To Steal a Spacesuit

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Re: To Steal a Spacesuit

Post by tirepanted3 »

None of the characters are based on real people, at least not intentionally - although I do sometimes use familiar character types.

And believe it or not, I don't always plan out full stories from the beginning - I usually have a basic idea of where the main characters will end up, but I always leave the option of change open if certain characters/storylines grow more interesting.
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Re: To Steal a Spacesuit

Post by tirepanted3 »

Stealthily, methodically, Karima and her henchwomen descended the staircase into the lab's lower levels. Once there, they split up and began their next phase.

Disguised and armed, they were easily mistaken for real guards... and the employees were easily fooled. They moved quietly through the facility, silencing and immobilizing anyone they came across. Scientists, guards, janitors - not a single woman in the facility could escape.

One of the Arabs, an appealing girl named Sabira, located an employee lounge, in which three scientists sat about chatting and sipping coffee. They were startled by the arrival of the guard, who raised her gun and quietly ordered them all to strip.

With the scientists shivering in their underwear, Sabira confirmed that they had no concealed weapons. She then tied and gagged them and moved on toward the next room.

Suddenly, a hand slid over her mouth, and an arm slithered around her waist. With a muffled whimper of surprise, she was dragged back into the shadows.

Bobbi made short work of Sabira, rendering her unconscious before the woman could gather up the strength to fight back. A little while and some stripping and tying up later, a mostly-undressed Sabira now sat gagged and bound on the musty floor of an old closet.

Bobbi locked the door. "One down," she murmured, "four to go."


"You've done excellent work, Lana," Dr. Petrella smiled.

The two women now sat in Petrella's office, a small room with multiple certifications adorning its walls.

Lana beamed. "It was nothing, ma'am. Easy job."

"You're too modest," Dr. Petrella responded. "Not many girls could steal a spacecraft from right under NASA's noses!"

Lana laughed. "NASA is run by idiots. They didn't have a chance of stopping me."

Petrella reached into her drawer to find a pen. "I'll write you a check... five hundred thousand, was it?"

"Four fifty. Discount for good friends."

There was a knock at the door.

"What now?" Dr. Petrella called.

Two women in guard uniforms entered. Both seemed quite pleased with themselves.

"What is it? I'm kind of tied up right now," Dr. Petrella said.

"An unfortunate choice of words, dear," the taller guard said, pointing her weapon at the two women. "Hands up."

Petrella and Lana both gasped. "You... you're not my girls..."

"Very astute, doc," the other guard said, drawing her own weapon. "Afraid these uniforms are on loan."

Lana's eyes widened. "You... you're the two astronauts! How..."

"We'e not astronauts," Bridget said. "More importantly, we're on a time budget. So let's skip the gloating part... Start stripping."

Petrella glared at them. "You won't get away with this."

"Please, honey, is that the best you've got?," Felicia retorted with a grin. "I'm about the same size as Lana. My friend's about the same size as Petrella. We also don't look too dissimilar. Wearing your clothes, no one will stop up on our way out... especially if we're bringing a couple of tied-up prisoners with us." She grinned at that last part.

Dr. Petrella scowled. "I'll scream for the guards. You're not going to shoot me."

Bridget shouldered her gun. "Been a long day, honey. I won't kill you, but I've got a decent mind to make you hurt."

"And I'll just kill you outright," came a sinister voice from behind.

Bridget and Felicia whirled. There stood an Arab girl, dressed in similar guard armor, pointing her gun at them.

"I'm afraid my mission is more important and valuable than any of yours," Karima said with a smile. "So I'll just finish it and get on with my day."

Bridget blinked. "Who the hell are you?"

Karima chuckled. "The last woman you'll ever see." She aimed her gun at Bridget's forehead.

"Not so fast," came another voice.

Another woman, also dressed as a guard, was now pointing a gun at Karima's head. "Drop your weapon. Now."

Karima muttered a few foreign swears under her breath, but obeyed.

Felicia's eyes widened as the newcomer approached. "My god... Bobbi??"

Bobbi smiled. "Hey, Licia. Miss me?"

