Giving the Cold SHADO Pt. 1 by TaskForceLioness,

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esercito sconfitto
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Giving the Cold SHADO Pt. 1 by TaskForceLioness,

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Giving the Cold SHADO Pt. 1
by TaskForceLioness,

“God damn is it cold…and here I thought friggin’ Maine was as cold as I’d be exposed to. Shit, not even Afghanistan with all the shit smells is as bad as this. It’s the wind, damn it.”
The woman said something back in a foreign tongue. Luckily, Padraig had studied Korean.
“Always with the one-up, huh?”
She laughed, “Well you ask for it.”
“So how far are we to this ‘outpost’?”
“Says ten more clicks. For the life of me I don’t understand why anyone would want to be here.”
The woman smirked, ready to drop the logic bomb, “Well…if you wanted to hide from authority, why not here?”
“Again, touché. These women got guts I’ll give ‘em that.”

The women they were speaking of was the shady criminal organization SHADO. Once a small-time outfit, their mysterious leader struck gold in taking over half of the European crime syndicates by cleverly-planned and meticulous “coups” and alliance bargains. Save for the leader, the syndicate was mostly female but definitely made a name for itself with its cold efficiency. It took five years but it paid off, now one of the most dangerous that INTERPOL had ever had to deal with. And when INTERPOL had its hands tied, that’s when they sent in the big guns.

Enter Padraig Peterson, CIA Operative out of Langley but originally from New Hampshire. Accompanying him was the very plucky Lim Mi-Yun, another operative much akin to him but with the South Korean National Intelligence Service, or NIS for short. Mi-Yun was a bit of a charmer and Padraig warmed up to her in the short amount of time the two had gotten to know each other. Upon his briefing, Padraig did question why she showed up out of the blue and had the clearance to listen in on what he thought to be as strictly top secret American intel.

Well, as it turned out, SHADO had officially stuck its finger in Asia’s business. While once making deals with Triads of China and Yakuza of Japan, it seemed that their mysterious leader had also set its sights on the geopolitical stage. And what better black market to get truly involved than North Korea? Normally cautious, SHADO’s leader through Chinese networks managed to get in touch with the rogue regime and from there an instant partnership was formed. North Korea was already adept at skirting sanctions and winning discreet Chinese approval. Another partner and this time from Europe/North America would be even better. SHADO provided money and sanctioned goods to the regime, not to mention a few women here and there for “a good time.” North Korea meanwhile found an intermediary to proliferate nuclear materials and arms not only for other rogue regimes but SHADO itself. SHADO paid them handsomely.

Intercepted shipments, in conjunction and in sheer irony with the Japanese, revealed to the South Koreans this partnership that immediately raised all the red flags possible. That’s what explained Mi-Yun’s presence. She was a seasoned operative much like Padraig, over five years in and plenty of combat skill to show for it. Both had the same mission.

In the cold Arctic, SHADO established itself an outpost that before its discovery had for a couple years been a means of global communication and money laundering transactions. Its isolated nature kept it relatively hidden for some time. It was more by chance that it was discovered. An informant planted by French intelligence while in Europe found herself unintentionally transferred to this remote location. The French lost contact with her for a week but then she was able to give only a faint signal back to any intelligence agencies who could pick it up. The British, French, Americans, and Canadians immediately got it and that meant SHADO was found.

So, Padraig and Mi-Yun were to infiltrate this compound and gather as much intelligence as possible. In addition, any disruption they could cause to hinder SHADO operations was greatly appreciated. The French informant, Helene Renault, was identified so they knew exactly who to target and who not to. It was suspected there’d be dozens of SHADO women there. The two operatives were given free reign as to whether they would kill or simply incapacitate the sentry women. Neither revealed their intention until they could get a lay of the land.

