"White Rabbit" chapter 8 by TdFmN

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esercito sconfitto
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"White Rabbit" chapter 8 by TdFmN

Post by esercito sconfitto »

Sayaka left the side corridor in which Miss Sims’ office had been located and turned down the main corridor. As she passed the receptionist’s desk she glanced again at the spectacularly sensual body lying on the floor. She really regretted that she hadn’t been able to… enjoy… that body, though the accountant had been a pretty good substitute. She briefly thought about... She glanced down the hall toward the conference room… No, she told herself, that’s going too far even for you. She pushed the thoughts from her mind. But she yielded to a lesser temptation. The assassin cut away the tight-fitting blouse, letting those perfect breasts spring free. Then she cut away the panties - which had really only partially concealed the vaginal lips and pubic hair in the first place – and placed the silk garment over the receptionist’s face, covering the eyes staring lifelessly through the stylish glasses. The White Rabbit grinned lasciviously as she looked at the display – so similar to the way she had left the accountant – and contemplated what the cops would think when they investigated the murder scene.

Her perverse desires temporarily sated, she headed for the conference room door and opened it just a sliver. As expected, there were 6 women in the room, though only one was wearing the white Pisces leotard. Annette Devereux (whom Sayaka knew from a photo in Millie’s research files) was facing the other 5. The pretty blonde in the paisley sweater, whom Sayaka recognized as Miss Smythe-Turner, the leader of the reconnaissance team, was speaking.

---“Look guv’nor, you sure you ‘aven’t made a clanger? You SURE this Kathy Takagi bird isn’t really this super-assassin White Rabbit? I mean… REALLY sure?”

Devereux answered with some exasperation.

------“We’ve already been over this. Kathy Takagi is a freelance photographer and Millicent Blandings’ sex toy – one of them, anyway. Why do you persist in thinking she’s White Rabbit?”

---“The two I left to watch Blandings’ house have now missed two check-ins. They’re not the most experienced, but that’s not like them. I think they’ve come a cropper. How do you KNOW that assassination in Youngstown was a White Rabbit job? There are other assassins…”

------“Because White Rabbit telephoned Millicent Blandings the morning after the hit, and announced her success. It wasn’t even in the news yet.”

----“And you’ve got the target’s phone line bugged? Is that it?”

------“Something like that.”

The woman who asked the question about phone lines being bugged was a very pretty black-haired woman of about 30, with a slight but noticeable Spanish accent. Even though she was in street clothes rather than the Pisces leotard, Sayaka figured her for Raquel Vega, the leader of one of the assault teams. Like Smythe-Turner and the serious looking brunette sitting next to her (probably Gertrude Becker), Raquel Vega gave off an air of quiet competence. These three were clearly more dangerous than the Pisces idiots she had already dispatched. Still, she didn’t think they would a threat to White Rabbit. And then there was… the “punky” looking one. She was about 18 or 19, hair dyed green, a tattoo – (Sayaka did not recognize the symbol; her half-Scottish "ancestry" did not automatically convey any inherent knowledge of Celtic mysticism) – clearly visible on her left arm revealed by the short-sleeved Pisces outfit. That one was… there was something “crazy” about her. Sayaka decided she was probably a sociopath, utterly ruthless and without empathy. Sayaka was the same, of course. She just hid it more effectively… sometimes. The sixth woman was a statuesque redhead who must be “Miss Willoughby”. It occurred to the assassin that Devereux and Willoughby were, like Sims and the receptionist, exceptionally attractive and dressed to deliberately show off their bodies. She had earlier speculated that the receptionist also served as a “honey trap”, using sex to set up her targets for blackmail or other forms of manipulation. But maybe all the Devereux “dirty tricks” experts… participated… in such activities.

The assassin also noticed the smug way Devereux had responded “Something like that.” Millie payed a small fortune to ensure that particular line was NOT bugged, whether by law enforcement or by her own competitors. Devereux’s smug answer convinced Sayaka that the colonel had been correct. There definitely was an informer in Blandings’ home. Sayaka would … interrogate… Devereux about it later, as she had… interrogated… Sims. Sayaka was sure the woman would talk just as freely once Sayaka started on her.

