Volume 5A: Strange Bedfellows

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Volume 5A: Strange Bedfellows

Post by tirepanted3 »

Hi, everyone. I'm going to try a few relatively short stories over the next few months (potentially three or four chapters each). They'll be set in the same continuity as the "Spacesuit" series, but mostly focus on minor and secondary characters. It helps to have read the earlier stories (in this case, "Sisters in Arms"), but new readers can hopefully still follow along. Enjoy.

Atsuko twirled the phone cord around her finger as she waited for it to ring. It had been too long since the lines had buzzed. Almost two whole minutes...

I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world...

Atsuko blinked, looking up from her desk.

Life in plastic... It's fantastic...

She reached over to the adjoining desk and shut off the radio.

"Hey!" Audrey protested, swiveling around in her chair. "I was listening to that."

"You'll thank me later," Atsuko replied. "Remember what happened the last time Ms. Crane caught you playing music at work?"

Audrey shrugged. "That woman has no appreciation for the classics." She pushed the radio to the other side of her desk, where Atsuko couldn't reach. "This song defined a generation."

"Lord, I hope that isn't true," Atsuko replied with a wry grin. "Now try to stay focused. We're lucky we still have jobs at Cerberus, given all the upheaval that's been happening lately."

She wasn't wrong. In the last few weeks, two of Cerberus' top executives - Lucille Weldon-Grant and Valencia Steele - had been arrested, following revelations of corruption and back-dealing. Atsuko, who had spent years working as Valencia's secretary, had been instrumental in her boss' arrest, but had kept a low profile regarding this information. She didn't want to risk her job in the wake of the scandal.

It had paid off - she, alongside Audrey (who had been Lucille's secretary, and was largely unaware of her employer's double-dealings) had maintained work at Cerberus, as both were relocated to the basement where the central phone banks were located. It was a tedious job - answering phones all day, redirecting calls, putting fussy customers on hold - but it paid well. Well enough.

Audrey absent-mindedly toggled with the knobs on her radio. The light-skinned, chestnut-haired woman was clearly looking for something to occupy her time. "My sister left me this radio when she headed off to college," she said. "Kind of an antique by modern standards, but it still gets all the good stations."

Her phone rang. "Whoops!" Audrey picked up the receiver. "Cerberus Chemicals, how may I direct your call?"

Atsuko gazed at the radio with detached interest. Audrey's sister seemed like a generous sort to have left it behind, outdated though it may have been.

Almost immediately, Atsuko found her thoughts drifting to her own older sister. They had briefly reunited, but Toshiko had fled the city - she was a criminal, and now a fugitive from justice.

Atsuko sighed inwardly, trying to push her mind to other things.

The ringing phone provided a welcome interruption. Atsuko answered it. "Cerberus Chemicals, how may I direct your call?" Over several years in an office environment, she had finely honed the professionalism in her voice when answering calls.

"Good evening," a woman's voice said deeply. "I'm calling for a Ms. Suzuki... Perhaps you know her. She's got black hair... Brown eyes... Drop-dead gorgeous..."

Atsuko blinked. Then she recognized the voice. "...Carolyn?"

"Hi, honey," Carolyn laughed, reverting to her normal tone of voice. "Guess I couldn't keep up that charade for long."

Atsuko couldn't help but laugh as well. "Carol," she said in a hushed but playful tone. "You're not supposed to be calling me on my office line."

"I wasn't sure you'd answer your cell," Carolyn replied, equally playfully. "Besides, is there any law preventing a woman from calling her wife at work?"

"No, but I could get in trouble... The new supervisor is pretty strict." Atsuko glanced around to make sure she wasn't being heard. "Listen, I need to work a bit late tonight... But I'll be home soon. I promise."

"I'm counting the minutes," Carolyn replied. "My shift ended an hour ago, and it's lonely at home. I was thinking we could cozy up on the couch tonight... Maybe watch a movie..."

"Will there be popcorn involved?"

"Buckets of it."

"I'll be there," Atsuko chuckled. "I'll try to slip out a bit early. Keep the food warm."

"Always," Carolyn promised. "Talk to you soon."

Atsuko hung up. From the corner of her eye, she could see Audrey grinning slyly at her.


"Sounds like you've got a fun evening planned," Audrey said.

Atsuko chuckled. "I guess you could say that."

"Wish I was married," Audrey mused. "Though I'd need to find a guy who shares my taste in culture."

She switched the radio back on again, and began to sing along. "You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere..."

Atsuko smiled and shook her head. It had been a slow day, but it looked like she would end it on a high note.


Veronica suppressed a yawn as she glanced over the horizon. The setting sun painted a reddish-orange ribbon across the sky.

It was a beautiful sight, one which Veronica would have loved to stop and admire. But the setting sun also meant that it was time to focus on her job.

As one of the security guards stationed around Cerberus, Veronica worked the night shift from dusk to dawn. Cerberus paid good money for good security, and she aimed to meet their expectations.

The tall, fair-skinned woman was dressed in the standard Cerberus security uniform - blue button-down shirt, black tie, black pants and oxford shoes. Sunglasses adorned her eyes and a blue baseball cap sat on her close-cropped sandy hair.

Veronica shined her flashlight around her area of the grounds. She was stationed outside the entrance leading to Cerberus' parking garage - a generally easy position, as few vehicles were entering the facilities at this time of night.

The sound of clattering metal alerted her. Veronica directed her flashlight at some nearby trash cans. A stray cat looked at her guiltily, then quickly jumped away.

Veronica sighed and glanced at her watch. She had a feeling this was going to be a long night.

"'Scuse me..."

Veronica turned to see a woman in the distance, approaching her on wobbly legs. The woman had light skin and blonde hair, tied back in a short ponytail. She was dressed in tight but tattered clothes, and was clutching a near-empty bottle in one hand.

Veronica instinctively wrinkled her nose. Street trash, she thought to herself.

"Excuse me," the woman repeated, sounding a bit hazy. "I'm tryin' to get back to the city... My boyfriend was s'posed to pick me up... But he never showed..."

Veronica sighed in exasperation. She had dealt with such women before - drunk losers who needed to be straightened out. She approached the woman and held out a hand.

"I can direct you back to the city, ma'am," she said authoritatively. "I can't have you go inside the building, though. Secure facility."

"Of course... Course, I understand..." The woman nodded as she took Veronica's hand. "You're a nice lady..."

Veronica rolled her eyes. "I'm simply doing my job... HMMMPPPHHH!"

She let out a muffled cry of surprise as the blonde clamped a hand over her mouth, then quickly locked an arm around her neck.

"And I'm simply doing mine," the blonde said in Veronica's ear. Her voice no longer sounded slow or slurred.

Veronica immediately realized she had been tricked. She tried to pull free, but the blonde was strong, and knew how to use a victim's own leverage against her.

"Calm down, honeycakes," the blonde whispered as she dragged the struggling guard toward the trash cans. "You're going to take the night off... Might as well accept it."

In the struggle, Veronica dropped her flashlight, which broke upon hitting the ground. Thus, the blonde was afforded some welcome darkness as she judo-chopped the guard at the side of her neck. Veronica let out a soft gasp as she drifted into unconsciousness.

The blonde took a moment to catch her breath. Then, grabbing the guard by her underarms, she dragged her behind the trash cans for extra privacy.

The minutes passed by quietly. Slowly, the final rays of the sun receded, as evening gave way to nightfall.

Finally, the blonde arose from behind the trash cans, knotting the black uniform tie around her neck. She had already buttoned up the shirt, pulled on the pants, and laced up the shoes.

The unconscious Veronica lay safely hidden behind the trash cans, stripped to her hazel bikini bra and purple briefs. She had been bound with white cotton ropes and gagged with a strip of black tape.

As the blonde donned her newly obtained hat and sunglasses, her radio buzzed. "Addison, come in. Any trouble so far?"

Addison raised the radio to her lips and spoke quietly. "No trouble. The guard was a total pushover. I'm in her uniform now."