“There!” Mi-Yun announced immediately getting into the prone. With special binoculars, the two observed the compound and any outside security. Cameras were set up along with roving patrols of two-person teams. The women were decked out in winter tactical despite looking like they were wearing inflated suits. The cold forced them to do this. For several minutes, the two watched how the patrols moved and despite the light snow interfering here and there, they could pick out a few blind spots of security.
“Okay so how do you want to do this?”
“Pick off security teams but we need to take out a camera first.”
“Wouldn’t that get them alerted?”
“Maybe, but maybe it will also force a maintenance team out or something. How good are you with that rifle?”
“Give me a good nine hundred meters and I can knock out that camera. What about you?”
“Cover me.”

Mi-Yun didn’t even bother to let him finish, moving quickly in the night sky while Padraig cursed. He readied his rifle, a modified M16 with increased sight. The snow was a pain in the ass but by miracle there was no wind. That made his life easier. Mi-Yun stopped short and laid low. A SHADO patrol was moving past her, four hundred meters away and never noticing her.
“Got a sight?” She asked over her earbud comm-link.
“Yeah, give me twenty seconds,” Padraig huffed and readied himself as he too laid in the prone. There were no trees to rest against so he made do with his kit as cover and a rest. It was enough. He spotted the camera stand and aimed immediately for underneath the rotating device. Five seconds later, with his natural pause, he fired.
Mi-Yun watched the camera stand break and the camera plop to the snow. “Nice…” she whispered, “…and now we wait.”

Ten minutes later, as SHADO security stood around the camera, two other women came out. They must’ve been the maintenance team. Kneeling over the camera and then figuring out what to do next. They rifled through their tools. The SHADO security team should have faced outwards but for whatever reason they were focused entirely on the maintenance team or their peripheral vision. Big mistake.
Mi-Yun slowly crept up to the nearest SHADO and readied her pistol. Padraig watched her movement and readied his rifle at the next SHADO woman. Five women were there and five would have to go. No problem.

Mi-Yun got closer, almost within arms’ reach. The SHADO never thought to turn around. But her friend did. It was too late though. The woman in front of her immediately felt her mouth muffled from any cries, forced to hear a snipping sound and then see her two other security sisters get struck. Padraig had hit the woman to her right, the impact launching her backwards where she lay spread eagle and didn’t get back up. Mi-Yun aimed her pistol at the SHADO in front of her and fired two rounds. The woman fell to her knees and then fell backwards in an awkward position for her death. The muffled woman cried out as best as she could but then she felt the pistol to her back. Mi-Yun fired one round and instantly the woman was dead in her arms, slouching backwards and supported only by the Korean’s left arm.
“You two!” She aimed the pistol at both of them, the SHADO in no position to fight, “You’re coming with us!”
The SHADO to the right, with arms raised, complied. The SHADO to the left however tried to subtly slide her hand to some sort of communication device. She stopped with a stunned look before she fell flat on her belly. Padraig had put a round in her knowing she was going to try to alert the base.
“Nice shot!”
“Thanks…haven’t practiced my walking and firing in some time. Glad to know I still got it.”
“Please…please let me go…” the woman pleaded. She sounded Irish from Padraig’s observance.
“We’ll let you go if you do exactly as we say. Now…get us inside.”

At gunpoint, the Irishwoman entered the key code necessary. A badge tap got through the secondary security measures. Mi-Yun kept the woman in place while Padraig hauled all the dead women inside, laying them side by side with their faces revealed. Some pretty blondes and brunettes but now just dead SHADO. A pity indeed.
“Name?” Mi-Yun demanded.
“Well thank you, Siobhan,” a pistol butt to the back of the neck put the SHADO out of commission, “You’ve been too kind.”
“Don’t kill her, Mi.”
“I don’t intend to…” she smiled carrying Siobhan’s limp body into one of the nearest, and empty, supply rooms.
“Other idea?”
“Yep!” Gingerly, she stripped herself of her clothing but not before she took Siobhan’s winter gear off. Underneath she was surprised to see only a bikini set to match the black boots they wore. Padraig was stunned seeing the Korean get naked so quickly, turning his head but then glancing on occasion. Mi-Yun was smoking hot, a fit body with B-cup breasts, a cute belly ring, and even a couple silver toe rings.
“Hoo boy…”
“Hey! No looking!”

