearm lying on the grass, she takes her finger and snaps a strap on Stacy's bra.
“Sweetie, your face looks so damn sore. You should really get some ice on that right away. Well, when you wake up that is.”
After reverting to her “normal” form, she steps out from the tall bushes.
Brushing off the blades of grass stuck to her rear:
“Nobody around, huh? I can’t believe that worked out so well.”
Peeking over the bushed at the sleeping girl's limp, slender body.
Stacy's face bleeds as she lies helpless, dressed only in her bra and panties.
She blows Stacy a “kiss” and mockingly says:
“Sayonara, honey!”
Heading towards the school’s entrance, she slides the gun into the back of her "new" skirt.
Saying a silent prayer to herself “Please let this work."
No sooner does she enter the building, two hypnotized schoolgirls approach her.
Hanna and Karen walk up to Grudge.
Hanna askes: “Where are you going?”
Grudge takes a deep breath and swallows:
“I was just finishing up my patrol of the garden.”
Karen, suspiciously, says:
“The garden? Stacy was assigned that patrol.”
Hanna then adds:
“Yeah, that’s right. Who told you to patrol the garden area?”
Karen gets quite aggressive:
“Where the hell is she?! What the hell happened to Stacy?!”
Grudge makes a fist behind her back and smiles:
“You want to know where Stacy is?”
Karen, with a disapproving look:
“Damn straight!”
Grudge says under her breath:
“Okay. You bimbos asked for it.”
Shortly, in a janitor’s closet...
Karen and Hanna are both badly beaten and unconscious.
Hanna, flat on her back, knees bent and legs spread wide open.
Karen is lying on her stomach.
Her head is situated between Hanna’s legs, concealed under the pleated skirt.
Karen's face firmly planted into Hanna’s panty covered crotch.
“Well, girls, it’s been loads of fun!” chuckles Grudge.
The door to the closet swings shut and she lets out a loud "Sigh!"
Her is back up against the door and she wipes the sweat from her brow.
Thinking to herself:
“Those dumb sluts had it coming!”
With a quick glance she checks the area. Everything seems clear for now.
"Lucky nobody spotted me taking out those girls."
Being cautious, she proceeds through the school in search of Brainstorm.
"This place is pretty big." she says while revealing a small device from her pocket.
The device pulses, sending out a scanning wave.
A computer generated 3-D map of the entire school appears on the device's screen.
Grudge, checking the device says:
"There. This will help. I should've thought of this in the first place."
Her search throughout the school continues...
The rest of the story is up to your imagination.
The End

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