" The Infiltration- A Silenced Sentry Story " by Meditions

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esercito sconfitto
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" The Infiltration- A Silenced Sentry Story " by Meditions

Post by esercito sconfitto »

Ryan and Rachael were employed by as private contractor that conducted shadow projects for a mysterious government agency. Ryan was in his late 40ies with nearly 30 years’ experience. Rachael was only 28 and was hired for her computer skills but had recently been moved to field operations that involved computer issues.
Their employer would be hired to do the jobs that could not be done out in the open by the government. They were currently on such a mission.
They were required to infiltrate a research facility deep in the woods. It was supposed to be a perfume research and development company owned by a wealthy woman. However, this masked its real purpose which was developing chemical formulas that could be manufactured by rouge states to make chemical weapons. The true nature of the work was so secretive all but a few employees knew of the company’s real business.
The owner also, in perhaps a nod to the cover story of what the company was supposed to do, hired only women to work for her. This included the security staff which was exclusively attractive young women in their late teens to late twenties. Seven of the security guards should be the only ones there late at night. Ryan and Rachael would need to eliminate them to complete their job of downloading the data and then destroying the lab.
They had already had the home office hack the security system so the guards assigned to monitor the cameras would see a loop that would show nothing out of the ordinary. The hackers had also disabled all alarm buttons so that if one of the guards managed to hit one of the buttons before she was neutralized the others would not be alerted.
Ryan and Rachael wore black clothing to hide in the dark. Ryan also carried a bag containing multiple tools to deal with the sentries. Ryan was also skilled with various martial arts and could use those skills on his victims as needed.
With night vision googles guiding them through the dark, they crossed the wooded area to the perimeter of the facility. They approached the guard shack at the main gate.
Through the goggles, they observed the two guards assigned to the shack. They were both women in their early twenties. One had dark brown hair, which hung long with pretty dark hazel eyes. Her name was Kenze according to the name badge on her uniform.
The other girl had light brown hair which also hung just past her shoulders. She had pretty blue eyes. Her name was Michelle according to her name badge.
Both girls had nice, pert B cup breasts and nice slim bodies. Michelle was about 5’8” height while Kenze was 5’6”. While Michelle had a more girl-next-door look to her, Kenze was more pretty in a sexy way. Their uniforms consisted of a light blue shirt tucked into a pair of black pants and a dark blue tie around their necks. Despite the fact the uniforms resembled a traditional guard uniform, they had been tailored in such a way as to still show off the girls’ bodies quite nicely.
Rachael and Ryan watched as Michelle stepped out of the shack and began to make her rounds circling the perimeter of the fence. This left Kenze all alone. When Michelle was out of sight, Ryan pulled what looked like a target pistol from his bag and moved in stealth-like mode toward the shack containing unsuspecting girl. He sidled up alongside the building, staying just underneath the windows. He peeked up in the window. He was pleased to see that Kenze was not paying much attention to things. She had picked up a women’s magazine and was flipping through, absent mindedly twirling her dark brown hair with one finger. Ryan ducked back down and chuckled to himself hoping the rest of the guards were as dumb as this one. Not that she could probably have defended herself against Ryan’s skills anyway, but her carelessness had clearly sealed her fate.
As the gorgeous young brunette flipped past articles about how to do up your eyelashes, how to satisfy your man, workout tips, etc., Ryan was slowly moving into position. He reached the door and again peered in the window. Perfect. Kenze was still paying no attention.
Ryan quietly opened the door, just enough to aim his pistol barrel through the opening. Kenze did not notice this. Before the pretty young guard ever had the chance to raise her head from the fashion magazine or know she was in danger, Ryan fired.
A dart shot from the weapon and hit Kenze in her upper left breast. She let out a gasp, dropped the magazine and looked down to see the dart sticking out of her chest. She started to try to get up out of her chair but couldn’t do so as the powerful drug was beginning to impact her nervous system. It appeared she was trying to cry out but no words came out. Several seconds passed before the guard’s sexy body slumped down in her chair, her pretty hazel eyes rolled back and her eyelids fluttered shut. She slipped off to dreamland with a soft, sexy moan. Kenze’s guard duty was over for the night.