“Give me a minute,” Mi-Yun got to taking everything Siobhan had off and getting it on in less than a minute, “And set!”
“Wow, you look the part. Did you think about this yourself because you never told me?” Padraig was impressed with the speed as he tied Siobhan up at the wrists and ankles with his zip ties, mouth covered with a rag.
“I like it.”
“We should split up. We need to cover as much ground as possible before SHADO gets too suspicious.”
“Remember what they said. We have to move quietly. Don’t cause some big explosion, Mi. You do only what’s necessary.”
“I know…I know…and killing them is at our discretion.”
“Speaking of which, you take right and I take left. We’ve got a classic fork.”
Padraig nodded. This woman’s English was impeccable. Did she teach herself? “Good luck.”

It was all that was said afterward, the two splitting off to get the mission done as soon as possible. For Padraig, this was something to get done ASAP and get out with Helene in tow. For Mi-Yun, this was an excellent opportunity to get some tension out and help rid the world of a few scumbags here or there. Both knew what Helene looked like so they both knew that no matter what they chose to do, she was not to be harmed in any way.

Padraig worked from corner to corner using the night outside and the shadows from all the artificial lighting to mask his movements. It wasn’t sweltering in the compound but the heater was definitely working at a capacity that immediately made him envy Mi-Yun’s ability to change clothes. Sadly, SHADO’s “infantry” were female so there’d be no uniform switch for him. He’d make the best of it. Leaning into another dark corner, he observed a lone sentry walking around, a lovely lady who from the looks of it came from some sort of absorbed Yardie gang. The hair and look screamed British-Jamaican. Watching and waiting, Padraig saw her slowly turn around and start on the way he was just at. He readied himself as the footsteps got closer.

Right as the woman passed him, he reached out and yanked her into the shadows. She struggled and tried to get her submachine gun to work but a quick blow saw that drop to the ground. Then she tried to call out for alarm but Padraig already knew she was by herself. Arms and hands worked around her head to cut off the flow to her head. There was a bit of a fight but eventually he could feel her strength fading away.
“Mmhhmmnnnnnnn…” after a minute of fighting, the woman finally groaned and went limp in Padraig’s arms. She arched her neck back and dangled her limbs as she rested in the American’s arms, the CIA agent himself looking around to make sure the coast was clear. It was. He hurried into one of the unused rooms with the woman in his arms, laying her down on a table that couldn’t fit her entirely. Hands, feet, and head dangled off the edge as he got to stripping her for intel. He’d be a liar if he said he wasn’t getting a funny feeling as he observed the naked woman, from her soft breasts to her pretty toes. He found an ID and some access badges that he confiscated but that was it. SHADO kept its sentries without a whole lot and it made sense given previous failures where dead women were more than useful giving enemy groups everything they needed without having to risk probing in a compound further.
Padraig stopped, watching the rise and fall of the woman’s chest, and with bare hand gently stroked the erect nipples of the SHADO. There was a huff and sigh leaving the woman’s lips. Speaking of lips, the American licked his own, letting lust take over for just a few second and kissing the woman’s toes before kissing her breasts. This woman was going to be spared, no question. Padraig gave a few kisses every few seconds while he tied her up.
“Play your cards right, Mary, and I’ll have you outta jail in a year. Maybe then, we can get a coffee and get to know each other?”

Mi-Yun had a slightly easier time. Some of the SHADO barely paid mind from across the halls or from other rooms. The uniform enough did the trick. The borrowed submachine gun wasn’t compatible with her silencer but she still carried the sidearm just for that reason. Her knife was still on her as a last resort. It already did the trick with one SHADO who was still in her winter outfit. Walking in the halls, the SHADO took her headgear off but not her coat. This woman was American as she spoke over the radio about the maintenance issue with the cameras and how they told everyone it’d only be at the most an hour. That tidbit helped Mi-Yun get an idea of how much time she really had. But that tidbit was all she was really going to need. The American SHADO rounded the corner into a darker room where she’d have to go for the light switch. Mi-Yun was right behind her, shoving her into the dark room and with hand over her mouth, slipping the blade right where it mattered. The woman grunted in pain and then groaned as the knife did its job of ending her life. She let the body plop and closed the door knowing no one was going to look for her immediately.

