"The Adventures of Veronica Cortez " by Meditions

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esercito sconfitto
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"The Adventures of Veronica Cortez " by Meditions

Post by esercito sconfitto »

The Adventures of Veronica Cortez

by meditions »

Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:31 pm

Hello All, Just wanted to bring over my old story from the previous forum. Hope everyone enjoys for the first time if they didn't read it before and again if they've already read it.


My name is Veronica Cortez. For years I have hired myself out for “special projects”, ranging from surveillance to theft of information. I am highly skilled in infiltration and have special training in hand to hand combat technique.

After dark, I approached the outer fence surrounding a complex of buildings. The mission is to infiltrate the facility to steal data needed by a rival company to develop a new secret weapon. The target company is owned by a woman owner who employed a security force of young, attractive women as sentries. The girls wear black semi-tight pants, with black sleeveless tops with the company emblem on them. They wear short black boots. Surprisingly sexy outfits for security guards. Each carries a pistol in a belt holster.

I wore a black one piece skin tight outfit. I quietly approach the complex. I have successfully studied the cameras and know how best to avoid being spotted.

I have made it through the fence and need a way into the building. I wait in the shadows for a few moments and an opportunity presents itself. In the dim light from the building I need to access, I spot two sentries approaching. I can make out that the one on the left is blonde and the one on the right has light brown, almost blonde hair. They are no more then 19 to 22 years old. They are chatting with each other as they walk and do not seem too concerned about their sentry duties, not really expecting trouble I guess.

I simply and quietly fall into pace behind them. The oblivious guards neither hear me nor sense my presence as I walk only a few feet behind them. I wait until my prey is in a darker area that I know has no camera coverage and I strike. I take the one on the left first. My hands are held like blades and make instant contact on each side of the girl’s neck, hard, but not hard enough to do any permanent damage. The girl only manages to let out a grunt before her blue/green eyes begin to roll back in her head and she goes out cold on her feet, swaying like a reed.

Her partner only has time to call out “Jess!” before I clamp my hand on a vital nerve cluster in her neck. Luckily for me, victim number two had decided to wear her long light brown hair in a ponytail making my access to her neck easier.

The nerve pinch works perfectly and the second guard is paralyzed before Jess’ lifeless body even hits the ground. I hold the pressure for a few seconds as I look down at Jess on the ground and then to my nerve pinch victim. I already have one problem. I had hoped to steal one of these two girls’ uniforms to help with my movements in the building. However, these two cuties are surprisingly petite for guards. In fact, my currently motionless friend is all of 5 foot 3. As I am 5’8’’ it appears I will need to find another guard who will let me “borrow” her uniform.

I look into the girl’s eyes which are glazed over and staring blankly into space. Her body has slumped back against me.

I use my free hand to take and toss away her sidearm and then whisper in her ear. “I need you to provide me some information. Answer me truthfully and completely and you will simply sleep through the rest of your shift. Lie to me and I will not allow you to live to see the end of your shift.” I had no intention of killing the girl but needed to instill adequate fear. I continued “I am going to release the pressure on your neck enough to let you talk. If you try to cry out or escape, it will go very, very badly for you.”

I released the pressure and the guard, to her credit quietly so as not to attract attention, instantly blurted out “Please don’t kill me!” I had to sound meaner then I really am so I responded “You shut up and let me ask the questions.” She went silent and I took a few seconds to really admire her excellent body.

“What’s your name?” The sentry stuttered out “Va, Va, Vanessa.”

“Okay Vanessa, a couple questions. First, how many guards are there outside other then you and Jess?” “Just one. She is in the booth at the front gate.” She actually answered my first and second questions.

“Alright, how many guards in the building.” “Four”.

“Good, where are they.” “One sits at the main desk looking at the monitors and the rest patrol or spend time at the desk.”

“Another question. The guard at the main gate, how tall is she?” Vanessa looks a little puzzled by the question but obediently answers. “I don’t know, she’s a little taller then me I think.”