Raquel Vega was speaking again.

----“Penelope, there could be other reasons why your agents haven’t checked in. I agree caution is required. But we don’t KNOW something has happened.”

-------“They’re probably too busy “watching” each other to watch the target.”

The green-haired punk’s smirking remark visibly irritated Smythe-Turner. But as she opened her mouth to reply, she suddenly stared at the previously-closed door. Sayaka had opened it just a crack, but that was enough. Smythe-Turner reached under her jacket for the pistol in her shoulder holster.

---“Bloody Hell!!!”


Penelope Smythe-Turner jerked spasmodically as a 3-round burst of 9 mm hollow point bullets from Sayaka's submachinegun tore into her shapely torso. staining the front of her blouse red. The bullets in her stomach and left breast would have been exquisitely painful. The bullet to her heart was fatal. She collapsed back into her chair with an agonized moan and then fell sideways to the floor.

------"Verdammte Schlampe!"

The German woman was fast. She had already cleared her holster and was bringing her pistol into line. Still, her speed was only human speed. Sayaka briefly pressed the trigger again, sending a short burst into Gertrude Becker. The pistol dropped from the brown-haired woman's fingers and she pitched forward onto the floor next to her still twitching blonde team leader. Rather than spray her shots wildly and waste ammunition, the assassin was firing short controlled bursts from the submachine gun she had taken from the Pisces sentry earlier. She briefly disengaged the trigger as she brought the muzzle over to cover Raquel Vega. Vega and Green Haired Punk were reacting - though too slowly to keep up with Sayaka's superhuman reaction speed. Both Devereux women – skilled in seduction, blackmail, bribery, computer hacking, but not so much in personal combat – seemed frozen in shock.

As her third burst called forth an agonized scream from the Spanish woman, who flopped back into her chair staring blankly from her pretty but lifeless eyes, the White Rabbit noted two things with amusement. Raquel Vega’s underwear, revealed by the beautiful woman’s death throes, covered even less than the receptionist’s sheer panties had. The Spanish woman wore only a thong under her short skirt. Maybe that was a European fashion… but White Rabbit approved. Even more amusing, Green Haired Punk had grabbed Miss Willoughby with her left hand and jerked her into position to act as a "meat shield".


The corporate executive, eyes wide with fear, threw up her hands in supplication. Sayaka smiled as she placed a tight cluster of 9 mm rounds between those quivering breasts. Had the ammunition been full metal jacket, it would have penetrated completely through her and into Green Haired Punk, who was even now pulling her own 9 mm pistol from her thigh holster. But the expansion of the hollow point rounds, while increasing the wound severity, limited their penetration. They stayed within the now "retired" Miss Willoughby's body. Even as her fourth victim whimpered in agony and slumped to the carpet, the assassin was moving to her right – too fast for Green Hair to follow. With a clear line of fire, she deliberately aimed low, sending a somewhat longer burst into the cruel punk’s stomach. Green Hair screamed and clutched her abdomen, staring in shock at the girl who, she realized in her final seconds, was both deadlier and crueler than Green Hair had ever thought possible.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sayaka saw that Annette Devereux had recovered from her shock and was reacting - but not going for a weapon. Devereux was running for a door in the rear of the conference room. Sayaka already knew, from her external reconnaissance prior to eliminating the two sentries, that there was no door to the outside in the room to which the terrified founder of Devereux Consultants was running. There was a window but it was locked, though given time Devereux could doubtless unlock it and make her escape. Sayaka wanted Devereux alive for questioning and figured she could easily catch her before the woman managed to escape through the window. The assassin calmly dropped the half-empty magazine from the submachine gun and inserted a full one. She had originally intended to kill everyone quietly if she could, but the sharp-eyed English bitch had spoiled that. Still, she estimated from studying the target area prior to commencing the assault, that it would probably be a good 20 minutes before any police arrived. Plenty of time to… interrogate... Miss Devereux and escape with her most important files.