"Awesome. I'll be along in a few minutes."

"Roger that."

Addison switched off her radio, then headed toward the entrance leading to the building's indoor parking lot.

Veronica slowly stirred, and as the minutes passed, she came awake. "Hmmmpphh...?"

She began to recognize her predicament, and tried tugging at her bonds. No use; they wouldn't budge.

It was definitely going to be a long night...


Clarice sat idly in the front seat of the Rolls-Royce, flipping through a dog-eared fashion magazine.

The young chauffeur had tilted back her seat and gotten comfortable. After all, it would be at least another hour till her boss would exit the Cerberus office and ready for the drive home.

Clarice disliked showing up so early - but she knew the penalty of arriving even a minute late, and she wanted to keep her job. Better to come early and relax in the underground parking lot until it was time to leave.

Clarice was tall and slender, with porcelain skin and straight brown hair that reached mid-back. She wore a black microfiber suit jacket over a crisply ironed white button-down shirt, a black skirt that reached her knees, dark nylon tights, and shiny black low-heeled boots. She held the magazine with black patent leather gloves, and adjusted the matching peaked cap on her head.

Gorgeous, she thought to herself, eyeing the latest dresses in the magazine. And so much color...

A tapping at her window jarred her from her thoughts. She looked up to see a blonde woman in a Cerberus security uniform, bending down and peeking at her through the glass.

Clarice rolled down the window. "Evening, officer... or is it guard? I'm not sure what I should call you." She chuckled slightly. "Is there a problem?"

"There might be," the uniformed woman replied. "I'm not an expert when it comes to cars, but... I don't think that oil should be leaking from the rear like that."

"Leaking?" Clarice gave a start. "Oh geez, really? This car is supposed to be top-of the-line!." She opened the door and stepped out. "If there's something wrong, they're gonna take it out of my salary... I just know it..."

She quickly hurried around to the rear of the Rolls, and knelt down beside it.

"I don't see any leak... Looks fine to me. Are you sure... uunnghhh!"

A sharp, stinging pain at the base of her neck. Clarice felt herself go numb. She collapsed to the ground.

Addison stood over her, calmly blowing on her hand. Her karate expertise was really paying off tonight.

A side doorway into the parking lot opened, and a dark-skinned, black-haired woman jogged inside. She nodded at Addison, then glanced down and smiled at the unconscious chauffeur. "Nice work. You're on a roll tonight."

Addison gave a mock bow. "She's all yours, Kelly."

The black woman bent down and grabbed the unconscious chauffeur, hoisting her up by her underarms. "Is there a private spot around here to get changed?"

Addison glanced around. "Looks pretty open around here." She gestured at the trunk of the Rolls-Royce. "That looks pretty roomy."

Kelly scoffed. "You're not serious."

Addison popped open the trunk. "It's bigger on the inside. Look, there's even some cables and duct tape here. It's perfect."

Kelly sighed in exasperation, but she climbed into the trunk space, pulling the chauffeur in behind her. She reached up and shut the trunk door.

"I'm not sure why you need so much privacy," Addison mused. "Are you embarrassed to have me see you changing your clothes? We're all girls here."

"I don't like changing clothes in public," Kelly's muffled voice came through the trunk. "Call me crazy, but I still believe in the old-fashioned rules of female decency."

Addison chuckled. "What part of 'female decency' involves stripping an unconscious woman of her clothes?"

Kelly gave another sigh. "Just keep a lookout, okay?"

Addison did keep a lookout, though no one showed up for the next several minutes.

Finally, the trunk popped open again, and a somewhat sweaty Kelly emerged. The dark-skinned woman was now fully dressed in the chauffeur uniform, from cap to boots.

The real chauffeur lay inside the trunk, bound with grey cables and gagged with blue tape. She wore little apart from a bright red bralette and green striped hiphuggers. She appeared to be snoring, judging by the soft rise and fall of her chest.

"Aww, that's sweet," Addison cooed. "All bundled up like a Christmas present. Thank you, Santa!"

Kelly blew an errant strand of hair out of her face. "Christmas isn't for another six months."

Addison shut the trunk, a playful smile on her lips. "Au contraire, Kell. It's about to come early this year..."


"Of course, sir. I'll redirect you."

Atsuko punched a few buttons on her phone and hung up. She then leaned back in her chair and yawned.

"Sounds like someone's had enough work for today," Audrey mused.

Atsuko glanced at her watch. "I guess it is getting kind of late... Might be time to call it a night."

She stood up from her desk and reached for her coat. "How about you?"

"I'll probably hang around a bit longer," Audrey replied. "I'm something of a night owl around here. Don't wait up."

Atsuko nodded and grabbed her handbag. "Good night, honey."

Being in the building's lower level, the office was just a hallway's walk down to the underground parking lot. Atsuko had parked her car there this morning.

She entered the lot, briefly jolted by the rush of cold air from the outside windows. Her footsteps echoed as she walked through the long corridor.

As she rounded the corner, Atsuko saw a fancy Rolls-Royce parked by one side of the lot. A tall, dark-skinned chauffeur, dressed in an elegant black uniform, leaned on the hood, and smiled at her.

"Atsuko Suzuki?" the chauffeur asked.

Atsuko nodded, a bit surprised. "How did you know...?"

"I was hired by the management," the chauffeur said. "They think you've done an impressive job here at Cerberus, and they wanted to reward your hard work. Tonight, you get to travel home in luxury." She gestured at the Rolls.

Atsuko was taken aback. "Er... wow, that's... that's really unexpected," she stammered. "But I couldn't possibly accept... I have my own car here tonight, and..."

"Your vehicle will be taken care of," the chauffeur assured her. "I've been tasked with driving you home - or wherever else you may want to go - tonight, and back here tomorrow morning. I assure you, there's nothing to be concerned of."

Atsuko hesitated for a moment. She glanced at the Rolls. It was certainly a comfortable car. She could just imagine herself sipping champagne with Carolyn in the back of the vehicle later tonight...

"Oh, what the heck," she shrugged. "A little luxury never hurt anyone."

The chauffeur smiled and held the door open for her. "Excellent, ma'am. Shall I take you straight home, or is there another stop you'd like to make first?"

"Home, please," Atsuko said, climbing into the car. "I've got someone special waiting for me there."

"Splendid." The chauffeur shut the door and walked around to the driver's seat.

Atsuko settled into the posh Corinthian leather seat, and sighed happily. It seemed her work at Cerberus was finally paying off.

At that moment, the rear door to the Rolls opened again. Atsuko looked up to see a female security guard standing there.

"Is everything oka... Hmmmpphh!" Atsuko was startled as the guard pressed a white cloth to her face, covering her nose and mouth.

Addison shut the door, then turned to Kelly. "Go!"

Kelly nodded. She shifted the vehicle in gear, then drove it toward the parking lot exit.

Atsuko could tell from the first whiff of the damp white cloth that it had been soaked in chloroform. She tried to hold her breath, and anxiously tugged at the arm which pinned her down.

"We got ourselves a live one!" Addison chuckled. "Calm down, sweetums... It's useless to fight back."

Atsuko felt herself growing woozy. She fought to stay conscious... but the world was beginning to spin...

"Easy does it, girl... Breathe it in..." Addison kept the pad firmly pressed to the woman's face. "You're just going to sleep for a while, that's all."

Finally, Atsuko could take no more. Her strength drained, and her world went black.

Addison lay her unconscious form down on the seat. "Pretty girl, isn't she? A real sleeping beauty."

"Just make sure she stays asleep... and immobilized," Kelly replied, her eyes trained on the night road ahead.

"Sure thing." Addison reached for the rope. "She'll be going nowhere."


It was a winding drive over bumpy back roads before the kidnappers reached their destination.

It was a run-down garage on the outskirts of Orlando, long abandoned by time and the rest of the world. But it made a decent hideaway.

Kelly parked the Rolls inside the garage and stepped out. Addison followed, the bound-and-gagged figure of Atsuko slung over her shoulder.

