" A Change in Plans" by Slain

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esercito sconfitto
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" A Change in Plans" by Slain

Post by esercito sconfitto »

I'm grateful for all the new stories member are posting. I don't really feel its proper for me to comment on stories posted here since I occasional write stories myself, and people might get the idea I'm on some kind of ego trip or something. Anyway enjoy this little story I whipped while taking a break from my latest poser creation.

A Change In Plans
By Slain

The female operative’s simple plan, as all the best plans were, seemed foolproof; “barrow” a uniform from a catering girls, infiltrate the military complex with the caters, and then gain access the base commander’s office by climbing over the drop ceiling from the lady’s room. The operation went as planned, as the underwear clad catering girl lying in oleander bushes out back could attest--if she ever woke up from the tire iron behind the ear number the operative done to her. After climbing through a panel in the lady’s room ceiling, the operative easily made her way down the pipe work to the base commander’s office.

Using a mountain climbing thingy, the operative lowered herself down into the General’s surprising luxurious office. If not for the umpteen pictures and models of rocket ships and space satellites, she would have taken the office’s occupant for some Wall Street tycoon. Crouching on the ultra-deep, midnight blue carpeting the operative listened to the noise coming from the office area without, which resembled the NASA command center in Houston Texas. Satisfied that the Super Bowel game being shown on the huge wall screen outside still had the military personnel undivided attention, the operative hurried over to a large, shiny hubcap shaped plaque hanging on the wall that commemorated some kind of military bullsh!t or another.

The plaque swung easily away from the wall on its hinges when the operative pulled on it to reveal a wall safe. She grabbed the safe’s handle and gave it a twist. Not to surprisingly the handle swung down and the operative opened the safe’s door. From experience, she knew some people thought they could outsmart potential thieves, and safe themselves the hassle of constantly working the combination dial, by simple leaving their safe’s door closed but unlocked. After all, the reasoning went, what thief would guess the safe was unlocked.


An interminable amount of time later the snazzy, high-tech electronic lock for the office door chirped; then it uttered a musical chime as it unlocked itself. The door opened, and a cute, shapely blond in blue air force dress uniform of a junior officer enter the office. The lit desk lamps didn’t arouse the air force woman’s interest, and she might have thought the general had simple forget to turn them off. Without glancing around the office, the female officer walked towards a large wooden conference table standing off to the side. The woman picked up a fancy looking pen from beside one of the note pads lying on the table.

The operative, hiding behind a flag standing beside the wall, silently grabbed a hefty model of some space rocket off the credenza beside her. The air force woman could notice missing ceiling panel or the thief herself at any moment and sound the alarm. She quietly pushed off from the wall and padded up behind the airwoman; best to silence the girl while she still had the element of surprise.

She swung the space rocket model at the back of the airwoman’s head; and several pounds of aircraft grade aluminum thudded behind the woman’s head with a hearty thump. The airwoman let out a short feminine grunt; then she fell to the floor with a barely auditable thud due to the thick, well-padded carpeting.

The operative thought furiously; the personnel outside might miss the airwoman’s absence before she could safely escape the complex. Hauling the airwoman’s body up and hiding it in space over the drop ceiling wouldn’t do her any good; someone might have noticed the airwoman entering the general’s office, and not coming out in timely manner, and thus cutting down on her needed escape time even more.

She stared down at the prostrate airwoman for moment in frustration; then she hit upon a plan. The tall, shapely young woman (an attractive blond a corn fed, Midwest cheerleader sort of way) wasn’t too dissimilar to her in height and build. The airwoman had a very short, butch hairdo, but at least it was roughly the same color as her own. In any case, she doubted men at the base even notice the airwoman had hair with a dynamite body like hers to look at it.

After removing her climbing rig from the pipe work overhead, the operative replaced the ceiling tile back in its original place. She went back to where the airwoman lay, and dragged her by the wrists into the general’s fully appointed, marble-floored bathroom. Then she brusquely undid the airwoman’s tie, unbuttoned her blouse, and unfastened her trousers. She rolled the curvy, solidly built girl over on her stomach and stripped off her thick-heeled oxford shoes and uniform apparel. The airwoman, as one might expect of a straight lace Midwestern girl, wore a plain, substantial white bra and panties. The operative stripped off the airwoman’s underwear, as the girl’s body wearing undergarments didn’t play into her plan.

The doorsill of the shower stall had rounded edges that roughly matched the contour of the model rocket she had bashed the airwoman over the head with. After wrestling nude airwoman inside the shower, she gave the girl’s body a quick blast of water. Then she grabbed the girl’s body by the ankles dragged her out onto the bathroom floor till the back of her head rested on the doorsill of the shower stall.

The operative artistically adjusted the airwoman’s limbs into a pleasing knocked out woman sprawl, and then she left the bathroom with the girl’s underwear lying on the toilet lid. The phony accident scene she had staged wouldn’t fool even a rookie cop, but the incongruity of the airwoman’s missing uniform might go unnoticed for a while if a crowd formed at the discovery of the girl’s body and scene turned into some kind of cluster f****.

After quickly dressing herself in the airwoman’s uniform, the operative quietly slipped out of the front to the general’s office. As she had hoped the mostly male personnel outside hardly noticed, her leave the office as they watched the last football game of the season play out on the wall screen intended for tracking orbiting satellites.


Last edited by Slain, 8/16/2008, 7:43 am
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