“What’s that guard’s name?” “Breanna”. Man, Vanessa was obedient.

“Great, just one more question Vanessa.” I pause. Vanessa has been swaying a bit against me and it’s kind of gotten me a bit aroused.

Snapping my thoughts back to the job at hand, I ask “what is the door code for the loading dock door.” Vanessa looks worried that she doesn’t have an answer for me. And then she says, “I don’t know the code but my id badge works in the card reader”. I look down at the badge pinned on Vanessa’s right chest, a rather cute picture of her on it.

“Thanks Vanessa, you have been very helpful.” Just as Vanessa seems about to say something, I clamp hard on the nerve cluster I have been holding. Her blue eyes fly wide open and then begin to roll back into head as her eyelids flutter shut. She manages a surprisingly sexy moan as her fingers begin twitch. She then slumps back into me and I hook my arms under her armpits and drag her behind some bushes. I lay her down and take her id badge.

I then take out of my knapsack some rope and tie Vanessa’s hands behind her back and then bind her feet. I gag her as well.

I quickly return to Jess who is beginning to moan a bit. I let her start to sit up, a confused and dazed look on her pretty, young face. She reaches up to rub her neck where I hit her on the left side. I quickly lock her into a sleeper hold. I do it perfectly and despite her weak struggle and her attempt to pull my arm away, the blood supply to her brain is cut off. She is still weak from the first knock out so the lack of blood to her brain from the sleeper works quickly. After it does, I drag Jess back into the bushes, lay her next to Vanessa and bind and gag her as well. I head to the front gate guardhouse to meet my new friend Breanna.

When I arrive I can see Breanna sitting in the guardhouse, reading a magazine. Unlike her two slumbering friends, Breanna has darkish brown hair. While I can’t get a real good look at her, she looks very pretty. Like her two colleagues, she seems to be in her early 20s.

I crouch down below the windows and walk to the side of the guardhouse. I then slide a tazar out of my bag. I hadn’t wanted to use it on the first two sentries in case the flash would be noticed by the other outside guard. Then, in my best imitation of Vanessa’s voice, I call out. “Breanna, Breanna, come help me, Jess fell and is hurt.”

Breanna is completely fooled, puts down her magazine and gets up and runs out of the guardhouse. As she rounds the corner of the guardhouse, I stick out my leg and she goes down hard. She’s a bit dazed so I land on her back and toss her gun away before she can do anything.

The poor sentry squirms but I’ve got her pinned. Again, I enjoy the feeling for a moment but quickly remember my job. I have to take Breanna out before she regains enough composure to scream for help. I shove the tazar against her upper back and squeeze the trigger. She let’s out a brief, sharp cry, her head comes up and I watch with pleasure as her hazel eyes roll back, she convulses and then her head falls back to the ground, face first.

Not wanting to get Breanna’s uniform any more dirty, instead of dragging her I throw her limp body over my shoulder take her back into the guardhouse where we can be alone for awhile.

I sit her up with her back against the wall and quickly check her right eye to make sure she is out (tazars sometimes don’t have lasting effect). She’s out. I also notice that, as it appeared on first impression, she is quite good looking.

I then slide off her top, exposing some rather nice C cups held behind a rather sexy red bra. Looking at the bra I wonder if I just messed up her plans for a late night date when her shift was over.

I then remove Breanna’s boots. I follow with her pants which, when removed, reveal red panties that match the bra. I then quickly dress in Breanna’s outfit. Vanessa was right about her height and, while the uniform otherwise fits well, the pants are bit short.

As I admire myself in a reflection in the window, I look down at Breanna. “Thanks for the outfit sweaty. I look almost as good in it as you do, . . . or did.” With that, I lean down and give Breanna a little kiss on her lips. As I do, she moans softly, indicting she is waking up. “Sorry Breanna, but it’s not time for you to wake up yet.” I then grab a bottle of chloroform and a rag from my bag, wet the rag and place it over the already groggy brunette’s nose and mouth. Breanna weakly struggles for a moment and then quickly returns to dreamland. I wait a moment longer and then pull the rag away from her young face and her head lolls to the side and then slumps forward to her chest.