The two girls embraced. Suddenly, neither one felt as scared as they had a few hours ago.

Bridget kept her gun trained on Karima, then ushered her into the room. "Okay, now... all three of you, strip. Can't have any bad gals carrying weapons, can we?" She smiled broadly as the three glowering women began shimmying out of their clothes.

"My girls will kill you," Karima said. "They'll shoot you like the pigs you are..."

"Your girls?" Bobbi asked sweetly. "Afraid they're all a bit tied up right now."

Bridget chuckled. "Already made that joke, Bob," she said. "But good work."

"How did you..." Felicia asked.

"Wasn't hard," Bobbi replied. "Just picked them off one by one. It's amazing how vulnerable people are when they think they have nothing to fear."

Karima grit her teeth. "You'll pay. I swear this isn't over. I'll see you all dead..."

"Pipe down," Bridget shot back, gesturing at the other two women her gun was trained on. "And follow their lead."

Indeed, Dr. Petrella and Lana were now stripping down to their blue comfort bras and silk panties. For some reason, Bridget found it quite amusing that the two women had matching underwear.

Cursing beneath her breath, Karima followed suit, stripping to her own underwear of plain white panties and bra.

Once all three women were down to their skivvies, Felicia and Bobbi set about tying them up. As they did so, Bobbi told Felicia and Bridget how she had followed them and what she had learned.

Though her hands were tied behind her back, Karima was still able to activate her wristwatch. The watch contained a small recording device, and unbeknownst to her captors, Karima had just activated it.

"Dr. Chen is evil," Bobbi was saying breathlessly. "She was plotting to blow up the space-plane while you guys were in it. And she sent this woman and her henchgirls to follow you, and kill you."

Bridget took it all in, calmly. "Guess it's up to us to take her down, then. I'm guessing that space-plane can still fly."

An attempted interrogation of Karima yielded no answers - the woman remained tight-lipped and unwavering.

"No matter," Bridget said. "We'll take her and her henchgirls with us. And our two scientist friends, too."

"What about the rest of the women in this building? We can't take them all," Felicia pointed out.

Bridget shrugged. "They're all tied up in various parts of the building. They'll keep here for a while, until we can phone the police."

"And when is that?" Bobbi pressed.

"Soon after we get the hell out of here," Bridget answered. "Come on, ladies, let's get onboard the space-plane. We've got to head back to NASA headquarters."

Soon after, seven stripped, bound, and gagged women had been safely stowed in the hold of the space-plane. Felicia located the bomb and delicately switched it off.

Before long, she, Bridget, and Bobbi strapped in.

"So... how do we fly this thing?" Bobbi asked.

"With lots of autopilot," Bridget said. "Hopefully, this isn't too different from a regular plane." She switched on the launcher.

Moments later, the spacecraft was cresting through the early morning sky, heading for Cape Canaveral. The three women piloting the craft were feeling quite confident - not realizing the danger they still were in.


Dr. Chen sat back in her chair, sipping a well-earned cup of coffee. She crossed her long legs as the hot beverage coursed through her veins. From outside her window, the sun was rising. It would be a glorious day.

Her phone buzzed. Dr. Chen looked down and saw that she had received an audio message from an undisclosed number. Could it be Karima, with news that the plane had successfully been vaporized?

She pressed "Play" on the message and listened. A young female voice was speaking - not Karima's.

"Dr. Chen is evil," said the voice. "She was plotting to blow up the space-plane while you guys were in it. And she sent this woman and her henchgirls to follow you, and kill you."

Dr. Chen's eyes widened. She dropped the cup.

"Guess it's up to us to take her down, then," another female voice said. "I'm guessing that space-plane can still fly."

The brief recording ended. Dr. Chen could feel her heartbeat quickening. Karima had failed. The astronauts - that is, their impostors - were alive... and now they were coming to expose her.

She forced herself to calm down. "Easy, girl... This isn't over. Just need another change of plans..."

She looked out the window, hoping the sunrise would calm her nerves.

