Excerpt from Target Response by William W. Johnstone

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Excerpt from Target Response by William W. Johnstone

Post by Disguisedagent »

A female prisoner is freed and escapes by replacing a doctor's receptionist.
She had curly brown hair, a youthful freckled face, and a slim physique. She was a trained Dog Team assassin. The next deviation from standard routine came when the orderly balked at handing over Faye without an okay from Dr. Dunkel. Appar- ently the proper forms and protocol had not been followed. When the orderly became obstinate, Jessie produced a gun and shot him. It was a dart gun, shooting a tranquilizer dart. The orderly took a few steps forward, staggered, reeling, and fell unconscious to the floor.

"Do you want to get out of this place?" Jessie asked.

"Yes," Faye said.

"Do exactly as I say and you'll walk out of here in ten minutes."

Jessie locked the outer office door, leading a dazed and bewildered Faye into Dr. Dunkel's inner office, where another surprise awaited.
Dr. Dunkel and his receptionist, Ms. Prymm, were handcuffed and gagged with strips of duct tape pasted across their mouths. They were being guarded by two white-clad men whom she would subsequently learn were Kilroy and Diaz. Not only was Ms. Prymm gagged and handcuffed, she'd been stripped down to her underclothes and stocking feet. Jessie handed Faye a pile of folded garments that belonged to Ms. Prymm.

"Put these on," Jessie told Faye.

"Who are you people?" Faye asked. "Friends."

Kilroy had designated Jessie as Faye's handler, not knowing the woman's mental state after years of confinement and thinking that Faye would feel less threatened if her primary contact was a woman. Faye proved to be surprisingly resilient. Recovering from her stunned surprise, she quickly pulled on Ms. Prymm's blouse, jacket, and skirt. The shoes were too large but Faye solved that by stuffing wadded paper into the toes and heels. Kilroy and Diaz herded Dunkel and Prymm into a supply closet and locked them in.

Then they, Jessie, and Faye exited the office, locking the outer door behind them. The three Dog Team members were armed with real guns that they kept concealed as they escorted Faye across the hall and down the stairs to the front entrance. They were prepared to use them but didn't have to, because none of the few pass- ing staffers took any interest in them. Seeing the group emerge from the building, Steve went around to the back of the stolen laundry truck, opened the door. Faye, Jessie, Kilroy, and Diaz got inside, and Steve shut the door behind them.
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