The Rockettes' Red Glare

Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:01 am

The Rockettes' Red Glare

Post by tirepanted »

The good state of Virginia boasted two of the finest creative arts academies in the world – one at Madison University, and one at Commonwealth University. Both colleges boasted especially fine musical talent, particularly in their band ensembles. Madison boasted an all-female marching band of the lovely Rockettes, while Commonwealth featured the equally beautiful and talented Blue Belles.

The girls were all fiercely devoted to their own universities, and wore the school colors on their uniforms. The six Blue Belles all performed in blue uniform jackets with gold buttons, matching knee-high blue skirts, thigh-high blue boots, blue feathered caps, and dark blue gloves. The six Rockettes wore red uniform jackets and pants, white low-heel boots, red brimmed hats, and white lace gloves.

Each year, on the first day of spring, the Rockettes and the Blue Belles would meet at a large stadium and compete with one another to large audiences. These competitions were initially friendly, but as the years went on, they had turned to fierce rivalries. Soon, both schools had become swept up in the competition of their marching bands, and each school became determined to win the coveted trophy for themselves.

No matter – for some people – what the cost.


Staci stuck her hands into the pockets of her pink winter coat. She lowered her pointed chin into the coat’s enveloping warmth. For although it was the last night of winter, there was still a very discernible chill in the air.

Staci continued walking down the Madison University campus, her low-heeled boots softly clicking against the walk. She was unafraid to be walking alone this late at night, despite the fact that midterms were just around the corner and most students were in their rooms studying.

Staci approached the small house of the Sigma Sigma Delta sorority. She checked her watch. The meeting had probably started by now, but she didn’t mind. She had always been known for being fashionably late.

She stepped up to the door and knocked – three times, then two times, then four times. A moment later, a voice from inside asked, “What sort of clothes do you wear?”

Without missing a beat, Staci replied with the prearranged response: “Whatever I can get my hands on.”

There was a clicking sound, and the door opened. Bridgette peered out. “You’re late,” she said.

“But I’m here,” Staci replied. “And I got the goodies.” She gestured at her dark leather backpack.

Bridgette beckoned her inside. “Come on, before anyone sees you.”

Staci stepped into the dusty yet sweet-smelling room. The sorority house had not been well-tended recently, despite the girls’ best efforts. For decades, it had served as the house for Sigma Sigma Delta, a sorority marked by strength and confidence.

The other girls sat in the living room as Bridgette and Staci walked in. Staci took in the proceedings. Angela was chewing gum while boredly texting on her iPhone. Brianna was checking her makeup in a small pocket mirror, and tending to her shoulder-length blonde hair. Caitlin stood off to one side, lifting small weights to keep her muscular but well-proportioned figure in shape. Delia sat on the couch, legs crossed, typing away on her laptop. Leanne and Luanne sat nearby, chatting about the latest fashion advancements. Trudy sat on the floor, eyes closed, meditating.

Staci took a seat just as Verna, the sorority leader, walked into the room. “All right, ladies,” she called out in her usual commanding voice. “Is everyone here?”

Bridgette nodded. “Staci just arrived. We’re all present and accounted for.”

“Wonderful,” Verna smiled. “All right, everyone listen up. It’s time to go over the plan.”

Angela rolled her eyes. “You mean, for like the nine hundredth time?”

Verna glared in her direction. “I’m sorry, Angie,” she said. “Do you want to risk getting caught? ‘Cause there’s a hell of a jail term waiting for all of us if even one person in this room slips up.”

“Let’s go over the plan,” Delia said, without looking up from her laptop.

Verna smiled. “Thank you, Dee. Now, as you all know, the tournament between our Rockettes and Commonwealth’s Blue Belles will commence at noon tomorrow at CityWide Stadium. The Rockettes have lost this competition last year, and the year before. I cannot explain to you how imperative it is that we win this year. The pride of our college is at stake here, girls!” She pounded her fist into her palm and paused for any shouts of agreement. None came.

She continued. “In the past, our sorority has tried sabotaging the Blue Belles on a few occasions. Last year, we tried food poisoning. The year before, we tried tampering with their bus. So far, nothing’s worked. Which is why, this year, I’ve come up with a more complex but fail-proof plan.”

She turned to Staci. “You have the necessary equipment?”

Staci unzipped her backpack and dumped its contents out on the coffee table. All the girls crowded around. There were six lengths of white nylon rope, three rolls of duct tape, two bottles of chloroform, and six red sponge balls.

“This is awesome,” Leanne squeaked.

“Totally,” her twin sister agreed.

"I've never worn a band uniform before," Brianna remarked.

“The Blue Belles are early risers,” Verna continued. “They’ll most likely be at the stadium between five and six in the morning, in order to practice their moves before the competition. That’s when we take action.”

Angela sighed. “I’m not a morning gal,” she said.

“Well, you’d better become one fast,” Verna replied. “There’s absolutely no room for error here, ladies. We hit them hard, we hit them fast, and we do it without any fuss.”

She held out her hand, palm facing downward. “Let’s make this a victory that Madison won’t soon forget!”

The other girls smiled, and placed their hands on top of Verna’s, forming a circle of arms… a circle of strength… of power.


The mammoth blue coach bus bearing the name and registration sign of Commonwealth University rumbled down the road. It was the only vehicle in sight on the lonely highway – not surprising, given the early hour.

The redheaded female driver checked her watch. 4:38 AM. An early time, no doubt, but she was used to it. The Blue Belles had all risen before four o’clock, and had piled onto the bus soon after. Their early morning practices were routine to their uniformed driver, who admired their devotion and skill. She glanced in the rearview mirror to see most of the six nineteen-year-old majorettes chatting excitedly.

“I can’t wait to win this year!” Portia smiled. “I’m betting those Rockettes won’t even show up – they’ll be too scared!”

“Totally,” Victoria replied. “They’re probably still aching from the way we beat them last year. I can still remember the way they tried to hide their tears!”

“Pathetic,” Penelope agreed. “The judges may as well just give us the award right now!”

The other girls all laughed… or most of them, anyway.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” a small voice from the back spoke up. “If we want to win this competition, it will take hard work. Year in, year out.”

Everyone turned to the voice. It belonged to Jennifer, the smallest of the majorettes. Unlike the other girls, who all had lengthy blonde hair, Jennifer’s hair was brown and cut short, almost boyish.