Atsuko was starting to stir by the time Addison finished tying her to a chair. She awoke in a daze, looking around in bewilderment.

"Mmm... Hmmmmpphh?"

She looked up to see the two tall and athletic women standing over her. They both smiled down, a malicious gleam in their eyes.

"Good evening, doll," Addison cooed. "Have a nice nap?"

Atsuko tugged at her wrist-bonds, but they held tight. Her feet had also been firmly secured to the legs of the chair.

"Calm down, Ms. Suzuki," Kelly said in a commanding voice. "You're stuck here for the time being. Cooperate, and maybe you'll see your lovely Carolyn again."

Atsuko looked up in shock. She glanced fearfully from one captress to the other.

"Let me guess," Kelly continued with a smile. "You're wondering how we know so much about you?" She chuckled and knelt down. "You don't remember us, do you?"

Atsuko didn't know what to say.

"At Valencia Steele's mansion," Kelly continued. "A few weeks ago. We worked as security guards. Good job, good pay. Then you came and ruined everything."

"Preach it, sister," Addison nodded.

"You and your friends ambushed us... Stripped us... Left us bound and gagged in a closet," Kelly said angrily. "We were stuck in there for hours. It was the most humiliating night of my life."

"Ditto," Addison agreed.

"But we got lucky," Kelly continued. "When the authorities raided the mansion and found us, they thought we were just a couple of helpless prisoners. They didn't realize we were on Madame Steele's payroll. A couple of policewomen attended to us... They took us to a private room and promised to keep us safe."

"So we kicked their asses and stole their uniforms," Addison laughed.

Kelly nodded. "We managed to escape undetected... But by that point, Valencia and most of her guards had been arrested. We were alone... No place to go, no money, nothing." She glared at Atsuko. "And it's all thanks to you."

"Hmmmppphhh!" Atsuko put on an angry face, trying to mask her fear. "Mmmgghhh hhrrppphhh!"

"I think the little runt's got something to say," Addison mused.

"I'll remove your gag," Kelly said. "But you'd better keep a civil tone. If you scream, you'll regret it."

So saying, she pulled the gag down from Atsuko's mouth. The girl took a few gulps of air, then spoke in a shaky voice.

"We didn't have a choice... Valencia Steele, she was trying to kill my sister... We had to take her down..."

"To hell with your excuses," Kelly snapped. "The point is, you messed up our lives, and we want some payback."

Atsuko was quiet for a moment. "If you want to kill me... fine. Do your worst. Just leave Carolyn alone."

But Addison chuckled. "Sorry, honeycakes... You're not getting off that easy."

So saying, she reached into Atsuko's jacket.

"Hey, what are you...?" Atsuko watched as Addison pulled a cell phone out and began flipping through the contacts.

"Time to make a call."


Carolyn sat on the couch and quietly stirred her coffee. She tried not to glance at the clock, but her eyes kept darting towards it.

Suki, where are you?

It had been an hour and a half since her phone call, and her wife still had not returned home. Carolyn had tried calling the office again, but was told that Atsuko had already left.

She probably stopped to do some shopping on the way home... Nothing to worry about. Carolyn kept trying to convince herself, but as the minutes ticked by, she became less and less comforted by her thoughts.

She'd never go without calling this long... Maybe I should try her cell...

At that moment, the phone lying on the couch began to buzz. Atsuko's name flashed on the screen.

Carolyn immediately brightened. She picked up the phone and hit the talk button. "Honey, so great to hear from you! I was about to call..."

"Hello, dear Carolyn," replied an unfamiliar woman's voice.

Carolyn paused. "Who... who is this?"

"Name's not important," the woman replied, a slight chuckle in her voice. "I guess you could say I'm an old friend. Your wife was kind enough to lend me her phone so we could get reacquainted."

Carolyn could feel herself getting scared. "Atsuko? What's going on? What have you done with her?"

"She's right here," Addison said. "Say hello, darling."

There was silence on the other end of the line; then Carolyn heard a more familiar - yet somewhat shaky - voice. "Carol... don't panic, okay? They' haven't hurt me."

"Suki? What's going on??"

Addison's voice returned to the line. "What's going on is that my friend and I currently have your lovely wife as our prisoner. And she'll stay that way, unless you do exactly as we ask."

Despite her shock, Carolyn instinctively felt the protective anger rising within her. "Let her go!"

"Nice try," Addison laughed. "But it's not that easy. You girls really screwed things up for us back at Valencia Steele's mansion, and it's payback time."

"The Steele mansion...?" Carolyn was surprised. "What do you mean? Did you work there?"

Kelly took the phone from Addison. "We've wasted enough time explaining things to your spouse," she said. "Let's get to the point. If you don't get us what we want by sunrise, you'll never see Atsuko again."

Carolyn clenched her fists in fury, but tried to stay calm. "What... what do you want?" she asked tersely.

"Valencia Steele was a very rich woman," Kelly continued. "Lots of wealth in some very unlikely places. When she was arrested, the Feds seized most of her assets..."

"Money-grubbing vampires," Addison muttered.

"...but there was one... secret account that she kept off the books. A few million dollars in a Swiss bank account, in case of emergency. Only a few of her top security personnel were aware of it - myself included. It's unlikely she's told anyone about it, even after being caught."

She paused for emphasis. Carolyn could feel her own heartbeat racing, but wasn't sure if she should speak.

"My friend and I want that money," Kelly continued. "And you're going to help us get it."

Carolyn was bewildered. "I... I don't understand... You want me to rob a bank? I can't..."

"Not exactly," Kelly continued. "Ms. Steele kept the passcode to this account secret from everyone. Everyone, we assume, except her business associate and close confidante, Gina Caldwell. Those two women shared a lot of business secrets with one another, in case something ever went sideways for one of them."

Carolyn tried processing this information. "So... what am I supposed to do?"

"Find Ms. Caldwell," Kelly responded. "Get the codes from her. Then get the money from the account. And do it all before sunrise."

"What? But I..."

"By sunrise, dear. Or the next time you see your wife will be in the obituaries." Kelly paused. "Oh, and obviously don't even think about calling the police. If we suspect any double-cross, Atsuko dies."

Kelly hung up before Carolyn could say another word.

Carolyn stared at the phone for several long seconds. Her heart thudded in her chest. She couldn't believe this was happening.

Why? Why can't Atsuko and I just have a normal life? Why does this keep happening?

But now was not the time for self-pity. Atsuko was in danger. And Carolyn had no choice but to comply with her wife's captors.

Okay... Stay calm. All you have to do is commit grand theft, and possibly breaking and entering. Shouldn't be too hard...

Despite herself, Carolyn laughed. Who was she kidding? She was totally out of her depth. There was no way she could handle a job like this alone.

She would need help. She couldn't risk contacting the authorities... so she'd have to find someone willing to break a few laws.

Carolyn grimaced as the first thought came to her mind.

No... Anyone but her.



With a heavy groan, the large redwood fell to the forest floor, landing with a juddering crash.

Irene stood back and admired her latest handiwork. She and her coworkers were doing great work tonight.

It had been a prolific day for the Linden Lumber Corporation. They had picked a forest thick and heavy with trees, and had amassed a few tons of deadwood in the past several hours. Using axes, saws, and some high-powered cutting machines, they had made a large clearing in the previously oak-dominated forest.

Linden was one of the most fiscally successful lumbermills in the state, and had some of the finest professional woodcutters on its payroll. The lumberjacks and lumberjills all worked tirelessly to keep their company at the top of the industry.

Irene wiped some sweat from her brow. She was one of the more seasoned lumberjills at Linden, having worked there for nearly four years. Like her coworkers, she was tall and fit, a necessity for the job. She had light skin and short red hair, with green eyes above her freckled cheeks. She wore a red-and-black button-down flannel shirt, dark blue cargo pants, and thick brown logger boots. A grey woolen ski cap was pulled over her hair, with several stray red curls peeking out from beneath.