At that moment, a small green pickup truck drove into view, parking just outside the nearby supply shed. Dr. Chen watched as the driver, a pretty girl in blue coveralls, her blonde hair ponytailed beneath a baseball cap, hopped out and began unloading crates with labels like "EA-2277" from the back of her vehicle.

Dr. Chen eyed the pickup truck as a new plan began forming in her mind. It seemed ridiculous... but perhaps it could work.

She approached the window and eyed the female driver a bit closer. The girl was mopping sweat from her brow, clearly exhausted by the weight of the boxes she was carrying.

Dr. Chen waited while the driver continued unloading the crates. She wanted to make sure the girl was at her most exhausted from all that heavy lifting - it would lessen the chances of her fighting back.

Once the driver had finished unloading all the contents of the pickup, she stood sweating in the morning sun. No one else was around.

Dr. Chen opened her office window. "Yoo-hoo! Sweetheart..."

The driver turned, perplexed. She pointed at herself, questioningly.

"Yes, yes... do come over here," Dr. Chen said with a smile. "I've watched you work, and I want to give you an extra reward."

So saying, she drew a crisp fifty-dollar bill from her lab coat pocket.

The driver's eyes lit up. "Mighty kind of you, ma'am," she said, approaching the window with a smile. "I'm not supposed to accept tips, but this is hard work."

"No kidding," Dr. Chen said as the drover reached the window. "Speaking of tips, here's one for you: Don't be so gullible!"

With a chuckle, she grabbed the driver by her collar and pulled the startled woman through the window.

"What the fuuuuunnnggghhh" were the girl's last words before Dr. Chen's fist put her off the clock.

Stripping the girl was both easy and calming. Already Dr. Chen could feel her nerves winding down. There was nothing for her to be scared of.

She removed her clothes and donned the girl's coveralls and boots. They fit very well - another good sign. Dr. Chen tied her hair back and pulled the baseball cap over her head. A bulge in the side pocket revealed a pair of sunglasses. These she donned as well.

Rummaging through her desk drawer, Dr. Chen found a roll of translucent duct tape. This she used to restrain the unconscious driver, binding her hand and foot. Some cloth kerchief stuffed in her mouth, more tape wound around her closed lips, and the girl was the very picture of helplessness. Dr. Chen pushed her beneath the desk, where she would be unseen even if someone happened to glance through the window.

Shortly after, the bored redheaded guard at the NASA gate stifled a yawn. Her shift would be over within a couple of hours, and she was eager to get some sleep.

A green pickup truck drove up, headed toward the exit. The driver smiled. "Deliveries done," she said. "Gotta go."

Had she been a bit more alert, the guard may have remembered that the woman who's driven the truck into the facility just half an hour ago had been white and blonde, whereas this woman appeared to be an Asian brunette. But instead, she just gave a quick glance at the pickup, the back of which had been covered with a tarp. There appeared to be sounds coming from beneath, but it was difficult to tell over the rumble of the engine.

The guard nodded at the driver. "Have a good day."

The gate opened, and the truck drove on through. It turned the corner and headed toward Broadaxe Ridge.

Dr. Chen glanced at her phone. If the occasional radar blips were to be believed, a small but swift aircraft was now approaching Broadaxe - presumably, to find a quiet place to land.

The muffled sounds from the rear of the truck distracted her from her thoughts. She glanced in the rearview mirror and smiled. Beneath the tarp lay her five captives - Alice, Heather, Lindsay, Heather's guard, and Dr. Grace. They struggled against their bonds and moaned into their gags.

"Patience, ladies," Dr. Chen cooed. "I promise this will all be over soon. All of it," she grinned, "will be over."

She pressed down on the gas. The pickup bounced along the bumpy road as it raced toward Broadaxe.
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Re: To Steal a Spacesuit

Post by rufusluciusivan »

A fitting defeat for Karima and her team, I think. After spending their time effortlessly overpowering people by taking them by surprise, they are themselves effortlessly overpowered after being taken by surprise.

Once again, Dr. Chen proves to be too confident for her own good. You know that even if you succeed, you left the employee you mugged in your own office^^. Still, she's dangerous and I wonder what she has in store.