Ryan entered the shack. He looked down at Kenze’s unconscious body for a moment. “Boy you’re a lousy guard” he said. He then lifted the guard out of her chair and moved her limp, unresisting body out of view. As he laid her down he brushed her hair out of the way and checked her pulse just to make sure she had not had a bad reaction to the drug. The one problem with fast acting sedatives, they can sometimes have unwanted results. Ryan was pleased to find a slow, steady pulse. The sentry was deeply unconscious but very much alive. Ryan was pleased. He preferred to not kill young women unless he had no choice. He brushed his hand over her check admiring how pretty she was and stood up.
He signaled Rachael to stay out of sight. She took cover and when she glanced back, Ryan was no longer at the shack and disappeared from view.
A few minutes later Michelle reappeared from the other side of the building and made her way back toward the shack. As she approached the down, she stopped in her tracks when she noticed her partner was not at her post. A look of confusion came over her pretty face. She turned and looked around the area. Before she could do anything else, Ryan rose up out from behind a bush, raised the pistol and fired. The dart hit the startled young guard in her neck before she had a chance to do anything other than gasp in shock and seeing Ryan appear.
Michelle let out an “ahh” as the dart struck and she reached for her neck. There was nothing she could do. The dart had instantly injected its powerful drug into her blood stream. After a few moments she had the same reaction Kenze had. She moaned, her beautiful blue eyes rolled back and her eyelids fluttered shut. She was asleep before her body even began to fall.
Ryan moved toward her and caught the brunette before she hit the ground, checked her pulse and then returned her to the shack. He laid her out of sight next to Kenze’s body. Ryan stood up and took a moment to survey the two sleeping beauties. He spoke out load to the two deeply sedated brunettes. “Sorry girls. Hated to do that to you but you were in my way.” He then called Rachael to come to the guard shack.
Rachael entered the room. She sucked in a little breath. Even though she knew what to expect, and that the women were only knocked out, nonetheless, due to lack of field experience, seeing the two bodies on the floor was somewhat shocking to Rachael. These sentries were just innocent girls younger than she was. They were clueless to who they really worked for. While she knew the plan had been to not kill them, she couldn’t help but feel they didn’t deserve what was done to them.
The takedown was so methodical and quick. Neither of the inexperienced, naïve young female guards ever stood a chance. Rachael knew Ryan had been doing missions like this for years. She couldn’t help but be amazed by his skill. While Michelle had seen the danger at the last second, she was unable to do anything about it. Kenze had not even had a chance to know she was in danger until the dart hit her. It really was amazing how easily the two young women had been taken out.
Ryan turned to Rachael who still stood staring at the unconscious girls. “Those two little honeys will be out for at least ten to twelve hours even if someone tries wake them up. It’s a pretty powerful sedative. No need to tie them up. However, they could be discovered so we should move fast.”
This statement snapped Rachael out of her blank stare at Ryan’s two victims. She looked at him.
But they’ll be okay, right?” she asked.
“Oh yea, they’ll wake up with slight headaches, and will be a bit groggy and disoriented for a while. Aside from that and having no memory of what happened to them, they’ll be fine.”
Ryan then said “You know, I know we’re in a hurry but the one on the left (referring to Kenze) looks pretty much your size. While it will not fool anyone up close, from a distance, if you’re dressed in the uniform it might trick one of these bimbo guards. You’ll be (he looked at the name badge) ‘Kenze’ for the rest of the mission”
“You want me to put her cloths on?” Rachael asked with a tone that showed the concept bothered her.
“Sure. I’ll wait outside while you change” he said.
As he walked out a smile started to form on Rachael’s face as she started to get into the excitement of the mission. She kneeled down next to the pretty, dark haired girl and said “Well Kenze, I hope you wore your bra and panties to work so you’ll have some modesty left.”