The door behind which Annette Devereux had fled was very solid and locked with a deadbolt. Most women couldn't have gotten through it without a crowbar and at least several minutes of considerable effort. Sayaka didn't have a crowbar or several minutes. But then, she wasn't "most women". As she chambered her leg to deliver a sidekick, she heard the tinkle of glass breaking, but clearly only a small portion of the window. There was a soft gurgling moan and the “thud” of something heavy but soft hitting the floor. As the assassin's kick smashed open the door she dropped to the floor, in case she should be met by a hail of gunfire from inside the room.

But there was no need. Annette Devereux, computer hacker and "dirty tricks" specialist, lay on the floor. There was a bullet hole just above her left eye, and a matching hole in the window to the outside - both .22 caliber. Two thoughts went through White Rabbit's mind as she surveyed the room, being careful not to position herself in front of the window.

DAMN! I wanted to question her!

This was followed almost immediately by... "Score another one for the colonel. Whoever Miss Twenty-Two Caliber Killer works for, it evidently isn't Devereux." But what was that faint noise, growing louder…

SIRENS!!! Could they be fire trucks? No, White Rabbit was sure they were from police cars approaching rapidly. Impossible! Unless… that .22 caliber killer… the police responding almost instantaneously… She had been set up!!! But how? And by whom? Millie? The colonel? Pricom? She didn’t have time to ponder the possibilities. She had to act. She had left no fingerprints. She had worn the extremely tactilely sensitive synthex/camsuit gloves even while… examining… Miss Sims. But her saliva was on the woman’s breasts. She had intended to use the special solvent to corrupt any DNA or blood type evidence before leaving. “IDIOT!” she told herself. “You should have done it immediately afterwards!” Too late now. She could either bug out, leaving all of Devereux’s files and – maybe – if their labs could make anything out of the peculiar compounds – some DNA evidence for the Nashville police and whomever they might pass it on to… or…

She was going to have to kill some cop girls.

The White Rabbit smiled. She had never liked authority figures anyway... But she couldn’t let them catch her still in the building. Doubtless she would kill plenty of policewomen before they took her down. But in the end she would be just a trapped rat. She had to get out before the rapidly approaching police surrounded the building. Judging from the sound of the sirens, she had far too little time to search even this one room – but maybe just enough time to search Devereux’s body. Ignoring, with some difficulty, the shapely nylon-clad legs and the way the woman’s breasts felt through the tailored business suit, the assassin found a small notebook in an inside pocket of the jacket. Sayaka had no time to examine it but the fact that the computer hacker and dirty tricks expert had kept it on her person suggested it might be important. Notebook in one hand and submachinegun in the other, the assassin raced toward the door. It would have been quicker to break through the window, through which Miss Devereux had been shot. And the .22 caliber assassin had – probably – already departed; both due to the police sirens and because Sayaka didn’t think she had been there for the White Rabbit anyway. She had been there to ensure Devereux wouldn’t talk to the White Rabbit. Still, Sayaka couldn’t know that for certain.

Once outside, she quickly made her way to where she had stashed her backpack and camsuit. She could see the flashing lights of the police cars heading up the road toward the business park. They would reach Devereux’s building in no more than 30 seconds – enough time for Sayaka, but just barely. She tore off the Pisces leotard and donned her own camsuit – going “full zentai” this time with hood and facemask. As the police cars and two SWAT vans surrounded Devereux’s office building she activated the camsuit setting to “Temperate Zone Forest – Night”. Watching and waiting from the woods around the business park, she was all but invisible. As the police women deployed, she carefully and silently spritzed some solvent on the discarded Pisces leotard, ensuring no usable blood type or DNA evidence would be recoverable.