“Look, everyone!” Evangeline grinned wickedly. “The mouse is trying to squeak!”

Everyone laughed. Victoria smiled down at Jennifer, whose ears had turned pink. “What’s the matter, little girl? Afraid you’re not good enough to win top prize?”

“Of course she’s not good enough,” Penelope said. “We only keep her around because her dad funds the team.”

“Hear that, Shorty? At least you’re good for something!” Vivienne smiled.

The other girls all laughed again.

The bus pulled up near a rest stop containing a Dunkin’ Donuts. “All right, ladies. You’ve got ten minutes to charge your batteries, and then we’re on our way again.”

The girls exited the bus, chatting happily amongst one another. They headed inside the rest stop for some caffeinated beverages.

The driver reached into her glove compartment and pulled out the paperback mystery novel she was in middle of reading. She opened it to her bookmark and was about to continue reading when a sound from the back of the bus alerted her.

She glanced in the rearview mirror. Jennifer sat in the back seat, crying to herself. Her face was buried in her hands, but muffled sobs were still audible.

The driver stood up and headed to the back of the bus, her low-heeled, polished black boots clicking with every step. She sat down on the seat next to Jennifer.

“What’s wrong, honey?”

Jennifer looked up toward the smiling young woman. “The girls… they taunt me… they say I’m not fit to be a majorette… Maybe they’re right…”

“What? Of course they’re not!” the driver replied. “You’re just as good a majorette as any of them… Better, even!”

Jennifer sniffed. “You’re just saying that,” she said.

“I’m not,” the driver replied. “You have spirit… and a lot of it. You think hard work is necessary to win… and you’re absolutely right. Just ignore what all those other girls are saying. They’re just vain and shallow.”

Jennifer wiped a tear from her eye. “You… you really think I’m good?”

“Sweetheart,” the driver replied, “when your team walks home with the trophy this year, it will be thanks to your hard work and dedication.”

Jennifer smiled. The driver was pretty, and would have made a good team member herself. But rather than a majorette uniform, she had a blue uniform jacket and knee-length skirt, a white button-down shirt, black tights, polished black leather boots, white gloves, and a peaked blue cap with the letters “CU” emblazoned on the front.

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“Please. The name’s Becky,” the driver replied. “And any time you need a friend, or just someone to talk to, you can call me. Here’s my number.” She reached a gloved hand into her blue jacket and retrieved a small business card, which she then handed to Jennifer.

“Thank you… so much,” Jennifer said gratefully.

Becky smiled, and tipped her peaked blue uniform cap. Then she got up and headed back to the front of the bus.

A few moments later, the other majorettes piled out of the rest stop, holding large cups of steaming coffee. They piled onto the bus, chatting ceaselessly with each other. For the moment, they seemed to have forgotten Jennifer, who merely stared out the window.

Becky started the bus and maneuvered it back onto the highway. She continued driving along, glancing back every few minutes to look a Jennifer. At one point, Jennifer caught her eye and smiled.


CityWide Stadium was enormous. At five in the morning, it was also empty, a fact Caitlin greatly appreciated. The only people around were four tall, imposing security guards, each guarding one of the four entrances. Three of the guards on duty at this early hour were male, but Caitlin thanked her lucky stars that the one at the west entrance was a woman - and one that was reasonably similar to her in height and build.

Caitlin had brown hair and well-tanned, almost bronze skin. She was also quite muscular, a fact she owed to the many hours she spent at the gym every week. Despite her toned sportswoman’s physique, however, she was still very attractive, with a reasonable figure and a pair of placid blue eyes.

Those eyes now scanned the west side of the stadium. The lone female guard stood, arms crossed, at the entrance, dressed in a blue uniform shirt, black pants, polished black low-heeled boots, and a peaked black cap over her blonde hair. Her nametag simply read “JUDY”. Her lips were pursed, her jaw set, her eyes hidden by dark rimless sunglasses.

Quietly as a field mouse, Caitlin maneuvered herself through the bushes. In her hand, she clutched two cell phones – one her own, the other belonging to Angela. The latter she casually dropped at one end of the undergrowth, before silently crawling along the ground to the other side.

Careful to stay crouched down, and thus avoiding the guard’s sweeping gaze, Caitlin silently dialed Angela’s number.

Judy was beginning to wonder if she had left the kitchen light on at her apartment home. She could imagine her two cats, pawing anxiously at the switch. As she began envisioning the scratches on the wall, the sounds of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony met her ears. She turned in the direction of the bushes near the fir tree, one hand instinctively reaching toward her holster. It was a ringtone.

“Come out of there,” she barked. “Let me see your hands.”

The ringtone stopped. Judy hesitated.

“Show me your hands,” she repeated toward the bushes.

So certain was Judy that she was speaking in the direction of a prowler that she did not even pay attention to the girl silently approaching her from behind.

It happened fast, too fast for Judy to react. A viselike hand clamped over her mouth, shoving something round and spongy inside. A muscular arm encircled her waist, trapping her arms to her sides. Judy tried to cry for help, but all that got out was a barely audible “Mmmmmpppphhhhhh!”

Judy tensed up as she felt the hot breath of her attacker on the back of her neck. In one swift, fluid motion, the assailant removed her hand from her mouth, only to return a moment later with a strip of duct tape, which was smoothed over her lips and rosy cheeks. The sponge ball was now trapped inside Judy’s mouth, completely muffling her speech.

The attacker’s arm now tightened around Judy’s neck. The guard felt the blood drain from her head. She began to lose consciousness. Struggling, her hand reached for the small taser hooked onto her belt. She had to get free… she had to…

With her last remaining bit of strength, Judy unclipped the taser from her belt and thrust it behind her, into her attacker’s waist.

Caitlin let out a cry of shock as eight thousand volts of electricity coursed through her body. She instinctively let go of Judy, who dropped to the ground.

Struggling to remain conscious, Judy again grappled with the taser. She turned it up to ten thousand volts and jammed it into the leg of her attacker. Caitlin let out a helpless cry and crumpled to the ground.

Smiling as her head began to clear, Judy turned the taser up to fifteen thousand volts. She would show the b*tch who was boss. With a cruel laugh, she lunged at Caitlin, and thrust the taser into the side of her neck.

Her laughter turned to despair as the taser refused to respond. In a frenzy, she had overcharged it, and the result had burnt out the wiring.

Caitlin began to rise to her feet. Judy panicked. For the first time, she could see how muscular the girl was. Desperately, she reached for her revolver.

