"First Rule of Horror Movies" by 61021376 (WARNING! Furries)

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esercito sconfitto
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Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:06 pm

"First Rule of Horror Movies" by 61021376 (WARNING! Furries)

Post by esercito sconfitto »


( Author's Note )

The draft of this story's from 11111111111118888888 and I reworked it a bit. this is one of the pieces I wanted to finish for weeks but couldn't. Hope you enjoy.

It was lucky for Lara to find a job at a summer camp as a monitor. She was a girl scout herself as a child and enjoyed working at the camp with the kids. A pleasant addition was that there she met Michael, who was also a monitor. They hit it off in a few weeks of working together. One day they agreed to meet outside the camp in the evening. And when the children went to bed and the sun began to set over the horizon, they found each other in the agreed place not far from the main gate.
-"Well, have you had a good day?" - Michael asked.
-"Sure. As long as you are near - every day is good" - Lara answered with a smile.
-"Then let's go, let's not waste time. Michael said, straightening his backpack on his back" - I took some supplies just in case. You always have to be ready.
-"Oh, you're so thrifty" - said Lara, after which both camp monitors went to the forest, to a place that they had recently discovered together.
It was a river bank, not very far from the camp, but far enough so that the kids would not wander there. The place was especially beautiful and they came just in time to watch the sunset.
-"Cool view, isn't it?" - asked Lara.
-"Unmatched" - Michael answered, making a campfire.

So they spent some more time by the fire, discussing various incidents in the camp.
-"Listen, have you ever swam at night?" - he asked with a smile.
-"Sorry, I didn't take a swimsuit with me" - she answered phlegmatically.
-"You know, me neither. I think it's no big deal... » he kept talking, but not entirely sure how far he could go. « We can always swim nak... in our underwear. The weather is warm, it can dry later, we will warm ourselves by the fire" - he said.
-"Hehe. Enough of you arguing, she chuckled, blushing a little ; don't worry Mike, I will swim with you."

« Great ! » he lept with joy. « So long as we be careful about the first rule of horror movies, haha... »

after these words Lara and Michael began to undress.
Boots, socks, shorts, and a T-shirt - the standard monitors uniforms - were neatly folded up nearby.
-"Ha, what is it? Angry Birds underwear?" - Lara chuckled, pointing to Michael's trunks.
-"Yes, very funny. Well, are you ready?" - Michael asked playfully, looking intensely at her ; it was the first time they saw one another without their uniforms. He gently placed his hand on her hip, leading her towards the water.
"So, so, so, what is happening here?" - an unknown deep voice asked loudly from somewhere in the thicket.
-"W-w-what? Who is it?" - Lara asked fearfully.
-"And we are forest inspectors, we make sure that no stupid horny monitor wanders off the beaten path at night" - answered another, higher voice.
Immediately after that, two came out of the bushes - a formidable buff dog and a short cat with disheveled fur. Both were dressed in orange prison uniforms.
-"Hey, lovebirds, what are you doing here alone, and naked?" - the dog asked with feigned indignation.
-"We're ... we're just ... It's not what you think" - Michael answered, trying to find the words.
-"Pfft. I don't care about that. Hey, you - search their backpack. Maybe we can find something useful there" - the dog ordered menacingly.
-"Yes, sir. I obey, your majesty" - the cat answered in a mocking tone.
-"No formalities needed" - the dog growled, not taking his eyes off the two half-naked camp monitors - "Well, now about you. Do you mind if we take your clothes? As you can see we need em more than you..."
-"Damn, take my backpack, but leave us some clothes. We will leave and will not tell anyone that we have seen you" - Michael said anxiously.
-"Great, I knew that you wouldn't refuse" - the dog answered, casually picking up their property - "Well, did you find anything useful?" - he turned to his partner.
-"There is a knife, water bottles, a flashlight, matches, mosquito spray and a roll of duct tape" - the cat was listing the items with joy, delving into the backpack.
-"What, no food ? What kind of foresters are you ? »

« Sounds like we'll have to play monitor at their camp if we want some grub... »

« Still, a knife is a good argument in conversation. And duct tape will be very useful to avoid gettin my hands dirty" - the dog said with the same calmness.
-"Please, we promise there will be no problem with us. Take whatever you want, just let us go" - tried to defuse the situation Lara.
-"I see you misunderstood. You, hand me the knife" - said the dog, referring to his companion. -"And this is your knife?" - the dog asked, twirling the Swiss knife in his hands. “I thought you meant a real one, not a can opener. However, I don't think anything too gruesome's necessary with these two fools. You - tape em up..." - again he turned to the cat, who grinned viciously.

« My pleasure ! » he sneered as he walked up to Lara, grabbing her arms and pulling them behind her back firmly, causing her to scream in fear.
Michael instinctively stepped forward, trying to protect her. -"Please let her go. Do whatever you want to me, but do not harm her !!" -
-"I wouldn't try negotiations if I were you puppy, the huge dog replied ; I am not impressed by you. You have no clue what we can do to you, but whatever we damn please, we can do it without your input... » While saying all this in a somber tone, he walked to the petrified Michael, glaring straight into his eyes, and seized him by his throat, lifting the smaller canine one inch above ground. « You curious and wanna find out ? Then keep playing hero and you'll die in your cartoon trunks. But not before we do the same to your girlfriend and make you watch... understood ? »

« Uhn... understood... » Michael wheezed, his heart about to explode ; the bigger dog released him, and he fell to his knees, shivering. Behind them, Lara was watching the scene, too terrified for both of them to feel too much as the cat brutally taped her wrists and arms.

A short while later, both monitors were tied with duct tape against a tree, and gagged ; the two escaped inmates tried on their uniforms.
-"Why do I wear the female's clothing? It's not fair!" - the cat was indignant.
-"Fool, they're the same. You whine like you were forced to wear a dress... would've fit you better since you complain like a diva.

« Screw you !! »

« Besides, at least your clothes are your size. I look like I'm disguised as a kid in mine. Hope we can find better clothes." - answered the dog.
-"Mmmphhhm" - Lara and Michael grunted in unison.
-"Oh, I almost forgot" - said the dog, putting out the fire. - "We need to protect nature! Now, sweet couple, we have to leave you. Don't get too frisky. Well, are you coming?"
-"Yes, the final touch" - answered the cat, taking an aerosol with a mosquito spray and sprinkling it on Lara and Michael. -"See, We're not some monsters after all. I think this will help" - said the cat.
After that, the criminals set off in an unknown direction, leaving the tied couple in the forest while their muffled protests were drowned out by the chirping of crickets and the sounds of the night forest. At least they could keep warm sitting side by side.
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