The Black Kat (sentry one) - from Silenced Sentry Yahoo

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esercito sconfitto
Posts: 7164
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The Black Kat (sentry one) - from Silenced Sentry Yahoo

Post by esercito sconfitto »

The Black Kat
(sentry one)

The message on my secure cell line said all I needed to hear:

“Base at Bravo Location. 1200 hours. Agent required to retrieve Aristotle Virus. Guard count: twenty. Location headed by Sergeant Sandra Lake, former agent for the SMS gone rogue. All obstacles to be taken out or eliminated. Use any force necessary. Package en route.”

I deleted the message as I entered the heavy patch of bushes 300 feet from the main gate of Omega’s secret base. As lovely as the Russian forests were in southwestern Karelia, their sheer density was enough to hide any building from aerial view. Many agents had died to get us the information on its whereabouts, and I wasn’t about to screw this one up.

My black catsuit framed me tightly as I crawled through the rough soil leading to a small clearing. The experimental fibers that caressed my frame made my movements as stealthy as I could have hoped as the man gates appeared before me. The time was 8pm and night had already fallen. Foreign insects sang songs that obscured my presence even further as I reached for the supply bag hanging from my belt.

The sights on my my standard issue Saxon binoculars were as powerful as ever as they zoomed in on the guard box located to the left of the main gate. No one entered or left the base, which was designed to resemble a private mansion, between the hours of 7pm-6am, but a guard was kept there nevertheless. A chuckle escaped my lips as I caught sight of the sentry…a chuckle I could have slapped myself for having uttered. Due to voice verified sensors in the area, any unknown vocals could trigger an alarm if produced with the minimum decibel level. Still…this first one was gonna be a piece of the proverbial cake.

Chief Carla Omega’s design for her soldiers’ uniforms was flawless in her choice of material. The thin lycra leotards the sentry girls wore was coated with a near bulletproof chemical base (one our own government was still perfecting) that was also applied to the knee high boots they regularly sported. The officers wore similarly designed boy shorts with what looked like sports tops…something I never quite understood. A gunshot to the gut was as lethal as one to the head…only longer lasting before death and a hell of a lot more painful. The girl at the main gate wore a yellow leotard with white boots, the typical attire of an Omega rookie assigned to guard a 20 foot tall electrified fence that didn’t really need much protection to begin with.

The girl, her long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, leaned against the concrete of the guard box, her AK-47 slung to her side. Her body was toned and powerful while retaining her femininity…and her face displayed a young woman no older than 18 or 19 years. I mentally corrected my attitude as I put the binoculars away. No enemy was to be underestimated, and I had to approach this girl with the same preparation I would use against a much more experienced foe.

The teen guard looked bored, her eyes closing as she sighed…no doubt hating the shift she had to serve as a lowly sentry. I rolled with the speed of a snail, using my stealth to press against the fence. The charge that powered the fence coursed through my suit and into the ground, its effects wasted on my protective suit. I stood slowly, edging my way toward the guard box. I avoided each posted fence camera with careful timing and the suit’s scrambling ability that caused slight flickering in the picture…not enough to alert the guards…but enough to obscure my camouflaged form.

15 minutes passed and I was 10 feet away.

10 minutes later I was 5 feet from the side of the guard box.

The young sentry sighed again, muttering something in Russian. To the best of my knowledge, the rough translation was: “This job sucks.”

If she only knew.

Her radio crackled suddenly, coming in at the exact time a perimeter check was scheduled, according to my intel.

“Mika…” the voice of a superior rang. “Status report.”

Mika the rookie pressed a button on the side of her mini earpiece.

“All is clear.” Her young voice spoke in her Mother tongue. “As has always been clear. For weeks now. Can someone relieve me?”

“No.” Was the response. “And would you like me to inform Sergeant Lake that you do not LIKE your post?”

The girl straightened a little…frightened by the idea.