With lightning-quick speed, Caitlin’s hand shot out and grabbed Judy’s arm. She twisted it, spinning the poor woman around. Then, pressing a rock-hard knee into her back, she wrapped a sinewy arm around Judy’s throat and applied another chokehold – tight, strong, merciless.

Judy’s vision began to blur. Dark spots danced before her eyes. She struggled to scream, to talk, to breathe. Her arms flailed uselessly at her sides.

After thirty or forty seconds, Judy’s strength began to give out. Her eyelids fluttered. Her struggles slowed. Another minute and she had stopped moving entirely.

Caitlin continued to apply the chokehold for another thirty seconds to ensure the guard was well and truly unconscious. Then she let go, causing the woman to drop to the floor. She checked the woman’s pulse. Strong.

Satisfied that she had not done the girl any permanent damage, Caitlin lifted her by the armpits and dragged her towards the underbrush. The heels of the woman’s boots cut a groove into the dirt before she was safely out of sight.

Caitlin checked her watch. Her tussle with the guard had taken longer than she’s expected, but she was still ahead of schedule. Laying the woman down on her back, Caitlin began unbuttoning her uniform shirt.

The shirt opened to reveal a white lace bra that housed a pair of generous occupants. Caitlin rolled the woman onto her stomach, and eased the shirt off one arm, then the other. She hung the garment on the low bow of a nearby tree.

With some difficulty, the boots were pulled off shapely thighs, each making a “plorp” sound in turn. These, too, were set aside. Caitlin unclipped the woman’s belt and slid it off her trim waist. The pants were rolled down shapely, inviting thighs, revealing a pair of off-white tights that were just transparent enough to display the white Brazilian panties beneath.

Caitlin remembered what Verna had told her: “Strip her completely. She’s less likely to try calling for help if she’s in the buff. Plus, wearing all her clothes will help you impersonate her more convincingly.”

Caitlin hooked her thumbs into the waistband of the woman’s tights and rolled them down her shapely long legs. The panties then followed, leaving the woman in just her lacy bra. With her foot, Caitlin rolled the insensible guard on her stomach and unclasped the bra. She then rolled the woman over again and removed the intimate garment, leaving her completely naked.

Caitlin stripped herself, quickly and quietly. The air, thankfully, was not especially cold, though she did feel an unwelcome breeze between her legs as she removed her most intimate garments. Still, she would not be unclothed for long.

Caitlin stepped gingerly into the white Brazilian and slid it up to her waist. Her large, unsupported breasts wobbled as she knelt down to pick up the guard’s discarded bra. The garment fastened nicely. Caitlin adjusted the cups to more comfortably fit her breasts.

Caitlin grasped the pair of tights with both hands and slid her right leg into the still-warm garment. The left leg followed. Caitlin rolled the white tights up over her bare bottom. She pulled them taut, enjoying the snap the waistband made against her hips.

On went the shirt, which was just half a size too small. Caitlin compensated by leaving the top button open, even as she fastened all the others. The pants were of comfortable linen. The belt clicked around Caitlin’s waist, and the boots fit snugly on her feet, hugging her lower thighs. She placed the sunglasses over her eyes and adjusted the peaked cap over her hair.

The guard was still unconscious as Caitlin dragged her into the bushes. She bound the woman hand and foot, then knotted the two bindings into an intricate hogtie. A length of rope was pulled around her waist, pushed between her legs, and yanked tightly. Caitlin pushed a red sponge ball into the woman’s mouth, securing it behind the teeth, and wound a length of duct tape around the woman’s glossy lips, entrapping her blonde hair in the process.

Once Caitlin was certain the guard was well and truly restrained, she uprooted some nearby shrubbery to conceal her. Perhaps the gardener would find her in a day or two. That is, if the stadium hired a gardener.

Caitlin returned to the guard’s post, admiring the feel of the uniform against her lithe, fit body. She took the position, and spoke into a small communicator strapped to her wrist. “This is Supergirl. All quiet on the western front.”

Minutes later, a van pulled up to Caitlin’s post. Her fellow sorority girls got out.

“All right, ladies,” Verna smiled. “Time for Phase Two.”

It was precisely 5:22 AM when the bus bearing the six Blue Belles of Commonwealth University pulled up to CityWide Stadium. Becky found a parking space large enough to hold the mammoth vehicle, and shut off the engine.

“Good luck, ladies,” she said.

“We don’t need luck!” Vivienne smiled. “Right, girls?”

“Right!” Portia said. “We have all the natural skills we need.”

“C’mon, ladies,” Evangeline grinned. “Let’s go show those Rockettes the real meaning of ‘cheer’!”

“They won’t be cheering for long,” Penelope laughed.

“That’s for sure!” Victoria agreed.

Laughing, the five young women all exited the bus. Jennifer lagged behind.

Becky smiled at her. “Go get ‘em,” she said.

Jennifer smiled back. She left the bus.

Becky leaned back in her comfortable leather seat and pulled her paperback mystery out of the glove compartment. She let her blue jacket settle comfortably over her body, and propped her boots up on the dashboard. She then lost herself in the page-turning world of mystery and intrigue.

After about ten minutes of reading, a faint scraping sound caught her ears. At first, she ignored it, assuming it to be just the wind. However, as the noise continued, she looked up from her novel quizzically.

The noise appeared to be coming from outside the rear of the bus. Becky put down her book and rose from her seat. She stepped down out of the vehicle, taking care not to dirty up her boots on the soil.

Becky circled around to the back of the bus and glanced around. No one was there.

As Becky began to wonder if she hadn’t grown paranoid in the early morning hours, another sound alerted her from behind – the sound of bubble gum being chewed, slowly and softly.

Becky was about to turn around – but she was given no chance. Angela circled an arm tightly around her waist, entrapping her arms. With her other hand, she pressed a chloroform-saturated cloth over Becky’s mouth and nose.

“Hmmmmppphhhhh….. Mmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!” Becky tried to call out.

“Chill out, busgirl,” Angela said. She tightened her grip on the poor woman, whose eyes betrayed pure fear. “Don’t freak, or I will totally go all Sarah Connor on your peachy little ass.”

Becky’s world was a mixture of bright, exploding colors. Her long legs became spindly and misdirected, losing their muscular connection with her brain. She could feel things getting darker… darker…

She slumped back into Angela’s grip.

