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Joined: Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:08 pm


Post by slainplus »

Two archaeologists and their young female assistant unearth Anica, an ancient Goa'uld princess who lay in suspended animation for hundreds years in Mayan ruin on the Yucatan peninsula. Upon being resurrected Anica used her powers to scan the female assistant’s mind, a mind which Anica consider superior to the male. Much of what she gleaned from the female's mind didn’t make much sense to her, but she learned enough English from the girl to make herself understood.

Anica killed the archaeologists out of hand with her powers of ESP; then she turn her attention to the female assistant.

“Take off your clothes and give them to me,” Anica told the female assistant.

“No! I’m not going to take off my clothes and give them to you,” the female assistant replied indignantly.

“Never mind I’ll have you strip yourself then,” Anica replied.

The female assistant’s body began trembling, and the buttons of her bush jacket worked themselves loose; then the girl’s bush jacket shrugged itself down off her shoulders and fell to the floor along with her khaki shorts. The girl stood stock still and her eyes widened in surprise when she turned her eyes downward and saw her state of undress which now consisted of bosom baring khaki tank top and black panties .

While Anica considered females superior to males, she didn’t consider them beyond killing, which she did with the female assistant whose eyes rolled back in her head and she fell to tomb’s floor dead. Anica picked up the dead girl’s clothes and put them on over her bejeweled bra and panties.

Anica badly wanted off this primitive planet, and her senses told her there was a functional stargate north-east of her position in a place called Colorado. Luckily for her technology on earth had progressed a great deal from the time she enter her sarcophagus. She used her stolen memories to find the nearest large airport.

At the Cancun international airport Anica found an American Airlines flight attendant about her size in the restroom. She put the whammy on the flight attendant, whose nametag read Julie, and put her into a trance. Anica took the woman by the arm and led her into a toilet stall where she magicked off the woman’s uniform, and swapped clothes with her. After exchanging clothes with Julie Anica put her to sleep and left her sitting on the toilet.

She superficially scanned Julie’s mind while she slept, and learn all she need to know on how to impersonate a flight attendant.

Anica’s flight eventually landed in Denver. In front of the terminal she saw an attractive blond haired woman in chauffeur's uniform drop off someone. Without hesitation she walked directly up to the female chauffeur and put the whammy on her as she stood by the open trunk of the limo, and shoved the tranced out woman into the trunk. Anica slammed the trunk closed and drove off in the limo.

Driving the limo to shadowy place in an industrial park, Anica unloaded the limo driver who was still traced out, magicked off her uniform, and knocked her unconscious. After putting the limo driver to sleep, she left the woman lying beside a dumpster and covered up her body with some pieces of cardboard.

Incredibly enough there were public tours of the NORAD facility at Cheyenne Mountain. So to gain access to the installation all Anica had to do was go on a guided tour of the place. At her first opportunity she ditched the tour group, found a female airwoman her size in the library. No one noticed the girl suddenly trace out and get pulled out of sight behind a stack of books. She led the walking sleeper to a room where books were archived. The girl wore a loose fitting green jumpsuit, so Anica magicked the garment off the girl, and put it on over her chauffeur outfit.

Anica left the passed out girl in her bra and panties behind a bookshelf in the archive room. Using her innate internal guidance system, she made her way through the labyrinth of passageways towards the stargate chamber. Near the heavily guarded stargate Anica spotted an armed group of men and women in combat fatigues moving towards the stargate chamber.

“Something wrong Beth? The leader of the group asked one of the female soldiers.

“I have to go to the bathroom,” Beth said dreamily. Then she went off like a sleepwalker.

“Hurry the hell up Beth. we’re due to depart in five minute” the leader called after the woman.

Anica grabbed the tranced out woman and pulled her out the corridor. Working quickly she magicked off the woman’s uniform, and put it on over her chauffeur's outfit.
She hastened back to the group of soldiers with helmet pulled low to disguise her face momentarily. Inside the stargate chamber Anica used her powers to seize remote control of the stargate. She quickly dialed in her destination, and before anyone could stop her kept through the stargate.

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