"Great job, Irene!" One of her coworkers had noticed the latest tree to fall. "Care to try for more? There's another big pile of oaks up ahead."

Irene stretched. "I'll be along in a minute. Just gotta rehydrate myself."

Her fellow woodcutter nodded and then turned to catch up with the others. Irene turned back and stepped into a nearby grove of trees.

"Now this is how we rehydrate," she mused, coming across a pair of metal cooling crates.

She knelt down and opened one of the crates. Inside, sitting on a bed of ice, was a collection of beer bottles. A helpful stash, whenever one of the woodcutters needed a drink. Irene took one out and popped the cap.

"Cheers,." She raised her bottle to a nearby redwood, and brought it to her lips.

The drink tasted good, and Irene allowed herself a few seconds to close her eyes and savor it. But it was those few seconds that would cost her.

Behind her back, the second beer cooler silently opened... from the inside. For this cooler did not contain any ice or beer. Rather, it housed a young woman with expert dexterity and control over her limbs.

Adelaide slowly but surely extricated herself from the cooler. It had been risky, hiding inside the box - but her risk had paid off. Dressed in black, she was nearly invisible against the dark forest as she crept up behind the unsuspecting lumberjill.

Irene finished the beer bottle and exhaled in satisfaction. She glanced at the empty glass bottle - and, briefly, saw something moving in its reflection.

She turned around to see a dark-haired black woman standing there, poised to pounce. "What the hell... Oouugghh!"

With the element of surprise gone, Adelaide needed to act fast. She dove at Irene, tackling her into the nearby bushes.

By this point, the other lumber workers had moved farther away from the spot where the coolers were situated. And the sounds of their heavy machinery drowned out any other sounds in the area, such as the sounds of one of their coworkers getting knocked unconscious.

The bushes soon grew silent. Minutes passed interminably.

At last, Adelaide emerged from the bushes, the victor in the impromptu fistfight. Her reward - the clothes that Irene had formerly wore. The shirt and pants were a decent fit, and the hat, pulled low over her hair, would help obscure her identity in the dark. She laced up the boots, ignoring the pinch in the toe.

Once that was done, Adelaide peeked behind the bushes. The real lumberjill was still sleeping - like a log, Adelaide mused to herself. The woman had been stripped to a pine-green sports bra and powder-white control briefs. She had been bound with blue coils of flex and gagged with silver duct tape.

"Terribly sorry," Adelaide grinned down at the woman. "It's all in a night's work."

Her disguise in place, she headed for the clearing where the other woodcutters had passed through. She located them soon enough.

The workers were focused on their latest oaken targets, and thus paid little attention to Adelaide as she cautiously approached one of the large woodcutting machines. Her fingers swiftly found the control panel, and she worked as fast as she could.

A few wires cut... Some others rearranged... Before long, she had done a thorough job of sabotaging the machine. From there, she worked her way to another of the large instruments... and another after that.

Finally, her work complete, she made her way to the edge of the clearing. A quick glance back at the other lumber workers told her that none of them suspected a thing about her handiwork.

An impish grin on her face, Adelaide disappeared into the woods, navigating back towards the copse of oaks where she had hidden her car.

Another job well done.


Adelaide arrived home within half an hour. She stepped into her apartment, breathing in the cool, familiar air.

"Ahh... Beats a musty pinewood forest any day."

A familiar barking sound met her ears. Adelaide smiled as the excitable terrier bounded up to meet her.

"Hey, Duke," she smiled as the dog licked her face appreciatively. "Have you been a good boy while Momma was away?"

The dog barked again, his tail wagging vigorously. Adelaide chuckled. "Well, I don't see any shedding on the rug... So I guess you can get an extra treat tonight."

She set the dog down and headed for the cupboard. Duke followed, sniffing her boots. He gave a whimper of confusion.

Adelaide tossed him a doggy treat. "Duke, we've been over this," she said with a smile. "Momma has a... special job. it often requires her to wear other people's clothes... usually without their permission." She plopped down on the couch and began unlacing the boots. "Tonight, some environmentalist hired me to sabotage this lumbermill... Throw a wrench in their tree-cutting plans. They paid well, so I took the job." She kicked off the boots. "Unfortunately, the clothes I 'borrowed' really bring the smell of the forest with them... Guess I'll need another shower."

She reached for the remote. "But first, a little TV."

As she switched on the television, Duke hopped up on the couch. Adelaide began scratching him behind the ears as she flipped through the channels.

"...And in the latest news, it appears that Dr. Julia Chen, the infamous criminal and disgraced NASA scientist, has disappeared following a struggle with the FBI. Authorities are trying to recover her body now, but she is presumed dead, per the agents who chased her down..."

A raven-haired woman in black body armor appeared onscreen. The chyron credited her as FBI Agent Josie LaRue.

"It was a tough battle," Josie was saying proudly, "but I can assure you that Dr. Chen will trouble the world no more. All thanks to the hard work of my team and I."

"Agent," the interviewer asked, "may I ask about your uniform? You and your team are FBI, yet the clothes you currently wear appear to be SWAT uniforms."

Josie's cheeks turned red. "Er... I'm afraid it isn't FBI policy to comment on our wardrobe." She looked around. "If you'll excuse me..."

Adelaide chuckled and switched channels. "FBI agents... What a joke. The last time I came across an FBI team, they were in their underwear... Desperate for some clothes. Luckily, I convinced that handball team to give up their uniforms." She grinned. "Good times..."

The doorbell rang, cutting into Adelaide's reminiscing.

"Now who could that be?" Adelaide was wary of visitors at this late hour. Still, she got up and walked to the door.

"Maybe some of those lumberjills followed me," she chuckled. "I could use some more exercise."

She swung open the door. Standing on the other side was a slightly shaken, yet visibly angry, young woman with light skin and red hair.

"I hate to say this," Carolyn said, "but I need your help."

Adelaide frowned. "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

Carolyn scowled. "Yes. We've met."

Adelaide paused, then grinned. "From the airfield! Of course." She paused. "What are you doing here?"

"I need your help," Carolyn repeated. "Can I come in?"

"I think you mean 'may I come in'," Adelaide replied. "I only allow guests who use proper grammar."

Without warning, Carolyn started to cry.

Adelaide was a bit taken aback, then quickly beckoned her inside. "Okay, okay, come in. Don't wake the neighbors..."

Minutes later, Carolyn was sitting on Adelaide's couch, still trembling slightly.

Adelaide returned from the kitchen, holding a can of soda. "I don't have coffee," she said matter-of-factly. "Will this do?"

Carolyn blinked. "Oh, I'm... not thirsty," she mumbled.

Adelaide shrugged as she sat down on the couch. "Suit yourself." She popped open the can. "So, what's this about needing my help?"

Carolyn tried to keep her composure, and she began telling Adelaide of her predicament. She spoke quickly, occasionally slurring her words, but Adelaide got the basics.

"...And unless I do what they say, Atsuko dies." Carolyn sobbed. "So I had to do some online digging... I had to find you."

"It's a sad story," Adelaide nodded, taking a sip of soda. "But why did you decide to find me? You and I haven't exactly had the friendliest history."

"I couldn't go to the police," Carolyn explained. "I had to find someone outside the law. Besides," she added, "you owe me a favor."

"I do?" Adelaide looked bewildered.

"Yes. You stripped me and tied me up and stuffed me in a luggage compartment."

Adelaide laughed. "Honey, are you still sore about that? Honestly, you need to move on. Anyway, I did you a favor back at the airfield, saving your ass from that Sloane woman."

Carolyn glowered. "That still doesn't make up for all the stress and humiliation you caused me. I used to have a nice, boring life as a bus driver. Ever since that one night you ambushed me, my life has been chaos."

"Again, darling, it wasn't personal." Adelaide finished the soda and tossed the can into a nearby trash bin. "I needed your uniform, and I figured you weren't going to just let me have it. My job requires me to wear a lot of disguises, and I steal a lot of uniforms from a lot of women. It's not personal, it's business."