“Weakling much?” Angela grinned. “I didn’t even crack a sweat.”

She dropped the unconscious girl and stretched. "I still say it's way too early in the morn for these clothes-stealing shenanigans. You get me? No, I guess you don't."

Angela’s nimble fingers quickly found the keys strapped to the now-unconscious driver’s belt. She unlocked the back door of the coach and dragged the insensible woman inside.

Angela laid the driver down on the floor and gazed at her. “Seriously? Black knee-highs? That is so November.” She sighed. “Guess fashion isn’t high up on your list. Oh, well…” She knelt down and, lifting each shapely leg in turn, removed the woman’s boots, which she then set aside.

“Nice duds… though I’d pick hot pink over blue any day.” Angela unbuttoned the woman’s jacket and eased it off her shoulders. She then pulled the skirt down the woman’s legs.

“Not bad… I know many guys who wouldn’t mind having those gams locked around their heads,” Angela smiled. She rolled off the black tights. “Kinda wish I swung that way myself.”

The white shirt was next to go, leaving the woman in just a white scalloped bra and bikini panties. Angela whistled. “That’s some excellent breastage. Bet you’d make a good swimsuit mod.”

The bra was cast off, confirming Angela’s suggestion. The panties were then shimmied down two lengthy, luscious legs. “Girl, you are fit. Wish my bod could be as kickin’ as that.”

Angela rolled the naked girl onto her stomach, crossed her wrists just over her plentiful posterior, and wound a length of duct tape around them. The woman remained motionless as more tape secured her trim ankles together.

“Breakfast time, sister,” Angela said, reaching for the girl’s discarded panties. She thumbed them into the woman's small mouth. "Today's menu: Slightly moist panties, topped off by a layer of duct tape a la mode." She smoothed the tape over the woman's full lips. "Now what say we get your out-of-sight body... out of sight?" She lifted the bound-and-gagged girl with minimal effort and pushed her into the overhead luggage compartment, which was promptly locked.

"Don't mind if I commandeer your bus, do ya, Peach?" Angela stripped herself and swiftly donned the driver uniform. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of it. You just concentrate on realizing that not even Houdini could wiggle out of the bonds I've snared you in." She adjusted the cap and sat down in the driver's seat. "Wow... a mystery novel!" She began reading. "I love mysteries... They always keep me tied up in knots... But I'll bet you'd know a thing or two about that..." She popped a piece of gum in her mouth and began to chew.
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:01 am

Re: The Rockettes' Red Glare

Post by tirepanted »

The Blue Belles had found their locker room without much fuss, and were now in the process of stripping off their regular clothing so they could change into their Majorette uniforms.

Blouses, skirts, and tank tops were tossed onto the floor, alongside shoes, socks, and valuables. The girls stood resplendent in their assortment of pink and white bras and panties, undergarments that accentuated their feminine assets while proving quite comfortable to wear. Five of them complimented one another on firm, round breasts and curved rears. Then their eyes fell on the sixth, and...

"Are those boyshorts?" Penelope laughed.

Jennifer blushed, and tried to cover her blue underwear. "I... They were on sale."

"At what? The dumpster?" Evangeline grinned. "Honestly, you're an embarrassment to the team."

For a moment, Jennifer looked as though she was going to break down and cry. Then she remembered what Becky had told her, and her resolve strengthened. "I am not an embarrassment," she said. "I'm strong, and I'm beautiful, and I can win the competition with both hands tied behind my back."

Evangeline sneered. "Well, well. Looks like the jellyfish just grew a backbone." She stepped toward Jennifer. "Anything else you want to say, Princess?"

Jennifer gulped. "...I... I..."

By this point, Victoria and Penelope were also stepping towards Jennifer.

"I... I..." Jennifer stammered, "No. Nothing else."

"Except that you're a stupid bitch," Evangeline said. "Right?"

Jennifer slowly nodded.

"Say it."

"I... I'm a stupid bitch."

"And ugly, too. Weak and ugly," Victoria grinned.

"I'm a stupid... weak... ugly... bitch," Jennifer stammered.

Evangeline clapped her hands. "Well, as long as you're smart enough to admit it." The other girls laughed.

"C'mon, ladies. Let's get changed," Portia said. "That includes you, loserette."

The girls changed into their blue uniform blouses, white skirts, tall blue peaked hats, and white knee-high, high-heeled boots. Five of them talked and laughed with one another as they dressed themselves. Jennifer stood off to one side, fighting back tears.

Finally, all six girls were fully uniformed. Penelope grabbed her baton, and they headed out the door.

As the Blue Belles talked and laughed with one another on their way to the stadium field, Vivienne stopped suddenly. "You girls go on ahead," she told her friends. "I'm just going to saturate my delicate throat with some water."

Leaving her friends, she stepped elegantly down a side hall, boots clicking.

The water fountain was located near the Ladies' powder room. Vivienne pressed the pedal with her foot. Nothing happened.

She frowned. Was the machine broken? "Come on, you piece of junk. I'm thirsty." She tried again, with no success.

Abruptly, she felt a presence behind her. She whirled. No one was there.

"Hello?" she called out, looking around nervously.

Hearing no response, she turned back to the water fountain. She heard the interior filter rumbling.

"Finally decided to work, huh?" She stepped on the pedal again.

A jet-stream of water hit her in the face. She let out a cry and staggered backwards.

From above her, the sounds of giggling could be heard. She rubbed her eyes and looked around angrily. "Okay, who's the joker? I'll make you pay."

Her back was to the restroom door... a fact that would prove to be her undoing.

Before Vivienne could turn around, the doorway swung open. Two gloved hands shot out. One clamped over her mouth, while the other grabbed her wrist. With a muffled squeal, she was pulled backwards into the restroom. Her legs flailed briefly, helplessly, in the open air before they were swallowed up by the door frame. The door closed silently.

The walls of the Ladies' Room were porcelain-covered stone, and thus muffled the punches and screams as the luckless Majorette was swiftly and soundly beaten unconscious. The girl hadn't a chance to fight back or even lay eyes on her attacker - not that it would have helped identify her.

Bridgette pulled off her ski mask and shook her long brown hair. She grinned down at the helpless and unconscious Majorette. "Thanks for being the right size, blondie," she said. "Now why don't I slip you out of that uniform and into something a hell of a lot less comfortable..."

So saying, she gripped the girl's left boot and slid it off her long, curved leg. The right boot was then slid off to join it.

