Excerpt from "The Hidden World"

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Excerpt from "The Hidden World"

Post by meditions142 »

A quick little excerpt from an online book. Sadly there is not a lot of detail and the stripping of the guard is not described only that the intruder is putting on her uniform. And sadly it just ends there so we don't get to find out what was done to give the guard "some nice dreams. Still fun little scene

Yuna nodded and muttered the spell as Yuki did the same. Then the two of them crept out of the concealing bubble and clambered up the walls of the facility before dropping on top of the living guard and her robot partner. With a quick strike, Yuna knocked the living guard unconscious while Yuki powered off the robot with a quick surge of electricity.

With a bit of magic, Yuki opened up the back panel of the robot and fiddled with the wires before connecting them to the device. Then she slammed the back shut and powered the robot back on.

“Yuna, you have the thing?” Yuki asked.

“Right pocket,” she replied as she pulled the clothes of the guard over herself. “When’s the rotation?”

“Thirty seconds,” Yuki said as she checked her watch. She put a hand to her ear where a communicator was nestled. “Uriel, you in?”

“I am. The robots are all mine~,” Uriel answered.

“Good.” Yuki lifted the unconscious guard and slung her over her shoulder. Then she hopped down to the ground from the balcony. “Erica, give her some nice dreams.”

She handed the unconscious guard to the succubus who grinned.
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