I quickly tie her hands and feet and gag her in case she comes to before my work is complete. I take a last look at her, still propped against the wall, her head now sagged on her chest with her hands tied behind her back. “My apologies if you end up missing your date tonight.”

I then head back around the building to access the door next to the loading dock. I decide to take a slight detour to check on my two sleeping beauties behind the bushes. While her eyes are still closed, Vanessa is actually starting to stir. Jess on the other hand is still totally out of it, a slight line of drool running down her check.

I quickly turn my attention to Vanessa. She’s still out of it. I spent a long time learning to do the nerve pinch just right and it has made sure Vanessa is well subdued. However, it can’t last too long.

I reach into my bag and pull out a hypodermic needle. The light blue fluid inside will make sure Vanessa has a nice, long nap. I lay it on my bag and straddle the sentry, sitting on her waist.

I push some of Vanessa’s blondish brown hair out of her face, run my hand down her check to her neck and then on to her nice, firm B cup breasts. In her groggy state, it seems that she isn’t really fully aware of what is going on but does seem to be enjoying it. She lets out a little moan and the erect nature of her nipples betray her apparent arousal.

Back to business. I pick up the syringe and give her an injection into her arm. The prick of the needle wakes her up a bit and her eyes open partially. They then quickly flutter shut and her head falls off to the side.

I decide to give Jess an injection too and send her off to as long a slumber as Vanessa. The drug should assure that if nobody disturbs them, they should sleep for hours.

I then collect my things and head to the door. Vanessa’s id badge is my ticket in.

I approach the door and slide the id badge through the card reader. The light turns green and I hear the door unlock. I slip through.

I need to be cautious. Breanna’s uniform will not fool the guards if they get close enough to see my face. I can only hope that at a distance and on any security cameras I get spotted on, it will work.

I move into the loading dock area and immediately spot a guard patrolling. She too appears to be in her early 20s and has medium length, medium dark brown hair. She too is not overly tall and appears to be about 5’4”.

I start to try to walk out of the room before she spots me. I don’t want to run in case she sees me. If I’m walking there is more chance she will simply assume I am one of her coworkers and go about her business.

As I reach an area of the loading dock with some shelving, she spots me. Looking like she is trying to figure out who I am, she starts walking toward me. I slip down one of the rows of shelves and wait. As soon as she walks past, I swing out my leg, kicking her in her midsection and doubling her over. I then grab her arm and spin her head first into some boxes on the shelf. Her head rams into the boxes with pretty good force. She drops, hitting the ground on her side, then moaning, rolls onto her back.

She starts to try to pull her gun but I grab her wrist, pulling her hand away and grab the gun myself, tossing it away from her. I then squat on top of her pinning her down. She’s still feeling the effects of having her head banged into the boxes and she really doesn’t put up much of a fight.

I reach down, and press two figures into each of her temples. She starts to twitch and then she lets out a long, low sigh and her hazel eyes flutter closed and her head falls off to the side.

I remain sitting on her stomach for a second. “Sorry I had to get a little rough with you . . .” I look at her name on her id badge “Lauren. But I couldn’t have you sounding the alarm. I’m sure you’ll be fine after a nice, long nap. And by luck I have just the thing to help you with that.” I then pull out another needle and inject Lauren in her right arm. She’ll sleep like a baby for hours. No need to tie her up.

I then walk along the deserted corridor. As I walk, I hear voices coming from a room along the hallway. I hug the wall and peek into the room. Two woman are working at a table, technicians I assume working on an after hours project. Vanessa didn’t tell me about them, but then again, in her defense I asked about guards in the building.