She likewise discarded the Pisces 9mm pistol. If she had to shoot, she would use her own suppressed .40 caliber weapon. It was more powerful than a 9mm anyway. She did keep the 9mm submachinegun she had taken from the dispatched Pisces guard, in case she needed a large volume of firepower. She reflected also that this would actually be quite a good time for her to use a silenced .22, if she had had one with her. A .22 was quite capable of inflicting lethal wounds if the shots were placed with precision, and was much quieter than her suppressed .40 caliber. But in the stress of a real gunfight, as opposed to “sniping” targets who were unaware of her presence, that level of precision was very difficult even for an expert. That was why Sayaka preferred a .40 caliber pistol as her general-purpose weapon. But as she watched the cop girls deploy; the short-skirted “regular” cops setting up a perimeter while the SWAT troopers in dark blue skin-tight synthex body suits prepared to enter the building, the White Rabbit thought how convenient it would be to thin out their numbers from behind with careful, and silent, head shots. Alas, it was not to be. But she had her knives, her strangling wire, and her own strength and skill. And doing this “the hard way” was not without… amusement… of its own.

The two SWAT vans contained a total of six women each. The two snipers deployed to cover the northwest and southeast corners of the building, from which they could engage a target trying to leave from any side. The SWAT commander was briefing the remaining nine women who would actually be the first wave into the building. The regular policewomen had completely surrounded the building while a communications technician (regular, not SWAT) was hooking a portable phone to the lines leading into the building. Pre-cataclysm, Sayaka knew, communication between the external and internal teams would have been handled by radio. But residual EMP effects from the high altitude nuclear blasts had affected the ionosphere in some way that, apparently, had been completely unanticipated and was still not really understood. Even now, decades later, there was some sort of persistent interference to radio communications that restricted them to use by fixed sites, ships, or a few large planes or vehicles. Hand-held radio communications were a thing of the past, with a few exceptions like the radio-frequency detonator Sayaka sometimes carried to set off bombs by remote control. This was possible only because the signal the remote detonator sent was very simple and because the electronics would burn out after a single use. The entry team would use Devereux’s own phones to talk to their commander outside on the land line.

Besides the SWAT troopers, there about 20 regular cops forming the perimeter, as well as a “meat wagon” and some forensic technicians. Even for Sayaka, with the advantage of surprise, that was a lot. But she didn’t plan on killing all of them. She merely needed to ensure she got Devereux’s records, and that Miss Sim’s body was sanitized. The records had higher priority. The bodies would be taken to the morgue in Nashville Central Hospital but the autopsies probably wouldn’t start immediately, due to the number of bodies and the chaos Sayaka was about to create.

The White Rabbit wanted to overhear the instructions the SWAT commander was giving her team. But first she needed to eliminate the SWAT sniper covering the northwest side. The southeast sniper wasn’t in position to cause problems and most of the ordinary cop girls were covering other sides of the building, or were too far away to detect Sayaka. There was one regular policewoman who would be in position to see Sayaka if she got close enough to the entry team to hear the commander’s instructions. She would die after Sayaka eliminated the more dangerous threat.

Slowly and silently Sayaka approached the sniper, who was watching the building from the edge of the woods. There were at least three policewomen close enough to hear a suppressed .40 caliber pistol, given the level of background noise. The White Rabbit readied her garrote. The sniper knelt beside a tree, holding her rifle at port arms while she watched the building. Looking through the scope would reduce her field of view too much, given that she didn’t know what part of the two-story building her target might try to exit – or take a shot – from. Once she spotted something suspicious she would use the rifle’s scope to get a better view; and shoot if necessary. She never realized her “target” was already outside the perimeter until Sayaka’s strangling wire slipped over her head and tightened around her neck. The assassin jerked her victim up and backwards, breaking her balance and pulling her back into the woods. as the wire cut into the doomed policewoman’s neck. No one but the assassin heard the rifle fall to the soft ground as the helpless SWAT trooper’s fingers clawed frantically, but ever more feebly, at that wire. Then the arms dropped lifeless to her sides and Sayaka lowered the dead weight softly to the ground. A brief smile flickered across the assassin’s face as she unwrapped the wire and glanced at the blank stare on the SWAT cop’s face and her utterly limp body clad in skintight synthex. Ordinary human eyes couldn’t have made out much detail in the dark but Sayaka could clearly discern the panty lines under her victim’s uniform, and that she wore no bra… The synthex uniform wasn’t pure dark blue. The word “Police” was visible in large letters across the back while a gold-colored badge-shaped insignia adorned the left breast – part of the uniform itself rather than a separate item. On the right breast was the name “Carson”. Sayaka would have liked to strip the uniform from that body – to impersonate the SWAT cop, of course – but the time and commotion would have created too much risk. Besides, all the other SWAT bitches, and probably a number of the ordinary cops as well, would have known she was an imposter by her face. It wasn’t the time or place to fool around that way. Reluctantly she left the body lying on the ground and silently headed for the unlucky policewoman she had spotted earlier.