Her next target was juicy, and not in a thick sense but an utterly lustful sense. She was a Russian blonde with a fit body and the kind to boast sizeable breasts and shoes. She reminded Mi-Yun of a particular Russian from a video game she used to play, one about sword fighting and how she loved killing that one Russian woman in the game over and over. The blonde was working her patrol route when she took a sudden turn into one of the rooms that from a quick glance was more like a physical therapy room with massage tables and benches along with some first aid. It was the latter that the Russian woman was reaching for. Mi-Yun followed and then stopped short of the entrance, knowing going in would alert the SHADO who already looked somewhat disciplined with the gun she had. Looking around, there was a small network of pipes directly above. They didn’t look rusty and they looked like they could support some weight for a moment. So she jumped and managed to get a grip on the pipes, hoisting her body up. Luckily, from her observation, they weren’t heating pipes so they weren’t going to burn her at first touch.

Unfortunately, that also made a little noise aside from the general whirring of machinery and faint humming of the fluorescent bulbs.
“What?” The Russian immediately questioned in her language, “Someone there?”
Mi-Yun hugged the pipes staying perfectly still and praying another SHADO wasn’t coming. It was a foolhardy move on her end which was why she went for her pistol as quickly as she could.
“Hmmm, must’ve been my imagination,” the Russian mumbled as she kept doing whatever she was in the room. A minute later she was heard getting closer to the exit. Mi-Yun prepped herself. Footstep after footstep was heard getting even closer. She slowly walked out and started mumbling something in Russian again.
Like a patient snake, Mi-Yun lowered her body to reach for the Russian while her legs held her in place. The Russian made a foolish decision to stop and check her watch which only gave Mi-Yun a better chance. Without warning, the Korean reached got a hand over the Russians mouth and another hand around the forehead. And like a merciless snake, the kill was quick and easy, snapping the blonde’s neck with only a “Hnnnk!” muffled by a hand to show for it.

The blonde twitched a bit while being held in place by Mi-Yun. The Korean managed to get her legs off the pipe and land surprisingly soft and without much additional noise. All those martial arts exercises really paid off for the NIS agent. Standing up, the dead Russian arched her back and neck over Mi-Yun’s left arm and the two made their way back into the room with the door shut. The Russian, now identified as Katya, was placed on one of the massage tables. Mi-Yun got immediately to the task of stripping her down to everything but the bikini bottom. Katya had very nice C-cup breasts and silken blonde hair that draped over the edge as her head tilted back. With boots off, the Korean also enjoyed seeing the Size 41 feet complete with a pedicure and a toe ring. After the intelligence search was done, Mi-Yun knew she had some time before the next sentry dispatch. She posed the woman’s body with a leg bent and the other forward, arms at the side, almost like how you’d see some comic book woman lay unconscious or dead.

Kneeling to the dead Katya, she whispered something in Korean and stroked the dead woman’s cheek before pressing her lips on Katya’s. There was a little slip of the tongue and hands went to grope the exposed breasts. They were so soft and luscious. It pained her to pull away from kissing the dead Russian but duty called. Tongue met nipple and Mi-Yun’s head nearly exploded from the flavor. The nipples were still pronounced and perfectly round. The breasts themselves were soft, smooth, and perfectly proportioned. Mi-Yun lost herself in sucking and licking the woman’s chest, now straddling the naked Russian. She slid down and started licking between her legs and then lifting her right leg up. The dead blonde’s sole met warm tongue and it was all pleasure on the Korean’s end. It had been a while since she got to lick some woman’s breasts and feet, the last time during a bust on a Triad group in Seoul and she knocked out one of their female enforcers.