With that, she began undoing the tie. After the tie was off she plucked the dart out of the girl’s left breast and tossed it aside. Next, she began to unbutton Kenze’s shirt. As she did so, though she was fully heterosexual, Rachael felt a little tinge of excitement at the process of stripping the sexy brunette. As the shirt fell open as buttons were released a black with red polka dot bra was revealed. Rachael couldn’t help but think the bra was oddly racy for being worn under a guard uniform.
Assuming the racy bra was chosen for someone (other than Rachael of course) to see, and getting more into the excitement of her mission, she said to the deeply unconscious Kenze “Hot date tonight sweetie? Shame you’ll sleep through it and I’ll be the one seeing that sexy bra not him” she said with a slight giggle. She then noticed Kenze’s nipples were hard. Rachael couldn’t help but wonder if something about the drug Ryan had used might have had a slightly stimulating effect on the two young victims.
After the exposed buttons were undone, she released Kenze’s belt so she could undo the buttons below the beltline. The belt contained a small pistol, a radio and a Taser. All had utterly failed to protect Kenze from her fate.
She then lifted Kenze by her shoulder into a sitting position. At first Kenze’s head fell back but then slumped forward and to the right. Rachael then proceeded to take off the shirt and belt and place them to the side.
Then without thinking it through she simply let go of the shoulder she was holding. This of course caused Kenze’s upper body to fall back. Her head hit the low pile office type carpet with a soft thud.
Rachael remarked sheepishly “Oh, gosh, sorry. That sure won’t help your headache when you wake up.”
She then unzipped Kenze’s low rise, flat soled uniform boots to expose white socks. The boots where placed to the side. Now time for the pants. She undid the zipper and button and started sliding them over the guard’s slim hips. As she did, her one hand brushed the girl’s mons pubis. Rachel blushed a bit. Sliding the pants down revealed a pair of sexy panties that matched the bra.
After she had the pants down a bit she took the legs of the uniform pants to lift Kenze’s legs up enough to allow her to slide the pants off. As they came off the girl’s legs feel back to the ground. Rachael was amazed that the girl was so deeply under that she didn’t so much as stir while she was being stripped.
Rachael stood up and looked down at the young woman she had just stripped. She couldn’t help but admire Kenze’s body. As she was getting into the excitement of the mission and the guilt she felt earlier was gone. These two girls, one of which she had just been left half naked, were the enemy, innocent or not. They had to be neutralized.
She then proceeded to dress in the discarded uniform tossing her now unneeded infiltration suit away. The uniform fit Rachael’s slim frame well. Albeit the fact her breasts were a good bit bigger than Kenze’s caused the front of the uniform to stretch a bit.
When she finished she quietly called to Ryan. “Come on in and take a look.”
When Ryan entered the booth Rachael struck an exaggerated pose and said “How do I look?”
Ryan responded “Ever bit a bimbo guard. However, unfortunately your blonde hair isn’t going to trick anyone into thinking you’re one of these two” looking to the two sleeping girls. His eyes then focused on and openly ogled the bra and panty clad Kenze. “Good work” he said to Rachael without taking his eyes off the young dark haired girl.
Rachael gave him a contemptuous look and said, with a slightly annoyed tone “Come on, let’s go. We need to be quick, remember.”
With that, they left the back door of the guard shack which lead to the other side of the fence. Kenze and Michelle were now alone to continue their long, deep slumber.
As then exited into the expansive front yard of the facility Ryan said “The only downside to you being in the guard uniform is that you will not blend into the dark as much so hang back in the shadows.” Staying in the bush line along the fence, they started looking around and could see into the lobby through the large glass door and windows. At the security desk inside the lobby they could see two girl guards sitting at the security desk. However, neither girl seemed likely to notice them as they were both staring at the monitors they were tasked with watching. Obviously, neither girl was smart enough to realize that she was looking at a video loop.
Rachael, who was scanning the area then tapped Ryan on the shoulder and nodded to the right. When Ryan looked he saw a lone sentry approaching. “You stay here” he said.
As the girl passed in front of the doors she looked in and seeing the two guards at their posts continued on her way. She soon passed by where Ryan and Racheal hid. As she did Ryan sized her up. Maybe coming up with a plan. Maybe just admiring.