She stood up and stretched. "If you want my help, I'll give it to you. But I won't do it for free. I charge a high price for my work, and I don't like to give discounts."

Carolyn didn't seem pleased with this, but she was in a desperate situation. "All right... How much?"

Adelaide's eyes gleamed. "How much can you afford?"

Carolyn scowled. "You can't do this to me..."

"I can," Adelaide replied. "I'm sorry, Carolyn, but you're not in any position to bargain here. You want your wife back, and I'm your best chance at helping you get her. And I promise, I will get her back... assuming you agree to my terms."

Carolyn bit her lip. "I... I would pay any price to have Atsuko back. I can't live without her. But... I don't know how much money I have..."

"I'll tell you what," Adelaide offered. "If you come with me on this assignment - help me through the rougher patches - I'll have no choice but to lower the price. Still expensive, but... more affordable."

"Join you?" Carolyn asked in surprise. "But... won't it be dangerous?"

Adelaide shrugged. "Could be... but she's your wife. Wouldn't you risk everything for her?"

Carolyn weighed her options for a moment, then nodded. "I... I would."

"Perfect." Adelaide could already hear the cash registers ringing in her head. "So we have a deal."

Carolyn nodded again, a bit nervously.

"So," Adelaide sat down at her computer. "Gina Caldwell... Let's do a bit of Googling... Aha! Looks like she owns a lavish yacht... down by the harbor. Spends a lot of her nights there. Heavy security... but it shouldn't be a problem..."


Gina Caldwell's yacht was indeed lavish, and anchored to a prime spot at the end of the city harbor. The gargantuan white cruiser floated silently on calm river waters, even as dozens of employees worked tirelessly within.

The expensive yacht was also highly secure, with armed guards stationed on the docks and around the yacht. Like many other female millionaires, Ms. Caldwell made a point to hire security guards who were mostly women. It was a good way to project an air of panache and avoid some of the personal liabilities often associated with male guards.

At this late hour, there were two security guards stationed on the harbor, by the ramp leading to the entranceway of the yacht. Both women were dressed in standard-issue olive-green button-down uniforms, with black boots and red berets. They were both armed with handguns and mace. The guard on the right had white skin, blue eyes, and cropped blonde hair; the guard on the left had tan skin, brown eyes, and ponytailed black hair.

It was a quiet night, following a quiet week, in the middle of a quiet month. The guards maintained their posts, but they appeared a bit bored while doing so.

Perhaps they would be more alert if they realized they were being watched...

From the alley behind a nearby warehouse, Adelaide squinted as she focused on the yacht.

"Target sighted," she whispered. "This shouldn't be too difficult."

"As long as we don't get arrested," Carolyn murmured beside her. "Those guards look pretty tough."

Adelaide chuckled. "I've face my share of tough security guards in my time, honey. They all think they're something special... till they meet me."

"Maybe there's another way to do this..." Carolyn said hesitantly. "I don't know if I'm ready for this."

"It was your idea to join me," Adelaide pointed out. "Besides... you look good in black."

Carolyn had indeed dressed in black stealth clothing, at Adelaide's suggestion, and had tied her red hair back in a bun. Adelaide had explained that it was important for women to keep long hair out of their eyes when on covert missions. She was also dressed and had her hair tied similarly.

Carolyn glanced down at the ground, where a small terrier was lying, chewing on a rubber bone.

"I still don't see why you had to bring your dog," she whispered.

"Duke? He's great," Adelaide replied. "Best friend a gal could have. And he's got to get out of the house once in a while. I figure it does no harm for him to help me out on an assignment now and then."

Carolyn looked at her strangely. "How is a dog going to help us get Atsuko back?"

Adelaide simply smiled. "Watch and learn."

The two guards continued to idle at their posts, listening to the waves of water brush against the nearby docks.

The blonde yawned.

"Past your bedtime, Peyton?" the brunette smirked.

The blonde gave her an irritated look. "Just bored, Teresa. You find this job exciting?"

"I find getting paid exciting," Teresa replied. "And Ms. Caldwell pays handsomely. Enough that I don't mind standing out here all night."

"But my leg's developing a cramp," Peyton groused. "If I don't get some exercise pretty soon, I'll freeze up like a statue."

Teresa sighed. "Calm down, drama queen... There are worse fates."

From the nearby alleyway, Adelaide grinned. The guard was about to realize the trueness of her words.

She knelt down by her dog and pointed at the blonde guard. "Okay, Duke... Fetch!"

The dog swiftly scurried out of the alley.

"What are you doing?" Carolyn hissed.

"Trust me," Adelaide replied, a subtle glint in her eye.

The blond guard looked up at the sound of a small and rapidly approaching animal.

"What the hell?"

The dog bounded up to her, and immediately began sniffing at her boots.

"Yuck!" Peyton shifted in annoyance. "Get away, you mangy creature!"

"Looks as though he likes you," Teresa chuckled.

"The feeling isn't mutual." Peyton wrinkled her nose. "Get out of here, you overgrown rat!"

In response, the dog began licking Peyton's boot. The annoyed guard yanked off her beret and began swatting at the dog.

"Get out of here! Shoo!"

Without warning, Duke grabbed her beret in his teeth and ran off, back towards the alley he came from.

"Aggressive little fella, ain't he?" Teresa smirked.

"Hey, bring that back!" Peyton left her post and hurried toward the alley. "I'm not in the mood to play games tonight."

The alley was dark and quiet. Peyton unclipped her flashlight and shined it on the ground. "Where are you, stupid dog?" she muttered, stepping into the alley.

In the glint of her light, she saw the beret, slightly bitten but none the worse for wear, lying on the ground. She sighed with relief and knelt down to pick it up.

"Ms. Caldwell would kill me if I lost any part of this expensive uniform," she murmured.

"Tough break," said a voice from behind her. "Because you're about to lose all of it."

Startled, Peyton tried getting to her feet - but she was abruptly tackled to the ground. The flashlight hit the pavement and broke, plunging the alley into darkness. Nothing could be seen, and only the sounds of punching and muffled squeals could be heard.

Moments after, all grew silent. Adelaide clicked on her own flashlight. "That was easy." She smiled down at her dog. "Good boy, Duke. An extra treat for you when we get home."

Carolyn looked down at the unconscious guard lying on the ground. "Did you have to be so rough with her?" she asked. "She's not really evil, you know..."

"She called Duke a stupid dog," Adelaide shrugged as she knelt down and began unbuttoning the woman's uniform. "I wouldn't call her a good person."

"But she was just doing her job," Carolyn replied. "Maybe you could have been a little more... gentle?"

Adelaide chuckled. "Such a sweet girl you are, Carol," she said. "I wish I could be 'gentle,' but this isn't a gentle world. This woman was angry and carrying a gun. I wasn't about to play nice with her."

Beneath the uniform, the guard wore a tangerine bikini bra and grey hiphuggers. Adelaide set the uniform atop a nearby crate to keep it clean.

"But..." Carolyn struggled to find the words. "I'm... not really a fighter. I don't know if I have the stomach - or the strength - for that kind of violence."

Adelaide rolled her eyes, then reached for her satchel. "Okay, little snowflake," she sighed. "I've got something that may help you."

She pulled out a small pouch and opened it. Inside was a bundle of damp white cloths.

"Absorbent rags, pre-soaked in chloroform," Adelaide explained.

Carolyn instinctively wrinkled her nose. "That smell..."

Adelaide grinned. "Yep... I thought you might recognize it. The same stuff I used to knock you out a few weeks ago."

Carolyn scowled. She didn't appreciate Adelaide's glibness, but she didn't want to press an argument. "And... the chloroform works?"

"Worked very well on you," Adelaide chuckled. "And it should do the job on Caldwell's goons as well."

At that moment, footsteps could be heard from outside the alley. "Peyton? Where'd you disappear to?"

Adelaide motioned for Carolyn to be quiet. "Let's give it a little test run, shall we?" she whispered.