And poor Ashley has been completely forgotten by everyone in her closet...^^
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Re: To Steal a Spacesuit

Post by tirepanted3 »

Dr. Chen is the only one with the key to her office. Dr. Grace might have an access key as well, but she's not exactly in a position to use it. ;) I don't expect that anyone will find the truck driver for a while.

And yes, poor Ashley. Security guards don't seem to have much luck in this story. Ten of them have gotten their uniforms stolen so far (and there may be more before it's over).
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Re: To Steal a Spacesuit

Post by tirepanted3 »

The space-plane touched down easily, with hardly a bump, on a long, flat strip of Broadaxe land.

Bridget breathed a sigh of relief. "The Eagle... has landed."

Felicia applauded. "Nice work, Bridget!"

Bridget smiled. "Twas nothing, m'dear... Autopilot did the heavy lifting."

"Oh, don't be so modest," Felicia said. "You're an amazing pilot."

"Hate to break up the gush-fest," Bobbi said. "But what do we do now?"

"Easy," Bridget said. "We get to the NASA base and expose Dr. Chen for the evil, conniving bitch that she is."

"Just where is the base, anyway?" Felicia inquired.

"A few miles south. I had to land the space-plane out of range to avoid detection - we don't want her getting suspicious. Now we just need to find a car."

The sound of a rumbling engine made their ears perk up. Looking out the window, the three women saw a green pickup truck rumbling down the road. It pulled over near the plane, and a woman in blue coveralls and a baseball cap got out.

Bridget smiled. "Perfect," she said. "A curious passerby. We'll just knock her out and steal her truck."

The woman approached the plane. Bridget pressed the button to lower the ramp, allowing her access to the doorway. The woman stepped up to the door.

Bridget waltzed over to the door, humming to herself. She opened with a smile. "Hi, sweetheart. Lovely truck... Shame we'll have to take it from - "

Her eyes suddenly widened as the woman pointed a gun at her.

"Cute, aren't you."

Startled, Bridget took a step back, tripping and nearly falling to the ground. "What... who are you?"

With a laugh, the woman removed her sunglasses. Felicia and Bobbi immediately recognized her, and their hearts sank.

"I'm the owner of this spacecraft," she said authoritatively. "The one you and your friends so unkindly hijacked."

Bridget backed away to the console, where her two cohorts had raised their hands. "Dr. Chen, I presume? Wish I could say it was a pleasure to meet you."

Dr. Chen ignored her, and eyed the other girls in the room. "You..." she pointed at Felicia. "You were that lab tech, weren't you? The one in the underground facility. And... unless I miss my guess, you were that soldier as well."

Felicia scowled, but said nothing.

"Pitiful little spy," Dr. Chen said. "Thinking you could outsmart me. And you," she turned to Bobbi, "You're that intern from last night."

Bobbi bit her lip, then spoke. "You... you won't get away with this."

"I'm certainly getting away with it, and with so much more," Dr. Chen replied, eyes gleaming. "I don't expect a trio of hijackers to stop me... Particularly not when they were stupid enough to bring my plane back."

"We're not hijackers," Felicia said tersely. "The plane was stolen by another girl. We caught her, along with your terror squad. And you're one to talk - you were planning to blow up your own astronauts."

Dr. Chen looked surprised for a moment, then smiled again. "Clever girl. I take it you managed to stop Karima and her squad. Pity... I'd hoped they could do their job without any hassle." She shrugged. "Guess I'll have to finish things myself."

"You plan to kill us?" Felicia asked sharply.

"Of course," Dr. Chen replied. "I can't let you live to contact the authorities. But I'd prefer not to shoot you, unless you grant me no other option." She smiled mysteriously.

"Now, start stripping," she ordered, waving her gun at the trio. "Afterwards, you'll need to tie each other up. Tightly, mind you - we don't want any escapes, now do we?"

Having no choice, Felicia, Bobbi, and Bridget sullenly undressed. They occasionally glared at Dr. Chen, who simply grinned back.