Bridgette unbuckled the girl's chinstrap and lifted the hat, setting it delicately aside. She then unzipped and slid down the white skirt. The blouse was unbuttoned and hung over a stall door.

Vivienne was now dressed only in a white plunge bra, a pair of white bikini panties, and neutral-colored nylon tights. Bridgette rolled off the tights and smoothed them out, leaving the girl in her most intimate of undergarments.

"You can keep the undies," Bridgette remarked. "They're not really my style, anyhow."

She stripped off her clothing and hurriedly slithered into the warm Majorette uniform. She laced up the boots and buckled the hat's chinstrap.

Then it was time for Vivienne to be tightly bound hand and foot with electrical cord from the restroom's supply closet, which she was then dragged into. Bridgette stuffed her mouth with dirty rags before winding the tape around her lips and lower jaw four times.

"That should keep you quiet, m'darling," Bridgette remarked. "And might I add that your uniform is simply adorable." She locked the closet door and gave herself a once-over in the restroom mirror. Then, with an elegant flourish, she exited the restroom.

"One down," she smiled to herself. "Five to go."


Elizabeth stretched and yawned. She glanced at her watch. It was early, she knew, too early for her liking. Still, she had known the Blue Belles would be practicing today, and thus they needed one of the stadium nurses on duty. Elizabeth brushed a stray blond hair from her face and dusted off her dark green scrubs. She would need to be ready in case of any emergency.

The sound of high-heeled boots clicking along the floor alerted her. She adjusted the stethoscope around her neck and smiled at the pretty, brown-haired Majorette who walked in.

"Hello, sweetheart," she said. "What seems to be the trouble?"

The uniformed girl smiled at the nurse, showing two rows of gleaming white teeth. "No trouble," she said. "I was just looking for you."

"For me?" Elizabeth looked puzzled. "Did you hurt yourself practicing? Because otherwise..."

"No, I'm quite fine," the Majorette said. "But I could use a different sort of help."

"Anything," Elizabeth responded encouragingly. "Just ask."

The Majorette's eyes twinkled. "If that's the case... well, I'd like you to remove your uniform."

Elizabeth blinked. "What?"

"Strip, dear," the Majorette said nonchalantly. "I know someone who needs your scrubs a lot more than you do."

Elizabeth frowned. "Look, it's too early in the morning for these jokes. If you don't have anything that needs to be examined..."

"It's no joke, Barbie," said another voice from behind the door. In stepped a young woman with short, curly red hair and a pink winter coat. "I'm just about your size, and that uniform is just what I need for our plan."

Elizabeth began to sweat. "Look here," she said as the the two young women began to advance on her. "You two better get out of her before I call security."

"Feel free," the Majorette grinned.

Elizabeth grabbed her phone and hit the emergency button. "Hello, Judy? This is the on-call nurse... I'm being assaulted!"

A woman's voice responded from the other end. "Keep calm, dear. And surrender. Give them your uniform. There's no escape." The laugh which followed sent chills up Elizabeth's spine.

She hung up the phone and stared at the two women before her. "Who... are you people?"

The Majorette reached out and gently stroked her cheek. "We're the good guys," she whispered.

Elizabeth's eyes began to fill with tears. "Please... please don't hurt me..."

"We won't," the Majorette responded. "Just give my friend your uniform, and everything will be alright."

Elizabeth bit her lip, but she said nothing. She gripped the corners of her shirt and pulled it up and off, revealing a lacy cream-colored bra. She bent down to unlace her trainers, her breasts wobbling slowly as she did so. Then she gripped the waistband of her pants and pulled it down her long, curvy legs, revealing a pair of blue bikini panties with white trimming.

"I'll have those socks, too, if you please," the winter-coat clad girl said.

With a sigh, Elizabeth pulled off her white socks and added them to the pile of her now-former uniform.

Bridgette and Staci exchanged a glance. Then they looked at the nurse expectantly.

The nurse groaned. "Oh, please... not my underwear, too..."

Staci shrugged. "Sorry, girlfriend, but I need to impersonate you convincingly - and to do that, I gotta really get inside your panties, as the saying goes."

Elizabeth could see how hopeless her situation was. With a sigh, she reached around her back and unclasped her bra, letting the intimate garment flutter to the pristine tiled floor. Then she slowly shimmied out of her panties.

"Excellent," Stacie smiled. "Now, my friend is going to bind and gag you - rather tightly, I'm afraid - while I take over your position for the day."

Elizabeth felt quite humiliated as a smiling Bridgette began to bind her with medical tape and gag her with clean white gauze. Once the securing of the nurse was complete, Bridgette eased her into one of the floor-level medical cabinets.

"Thanks for your cooperation, dear," she smiled at her frightened victim. "I do hope you'll forgive us someday." She blew the teary-eyed woman a kiss and shut the door.

"How do I look?" Stacie asked. She did a twirl and giggled.

"Like a nurse," Bridgette responded. "Now get settled in. And be ready to play your part."

Stacie saluted. "You got it."

As Bridgette headed toward the door, she stopped and looked back at her friend. "So... you really think we can pull this off?"

Stacie shrugged. "Guess we won't know till we try."
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Re: The Rockettes' Red Glare

Post by tirepanted »

Penelope glanced at her gold wristwatch. "Where the hell is Vivienne?" she said. "How long can a girl take just to get a drink?"

"Maybe she got lost," Portia quipped.

Penelope did not laugh. "Come on, girls, this is no time for jokes. We've got to practice if we don't want those Rockettes to beat the panties off us this year."

Victoria smiled. "Don't worry. I'm not wearing panties." She giggled.

Penelope shot her a look.

"Calm down, Penny," Evangeline said. "We're a terrific team. Those Rockettes won't stand a chance against us!"

Penelope took a deep breath. "Fine," she said. "But we still need Viv. Portia, go find her."

Portia nodded and headed back to the indoor entrance.

Penelope turned back to Evangeline. "And don't ever call me Penny."

"Why not?"

"It makes me sound poor. Plus, it rhymes with... y'know, Jenny."

She and Evangeline giggled.

Jennifer frowned. She turned and began walking away.

"Where d'you think you're going, loser?" Evangeline called.

"Just need some fresh air," Jennifer said without looking back.

"She's just going off somewhere to cry," Victoria smiled. "Let her go. We can practice more efficiently without her."