“No. No.” She replied, stammering. “I am honored by my post. Please tell the Sergeant that. Please?”

“Very well. Next check in 60 minutes. Over.”

And with that the radio clicked off, the lovely Mika breathing a sigh of relief.

I reached for the ground and picked a tiny pebble up with my thumb and forefinger, flicking it into a tree trunk that rested a few feet away from Mika…one cloaked by shadows and located out of the camera’s range.

“Huh?” the girl said, going rigid. She pulled her AK into position.

“Who goes there?” she said…her voice unsure. She reached for her radio as I flicked another pebble. She jumped a little…deciding she had to investigate first and clear her mind of any fears. Her finger came off the radio button as she stepped forward.

Typical rookie mistake.

“You will be sorry…” the girl cried out. “If I see you I will shoot!”

5 more seconds…

“Come out now if you value your life!”

3 seconds…

“I will shoot!”

1 second.

I leapt into the air, my boots’ propel mechanism making me out to be a quick blur in the cameras’ lenses. Total air caught with the jump was 9 feet. A new personal record.

Mika was to the left of the tree as I landed silently behind her. My hands moved quickly. 5 years of merc training made sure she never heard my right arm tighten across her windpipe. My left hand found a spot on the back of her neck. The vagus nerve…i.e. cranial nerve X. As I’d learned, this cranial nerve, found at the floor of the brain, controlled many of the parameters involved in the parasympathetic nervous system.

Mika’s breath staggered as she uttered a small groan, going limp. A sliver of drool escaped her soft lips. She shuddered a little, her breathing slowing as she clung to consciousness. I applied enough pressure to turn her body to mush…but her brain was still 80% operational.

“Tell me what I want to know,” I whispered in my best Russian, “And I will make this quick.”

“Please…” she whimpered. “I have a mother. A father. I only do this to send them mo…”

I squeezed the nerve harder and cut her off. She made a soft “guhhh” sound and went silent.

“No time for stories, dear.” I continued. “I need the location of the Aristotle virus within the base.”

“Don’t…know.” Was her sighed reply. “I am new.”

“Then I will need the location of the other sentries, darling Mika.” I said softly, avoiding the vocal sensors. “Or your death will be one your family will cry over for decades.”

She moaned a little as the fear overtook her. I let up on the nerve hold ever so slightly…giving her more control for speech.

“There are two girls on the grounds on either…side….and then two more by the main doors…and then I…do not know….the rest.”

She sighed softly, giving in to her fate.

“Please end me quickly…” she muttered, barely able to piece her words together. “And please do not desecrate my body. For my family. Please…”

I shook my head slowly, pressing her close to me.

“I would never dream to rob the world of a beauty as pure as yours.” I whispered into her ear. “But you need to rethink your career choices.”

Her head attempted to nod.

“Thank you…so…very...GHughh!!”

Her words were cut off as my thumb released the nerve and joined the rest of its fingerly sisters in a karate chop…one that struck her left temple with a small and insignificant thud.

Mika made a long and soft “ooooooooh…” sound as she slipped into unconsciousness, her young face relaxing in my grip. Her body went ragdoll after a few involuntary twitches as I draped her over my shoulder…carrying her beyond the tree and into the endless darkness of the forest. After a few feet I dropped her limp body, removing her leotard and boots, using the uniform to tie her hands behind her back. I placed her face down, her feet bound by a nearby vine I tore from a tree’s body. The worse she’d endure was having to wake up in her white bra and panties…and making her way back home.

She was my only touch of mercy. The others, if they fought back, would not be so lucky…

To be continued….
esercito sconfitto
Posts: 7164
Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:06 pm

Re: The Black Kat (sentry one) - from Silenced Sentry Yahoo

Post by esercito sconfitto »


Sentry Two - Abbie Makes Her Move

I knew Kat would be making her move about now, taking the frontal approach as
she so loved to do. I slipped through the tiny whole in the electrified fence on
the opposite side of the base, taking my time to push the chain links back
together to conceal my passing.