The girl was dressed exactly like first two guards. Well, actually, not like the way Kenze was dressed at the moment. Her name badge read Nadya.
Nadya was an 18 year old new hire. That was why she was assigned the least desirable job of walked the inside grounds all night.
However, Nadya fit her role as a sentry better than the two girls Ryan had so easily been dealt with at the guard shack. Nadya was tall, nearly 6 feet. She also had a curvy size 6 body that looked strong. Clearly she fit the role of a guard better than the two medium height, slim sleepyheads.
Despite these proportion however Nadya’s body was still very sexy and well proportioned. She had dirty blonde hair with icy blue eyes. Like the other girls, her breasts where not large but nicely shaped.
Given Nadya’s potential, Ryan had decided against just darting her. He liked a challenge. This would give him a chance to use his martial arts skills. Albeit, in reality, this young, inexperienced and relatively untrained young girl really wouldn’t be any match for him. In realty she didn’t stand any more of a chance than the two now-unconscious booth guards.
Rachael watched in impressed silence as Ryan made his move. He quietly ran forward and got in step behind Nadya. The girl heard nothing and remained blissfully unaware of what was about to happen to her. At the last moment she started to turn her head, perhaps sensing Ryan’s presence. He never gave her a chance to fully look behind her. Rachael watched as Ryan hand, in a loose fist, shot out connecting with the barely legal sentry’s neck.
The reaction was instantaneous. Nadya started to fall backward. With the night vision googles zoomed in, Rachael could see the girl’s fingers twitching. “Oh my God, what did he do to her? Rachael thought to herself.
She watched as the tall girl feel back towards Ryan. Ryan caught her and held her up by grabbing her on both sides of the neck. Rachael could see Ryan’s fingers moving as he held on to the guard’s neck almost as if he were giving her a massage. Rachael’s confusion grew. What on Earth was he doing?
After a minute or so, Ryan released the neck and as the body began to fall he hooked his arms under the guard’s armpits. Ryan than quickly dragged her back behind the bushes where Rachael was still hiding.
Rachael looked at him “Di . . . Did you just kill her?”
Ryan finished laying Nadya down on her back and said “Of course not. I just knocked her out.” Ryan wanted to impress his young female colleague so he continued. “It is a little martial arts move I learned years back. First, I jabbed a nerve cluster in her neck with the knuckle of my middle finger. The effect temporally paralyzed her. Then, I went to work on putting her to sleep. I worked her carotid arteries and pushed them mostly closed. Her body thought her blood pressure spiked so the flow of blood was reduced significantly to her brain. At the same time I caressed her Vagus nerve. The way I did it, her heart slowed down. Now even less blood was getting to her brain. After a bit the lack of blood and the oxygen it carries caused her brain to basically start to shut down. Our lovely young guard was off to sleep.”
“That’s some talent.” Replied Rachael.
“Yea it is. It’s dangerous however. If I did it slightly wrong, or held it too long, it would have given her brain damage or even killed her. However, I’m pretty sure I got it right and didn’t cause any brain damage. Not that she looks like a rocket scientist anyway.”
“Give me my bag”. Rachael handed it to him. He pulled out a syringe. “Thing is, the effect doesn’t last long. I need to make sure she stays asleep. This has the same stuff that’s in the darts. She’ll sleep like a baby for the rest of the night.”
With that Ryan injected the sentry in her neck which still had red marks from where his fingers had been doing their insidious magic. Nadya jerked a bit from the pinch but sighed and settled back, her body seeming to melt as the drug took effect on her.
While Nadya was being dealt with, inside the lobby, oblivious to what had happened to three of their fellow employees, the two desk guards chatted to pass the time. The one girl was Kristina. She was 5’9” with a shapely toned body and large D cup breasts. She had wavy brown hair with blonde steaks that hung long down her back. She had hazel eyes and was in her early twenties.
The other guard was Jamie. She too was in her early twenties. She was a couple inches shorter than Kristina but had a similar build. However, her breasts were not has big. She had blue green eyes and long medium dark brown hair that, at the moment, was tied in a bun at the back of her head.