The two technicians look a bit older then the guards, but still young, maybe mid 20s. Both have long brown hair and are dressed in casual clothing, presumably due to working after hours. One wears jeans and a brown t-shirt. The other wears jeans and a casual white blouse. The one in brown has curly hair while the other girl’s hair is wavy. They’re awfully good looking for tech geeks.

Since they are doing their work while standing next to each other, my initial plan is to sneak up behind them and knock them out by banging their heads together. However, just as I start to walk into the room, the one in brown turns and spots me.

“Can I help you?” she says looking a bit confused as to why I have come into the room. Thinking quickly I hope that the guard uniform will trick these two.

“Oh hi, I’m new and just trying to get an idea of where everything is around here.”

“Well, welcome” says the girl in brown “I’m Cassidy and this is Kristin” indicating her partner.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Veronica”. No reason not to use my real name.

Thinking quickly, I say “You know, I was on my way to get some coffee, would you two like some?”

They say “yes” and off I go to the kitchen I passed on the way down the hall.

Upon arrival, I collect cream and sugar and pour the coffee and put it on a tray. I then pull out a small bottle from my bag which luckily Cassidy and Kristin apparently didn’t think was too out of place. I put a few drops of the colorless liquid into the cups that I have put aside for my two new friends and return to the room and give the girls their coffee.

We chat a bit about the things they are working on. We also discuss how much they hate having to work all night. Each girl takes some sips of her coffee. I then notice Cassidy’s green eyes getting kind of distant and her body starting to seem unsteady. Kristin notices too and asks if she is alright, but as she does she starts to seem unsteady as well.

“Wha, wha, what’s happening” is all Cassidy can manage to get out. Kristin responds “I feel really dizzy.”

Cassidy then falls on the lab table knocking off papers and materials and the falls to the ground on her back. Kristin then looks at me manages to say “What did you do to us?” before her hazel eyes start rolling up and she lets out a sigh, falling forward and landing on top of Cassidy’s prone body.

I look down at the two sleeping techies. “Sorry you ladies won’t be able to get your work done tonight.” No need to tie them either, the drug will last for hours.

I then continue my trek through the building. Assuming the peacefully slumbering Vanessa told me the truth, there should only be three more sentries to take out. I would probably need to force the one at the front desk to unlock the door to the room where the computer containing the data I need is located, but I sure I can be very persuasive.

As I peer around a corner, I spot another guard strolling down the hall. This one, medium height, with red hair falling just past her shoulders. From the brief glimpse, she looks to be about the same age as the other sentries. She also looks really good looking.

She’s heading down the hall toward the corner I need to go around and I start to think of a plan to take her out. However, sometimes it’s better to be lucky then good. The guard enters the ladies room part way down the hall.

I quickly run down the hall and slide through the door before it completely closes, just in time to see the stall down close as the guard enters. I don a small gas mask with a small attached fresh air tank. I then remove a canister containing a rather fast acting knock out gas. I had decided not to use this on the two technicians since my concern was the room was too large for it to act quickly enough to put them out before they raised the alarm. However, in the relatively small bathroom it should have no problem putting my next victim to sleep.

A wait until I hear her start to stand up and get ready to open the stall door and then pop the trigger on the gas canister and roll it under the stall wall. As it rolls under a cloud of white gas begins to shoot out of it. I hear the guard manage to get out a “What the hell?” before she begins coughing loudly.

She manages to open the stall door and comes stumbling out trying in vain to bat the smoke out of her face. I catch her and manage to keep her from falling to the hard tile floor. Her green eyes stare at me in confusion and they begin to roll back in her head. She continues coughing and I lay her on her back. Soon, her eyes close and her head falls to the side. She’s out.

I do have some concern about knock out gas. I have heard some stories about bad reactions that cause unwanted results. Therefore, I place my finger on cutie’s neck and am pleased to find a nice steady pulse. The gas should keep her asleep until morning. “Nighty, night Allison” I say, again taking advantage of the name on the id badge. I leave the bathroom and head toward the front desk.