Crouching in the shadows I watched the lone guard conduct a diligent sweep of
her assigned section. Her toned body was displayed perfectly in the blue leotard
that marked her as a senior member of the security staff, though not one of the
more dangerous officers that no doubt guarded the interior of the base. She held
her AK47 with confidence and I could see she was more than ready to use it at a
moment's notice.

She drew closer, hugging the fence, obviously checking for any breaks or other
signs of forced entry. I wasn't about to let her find one. She drew closer and I
could see she was, like all the staff on the base, extremely attractive. Red
hair fell to just below her shoulders and she wore it loose, tucked back behind
her ears. Even in the gloom I could see the intelligence in her sparkling green
eyes and I knew one wrong move would mean certain death.

She closed on the damaged section of fence. Thanks to my careful efforts it
would take more than a cursory glance to spot the breach but I had a feeling
this sentry would be thorough enough to find it.

She approached, so close I could see her smooth, unblemished, skin glisten with
the humidity of the jungle. She was perhaps 22, her lithe figure perfectly
accentuated in the thin lycra uniform, particularly her full breasts that rose
and fell in a slow, even rhythm, though I detected a slight change in her
breathing as she passed within six feet of my hiding place and fixed her eyes on
the fence.

She was three feet from the breach, her back to me. She bent forward slightly
and I saw her hand reach for her radio. I made my move, a silent explosion of
action. Her hand was halfway to the radio when my punch connected with her lower
back. She slumped to her knees, legs suddenly numb and useless and before she
could cry out I grabbed her shoulder and pushed her briefly against the electric

Her body spasmed, the radio shorted out, and I let her go. She fell towards me,
onto her back, eyes unfocussed, moaning softly. I took advantage of her
momentary confusion, pulling her gun from her, pushing her head to one side and
pressing my knee to her neck against the carotid artery. I grabbed her weakly
flailing arms and held them in an effortless joint lock.

Her legs still paralysed, her arms held immobile and the combination of the
brief jolt of electricity and my expertly applied pressure, I had time to savour
the defeat of another opponent. I smiled at her soft gurgles and moans, sensing
her fear as she realised she was helpless, at my mercy.

"Shh, just relax," I whispered, sensing the slightest attempt to break free. No
doubt the electrical stun was wearing off and my sleeper had not yet completely
robbed her of her senses but she was still perfectly under control and from the
look in her eyes she knew it.

She pleaded silently with me, her piercing green eyes filled with fear.

"I won't hurt you," I promised, and felt her body soften beneath me. "Stop
fighting me and go to sleep," I soothed, and smiled as she responded to my
suggestion, her whole body going limp as her eyes rolled up with a gentle sigh,
drool sliding from her slack lips. I kept the pressure applied for a full minute
and then hoisted the inert woman over my shoulder carrying her to a deeply
shadowed corner of the compound and, like Kat, binding my victim with her own
clothes, though this sentry would wake to find her panties stuffed into her
mouth as a makeshift gag.

I patted her ass and bent down to kiss her forehead. "Thanks hun," I whispered
before setting off deeper into the grounds. All being well I'd rendezvous with
Kat at the main door once she'd dealt with any opposition on her side of the
Posts: 1312
Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:51 pm

Re: The Black Kat (sentry one) - from Silenced Sentry Yahoo

Post by meditions142 »

Another great old story you found Esercito

This was written by the wonderful Kat (a.k.a. kogirl69). She was the founder of the original silenced sentries yahoo group. I loved her writing.

She wrote another wonderful sentry silencing story. I could post it if you think I should. There is not actually a uniform stealing scene but some of the sentries that get silenced get stripped of their leotard uniforms. I could post if you think it fits.
esercito sconfitto
Posts: 7164
Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:06 pm

Re: The Black Kat (sentry one) - from Silenced Sentry Yahoo

Post by esercito sconfitto »

it fits! post them! :D
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