Portia strode gingerly down the hall, her white boots clicking on the tiled floor. "Vivienne?" she called out. "Where are you, honey?"

No response. Portia approached the Ladies' Room. The door was slightly ajar.

Portia stepped inside. The restroom appeared empty. "Viv?" she called out again.

A low, muffled sound caught her ears. It appeared to be emanating from the restroom supply closet.

Puzzled, Portia approached the closet. She gripped the knob and swung it open.

A gasp escaped from her glossy red lips. Lying on the dirty floor of the closet, gagged and bound and wearing nothing save her underwear, was Vivienne. The poor girl gazed up at Portia with tear-filled eyes.

So stunned was Portia to see her friend in such a state that she did not hear the light footsteps behind her. She did not notice anything, in fact, until a large ball-gag was whipped over her head and thrust into her open mouth.

"Mmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!" Portia tried to cry out, but her voice was effectively muffled. After buckling the gag behind Portia's head, her assailant swiftly spun her around and punched her hard in the stomach.

Portia felt her knees buckle as the oxygen left her body. She stared at the smiling brunette through blurry eyes.

"Stay down, girl," Leanne grinned.

Portia felt a sharp pain at the back of her neck, and everything went dark. She slumped to the floor.

Leanne smiled at her twin sister. "Nice work, Lu. You've become quite the expert of neck chops."

"It's all in the wrist," Luanne replied. "Now let's strip this babe before she flies home from dreamland."

Giggling, the two set about stripping the insensible Portia of her blouse, skirt, hat, and boots. Before long, the statuesque Majorette was down to a frilly pink bra and hipster panties.

"Looks like she's more your size than mine," Leanne observed.

"Don't worry," Luanne grinned as she began stripping off her own clothes. "We'll find you another one."

As Luanne dressed herself in the stolen uniform, Leanne set about binding its original owner's wrists and ankles with nylon rope.

Once Portia was secured, the two sisters dragged her over to the closet and secured her bindings to those of the unwilling Vivienne. The blonde grunted and struggled, but that only served to tighten the bonds between her and Portia.

"Get comfy, sweetheart," Leanne grinned. "I hope you and your friend have fun together."

Giggling again, she shut the door, plunging the two Majorettes into darkness.


Jennifer kept quiet until she exited the stadium. Then she bit her lip. Tears began streaming down her cheeks.

Through her blurry eyes, she saw the coach bus. Becky appeared to be sitting in the front seat, her legs propped on the dash, reading a book.

Wiping her eyes with her sleeve, Jennifer approached the bus. She knocked on the driver-side door, which slid open.

Jennifer stepped onto the bus and approached the driver's seat. "Becky," she said, "I need your help."

The driver turned, grinning. "Afraid Becky can't help you, honeybee," she said. "No one can."

Jennifer's mouth dropped open as she realized the uniformed woman sitting before her was an impostor. "What... Who are you? What did you do to Becky?"

"I'm glad you asked, sugar," Angela replied. "Why don't I show you."

Jennifer turned to run, but Angela grabbed her collar. She yanked Jennifer close and applied a firm sleeper hold.

Jennifer's feet kicked out futilely. Before long, her struggles slowed, and she passed out.

Angela eyed her victim's body. Jennifer was too small for her uniform to fit her or any of her Madison peers. She shrugged. "Might as well strip ya anyway, eh, tootsie roll?"

She pulled off Jennifer's uniform, hat, gloves, and boots, leaving the girl in just her blue bra and boyshorts.

"Nice titties, dear," she mused, folding up the uniform and setting it on a nearby seat. "Now where's that duct tape... ah, yes!"

After taping up and gagging her young victim, Angela hoisted her up and opened the overhead luggage compartment, revealing the bound-and-gagged Becky. Becky's eyes widened as the similarly bound Jennifer was crammed in next to her.

"Hope you enjoy the company," Angela smiled as she shut the compartment door. She stepped down and returned to the driver's seat.

A few gagged sounds of protest emanated from the overhead compartment, but Angela paid them no heed. She simply lifted her radio to her lips. "Verna, I've got another. The bus driver bait-and-switch plan worked like a charm."

"Excellent," Verna's voice responded from the other end. "Are you wearing her uniform?"

"Afraid I'm too big... as are the rest of our friends, unfortunately," Angela replied. "But don't worry. We'll figure something out."
esercito sconfitto
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Re: The Rockettes' Red Glare

Post by esercito sconfitto »

:D :D bravo !
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Re: The Rockettes' Red Glare

Post by tirepanted »

Evangeline and Victoria watched as Penelope anxiously paced back and forth.

"First Vivienne disappears... Now Portia hasn't returned! What the hell is going on here?"

"Calm down, Penny... er, Penelope," Evangeline said. "You're making it sound like there's a conspiracy afoot."

"Don't be ridiculous," Penelope snapped. "I just want to start practicing now. We need to beat the Rockettes!"

Victoria pulled out her phone. "Let me try texting Portia again."

Penelope sighed. "Sure. Whatever."

"Excuse me, ladies."

The three Majorettes turned to see a young woman with curly red hair, dressed in dark green medical scrubs and white trainers.

"Who the hell are you?" Penelope scoffed.

"I'm the on-call nurse," Staci lied. "I'm here to ensure that you're all in peak physical condition for today's match."

Penelope raised an eyebrow as Staci continued. "I'll need to give you each a brief physical. One at a time, of course."

"Bullshit... We've never done physical exams before."

Staci shrugged. "It's optional, of course... Just in case you don't want to risk pulling a muscle at the worst possible time." She turned to go.


It was Evangeline. "I... I'll take a physical. Just to be on the safe side," she added.

"Right this way, honey," Staci gestured.

Penelope watched suspiciously as the two exited the field.

"There's something odd about that nurse..." she muttered.

Evangeline followed Staci back to the nurse's office. "After you," Staci smiled. She shut the door once the two of them had entered.

"All right, darling, first things first," Staci said. "Strip off your uniform so I can start the examination."

Evangeline hesitated for a moment, then shrugged and began removing her uniform. Hat, boots, blouse and skirt - before long, she wore nothing but a white bra-and-panty set with blue lace edging.

Staci eyed the curvy girl and nodded. "Excellent, my dear." She stepped behind her and examined the rear. "Simply excellent."

"Can I go now?" Evangeline asked.

"In a moment," Staci replied. "Just as soon as I... do this!"