“So” said Jamie “how’s the wedding planning going?” Kristina smiled. She wore an engagement ring and had a bride magazine at her station.
“Great. We got the place all taken care of and I think the food picked out.”
“He keeps saying however once we’re married he wants me to quit working here. He says ‘being a night guard is too dangerous.’”
“Yea, like anything ever happens around her.” Jamie replied. Both girls laughed. Of course, why do guards say things like that? As soon as they do their doomed.
As they continued their chat, Rachael and Ryan snuck up to the side of the door. Had the cameras been working they’d have been seen. However, the pretty, but incompetent, guards had still not realized they were being tricked by the camera loop and had no clue what was happening.
Rachael used the pass card in the pocket of her stolen shirt to open the door just a crack. Maybe had the guards been more attentive to their duty they would have noticed. However, as they were seemingly only worried about their conversation they were doomed. There would have normally been a beep when the door opened but the hackers had dealt with that.
As the door opened Ryan rolled a rubber ball into the room and Rachael quietly closed the door behind. The two dim witted guards didn’t notice this either. The ball finished its journey by bumping into the security desk which triggered it to go off. When it did, it burst open and a grey puffing smoke shot out.
Because of the type of work conducted in the facility, the vent systems could be sealed to specific rooms. The hackers, knowing this was the plan, had made it so the reception area was isolated. The gas had now where to go. It would stay in there thick and therefore fully fill both guards’ lungs quickly.
The gas however would still take time to do its job. Both Kristina and Jamie stared in utter disbelief as the gas enveloped them. As it did, they began coughing. This reaction only meant they sucked in more of it. Both guards desperately tried to do something to alert someone about what was happening. Jamie went for the alarm button. Of course nothing happened.
Meanwhile Kristina went for the intercom microphone which in theory would broadcast through speakers in the guard shack and the rest of the building. The hackers back at the office had already made sure that didn’t happen.
Kristina desperately called into microphone between coughs “Alert . . . alert . . . we’re under attack. Help.” None of this was of course broadcast.
Jamie continued to try to make the button work until her hand slid off it as her face and upper body slumped to the desk top. As this happened the chair rolled back and she slid off the desk, slumping to the floor where she first landed on her side before rolling onto her back. As this was happening her coughing slowed and her eyes flutter shut. She was gone.
Moments later Kristina lost her battle with the gas and she succumb too. Her hazel eyes rolled back as her eyelids fluttered closed. She collapsed forward out of the chair and landed draped perpendicularly over Jamie’s lifeless body.
Rachael and Ryan entered just in time to watch the second guard fall. They wore small respirators connected to little oxygen bottles.
Ryan and Rachael looked at the two guards. Ryan said “I know it will take time but we need to get them out of here. I’m afraid that the fire and smoke could end up killing them before the fire suppression stops it.”
Ryan hooked his hands under Kristina’s armpits and picked her up and began dragging her to the door. Rachael followed dragging Jamie under the armpits. They dragged them across the lawn. They deposited the two pretty young women in the bushes next to Nadya. They both confirmed by checking the pulses the girls had survived the gassing and then stood up. As they stood up, Ryan said “The gas should keep them out as long, or even longer, than the drug. It will also have the same memory erasing effect so they’ll have no idea what happened to them.”
Rachael and Ryan returned to the control room still wearing their masks. Ryan radioed headquarters and had the hackers restore the cameras so they could confirm their intelligence was correct. It seemed to be. The cameras showed just two more guards left. One standing by the door to the lab and one on her patrol route around the building.
“Alright, so only two guards to go” said Ryan. He then said to Rachael “Now, the bosses want you to get some more training so they want me to let you take one out. That one on patrol should be easy.”
Rachael looked worried “I’m not really sure . . .”
Ryan cut her off. “You’ll do fine. Here” he pulled out a rag and bottle “just chloroform her and it will be easy. Just soak this rag, sneak up behind her, wrap one are around her upper body so she can’t use her arms or get away and just keep the rag over her nose and mouth. It will take a minute or so but then she’ll pass out.”