Teresa approached the alley, a concerned look on her face. "Peyton? Did you catch your little playmate?"

She stepped into the dark alleyway. "Come on, we need to be back at our post..."

At that moment, the moon broke through the clouds above. In the dim light, Teresa could see a woman, lying faceup on the ground in her underwear.

Her eyes widened. "Peyton? Holy shmmmmpppphhh!"

She was yanked sharply backwards as a white cloth clamped over her mouth.

"Naptime," Adelaide said in a singsong voice, pinning the guard's arms to her sides. "Believe it or not, you're getting the 'gentle' treatment."

Frantically, Teresa tried to thrash about, but Adelaide held firm. Carolyn watched from nearby, unsure of what to say.

Briefly, Teresa's eyes darted toward Carolyn. The two women stared at each other for a moment. Carolyn could see the fear in Teresa's eyes, the shock and the confusion. This woman had no idea why she was being attacked; she was panicking even before the chloroform fumes took effect.

"It's... it's okay," Carolyn said softly. "We're not going to hurt you."

By now, the chloroform was taking effect, and Teresa's eyes were beginning to glaze over.

Carolyn kept talking - both to calm the guard and herself. "You'll be okay," she said. "I promise, this will all be over soon... Don't be scared."

The guard's eyes fluttered, and she slid back in Adelaide's grip.

Adelaide lowered the guard to the ground. "That was... interesting," she mused. "You're a real sweetheart, Carolyn."

Carolyn rubbed her arm. "I... I just didn't want her to freak out. She..."

"Sweethearts don't win," Adelaide interrupted. "They get killed." She looked up at Carolyn. "You need to toughen up, girlie. I don't want you to wind up dead."

Carolyn was a bit taken aback. "Well... thank you. I didn't know you were concerned for my safety."

"I'm concerned that a dead woman won't be able to pay me," Adelaide continued. "Now are you going to buck up? It only gets more dangerous from here."

Carolyn hesitated. But she immediately thought of poor Atsuko and nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry. I'll be tough."

"Good." Adelaide glanced down again at Teresa. "This one's about your size. Put on her uniform."

Despite her distaste for Adelaide's demeanor, Carolyn nodded again. She knelt down beside Teresa and began slowly unbuttoning her uniform.

Meanwhile, Adelaide produced a roll of tape from her handbag and began binding and gagging Peyton.

"Maybe hurry it up a little?" she urged Carolyn. "Someone might notice these guards missing. Stripping a woman of her clothes should be a quick and easy process."

"Okay, okay." Carolyn wasn't working very fast, but that was in part due to her mindset - she kept worrying about Atsuko, and what those kidnappers could do to her. And she was troubled by Adelaide's attitude - she didn't like the woman, and didn't trust her... but Adelaide was probably her best bet at getting her wife back.

Beneath her uniform, Teresa wore a grey sports bra and and beige boyshorts. The dull-colored underwear did little to improve Carolyn's mood.

Adelaide used the remaining tape to bind and gag the second guard alongside her friend. "Get dressed," she told Carolyn. "And make it fast."

Carolyn donned Teresa's uniform, which still felt warm from its prior owner. She laced up the boots and fitted the beret over her hair.

"Very nice," Adelaide smiled as she changed into Peyton's uniform. "You'd make a good security guard. At least a good-looking one."

"Please," Carolyn said stoically. "Stop trying to cheer me up."

Adelaide shrugged as she dusted down her disguise. "Whatever, Debbie Downer. Just trying to lighten the mood."

The real security guards were stored in a pair of metal trash cans. They began to wake up as Adelaide lowered their bodies into the cold metal cylinders.

"Have a nice night, girls," Adelaide smiled at the confused and angry women. "We'll take good care of your uniforms."

She turned to Carolyn. "All set?"

Carolyn felt the guard's gun in her holster. "I've... never used one of these before."

Adelaide sighed and held out her hand. "Give it."

She took the gun and emptied out the bullets before handing it back to Carolyn. "Here. It makes a useful prop, without the risk of you accidentally blowing your own foot off."

Carolyn nodded. She still didn't care for the feel of the weapon, but replaced it in her holster.

"Follow me," Adelaide said commandingly. She was already enjoying the new sense of authority the uniform seemed to afford her.

Carolyn followed, trying to mask her fear. She had to be strong... but as they neared the yacht, she could already sense that trouble lay ahead.
Last edited by tirepanted3 on Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows

Post by meditions142 »

Really great story so far Tirepanted. Loving it.

Some unique trickery used knock the various women out.

First off, Veronica being tricked into thinking Addison was just a drug addicted street person was fun. Love the image of Veronica being dragged off struggling and then getting the judo chop to knock her out.

Also cool is Clarice being tricked into checking on the car and getting another neck chop. Addison sure seems to like the neck chop as a way to knock a woman out.

Then the great idea of Peyton chasing after Adelaide's dog and right into a trap was fantastic. Pretty mean that Adelaide ended up being so rough on her.

Love too the knockout of Teresa. Good old chloroform. Love Carolyn trying to assure Teresa she will be alright as the chloro is putting her to sleep.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows

Post by rufusluciusivan »

I know you had informed us that short stories were on the way and would arrive soon, and yet I was still taken by surprise when this new story was posted. :lol: Though it was a pleasant surprise. And what comes next is an other one: I'm going to try a few relatively short stories over the next few months. Does it mean you're starting another period of activity? ;)

Would you believe me if I said I was also intending to post something today? (I swear it's a coincidence.) And yet I'm here, reading this new story instead of proof-reading. :lol: Maybe I'll wait a little while longer before posting then... My lazy inner-self thanks you! :lol:


Honestly, you're making my job hard. There's only so many ways I can praise the pace of your stories! :lol: I'm still fascinated by just how you're able to mix plot-related scenes and uniform stealing-related scenes while keeping a good pace AND without the uniform stealings looking contrived.
This introduction is a perfect illustration of my point: introduction of some of the key characters - a few uniform stealings to introduce the villains - the results of said uniform stealings: the triggering event of the story and the plot's exposition - then the introduction of Adelaide's character (the last main key player) in medias res which allows to feature an other uniform stealing - another plot-heavy scene with Carolyn and Adelaide to show the beginning of the team-up - and then the first step of the next big infiltration of the story.
I don't know if it recquires hours of meticulous planning or if it's something that comes to you naturally, but it works.

Poor Carolyn! The plot- I mean fate ( :lol: ) is cruel with her, forcing her again and again into a situation she doesn't like. Hopefully she won't become like Bobbie...

The return of Adelaide, a character towards whom I hold a strong dislike, but I think I've already mentioned it one previous time. The downsides of morally grey characters... Though I think it's also partly linked to her role in the story and the way the story is written around her. It's the same thing with Bobbie. The story never truly challenges their world-views, and they come out on top in evey conversation. Oh well, Adelaide still gets the job done, and her interactions with Carolyn are always interesting. Looking forward to see where this is going. It clearly adds a level of suspense and tension.

The real lumberjill was still sleeping - like a log. Honestly however, I don't know if I have to like Adelaide a little more or to hate her even more for that line. :lol: One thing is certain, you haven't lost your touch! ;)

There's some weird 'cycle of uniform stealing' at hand here. With women who were the victims of uniform stealings who want to have their revenge on their muggers... and become uniform stealers themselves. :lol: Perhaps a bit of a wasted opportunity that they are still criminals, because it takes off a great deal of the moral greyness, though that's just me nitpicking here. (They say they were on Steele's payroll, therefore I assume that they were complicit in her illegal activities.)

To conclude about the uniform stealings themselves, nothing much to say. Solid, as always. Plus, meditions summed up my thoughts, so my lazy inner-self is even more pleased! :lol: I appreciated the appearance of a lumberjill, a very rare (or even unique?) set of clothes.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows

Post by tirepanted3 »

Meditions: Thanks. :) I do aim for variety and uniqueness in these UB scenes.