Once the three women were down to their underwear, Bridget proceeded to tie up Felicia and Bobbi. The girls winced as the knots were tightened around their wrists and ankles. "Sorry, girls," Bridget sighed as she gagged them with duct tape.

Once that was done, Dr. Chen tied up and gagged Bridget. She then tested the bonds on Felicia and Bobbi, ensuring that they were to her satisfaction.

"Now," she said, "you mentioned something about 'capturing' my 'terror squad'?"

A quick search of the space-plane cleared up the answer. Karima, her four henchwomen, and two other ladies that Dr. Chen did not recognize were tied up in the hold.

Chen knelt down and loosened Karima's gag. "So... this is what I'm paying eight hundred thousand dollars for?"

"You owe us more," Karima spat. "Remember, an extra half-million. Now set us free."

Dr. Chen laughed again. "Cute. You know, I was never really planning to pay you extra... And now that I see how pathetic you and your girls are, I see that was a smart plan."

Karima snarled. "Set us free, or I swear you'll be sorry."

"I don't think so," Dr. Chen said as she retied Karima's gag. "I'm afraid you and your girls will have to go as well. Along with these two other women, whoever they are." She smiled at Lana and Dr. Petrella, who simply glared back.

Dr. Chen began mentally counting. "Let's see... you seven, plus the three sluts in the cockpit, plus the five in my truck... Yes, only fifteen girls to dispose of. Hardly something to get worked up about."

Twenty minutes later, the fifteen women were packed into the back of the pickup truck, stacked like sardines - five rows of three women each. Dr. Chen smiled down at them.

"Splendid," she intoned. "Simply splendid. So glad I can get rid of all of you in one shot."

She smiled at the terrified Dr. Grace. "Sorry, dear... It's nothing personal. I mean, I suppose it is - I've never liked you - but there's only room for one leader at NASA."

She glanced at her watch. "Well, best take care of business. I've got a press conference back at NASA. Tell the tragic story of how our heroic astronauts apparently gave their lives when theur shuttle exploded. And how poor Dr. Grace has disappeared in shame."

She covered the women with the tarp, securely fastening the cover in place. Then she hopped into the driver's seat of the truck and began to drive... away from the rocks, toward the shoreline.

Dr. Chen knew the area well, and it wasn't long before she found what she was looking for... a ravine overlooking a large, deep bed of quicksand. With a grin, she hit the gas, driving towards the thick, liquefied pool.

As the truck began its downward slope, gravity took over. Dr. Chen leaped from the cab, landing catlike on her feet. She turned and watched as the truck rolled on and tipped over into the quicksand... and slowly began to sink.

Some muffled and confused screams from the back of the truck could be heard. But Dr. Chen was the only one around to hear them. She blew a kiss to the slowly disappearing vehicle.

"Au revoir, girls," she said. "You'll make lovely fossils."

With a laugh, she turned away and headed back towards the space-plane.

Once inside, she set it on "coast," and began guiding it towards one of the nearby caverns. The caves which lined Broadaxe were unpopulated, and large enough to hide a plane twice the size. Given her new opportunity, she wouldn't destroy the plane; rather, she'd sell it - either as whole or for parts - eventually on the black market. With money like that, she'd be among the wealthiest and most powerful women on the continent.

She began walking back towards the NASA base. It would be a short walk from the caverns, but it would give her time to refresh her mind for the press conference. Now there'd be a new woman in charge.
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Re: To Steal a Spacesuit

Post by rufusluciusivan »

Cliffhanger! In the words of Darth Vader: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" :D Though I have to admit, I can't wait to see how this will turn out now. I remember the introduction of this Moira character a few parts ago and she hadn't played her part in the story... So, wait and see.

Dr Chen proves herself to be a truly evil person, as well as a James Bond villainess (due to her inability to simply shoot her enemies) ;) .

I hope our trio of heroines will find a way to escape though...
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Re: To Steal a Spacesuit

Post by tirepanted3 »

My goal is to finish this story by the end of 2018. So you'll find out the fate of our leading ladies soon enough... ;)
Posts: 1940
Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:40 am

Re: To Steal a Spacesuit

Post by tirepanted3 »

The front engine of the pickup truck was now completely submerged beneath the quicksand. The rear of the truck, with its fifteen unwilling captives, would be soon to follow.