“I practiced it in training but never for real. Is it really a good idea?” Rachael asked.
Ryan responded “I’ll watch on the monitors. If you get in trouble I’ll be there to help.”
“Fine” Rachael responded. She headed off leaving her respirator on the floor by the lobby door.
As they had been watching on the monitors Rachael was able to calculate when she could meet up with the patrolling guard. It worked perfectly and soon Rachael was standing in the shadows of an alcove waiting for the girl to pass.
The girl was adorable. Early twenties, dark red shoulder length hair. A sexy petite body with round C cup breasts. Pretty hazel eyes. Rachael waited for her to approach.
If the girl had been smarter or better trained she would have checked the alcove. She didn’t. As the sentry passed the alcove Rachael leapt out. She successfully wrapped her arm around the girl’s upper body pinning her arms and easily clapped the rag over her face. The guard struggled as best she could, her cries being muffled by the rag.
Rachael held fast. She looked at the girl’s name tag. “Just relax Stacy. Don’t fight it. Just go to sleep.”
Stacy continued to struggle but with every passing moment the struggles slowed. The heavy breathing resulting from her struggles actually causing her to breath in more of the fumes. After about a minute the struggles had become nothing more than a soft swaying. The cries had become quiet moans. Rachael could tell her embrace was the only thing keeping Stacy on her feet.
Soon enough Stacy’s eyes closed and with a soft sigh all movement stopped. Rachael waited a moment to make sure the redhead was fully out and then removed the cloth. She then hooked her arms under Stacy’s armpits and dragged her back to the door to the lobby. She laid her down so she could put her respirator back on and then finished dragging Stacy’s limp and lifeless body into the lobby.
“Great work. See, you’re a pro” Ryan said. “Thanks” replied Rachael.
Ryan then walked over and gave the sleeping Stacy an injection to keep her asleep.
“I’ll take her out and put her with the others.” Ryan said.
“No. She’s mine. Let me do it” said Rachael.
“Suit yourself.” Ryan said.
Rachael then left to drag Stacy’s body to be hidden with the others. The experience of overpowering and knocking out the young guard had increased Rachael’s excitement. The trill was something she had never experienced.
She laid Stacy down with the others. She then knelt down next to her. She ripped open the uniform shirt sending buttons flying. This revealed Stacy’s ample breasts contained by a floral bra. Like pretty little Kenze, Stacy’s nipples were hard. Was this from the drug? Or perhaps had being overpowered somehow turned Stacy on? Rachael could not help but wonder.
Rachael gazed down on the sleeping young redhead for a few moments. She then began to caress Stacy’s large breasts getting turned on in the process. She caught herself. This was not her. Must have just been the excitement of the mission. She had to get back for the next phase. She gently kissed Stacy’s lips and hurried back to meet Ryan and continue the mission.
When she returned she looked at the monitor showing the last guard who was at her post in front of the lab door. “It’s funny” Rachael said to Ryan who was busy checking the dart gun. “The poor girl doesn’t even realize she’s basically alone. As far as she’s concerned there are six other guards on duty.”
Ryan didn’t respond. He was still looking at the dart gun. Suddenly, He got a look of concern on his face.
“The trigger is messed up. I think the spring broke. Damn.”
Rachael looked at him “Now what?”
“Well, because of the layout of the hall be can’t sneak up on her. You a good actress?”
Rachael looked at him “Why do you ask?”
“Well, you might be able to take advantage of the uniform. Tell her you just got called in to replace one of unconscious desk guards who had to leave. Tell her you were told to take her position and that she was to go to the desk. Claim you’re new and that’s why she doesn’t know you.”
“I hope this works” came Rachael’s nervous reply.
“It will. These girls are hired for their looks, not their brains. She’ll fall for it long enough for me to deal with her.” They set off towards the building.
Meanwhile, the subject of the plot stood at her post in the middle of a long hallway. She was a lovely young brunette. Her name was Tara. She had a really cute face with green eyes. Her hair was long. She had a nice, trim body with small but pleasing breasts. She was about 5’7” and was in her mid-twenties.