So saying, she pounced on Evangeline, wrapping one arm around her waist while pressing a pad of chloroform to her face with the other hand. Evangeline's eyes widened, and she struggled to be let go.

Soothingly, Staci began whispering into Evangeline's ear. "Don't fight, honey. It's useless. Better you just surrender now, yeah..."

Try as she might, Evangeline could not break Staci's hold. Finally, she slumped back in her attacker's arms.

Delicately, Staci lowered Evangeline to the floor and began binding and gagging her with medical tape. "Congratulations, sweetie," she cooed. "You just passed your physical."

Soon after, the real nurse had an unwilling cabinet playmate... and Staci had a well-fitting Majorette uniform.


Jennifer awoke to find herself nearly naked, bound and gagged, in a dark and cramped compartment. Her body was pressed roughly against that of the naked and equally restrained Becky. The two women struggled, but to no avail.

Softly, Jennifer began to cry. Tears began streaming down her cheeks, as she realized her chance to compete in the day's tournament were gone.

Becky attempted to comfort the girl. She nuzzled close to Jennifer's figure and attempted to keep her warm. Though Becky's body was tightly bound, Jennifer appreciated the effort.

The two young women could not embrace, but they made sure their bodies were in as much physical contact as possible. Jennifer gazed into Becky's eyes and was could have sworn she detected a smile behind the tape-gag.

For the first time in her life, Jennifer did not feel alone.


Penelope took a deep breath. "I swear, when I find those abandoning bitches, I'll..."

Victoria sighed. "You're letting yourself get crazy, Penelope."

"Damn right," her friend responded. "I'm sick of this. It feels like we're being picked off one by one, until..."

"Look!" Victoria pointed.

Penelope looked. Heading their way were three girls in Majorette uniforms.

"Told ya they'd be back," Victoria smiled.

Penelope squinted. "Wait a minute..."

As Victoria approached the three girls, her mouth dropped open.

Staci, Bridgette, and Luanne approached, dressed in their appropriated uniforms. They eyed Penelope and Victoria with sinister glee.

"It's a setup!" Penelope cried out. "Run!" She took off for the nearest stadium doors.

Victoria headed for the exit, legs pumping. She didn't know what was going on, but she wanted no part of it.

"Going somewhere?"

Victoria looked up to see a tall uniformed guard blocking the exit.

"Please," Victoria gasped, "you need to help me. Those girls... they ambushed our friends... stole their uniforms... Please help!"

"Of course," Caitlin smiled. She then dealt a left hook that sent Victoria slamming to the ground.

Penelope swung open the stadium door, then stopped in her tracks. Standing there was Brianna, holding a chloroform pad and a roll of duct tape.

"Afraid we can't have you leaving, honey," she grinned.

Penelope turned her heel and began running to the next exit. She was quickly intercepted by Leanne. As she attempted to run to a third exit, Staci blocked her. And so it went - no matter how Penelope tried to escape, there was always a girl to stop her.

Penelope did not want to give up - but as her attackers finally closed in on her at a corner of the stadium, she finally realized there was no escape. She raised her hands in surrender.

Bridgette radioed Verna. "We've got them all."

Then she turned, smiling, to Penelope. "Best if you wiggle your figure out of that uniform... else we forcibly remove it."

Resigned, Penelope began stripping herself, glaring at her captors all the while.
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Re: The Rockettes' Red Glare

Post by tirepanted »

Angela's radio crackled to life. She set down her paperback.

"Gumshoe, we have secured five of the targets. Do you still have the sixth?"

Angela raised her watch to her lips. "Affirmative. But... she's a tad small for me, or anyone in our unit, to fill the uniform."

"Do your best, Gumshoe. Over and out."

Angela sighed. She gazed at the uniform disdainfully.

Then an idea came to her head - a ridiculous idea, but perhaps one that could work.

She strode over to the overhead compartment and unlocked it. She pulled Jennifer out, leaving Becky behind.

"Hey, cutie," she addressed the young Majorette. "I've got a proposal for you."

Jennifer seemed flushed, and attempted to regain her composure.

"Here's the deal," Angela continued. "I'm gonna untie you and give you back your uniform... but you need to follow my orders. Okay?"

Angela gazed at her quizzically. She didn't know what to make of this woman who had stolen Becky's uniform and assaulted them both.

Angela sighed. "Okay, listen. You're probably wondering why I attacked you and your bus driver. Here's the story..."

She proceeded to detail the plan of the Sigma Sigma Delta sorority, explaining that all the other Blue Belles had been subdued and replaced. Jennifer listened, fascinated.

"...Unfortunately, none of us fit your uniform," Angela finished. "So I'm thinking we should let you wear it yourself, and follow the orders of the other five fake Majorettes. We'll spare you the indignities of being bound and gagged all day. Deal?"

Jennifer stared at her.

"I'm gonna peel the tape off your pretty mouth now, honey," Angela said. "If you scream, the deal's off. Got it?"

Jennifer nodded. Angela slowly and gingerly removed the tape.

Jennifer did not scream. She spoke. "I agree to your terms, but on one condition. Let Becky go. She's a innocent woman, guilty only of being the Blue Belles' bus driver." Becky watched from the overhead compartment as Jennifer continued. "She's a good person... Let her go."

"How do I know she won't call the cops on us as soon as she's free?" Angela countered.

"She won't. Trust me."

After considering her options for a minute, Angela agreed. She freed Jennifer, then brought Becky down and freed her, too.

Once she was free, however, Becky headed for the door.

"I'm calling the authorities," she said angrily.

Angela pulled out a chloroform pad, but Jennifer stopped her. "Wait. Let me handle this."

She grabbed Becky's arm. Becky turned.

"Look," Jennifer said. "I was having the worst day of my life today... until you offered me some words of encouragement. I can be more open and honest with you than any other woman I know." She paused. "And then, in the luggage compartment, you were..." She blushed. "You were so soft. So warm." She paused. "I've never been attracted to girls before, but I... I think I'm in love with you."

Becky bit her lip. "I'm sorry, Jennifer. You're a nice girl, but I just can't reciprocate those feelings. I have a boyfriend, you know..." She paused. "And these girls need to pay."

She strode off to the door of the bus.

As she reached the handle, however, Becky paused. She looked back at the sadly smiling Jennifer.

"Oh, fuck it," Becky muttered.

She turned and ran back down the length of the aisle and straight into Jennifer's arms. The two women embraced and kissed passionately.