Felicia worked quickly. It was difficult to maneuver in the tight space, but she had to do her best. Though her bonds had seemed tight to Dr. Chen, Bridget had actually tied her with a "trick knot" the girls had worked out a few months prior - the sort that could come loose if pulled in the right direction.

Felicia pulled. And twisted. And pulled some more. And she was free.

Working quickly, Felicia pushed against the tarp with all her strength - it was quite fortunate that she'd been stacked on the top row. There was a ripping sound as the tarp was torn from its hooks.

There was no time to lose. Felicia maneuvered herself to the rear of the truck and unlatched the door. She began rolling the girls out, one by one. "Sorry if this hurts - but it beats a permanent mud bath!"

As more of the women were tossed out, a couple of spare containers that had been lying around the pickup truck fell out with them.

The truck continued to sink as Felicia chucked more of her fellow captives out. The last woman was out not a moment too soon. Felicia watched as the truck sank into the sandy depths.

"Close call," she murmured. "Been having a lot of those lately. Now..."

She worked quickly to free Bridget and Bobbi. The three women then held a quick conference.

"What now?" Bobbi asked. "We don't have any transportation at all... And even if we did, security would never let us into NASA."

"Besides," Felicia asked, gesturing at the twelve bound-and-gagged women nearby, "what'll we do about them?"

"Patience, girls," Bridget chided. "We've gotten this far, after all. We just need a new plan..."

She eyed one of the fallen cannisters on the ground. Reaching down, she picked it up, noticing the "EA-2277" label. "Hmmm..."

The sound of an engine rumbling could be heard from the distance.

Bobbi raised an eyebrow. "What's that?"

Bridget smiled. "I'm guessing it's an opportunity."

The three girls crawled up the side of the sandy slope, peering over the edge. In the distance, they could see a small white shuttle-bus heading up the road.

Bobbi spoke up. "That's a NASA bus... I was driving one just like it a few hours ago."

Bridget turned to her young friends. "Okay, girls, here's the plan..."


Moira sat comfortably back in her seat as the bus rumbled across the smooth rock plain. Her morning was already looking good.

There were six other reporters joining her on the bus. All were female, and all were equally excited.

The woman sitting next to Moira, a Brazilian lady named Izabel, smiled at her. "So, what do you think the big story is?"

Moira shrugged. "Maybe they've discovered aliens," she joked.

"Maybe there's going to be an invasion!" Izabel said with a smile.

Moira laughed. "Whatever it is, I'm glad I'll be beating that snooty Baxter woman to the scoop."

The driver, a tall blonde woman in her late twenties named Tori, squinted at the road ahead. "What's that?"

A young woman, clad only in her underwear, had staggered into view, and collapsed on the road.

The driver immediately hit the brakes, causing her seven passengers to look up.

"What's going on?" asked Izabel.

Tori jumped up and opened the bus door. "I'll be right back."

Tori had spent eight summers as a lifeguard, and thus knew how to administer CPR. As she hurried off the bus, she hoped the young woman lying ahead would not need it.

She knelt down by the fallen figure. "Honey, can you hear me? Make some sort of response."

Felicia opened her eyes. "How about this?" Her arm swooped around Tori's neck, and she applied a tight sleeper hold.

Tori's eyes bulged as she fell to the ground, the girl tightening her grip. She struggled, but with no success.

Most of the reporters hadn't noticed Felicia at all, and were now busily engrossed in their phones. Only Moira looked up. "What... Hey!" She pointed. "Someone's attacking the driver! We need to..."

She never finished her sentence. A small metal cannister was tossed through the window. It immediately burst, spraying gas across the cabin.

Several of the reporters gasped - a mistake, as it allowed the immaterial odor to more quickly fill their lungs. They began to slump back in their seats.

"What's... what's going... on?" Izabel asked, beginning to feel quite drowsy.