She looked a bit bored but still seemed vigilant. Of course she was completely unaware she was the last guard left.
Rachael and Ryan crossed the lobby. After the exited the closed the door and took off the breathers they had used in case the gas was still effective and put them in the bag. They peered around the corner and observed pretty, young Tara at her post.
“She’s just a kid. Don’t be too rough on her” Rachael said to Ryan. He just scoffed.
Rachael nodded and started around the corner. While she was still far down the hall she said in a soft voice “Hi, how you doing.” She tried say it in a relaxed tone so as not to unduly startle the guard. However, Tara, not expecting company, still jumped a little.
As Rachael walked further down the hall Tara looked at her strangely. She didn’t recognize her but the uniform was right. Rachael had been smart enough to remove Kenze’s name badge and was hoping the guard would not notice it was missing.
Seeing the look of confusion and concern on Tara’s face, Rachael continued “I’m Rachael. I was just hired. Apparently one of the girl’s assigned to the desk needed to go home for something. I guess since I’m the newbie they called me to replace her.”
“Oh, okay” a still confused Tara replied. The good thing was she seemed more confused than suspicious.
Rachael walked past Tara and stood in such a way that Tara, to look at her, would end up turning her back to the hall from which Rachael came, and Ryan would soon come. Tara obliged turning her back and allowing Ryan to start sneaking down the hall.
Rachael continued to talk. “Yeah, but they said since I’m new they don’t want me on the cameras so I was told to have you take the cameras and me to stand her.”
“Oh, alright” said Tara, falling for it completely.
Just as she was about to turn to walk to her supposed new assignment two hands held like blades came from opposite sides of her head. They simultaneously connected with her temples. Tara let out a brief cry of shock and pain, her eyelids quickly closed and then she crumpled to the ground with a thud.
“There. Didn’t hurt her too bad. May have given her a mild concussion but no serious injury.” Ryan said. Rachael just shuck her head.
Ryan then bent town, took out the syringe again and gave Tara and injection to keep her out.
As he was standing up, Rachael said “We have a problem. There isn’t a card reader like we thought. It’s an eye scanner.”
“Well” Ryan said as he looked down on the lifeless body at his feet “hopefully the guards’ eyes will work and hopefully the person doesn’t need to be conscious.”
With that, he picked up Tara and stood her up in front of the scanner. He then wrapped his right arm around her upper body to keep her standing (Rachael didn’t notice him cop a little feel of the guard’s left breast) and with his left hand pulled back her left eyelid and gentled rolled her eye down.
It worked. The door unlatched and Rachael quickly opened it. Ryan turned Tara around pressing her back against the wall. He smiled at her “Thanks” he joked and then let go. Tara’s sexy, unconscious body slid down wall her legs spreading out and forward until her ass got to the floor. She then fell over to the left.
While this was happening Ryan took his bag and entered the room. Ten minutes later Ryan and Rachael exited. Rachael had down loaded what was needed and Ryan had set the explosives.
Ryan handed his bag to Rachael and said “You take my bag and I’ll take sleeping beauty.” He then picked the guard up and slung her body over his shoulder.
They headed out stopping only to put on their breathers just to be safe while crossing the lobby.
They then exited and building stopping to deposit Tara with the other unconscious cuties and removed the respirators. Ryan looked at Rachael a bit strangely when he saw Stacy’s shirt open but said nothing. They then heading out through the guard shack. Ryan paused just briefly to give the bra and panty clad Kenze a last admiring glance.
As they drove off they heard the muffled explosion.
The guards would be discovered and hospitalized until they woke up and drugs wore off. The company would do a pretty good job of keeping the secret as none of the girls would have any knowledge of what had happened to them. The company had made sure that a doctor on the company payroll treated them and she would never divulge the fact they were drugged. The young women would simply believe the story that the force of the explosion knocked them out and they were luckly to have survived. Ryan and Rachael’s success together would mean they would team up again soon.
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