I also try to make the different muggings reflect the women who commit them. For example, as you note, Addison enjoys using neck chops on her victims as a way of asserting her dominance. Adelaide has no qualms about being mean to her victims, as it's just part of the job to her. But Carolyn is more sympathetic and prefers that Adelaide use chloroform - and even then tries to comfort the victim.

Little details like this are a good way to both develop characters and provide variety in USB scenes, so I'm glad you like it.

Rufusluciusivan: Yes, I'm going to try to get back to a regular writing schedule over the next few weeks. No promises, but I do have some ideas that I've been itching to spin into full stories and it's about time I got them down on paper. Plus, it's an opportunity to explore some of the secondary characters in the series without necessarily having them get swept up in longer adventures.

I'm flattered you chose to read my story instead of proofreading your own. :lol: Still, whenever you choose to post your own story, I'll be eager to read it.

The planning of these stories - balancing the plot-related scenes with the uniform thefts - is not easy, but I keep trying to find new ways to tell them. It helps to start with a story that naturally lends itself to USB scenes - and with characters who regularly engage in deception, infiltration, and subterfuge. I also try not to spend too much time on the plot-linking scenes, unless they are key to developing characters. Other than that, I don't want too much time to pass between one uniform steal and the next.

Carolyn certainly has gone through a lot in the series... I don't like putting such a kindhearted girl through so much stress, but she's great fun to write. I don't see her becoming another Bobbi, but I can anticipate some changes in her future. :)

I can understand not liking Adelaide as a character - she's not very sympathetic, and her driving motivation is greed. I don't see her as a true villain, since she does not specifically set out to commit crimes, but she's certainly an antiheroine, with an unsympathetic outlook toward her victims, and a cynical take on the world at large.

That said, I do think you're being a little unfair in characterizing her as someone whose views are never challenged. She did take sympathy on Carolyn and Atsuko near the end of "Sisters in Arms," and even in this chapter, she reluctantly agrees to use chloroform on the second guard at Carolyn's request. Adelaide is not a good person, but she has more of a moral conscience than several of the villainesses in the series. Without spoiling too much, I hope this story will improve your outlook towards her. :)

I knew I had to put at least one terrible pun in this chapter, and the lumberjill provided good opportunity. :lol:

I do love the "uniform stealing cycle" that seems to crop up in these stories. I figure that some women are simply so humiliated by the experience of having their clothes stolen that they feel better by doing the same thing to other women. But that's just psychological speculation; perhaps Kelly and Addison just want the money without taking the risk involved.

I believe this is the first time a lumberjill has ever gotten her clothes stolen on this board. There are always new USB scenarios, just waiting to be discovered. :)
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Re: Strange Bedfellows

Post by rufusluciusivan »

The planning of these stories - balancing the plot-related scenes with the uniform thefts - is not easy, but I keep trying to find new ways to tell them. It helps to start with a story that naturally lends itself to USB scenes - and with characters who regularly engage in deception, infiltration, and subterfuge. I also try not to spend too much time on the plot-linking scenes, unless they are key to developing characters. Other than that, I don't want too much time to pass between one uniform steal and the next.
Your narrative tools surely work wonders. These in medias res introductions of your characters especially. But there's also your way of gauging the time that can pass between two USB scenes.
I can understand not liking Adelaide as a character - she's not very sympathetic, and her driving motivation is greed. I don't see her as a true villain, since she does not specifically set out to commit crimes, but she's certainly an antiheroine, with an unsympathetic outlook toward her victims, and a cynical take on the world at large.
I know some people on the board certainly like her, and I can see her appeal, but since we're talking personal opinions here...
That said, I do think you're being a little unfair in characterizing her as someone whose views are never challenged. She did take sympathy on Carolyn and Atsuko near the end of "Sisters in Arms," and even in this chapter, she reluctantly agrees to use chloroform on the second guard at Carolyn's request. Adelaide is not a good person, but she has more of a moral conscience than several of the villainesses in the series. Without spoiling too much, I hope this story will improve your outlook towards her. :)
True. I wasn't finely-shaded (nuanced?) enough in my opinion. I mostly meant challenged 'in a significant way'. She did take sympathy on Carolyn and Atsuko, but it didn't change anything on her behaviour, and as shown by the beginning of this story, it didn't have much of an impact on her either - since she has some trouble remembering Carolyn. She agreed to chloroform the second guard; but I'll be honest, before you pointed it out to me, I didn't realize it was supposed to be part of her character development. (Probably partly because the comment was an on-the-spot reaction.) Maybe it was too subtle for me? Though I personally think it's too subtle to be truly challenging - she doesn't make a huge concession either. On the other hand, it's a lot more realistic that way, so I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad thing. It's just me being unrealistically impatient. :lol:
And more importantly, I think what makes me dislike the character is the fact that she always comes out on top, she always wins. It's unfair towards her, and it's unfair towards the story because it's absolutely not a flaw. It's just me hating more and more seeing criminals or bad persons get away with what they do. I guess I'm tired of hearing it in the news. :P Probably also why I don't cut Bobbie or Bridget some slack like I did before. (Not saying they are evil persons or not complex, of course, but you get the idea of why I react that way when they're doing criminal actions or (in Bobbie's case) callous/cruel ones.) You could say I have evolved (like some sort of weird Pokémon? :lol: )

That being said, I'm always open to see where you go with your character developments because, as I said, your writing style makes them always natural. It's the plus side of being subtle. It makes the character's evolutions more realistic and fluid. So I'll eagerly wait to see how this story will end! I shall wait what you have in store for us, and then comment on the character development! Ah, the downsides of the instantaneous reactions of the Internet... :lol:
esercito sconfitto
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Re: Strange Bedfellows

Post by esercito sconfitto »

Adelaide is an unforgettable character and she made a great return; I hope she resumes her habit of robbing whole buses with plenty of cheerleaders in :D

but I have to say something also about the "moral" tension of so many protagonists of these stories , all the time caught in the fight between " good " or "evil" being aware of being in a "USB " story ...I love the interactions of these characters, ( even if I had to stop commenting each single new installment, merely for reasons of time) ... what I expect is more room for something that is not unusual in Tirepanted's tales ; a character motivated to be a clothes mugger because she feels good at doing it

yes, in the previous volume whe had the case of Bobbi, but from an early good attitude she almost derangered :o , again being unable to keep mugging other women "just for fun" ( or like a form of therapy ) ... well , Adelaide is more promising :)

Tirepanted, thanks for starting this new series!
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Re: Strange Bedfellows

Post by tirepanted3 »

Rufusluciusivan: Gauging the time between USB scenes is largely a matter of not letting the plots take too much prevalence in the story. I admire your unmatched ability to craft intricate plots and narrative world-building in the Utopia and Pakal series, but I've personally never been a plot-heavy writer. The things I put most of my focus on are compelling characters, fun dialogues, and memorable uniform thefts. Everything else is secondary, at least from my view. :)

I understand the issues you take with Adelaide, since she still largely comes off as callous and dismissive of Carolyn. I don't think it's a good idea to include bold, sweeping change to characters in each chapter; if they do change their outlooks and perspectives, better to do it slowly and subtly.

I get the frustration with morally questionable characters winning, or at least getting away with what they do. The thing is, in a series where most of the characters (both heroines and villainesses) regularly mug innocent women and steal their clothes, it's difficult to have any truly "good" people (except maybe some of the truly sympathetic ones, like Prema or Carolyn). Some of them will lose in due course, but by default others will win. (Plus, I think it adds some extra suspense if it's not always clear who is the hero, and who will win in the end. But that's just me.)