She took the other foot and started rubbing her covered breasts with it as she kept sucking on the dead Russian’s toes. The toe ring was slowly sucked off and added to Mi-Yun’s foot. Normally she wouldn’t be this kinky on a mission but she did have a particular kink that she knew Padraig shouldn’t know and that was how “affectionate” she could be with the women she knocked out or in this case killed. The cleaner the kill, the more fun she’d have with the body. She particularly loved doing this with Eastern Europeans and the more Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, and other women she could neck snap the better. This flooded her head as she kept licking Katya’s feet and then lowering herself to suck on the breasts some more. Mi-Yun could only see Katya’s arching neck, a few body shakes from the Korean’s momentum as the only “affirmation” she’d get.

Now both feet were massaging Mi-Yun’s breasts from underneath the bikini top. Mi-Yun started softly moaning while Katya just lay there, lifeless and limp. Sometimes Mi-Yun licked the soles to get them moist and apply said moisture to her breasts, all the while muttering phrases of pleasure in Korean. She then started grinding against Katya’s leg that she put down only ten seconds before. She knew this was the best she could do given the time sensitivity of the mission. So she did her best to get herself off. Sure enough, a minute into groping Katya’s breasts, licking her toes, and grinding against a thigh did she feel that lightning up her spine that had her sweat a bit before laying herself on the dead Russian.

“Incredible,” she said aloud in Korean, kissing the dead Katya wherever she could, “I haven’t had Russian in a while. Thank you for reminding me, but…” she quickly got off the body and straightened her outfit, “I have a couple more dozen of your friends to deal with.”
Laying similar to the pose Mi-Yun had her in from the start, Katya was a sexy, naked sight to behold as her neck arched over the side of the table now, one leg bent and another straight, and arms at her sides.
“You were lovely,” she knelt to kiss Katya again, “but too bad I had to kill you. Next time, don’t join SHADO.”

Padraig snaked his way through another set of halls. By luck he stumbled upon a few SHADO technicians, one an apprentice while the other two seemed to be specialists. He didn’t need the former, pulling her into the shadows and getting the garrote wire around her neck. It didn’t take long before the SHADO woman succumbed, sliding down to the floor lifeless before the American hid the body. The two specialists didn’t seem to notice as they were working on their programming. From around one of the servers Padraig snapped photos of what he assumed was their security cracking code as the two spoke English around him, albeit a British sense. He kept watching as they kept developing their code, going from photo mode to video mode and getting everything he could on the bigger screen they were working with.
“I have to go freshen up. I’ll be back,” one of the specialists said tapping the shoulder of the other. Padraig hid himself away from the woman’s line of sight. He turned his focus on the other Englishwoman who was busy kneeling in front of the computer. The fact she didn’t see him approach from the screen reflection was a testament to her devotion to coding. By the time his figure did show, it was way too late. He slammed her into the wall and aimed a pistol right at her head.
“Comms room. Where is it? Now.”
“Your boss is gonna talk to you guys sooner or later. Where is it?”
“Kill me. I don’t know anyway.”
He fired a round but right above her head, just enough to get debris to rain on her scalp but without the threat of ricochet.
It seemed to work, forcing the Brit into a panic, “Sector Eight! It’s in Sector Eight! My badge will get you in! Please don’t kill me!”
“Don’t worry…” he didn’t let her hear the finishing words as he slammed his fist into her gut forcing her to pass out, “I just went easy on you.”
Lifting the woman up, she arched her back over his right arm and he laid her down in a quiet corner of the server room, tied at the ankles and wrists.
“Emily, where’d you go?” The other Brit was in the same room. She didn’t see Emily before it was too late, face in utter shock as she turned to get to the radio but running right into Padraig.
“Intrud...hhnnnnnnn!” With a fierce neck chop, the other Brit was downed and laid right next to Emily, tied up all the same. For a moment Padraig wondered if killing the apprentice was necessary if he was going to spare these two, but he shook it off knowing he still had his discretion and it was simply his decision at the time. Besides, it wasn’t going to be the only SHADO woman he’d kill.