"I love you, Becky," Jennifer whispered.

"Call me Rebecca," the smiling driver responded.

After watching the two women kiss for about a minute, Angela cleared her throat and tapped her watch. "Come on, ladies. Time is of the essence here."

"Of course," Jennifer said. She began getting dressed.

Becky approached Angela. "Thank you," she whispered. "If you hadn't locked us up together in that compartment, I would never have admitted to myself these... feelings. Feelings that have just set me free."

"Does this mean you won't call the cops?" Angela inquired.

Becky bit her lip.

"Just to be on the safe side, I think we should tie her up again," Jennifer interjected. "I'm sure she won't mind. Right... Rebecca?"

Becky paused, then nodded and smiled. "I wouldn't mind you tying me up, my love."

Once Jennifer had re-bound and gagged her girlfriend, Angela spoke up. "You ready?"

"Just about," Jennifer said. "But there's one other thing I want to do first."


Penelope, Evangeline, Portia, Victoria, and Vivienne sat side-by-side on the floor of the Blue Belles' locker room. They had each been stripped to their underwear and were thoroughly bound and gagged. Needless to say, they were not pleased.

The girls watched helplessly as Bridgette, Stacie, Leanne, Luanne, and Brianna paraded around in their uniforms, testing the size and fit. Occasionally, one would direct a giggling remark at the five helpless blondes, such as "This uniform looks so much better on me, doesn't it?" or "Let us know if the bonds are too tight, okay?"

The door to the locker room suddenly opened, and in walked a fully uniformed Jennifer. The five sorority girls gasped.

Jennifer ignored them. Instead, she walked up to her five former teammates and stared down at them.

"Not very comfortable, is it?" she asked.

The gagged moans of response told her everything she needed to know.

"I suppose you expect me to help you girls... To contact the authorities and throw your aggressors in prison," Jennifer continued.

The Blue Belles nodded hopefully.

Jennifer smiled. "Sorry to disappoint you ladies, but... I'm afraid you're just going to have to sit this tournament out."

As more muffled protests followed, she continued. "You five have mocked me, humiliated me, embarrassed me from the day I joined this team. I may not be as tall or as blonde or as statuesque as you, but I still have every right to be a Blue Belle... far more than any of you.

"I never fought back... but today, you girls are finally getting your just desserts. Today, me and my five new teammates will be marching out to thunderous applause, while you all sit here and think over everything you've done."

Jennifer turned away from her five stunned old teammates and to her five equally stunned new ones. "Shall we?"

Bridgette smiled. "Welcome to the team."

She, Staci, Leanne, Luanne, and Brianna each picked up one of the five bound victims and stuffed her into an empty lockers. Five locker doors slammed shut in unison.

"Let's go, team," Bridgette said.

The six uniformed women filed out. Jennifer shut the lights and the door, plunging the locker room into complete darkness.

One by one, the five beautiful prisoners began to sob, their voices muffled by the gags and lockers.


The trumpets began playing, and the audience cheered.

"You sure you want to do this?" Bridgette asked.

"Beats being tied up," Jennifer replied.

"But... you know our plan, don't you? To replace the Blue Belles and perform horribly so that the Rockettes win. You'll be helping your own team lose."

Jennifer shrugged. "It's not about winning or losing. It's about having fun."

"Tying up your teammates was a ton of fun," Staci giggled.

"It was," Bridgette agreed. "Now come on, girls - it's time to get our pretty asses kicked!"

The loudspeaker cracked to life. "Ladies and gentlemen! Presenting... the Commonwealth University Blue Belles!"

The audience roared as the six uniformed girls marched out onto the stadium field.

For the next ten minutes, the Blue Belle impostors performed for the audience - missing musical cues and botching dance numbers all the while. Luanne made sure at one point to "accidentally" elbow her sister and knock her over.

"Sorry, sis," she whispered.

"No prob," Leanne grinned back.

When the performance was over the audience response was weak. The six young women saved their giggling until after they had exited the field.

"Excellent work, ladies!" Bridgette smiled as they watched from the sidelines. "Now let's watch the Rockettes to win!"

The loudspeaker blared out once more. "Presenting... the Madison University Rockettes!"

Six gorgeous young women in red uniforms filed onto the field and began performing. Shockingly, their work was even worse than that of the Blue Belles.

Bridgette's mouth dropped open. "That's... impossible. Our team can't be that bad..." She turned to Staci. "...Can it?"

Staci shrugged, and kept watching.

Once the performance was through, the points were tallied. "The winning team this year is... the Blue Belles!"

Bridgette was in a daze as she accepted the trophy on behalf of her team. How could they have possibly miscalculated so poorly? All their hard work - for nothing.

Her teammates were likewise disappointed. All except one, that is. Jennifer beamed on the inside. She was glad to be part of a winning team, particularly one that didn't have five obnoxious teammates. And best of all, she had found her true love in the process.

Still, she wondered, how could the Rockettes have performed so incredibly poorly?


The Rockettes' coach bus pulled out of the stadium and headed down the road to Madison University. Onboard, the losing team was surprisingly ecstatic.

"Excellent job, ladies!" Veronica addressed her five teammates. "Hijacking this bus was a spectacular idea!"

"Sure was," Julianne concurred. "Those bimbos never knew what hit them."

"I wish these uniforms weren't so uncomfortable," Charlotte complained. "The boots especially pinch my feet."

"You did fine," said Selena, who was disguised as the driver, as she steered the bus across a bridge. "Let's celebrate, ladies... Commonwealth won!"

"It was a brilliant plan," Petunia smiled. "Bet the Madison sorority wishes they could have thought of it!"

The seven Commonwealth sorority girls all laughed as the bus continued down the road. Below them, in the large luggage compartment beneath the bus, seven young women, stripped down to their underwear, moaned into their gags and struggled against their bonds. They were not happy.

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Re: The Rockettes' Red Glare

Post by tirepanted »

Thoughts? Comments? Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Posts: 191
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:43 am

Re: The Rockettes' Red Glare

Post by dummy76 »

very wonderful story! thank you for sharing it with us.

maybe we can collaborate on a spy story. I miss writing.

Posts: 696
Joined: Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:35 pm

Re: The Rockettes' Red Glare

Post by simon4242 »

another great story however why wouldnt the blue belles and rockettes that were bound and gagged and replaced go the authorities lol how would you explain that
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