The policewoman appeared to be in her early twenties; short blonde hair, about 5’4” tall, and very well… shaped. The thighs visible beneath the short, dark blue skirt were particularly nice. Holding her pistol at the ready, she was watching the building intently. Like the rest, the doomed cop chick assumed the threat was either still inside or had fled at the sound of the approaching sirens. That the killer might have exited the building but remained in the area, against upwards of 30 cops – a third of them SWAT – hadn’t occurred to any of them. Sayaka noticed with annoyance that the dumb bitch’s finger was on the trigger of the pistol. Not only was this poor firearms discipline, it meant the victim might reflexively pull the trigger during her death struggles. The pistol was a double action auto and the hammer was still down. Pulling the trigger would first cock the hammer and then disengage the sear, firing the pistol. Fortunately, there was a way to prevent that. Approaching the patrolwoman from the right and just outside her field of vision, the White Rabbit grabbed the pistol at the rear of the slide, pressing the fingers of her left hand down over the hammer and preventing it from being raised. Before her victim even grasped what was happening, Sayaka’s right hand had crushed the cop girl’s trachea, choking off any scream. The helpless policewoman stared in horror at the dark shape – still nearly invisibly in the “Forest – Night” camsuit. Then shock overcame the young woman. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets and Sayaka lowered the limp body to the ground. She would be dead in about a minute and there was zero chance of her regaining consciousness in that time. The assassin quickly looked around to confirm that no one else had noticed the second cop’s demise, then slowly and silently made her way to the edge of the woods, where she could overhear the SWAT team commander (whose actual rank was Lieutenant) conferring with the entry team.

-------“We’ve completed external recon, Ma’am. Four dead that we know of. There’s a nude corpse at the receptionist’s desk, visible through the front entrance. And there’s a dead woman on the floor in a rear office. She actually appears to have been shot from outside, through the window, but her clothes are disheveled as if someone had searched the body. Also, we found two bodies, they look like security guards, stuffed in a 55-gallon drum. That’s all we can see from the outside, ground floor windows. Who knows what we’ll find inside?”

The speaker was a tough looking sergeant in her mid-20s, the leader of the entry team. She seemed competent, but troubled about something. The Lieutenant answered her.

-----“Right. There’s probably no one alive inside. They would have fled at the sound of the sirens. But we can’t know for sure. And there may be booby traps. So take this very carefully. Command says we’re dealing with some sort of professional assassin – extremely ruthless and efficient.”

-------“Ma’am, are you saying one woman did all this?”

-----“I wish I knew sergeant. This whole thing stinks. Someone obviously knew this was going to happen, since we were placed on alert in the neighborhood. But we were ordered to stand by too far away, and then respond with sirens. Why the hell would Command want us to approach with sirens? It practically guarantees the killer, or killers, would have time to escape. But… that’s above our paygrades sergeant. Our job is to follow orders. Now, once you’ve completed the sweep of the interior, we’ll send in the forensics team. Commander Mason is particularly concerned with a computer file labeled “Special Projects – Generations”. It’s probably on the computer in Devereux’s office here…”

The lieutenant pointed at what appeared to be a blueprint.

-------“That’s the office with the other dead woman.”

-----“It’s probably Devereux herself. Confiscate that computer – don’t let forensics examine it – and bring it to me. I’ll take it to Commander Mason and…”

-------“Pardon me, Ma’am – how could Command possibly know the file name we’re looking for? And what you said about the sirens – that’s been bothering me too. There’s something… is Commander Mason…”

-----“That’s enough, sergeant!”

