Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)—Alternate Ending

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esercito sconfitto
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Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)—Alternate Ending

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Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea--Alternate Ending

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)—Alternate Ending

by Cardenio1611

The film starred Walter Pigeon as Adm. Harriman Nelson; Barbara Eden as Lt. Cathy Connors; Joan Fontaine as Dr. Susan Hiller; Robert Sterling as Cpt. Lee Crane; and Peter Lorre as Comm. Lucius Emery. We pick up during one the many arguments between Dr. Hiller and Adm. Nelson in the control room of the submarine Seaview about his plan to detonate an atomic bomb and blow up the radiation belt that is affecting the earth. Hiller is wearing a sweater, white shirt, and black slacks. Cathy is wearing light blue blouse and slacks.

“You’re wrong, Dr. Hiller, you’re wrong! Again and again, you are wrong!” Nelson shouts.

“I tell you that you cannot detonate the missile!”

“Rubbish,” he said and turned away from her.

“Well!” Hiller sniffs. “It’s like talking to the Rock of Gibraltar.” She turns to Cathy. “Could I see you in the infirmary for a moment?”

“Are you all right?”

“Yes, it’s just—“ and when she hesitated Cathy immediately assumed she was talking about “women’s problems,” just as Hiller knew she would.

“Of course,” Cathy said, leading her out of the control room. “By the way, have you lightened your hair?”

Hiller laughed, “Oh, just a bit, I admired your blonde color so.”

Cathy entered the infirmary first and went straight for the table when her disinfectant was. Hiller closed the door—and locked it.

As she was rubbing the lotion in her hands, Cathy started to say, “Now if you would just loosen your—“

Before Cathy could finish, Hiller hit her with a karate shop right behind the ear. Cathy’s mouth opened and her eyes closed at the same time, and she fell in a lump at Hiller’s feet. Hiller knelt down, picked up Cathy’s shoes and dragged her a few feet where the area was more open. Then she knelt again and removed Cathy’s sneakers.

“Sorry about this, Cathy,” Hiller said, and in speaking her voice was lower and had an unmistakable Russian lilt. “But I have suddenly realized that you are able to get into places on the Seaview that I cannot, and you can do it with the admiral’s trust and encouragement. So I must have your clothes.”

She undid Cathy’s black tie and unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a white bra barely containing Cathy’s ample breasts and a taut, Navy-fit belly. Pulling the blouse off, she then unbuttoned the slacks and pulled them down and off. But she continued, unfastening the bra and pulling off the panties with Cathy’s serial number stamped on them. Hiller then stood and started to remove her own clothes.

“You may wonder why I need your underwear. I have no plans for anyone to see me undressed, but you do not know how things will turn out. I had a colleague who infiltrated a gulag and became attached to a dissident we were watching. She escaped with him, went with him to Paris, they started to undress, and then he blew her brains out when he saw her wearing underwear much too fine for a woman in a gulag.” She slipped on Cathy’s panties. “Experience teaches you, you know.”

Dressed only in Cathy’s underwear, Hiller reached into her sweater and produced from the pocket a small container, a plastic spoon, and an aerosol can. She then squatted on Cathy’s middle. “First, I need this,” she said, unfastening Cathy’s identity tags from her neck and placing them around hers. “Then your engagement ring and watch. And finally, your face.” She opened the container, spread the goo inside on Cathy’s face until it covered it, and then got up. “While you dry, I will dress.”

Hiller finished putting on Cathy’s clothes except for the tie. She reached down and tapped the goo, which had hardened into a mask. She took it off Cathy’s face, picked up the aerosol can, and sprayed the flesh-colored contents into the mask. It dried instantly. Hiller removed the mask of Cathy’s face, went into the head, and used its mirror. She put it on her face, pushed it in place, pressed it down firm, and then used the lipstick and rouge in Cathy’s pocket. She looked at the mirror again and saw Cathy.

Pleased, she walked out—and saw Cathy struggling up. “What—what happened?” the naked nurse was saying. Quickly, Hiller opened a cabinet, found the chloroform, applied it to Cathy’s handkerchief, and then placed it over Cathy’s mouth. She sagged back and fell again onto the floor.

“I could have used that in the first place, but I no time,” Hiller said. She left it on Cathy’s mouth for another few seconds while she put on Cathy’s tie, then hauled her up and over to the only cot in the room. She covered Cathy with a sheet and pulled the curtain shut.

“I am sorry, dear. But at least you will not feel anything,” Heller said to the curtain and herself. “But I must complete my mission. And if I cannot convince Nelson not to detonate the missile, then it and all of us must be destroyed.”

Adm. Nelson looked up as Cathy appeared to reenter the control room. “Dr. Heller is not feeling well,” Hiller said in a higher voice, Cathy’s voice. “I gave her a sedative—“

Nelson actually beamed. “No great loss. In fact, Cathy, you have clearance, can you assist Lee in readying the missile?”

This time Cathy beamed. Her mission would be completed.

esercito sconfitto
Posts: 7148
Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:06 pm

Re: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)—Alternate Ending

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