"No... This can't be... No..." Moira couldn't keep her sentences together.

The two women drifted off, Moira's head resting on Izabel's ample breasts.

Tori continued struggling for a few more moments, but eventually her air supply was up. She finally slid into unconsciousness, a little drool escaping from her mouth.

"Gross," Felicia said. "That's very unladylike."

Bobbi and Bridget approached from their hiding place. "Excellent work, Felicia," Bridget said. "And Bobbi, you've got quite the throwing arm."

Bobbi gave a mock bow.

"So, who wants to wear the driver's uniform?" Felicia asked.

Bobbi tilted her head to one side. "Eh. Been there, done that."

"I'll do it," Bridget said. "She's closer to my size, anyhow."

She dragged the unconscious driver behind a large rock and began unbuttoning the woman's jacket.

Meanwhile, Felicia peeked inside the bus. "Whoa."

Seven young women, all blissfully asleep. Some had retained their sitting positions, while others had toppled over into the aisle. On the floor was a small ID badge - one of the women had dropped it. Felicia picked it up and realized that it was a press pass.

She stuck her head out the door. "Hey, Bob - we got ourselves a busload of reporters."

"No kidding." Bobbi strolled over. "How many?"

Felicia held up seven fingers. "Guess they were on their way to a NASA press conference. Chen isn't sparing any expenses."

Bobbi entered the bus. "Hmm... You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Felicia smiled. "Their press passes would make a great cover for us."

"Yep. And their clothes, too. Can't say I fancy my bra-and-panties look."

"Okay... but there are seven of them. Do we strip them all?"

"Maybe..." Bobbi tapped her chin thoughtfully.

Bridget emerged from behind the rock, now dressed in the driver's uniform, boots, and cap. From the bus window, Bobbi waved at her to come over.

"Be right there." Bridget slung the real driver - now dressed only in her purple bra and panties - over her shoulder and strode over to the bus. "What's up? Hey... that's a lot of ladies."

"They're reporters," Felicia explained as Bridget stepped into the vehicle. "Recognize any of them?"

Bridget eyed Moira. "She looks... sort of familiar. Guess we'd better make sure none of them wake up in time to recognize me."

Bobbi nodded. "That gas should keep them out for a couple of hours. Think we should take their clothes?"

Bridget considered for a moment. "...No."

Bobbi's face fell. "Huh?"

"I love stealing clothes as much as the next girl," Bridget said, "and I've pilfered plenty of outfits over the course of my career. But I have one rule: Never steal the clothes of a journalist. I have tremendous respect for the women in my profession, and I'd feel uncomfortable humiliating them like that."

Felicia smiled. "That's... incredibly mature, Bridget."

"Yeah, I guess," Bobbi said, although she looked disappointed.

Bridget smiled at her. "Fear not, honey," she said. "We'll get you some clothes pretty soon. But first..." she gazed off at the twelve other women who still lay bound-and-gagged at the bottom of the ditch. "...this bus have any luggage compartments?"

The lower half of the bus did indeed contain luggage space, which was currently unoccupied. But not for long - soon, twelve helpless, underwear-clad women had been crammed inside.

"Do you think this is the best idea?" Felicia asked Bridget. "I mean, I recognize some of these women - they're the astronauts we mugged earlier. They're not villains, y'know?"

"I know," Bridget said. "Trust me, I've got a plan. But we've got to get back to the NASA base. Now you girls conceal yourselves at the back of the bus, and let me do the driving."


The guard at the gate let the last shuttle-bus in without so much as a glance. "Press conference is starting in twenty minutes," she said, only barely looking up from her fashion magazine.

Bridget drove the hijacked bus over to the parking lot, sliding neatly into the last reserved spot. The other buses had already arrived.

A pair of guards approached. Bridget motioned for Bobbi and Felicia to hide.

She rolled down the front window. Luckily, the other windows were all tinted from the outside. "Morning, ladies," she said. "Is there a problem?"

One of the guards, a woman with cropped blonde hair, smiled. "No problems, we hope," she said. "Dr. Chen put the two of us in charge of security at the press conference."