-------“Yes ma’am. Team – deploy to your stations. High Risk Entry procedures in…”

All the SWAT policewomen checked their watches.

-------“… exactly five minutes.”

The SWAT commander obviously shared her sergeant’s suspicions that Commander Mason was on the take, either that or politically controlled by… someone. But Sayaka had two new pieces of information – the name of the file she needed and the name of another policewoman who would… enjoy… Sayaka’s special attentions. The assassin revised her plans. She would wait while the SWAT team cleared the building and brought Devereux’s computer to the SWAT lieutenant. She would then kill the lieutenant, and any other cops unlucky enough to be nearby, and confiscate the computer. She would then head to the precinct station to “interrogate” this Commander Mason, during which time the forensics team would be examining the evidence in the building itself. It would take many hours for them to complete their work, but the bodies of Sayaka’s victims would probably be sent to the morgue in Nashville Central Hospital relatively early in the process, to preserve them for forensic autopsies. Sayaka probably couldn’t get back to the business park before the bodies were moved. So after disposing of “Command” she would head directly to the hospital to ensure no usable DNA or blood type evidence could be discovered on the accountant’s body. She had already killed… now, let’s see… 15 women tonight (it should have been 16 but the .22 caliber assassin had robbed her of her opportunity), and that number was certain to go up before daybreak. She LIVED for days like this!

Mindful of the lieutenant’s warnings about booby traps, the SWAT team worked slowly, carefully, and methodically. The White Rabbit shadowed the lieutenant and the communications tech as they monitored the progress of the team over the tapped phone line. As she waited, Sayaka tried to figure out who might have tipped off Commander Mason and also the still-mysterious .22 caliber assassin. She could think of four possibilities, though she had to admit that there could be other players she knew nothing about yet.

The first possibility was Colonel Michelle Davis. Sayaka had told her she was going to go after Devereux this very night, and the colonel would have had ample time to get the word out. But… why? Sayaka didn’t know whether Mickey intended to betray her after this was all over. But she had felt confident that Micky wouldn’t betray her until after Dr. Fontaine, the Pricom behavioral scientist behind Special Projects, had been eliminated. Had that confidence been misplaced? Colonel Davis had the knowledge to have been behind tonight’s betrayal, but did she have a motive?

And then there was Dr. Fontaine herself. Colonel Davis had told her Dr. Fontaine was probably keeping close but clandestine tabs on White Rabbit, to study her behavior “in the wild”. The police hadn’t shown up until after Sayaka had killed everyone at the Devereux building, and from what Millicent Blandings had told White Rabbit, Fontaine had a motive for wanting Devereux dead. Plus, Dr. Fontaine would want the files Devereux had stolen, returned. And if Fontaine wanted to keep Sayaka alive for further study… well, everything seemed to fit. Except… what about the .22 caliber assassin? She had stolen the files from Pricom in the first place, so she didn’t work for Dr. Fontaine. And while she had delivered the files to Devereux, she had killed the woman rather than allow Sayaka to interrogate her. So even if Dr. Fontaine had been working with this Commander Mason, Miss .22 Caliber Killer was still a loose thread.

What about Millicent, or someone in her home? Sayaka was now almost certain that Devereux had had a mole in the information broker’s home, maybe Millicent herself. What if… what if Millicent, or whoever the mole was, resented being forced to work for Devereux – was being blackmailed perhaps and wanted to kill the blackmailer? Millie, at least, had known that White Rabbit was after Devereux and might have motive for wanting Devereux dead. That could mean she wouldn’t have warned Devereux of the impending assault. And she liked to use ex-Marines – combat veterans – as her bodyguards. Could Tara, or some other combat veteran in Millie’s employ, be the .22 caliber killer? Sayaka suspected Tara had the necessary skills to pull it off. But Millie wouldn’t have known the specific date on which Sayaka would make her move. So how could she have alerted the cops?