Mi-Yun managed to pull the same trick on another SHADO. This time, the Frenchwoman had gotten hoisted up by the Korean’s own garrote wire and instead of having the drawn out struggle of hanging her, the operative pulled the SHADO into a headlock and twisted her neck. The SHADO dangled off the floor before being let go and providing a softer landing for Mi-Yun. Though, instead of dragging her body away, Mi-Yun got an idea as she heard to SHADO talking from the distance while on patrol. They too sounded French. Mi-Yun was worried she might unintentionally kill Helene with this next maneuver, but to her relief as she peeked from around the corner neither one looked like the informant.
“Hey, Selene? You there?” One of them said aloud in French.
Mi-Yun stuck the dead Selene’s arm out and waved.
“Why are you just waving?” The other Frenchwoman asked as they approached, “Come over here or did we catch you doing something?”
“Ha…good one, Annette. Yeah maybe she was kuhhhhh!” Due to the two SHADO sentries looking at each other, it afforded Mi-Yun the chance to turn the corner with Selene’s dead body propped up and her pistol aimed at both of them. Annette with a stunned look keeled over to her side and lay still, neck arched back and arms at her side. The other Frenchwoman barely had time to react before a silenced pistol shot struck her in the kill zone, her body falling the same way as her sister but simply the opposite direction.
“Thank you, Selene,” Mi-Yun said as she holstered her pistol and immediately dug into the dead woman’s bikini top to fondle her breasts. As Selene kept her head tilted back, Mi-Yun started licking from in between her breasts up to her chin. The top came off and Mi-Yun slowly approached the other two dead bodies while gently lowering Selene between them. She then went to take the boots off all three and then the tops, admiring the very sexy and shapely breasts and feet of each woman. She then took turns tasting each one’s toes. She could’ve sworn that going by the red, pink, and blue toenail polishes of each one that there was a corresponding flavor, but maybe she was just being silly. Slinking up Selene’s naked body, she started suckling on the woman’s breasts and running her hands all over. She kept thinking how badly she wanted to bed these women, especially alive, but given how they were notorious SHADO criminals this was the best they were going to get. That and also there was something utterly sensual she found in the way their bodies lay. And she knew she wasn’t done.

“How’s it going?” Padraig’s voice crackled into her ear as she lined the bodies up in a closet.
“Count or progress or both?”
“Ten kills, three KOs, and on my way to the control room.”
“Nice. I’m perhaps the exact opposite, two kills and ten KOs. You found it already?”
“Yeah, Sector Eight. Overheard patrols saying something big is going down. They have an elite here…they mentioned an…Eveline?”
“No idea.”
“Capture or kill?”
“My vote’s capture. Maybe she’s with Helene.”
“Good point. Okay, we’ll keep moving. And don’t be squeamish with these women, sexy. They knew what they signed up for.”
“I…get your point. Hold on a second…”
There was a pause where Mi-Yun was listening in. There was then a muffled woman’s voice and a distinctive snap heard over the radio. She smiled, imagining how hot Padraig looked snapping that woman’s neck. Yes, she liked women, but she also liked guys as well and this guy was definitely going to be getting a little fun time should they survive this mission.
“Nice work.”
“She nearly stumbled into me. Let’s go.”
“On it.”

Hearing a woman in an upcoming room, Mi-Yun hugged along the shadowed area right before the door, waiting for the chatty woman to stop it with her German. She peeked in and saw a woman very careless with her security posture. This would be child’s play. Walking towards the exit, the German SHADO never saw the chop to her throat. Gasping for air, she had no defense against the knee that struck her in the face and laid her out. Carried to the couch there, Mi-Yun stripped her up and tied her but not before getting another helping of lips, breasts, and feet. If there was one thing SHADO was giving her, it was a smorgasbord of white women, unconscious or dead.
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