I hug the wall of the hallway as I approach the lobby with the main desk. As luck would have it, the two remaining guards are there. One is sitting and the other stands leaning over the counter talking with the sitting guard. I don’t have a real good view of the one sitting down, but the one that is standing is a blonde and about my height. Her hair falls to about her mid back and yet again she looks to be about the same age as the other now sleeping guards.

I figure I should act while they are engrossed in their discussion. I pull out my dart gun. It looks just like the real thing but fires fast acting and potent tranquilizer darts. I take aim and fire at the blonde’s neck. It hits exactly where I wanted it to and the startled guard lets out a cry and grabs her neck.

Before she can do anything, her blue eyes start to cross and roll back and she slumps over the counter she was leaning on. Her startled friend in the chair stands up and says “Julianna, are you alright?” Instead of answering, Julianna slides off the counter to the floor.

Before the other girl has time to react any further, I come around the corner and aim my gun at her. I step over Julianna who is still slightly conscious and moaning on the floor. I am not concerned as I know she’ll be fully asleep soon and will then sleep for a couple hours.

I keep the gun aimed at the now standing guard behind the counter. I get my first look at her. She’s a little bit older then the other sentries I encountered, but not by much. Probably about 25. Her name is Denise according to her id badge.

She is about my height and has long dark brown hair and very pretty blue eyes. As I keep my gun aimed at her I notice she is slowly moving her hand toward her own gun. I say “Don’t!” and she stops. Based on the look on her face, she doesn’t realize my gun is only a tranquilizer gun.

I walk around behind the counter and take the gun out of her holster and toss it away. I then stick my gun into her back. “I need you to put the code into your computer to unlock room 12.” Denise pauses for a moment. “I can’t, they just replaced the lock mechanism with a retinal scanner.” Darn, my intel didn’t tell me that.

“Well” I say “are we lucky enough that your pretty eyes will open the door? Let me know, because of course I could always find out by more unpleasant means.”

Denise paused for a moment. My guess was that she was the one in charge of the guard shift and therefore would be given access. “Yes, yes I can open it.”

I waive the gun to direct her down the hall toward room 12 and she obediently walks ahead. I let her stay enough ahead of me so she doesn’t think of trying to attack.

As we walk, she says “Why did you have to kill Julianna?” I decide that there is no need to scare her any more then she already is so I respond “Don’t worry, she’s just in Sleeplyland like all the other girls I’ve run into tonight.” Denise seems to relax a bit so I add “Of course, I assume you will continue doing what I say so that I don’t need to change that.”

We arrive at room 12 and with a wave of my gun in the direction of the scanner Denise leans down and puts her eye on it and the door buzzes and slides open. Denise straightens back up and turns to me.

“What are you going to do to me now?” She asks with a quiver in her voice.

“I need to properly thank you for your help Denise.” With that, I quickly slide the gun into my waist band, press Denise into the wall with my body and give her a kiss. Surprisingly, she kisses back.

As much as I am enjoying Denise’s unexpected reaction, I know I need to finish my work before the next shift arrives. Also, I am concerned Denise may be playing along to try to gain the advantage. Therefore, without breaking the kiss, I guide my right hand to the same nerve cluster that I used to take out Vanessa. I squeeze the nerves and Denise’s closed eyes fly open, glaze over and then roll up while her eyelids flutter.

Her legs weaken and she starts to slide down the wall. I break the kiss but still hold onto her neck as I use the grip to guide the rate of her slide down the wall. Her very nice backside hits the floor, she lets out a soft moan, convulses a bit and then goes still.

I hold the pinch on a little longer and then I stand back up from her. “Thanks Denise. It’s been a pleasure working with you.” With that, I enter the room and download the data I need and launch a program into the computer system to fully delete the data from it.

I leave the room and take a last look at the motionless Denise propped against the wall and head for my exit. Sometimes this job can be so much fun.

The end, until the next adventure.meditions
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