Finally there was this ”General Gayle” that Colonel Davis had mentioned to her. Sayaka knew very little about the General other than that she was part of the “Oversight Group” that ran “Special Projects”, that she was the colonel’s commanding officer, and that there was bad blood between the two. General Gayle was tied up in the whole business somehow, and undoubtedly had access to soldiers with the skills to be the .22 caliber assassin – might even be the assassin herself. But beyond that – was she Dr. Fontaine’s partner or her rival? Sayaka didn’t know enough about the general to come to any conclusions. General Gayle would have to be Colonel Davis’ problem.

As far as the other three were concerned – presumably Commander Mason could give Sayaka some information when the assassin… visited… her.

About 15 minutes after midnight, a tall raven-haired woman wearing the skintight synthex of the SWAT team approached the team commander and the communications tech.

---------‘Ma’am, Sergeant Belknap says this is what you wanted. She also estimates the building will be ready for the forensics team to start their inspection in about 20 minutes.”

-----“Very good, Patterson. Tell the sergeant not to rush things. I don’t want anyone dying at the last minute because of some careless mistake.”

---------“I’ll tell her ma’am.”

As Trooper Patterson headed back towards the building, Sayaka considered killing her. But if she failed to return, the sergeant might get suspicious and sound the alarm. Sayaka wanted to delay that as long as possible. She allowed the SWAT trooper to live.

-----“Nicholson, continue to monitor communications with the entry team. I need to get this computer back to Commander Ma…”

The SWAT lieutenant stared in horror. The communications tech lay on the ground with her eyes staring blankly and her tongue lolling from her mouth. Before the lieutenant could react, she felt a soft but impossibly strong hand clamped over her mouth, thumb and forefinger pinching her nose shut. The lieutenant was well trained and, rather than futilely grab at the hand over her mouth, she went for her holstered pistol. But there was a sudden explosion of pain in her right arm, which flopped limply to her side. The pain of the assassin’s knife sliding into her solar plexus was even worse, but at least it was brief.

The White Rabbit considered cutting the phone lines overhead, to prevent the surviving members of the team from warning the precinct headquarters once they discovered what had happened. But they would doubtless break into one of the other buildings in the business park and use its phone. Better to cut the main lines leading into the business park itself, deactivating all the phones. That should delay the warning significantly… especially if none of the vehicles would start…

Careful not to alert any of the policewoman, their attention still riveted on the Devereux building, White Rabbit approached each vehicle in turn and disabled it. Only two more women died at the business park that night. One of the forensic technicians, waiting for the go ahead to enter the building, was performing final checks on the equipment in their van. Her conscientiousness cost the woman her life. Silent as a shadow, Sayaka crept up behind her and broke her neck. She deposited the lifeless body in the back of the disabled van and carefully closed the door. White Rabbit’s last victim at the business park was a pretty red-headed patrolwoman watching the building, but close enough to the last patrol car that Sayaka wasn’t sure she could disable the car without being detected. It was now almost one in the morning and the cop was obviously tired. As she yawned and stretched her stiff muscles, the assassin slipped her strangling wire around the woman’s neck and garroted her. A trace of a smile crossed Sayaka’s face as she lowered the dead policewoman to the ground. Her uniform could be useful in infiltrating the precinct headquarters…

But perhaps this practical consideration wasn’t the only reason behind her actions. She had killed 19 women (and searched Devereux’s dead body, though she hadn’t personally killed that particular bitch) within approximately four hours, and the excitement was overwhelming her. As she stripped the short, dark blue uniform skirt, light blue uniform shirt, and nylon stockings from her latest victim, she couldn’t help gently brushing her hands against those soft breasts and well-toned thighs. There was no need for her to strip away the bra or panties, but she cut them away with her knife anyway and placed the panties over the nude woman’s face like a shroud. The memory of how she had left the receptionist and the accountant in the Devereux building was still with her, and she left this cop chick the same way – just because she could.

By the time she had cut the phone lines leading into the business park and made her way to her rental car with the computer and the dead policewoman’s uniform, she had at best a few minutes before her handiwork among the cops would be discovered. But with neither vehicle transportation nor any form of communications immediately available, it would take considerable time for them to get their warning to precinct headquarters. Sayaka drove off for her… date… with Commander Mason.
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