"We just need to make sure all the reporters on your bus have valid credentials," added the other guard, a woman with olive skin and long dark hair.

"Of course," Bridget said with a smile, pulling a lever to open the bus door. "Come right inside."

The guards obliged, stepping into the seemingly quiet vehicle. "We'll make this quick... Conference is starting soon... Hey, what the..."

Bridget shut the door. The small bus rocked back and forth for about twenty seconds.

Twelve minutes later, the bus doors reopened. Two women in guard uniforms emerged. They were not, of course, the same women who had entered the bus earlier, but no one was around to notice.

"How do I look?" Bobbi asked, straightening her stolen and hastily-knotted tie.

"Like you're ready to kick ass," Felicia replied, brushing down her own new uniform. "Bridget, what now?"

"You girls go on ahead," Bridget responded from inside the bus. "I just need to finish tying up your two playmates."

Indeed, she had already bound the two unconscious and underwear-clad guards back-to-back, and was currently gagging them with tape.

"Good luck, ladies," Bridget called as her two disguised young friends headed toward the auditorium. "Hopefully, we won't need it."

Once the guards had been helplessly immobilized, Bridget turned her attention to the luggage compartment below. There were pounding and moaning sounds coming from within.

Bridget found a small hatchway in the floor of the bus which gave her a birds-eye view of the luggage compartment. The hatch was located just above a pair of tightly bound wrists. Bridget immediately recognized which of the twelve women it was, even without seeing her face - the dark skin tone and ropework pegged her as Heather.

Bridget procured a penknife, then reached down and sliced through the woman's bonds. It was an odd feeling - though she'd tied up dozens of women during her journalistic career, this was perhaps the first time she'd set one of her victims free. Still, she mused, her plan depended on it.

Bridget dropped the knife into the hatch, next to Heather, who was now rubbing her wrists and coming to her senses. She noticed the eleven other women bound and gagged in the compartment, and recognized four of them - Dr. Grace, Alice, Lindsay, and Tricia, the guard who's been stationed outside her room. She didn't recognize the other seven.

Heather poked her head up through the hatch, trying to get a glimpse of her savior. But the other woman had vanished.

Heather returned to the compartment and picked up the penknife. "Fear not, girls," she addressed her four colleagues. "I'll have you free in a jiffy."


Dr. Chen strode into the NASA building, suppressing a smile. She needed to look serious; after all, everyone had to believe she was upset by the loss of the astronauts.

She had changed out of her stolen delivery uniform and into her lab clothes, the better to look presentable for the TV cameras. She'd also trained herself to shed a few tears, just to sell the "tragedy" home.

A pretty blonde girl in a dark green jumpsuit walked up to her. "Morning, Dr. Chen... You called for me?"

"Yes... You're a video technician here, correct? I need the large monitor in the auditorium up and running. I'm going to be giving a speech, and it'd be more effective if my face was up on the jumbo screen behind me."

The girl nodded. "No problem. Let me just get my equipment, and I'll head to the monitoring room"

She headed down the hall toward the supply closet which adjoined the auditorium. Already, the larger room had begun to fill with reporters and curious scientists.

The blonde entered the walk-in closet, swinging the door behind her for some privacy. A moment before it closed, however, a woman's boot stepped between the door and the frame.

The blonde turned in surprise. A woman in a bus driver's uniform slipped into the room, locking the door behind her.

"What are you doing here?" the blonde said. "You don't look like a technician."

Bridget smiled. "That's about to change."

The loud conversations from the adjoining auditorium drowned out the punches and pointless cries for help which followed.

(Next week: The final chapter...)
Posts: 1230
Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:08 pm

Re: To Steal a Spacesuit

Post by rufusluciusivan »

And now I'm waiting for the final part to see how everything will turn out... ;)

Though I'd have one question. Did they keep the reporters and Tori in the bus? I don't have the impression the story mentions them.
Posts: 1940
Joined: Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:40 am

Re: To Steal a Spacesuit

Post by tirepanted3 »

Yes, they're still on the bus. Their part in the story is not yet over...
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