I will try to keep the pace in writing, as I know you are eager to see where the characters go from here. In the meantime, thanks for your thoughts. :)

Esercito: I don't know if Adelaide will resume her habit of kidnapping buses full of cheerleaders (or handball girls), especially after the trouble it's led to with Carolyn. The truth is, I recall the scene that introduced Adelaide (and Carolyn as the bus driver she mugged) in Volume 2 was added at your request to see a team of handball girls mugged for their uniforms. I wasn't sure if the characters would catch on, but I've enjoyed writing them enough to give them their own little "side series" (from "To Steal a Sports Team" to "Sisters in Arms" and now this). So thank you for the suggestion. :D

It is true that Adelaide has no qualms about mugging women for their clothes, and even mocks her victims while she does it. Though I don't know if she does it just "for fun" - it is part of how she makes her living. But I guess there are plenty of people who know how to have fun on the job. :)

Thanks for your feedback!
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Re: Strange Bedfellows

Post by rufusluciusivan »

I get the frustration with morally questionable characters winning, or at least getting away with what they do. The thing is, in a series where most of the characters (both heroines and villainesses) regularly mug innocent women and steal their clothes, it's difficult to have any truly "good" people (except maybe some of the truly sympathetic ones, like Prema or Carolyn). Some of them will lose in due course, but by default others will win. (Plus, I think it adds some extra suspense if it's not always clear who is the hero, and who will win in the end. But that's just me.)
If I may add one final thought on this topic and then I promise I'll leave it at that ;) , it would be that in my opinion, this is precisely where the heavier plot can play a big part. Indeed, the same actions won't have the same connotations depending on the context: Mugging innocent women for various self-centered/selfish/personal reasons isn't the same as mugging innocent women for the end goal of toppling a totalitarian oppressive government or stopping the leaders of a highly aggressive nation whose plans involve raping a woman for years to breed a small squad of super-powered soldiers. Indeed, it will add some extra suspense, but I think it's a double-edged sword: as it can desensitize readers in even caring that one group succeeds.
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Re: Strange Bedfellows

Post by tirepanted3 »

I understand how a heavier plot can come into play from that perspective. I guess I prefer villains who are more down to earth over "evil empire" types. I love villains who are human and vulnerable - and besides, it makes it easier for them to get involved in the uniform thefts as well. ;)

Regarding the possible desensitization of readers, I think we've discussed that before. I've been writing stories for a long while, and I've never had people take major issue with that. I try to maintain enough of a difference in character outlooks and goals so that it is clear that one side is more "good" than the other, but at the same time, I find it interesting to challenge the morals of the various characters, both protagonists and antagonists. That's all part of the excitement of writing. :)
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Re: Strange Bedfellows

Post by Trackman281 »

Now I avoided all the other comments and everything, so I've avoided all spoilers, okay, let's enjoy this new story of yours. :D

Hahaha! I'm sold already by just this opening line. Atsuko, listening to "Barbie Girl"? Oh heck yes, I can tell this story is going to make me smile. :D

Speaking of which, I really do hope that Toshiko appears in some capacity at some point in one of your future short stories, as I must admit. I've been wondering what she's been doing for ages and hopefully one day I'll find out. :D

Awe, that was sweet seeing Atsuko making plans with her wife (Carolyn), damn it, you know I can be a sucker for romance, so this small scene automatically gets my approval. :D

Brilliant scene here with Addison and Veronica. If I'm being honest here, I've always been slightly envious of the way your able to craft these kind of USB scenes. You just have such a brilliant knack of crafting wonderful and memorable scenes. From the way you describe the knock out and even the way you describe the stripping for instance. "The minutes passed by quietly. Slowly, the final rays of the sun receded, as evening gave way to nightfall. Finally, the blonde arose from behind the trash cans, knotting the black uniform tie around her neck. She had already buttoned up the shirt, pulled on the pants, and laced up the shoes." You don't just simple write things like "she stripped her and that was that" sort of scenes. I like these little real touches. I even remember that in your previous stories as well and I just really enjoy them. :D

And then you do it again with the next scene featuring Kelly stripping the chauffeur. I loved the way of how Kelly actually felt the need to climb into the boot with the chauffeur, close it, then strip her. No wonder she was a bit sweaty when she came out, that must have been somewhat difficult haha. Honestly, I've said it once, but damn it, I'll say it again. I love the way you craft scenes like this. It's just utter perfection and I love it! :D

I really enjoyed the scene afterwards with Kelly, Addison and Atsuko. This scene was nice as it allowed us to know just what happened to Kelly and Addison after their previous run in Atusko and the others, but it also allowed us to see Atsuko's caring side towards her wife, and of course, as I'm sure we all know by now. Atsuko really does love her wife and only wants to keep her safe, it's these little moments that really make me feel for the characters. :D

I also really enjoyed the following scene with Carolyn, naturally worrying for her wife, because we've all been there of where we hear from someone saying they'll only be a few minutes, and then it turns into hours and we haven't heard from them and naturally we start to worry. I just really like these little details which show the human side to your characters and makes us connect with them. You've always had a tremendous way of doing this, and I hope you believe me when I say that it truly shines through here. :D

Oh wow! Adelaide has returned! 8-) This is amazing an what a way to bring her back, taking down Irene, a lumberjill. Which by the way, I bow to you as once again you've discovered a brand new uniform / profession that has never been used in a USB scene before, so I thank you greatly for that. I love Adelaide to the point of where her body movements and her skills is actually what gave me inspiration behind my character "The Puppeteer" as I just really enjoy Adelaide skill set. So I love it, that she has returned. :D
The real lumberjill was still sleeping - like a log

I see it, I see what you did there. Hahahaha! :lol: ;)

Plus to round it all off, we get to see Duke the dog make a welcomed comeback, and it seems he still hasn't remembered the last time his mum came home wearing another woman's clothes. Don't worry Adelaide, I'm sure he'll get used to it one day. 8-)

Hahaha, I also loved the news interview too. I really liked the way that Josie was still wearing her SWAT disguise from before and was just immediately picked up on that. :lol: Plus I enjoy the little continuity nods as well, such as Chen's fate, of where it's still left to our imaginations as to her fate.......Hhhmmmm. But I really enjoyed this little segment as you managed to add that famous little level of comedy to it, that I only get from your works, it's great. :D

I enjoyed the rest of the scene with Carolyn and Adelaide naturally. It really highlighted Adelaide's personality and that she still hasn't changed, and that's just the way we like her. I enjoyed these moments of having characters just interact. I think you did a really good job here and I personally think that apart from the USB scenes naturally, this will probably be one of my favourite scenes throughout this short story of yours. :D

Wow! Okay, this next scene had everything. For instance.........

1. I loved the way Duke was used as a ploy to lure Peyton away from her post so Adelaide can ambush her and knock out, seriously, this idea was just sheer genius and I loved it.

2. I really liked Carolyn's observation about Peyton was only just doing her job and wondered why Adealide had to be so rough with her, with Carolyn being the victim of muggings before, this is perfectly understandable and it makes her character seem that more sympathetic and I really liked it.

3. I liked the way Peyton said of how the boss would kill her if she had lost all of her uniform, then of course, cue the missile guided karma.......These poor guards, you think they'd learn when it comes to saying certain things, but oh well. Plus I do like it when stuff like this happens, very well done.

4. Heck yeah, how dare she call Duke a stupid dog! I fully support Adelaide on this one. :lol:

5. While Adelaide's takedown of Teresa was of course very enjoyable, I do want to point out that I thought Carolyn actually stole the scene here. The way she felt the need to reassure Teresa that everything was going to be fine and that she promised no harm would come to her in a gentle voice. I just really enjoyed this little segment and it really stood out to me.

Whoa. I wasn't it expecting to end so soon, damn it, now I want more! :D

I really did enjoy this, you really did push out the boat here with your story writing. Now I personally enjoyed this more plot heavy story of yours, because I understand. You needed to let us all know just whats at stake here and I'm sure you know, I really do enjoy the more plot heavy stories anyway, so this was a win / win for me. As always, you forever raise the bar by discovering new uniforms to steal and new ways to produce knock out scene and tactics and I just simply don't know how you do it. It's just incredible. :D

I can't wait to see the next part of this story, because this is yet another fantastic story that has me completely hooked (no pun intended because of the yacht), and I just want to know what happens next, and besides, Adelaide is back and she is ready to show us all as to why she is one of the best. :D 8-)
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