Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

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Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

Post by Trackman281 »

NOTICE: Once again, it's too long and had to be split into two parts, this is the first part. :D


Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

Angel sits at the kitchen table tapping her fingernails rapidly, she checks the time, it has just gone past midnight. Another night, another flashback, another nightmare……….

Angel’s fingers tap louder and louder, her left leg starts to become very fidgety, she is not shaking out of fear this time, instead this is an unforeseen massive surge of adrenaline and energy. Angel’s right leg soon become fidgety too, both of her hands start to tap on the table now, she runs a hand through her long Blue hair, her breathing becomes rapid, the adrenaline……….The itch to move………This uncontrollable to want to just get up and go kicks in……..She can’t rest, she can’t settle, tiredness sweeps through her body like a raging flood, but her mind won’t let her relax, her mind just pumps energy all through out her body…………Ten minutes pass, Angel’s becomes more and more restless, a few more minutes later, she gives up she goes and gets changed into a running outfit but when she emerges she notices Tina is sitting at the kitchen table.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t wake you, did I?” Angel quietly asks.

“No, no, I heard you tossing and turning, so I figured you had another nightmare.” Tina replies.

Angel ties her hair into a ponytail before she walks and sits back next to Tina.

“Tina, my body…..It just won’t rest…..The adrenaline, the energy……..I just want to run…….Run as fast as I can, I don’t want to stop, I just want to run and run and RUN!.........I have to exhaust my body that much that’ll have no choice but to just collapse out of exhaustion…….It’s the only way I can sleep.” Angel quietly explains to Tina.

Tina stands up to reveal that she knew what Angel was doing as she too is wearing a running outfit.

“Then let’s go………..We’ll run all night if we have too, we’ll run across this whole damn city if you want………But I’m not letting you go out there alone.” Tina whispers in response.

Angel knows that Tina won’t take no for an answer, so Angel just looks Tina in the eyes.

“Please tell me……….Am I a burden to you?” She quietly asks

Tina’s face drops before she lunges at Angel, wrapping both arms around her as tightly as she could before she gives Angel a sisterly kiss on the top of her head.

“No, no, NO!............Don’t you EVER say that again, do you understand………..NEVER say that horrible word again……..NO, you are NOT a burden to me, to any of your sisters……..Get those damn thoughts out of your head right now……..You’ll never be a burden to me, to any of your sisters, to anyone……..I mean it Angel……..I MEAN it………You NEVER say that word ever again!” Tina snaps as what Angel just said, hurt Tina greatly.

Angel herself starts to tear up.

“I’m sorry, my head just isn’t right at the moment.” Angel starts to weep.

Tina holds Angel tight and gently rubs her back in comfort.

“I know, I know it’s not……..But that’s I’m here, to help you every step of the way.” Tina calmly replies.

After a minute, Tina releases Angel so she can grab a tissue and dry her eyes, once she has Tina bends down in front of her smile with a smile.

“Now then. How about we go on that run eh?” Tina suggests.

Tina and Angel lace up their running shoes and quietly exit the door, but as soon as they close the front door, they instantly spot Mag who’s leaning against a wall in the hallway and she too appears to be dressed in a running outfit.

“Took you two long enough, I thought I was going to have run around this whole city by myself.” Mag says as she apparently overheard everything too.

“Mag, you look tired, you know you don’t have to come with us if you don’t want to.” Tina says after noticing Mag’s tired eyes.

“Well, it’s a nice night for a run isn’t it and besides if anyone tries to mug you or Angel, someone’s going to have to be there to break their nose aren’t they.” Mag says trying to be light-hearted.

In truth, Mag was just as concerned about Angel as what Tina is, but this is where they differ……. Tina is very cuddly and shows her concerns for her sisters greatly, Tina will always abandon what she’s doing and immediately jump in to save her sisters, Tina will always hug onto her sisters during their times of need and never let them go until they are smiling again……..Mag protects her sisters by acting as a shield, yes she too loves her sisters more than anything in the world, but Mag isn’t really the hugging or the cuddly type like what Tina is, Mag instead would just stand in front of her sisters and act as an unbreakable wall of strength to protect her sisters from anything or anyone that might be trying to harm them, in other words if anyone would wants to harm Tina or Angel while they were out running, they’d have to go through Mag first.

Angel smiles at the sight of Mag as she feels stronger and more capable when her sisters are around her, but as Tina and Angel walk passed her, Mag gently puts a hand on Angel’s shoulder, she doesn’t turn her head but she shifts her eyes so they can somewhat look Angel in her eyes.

“I heard what you said in there to………..NEVER say you’re a burden again, do you understand me…….Because you know your not right, you never have been and you never will be……….So if you think about saying you’re a burden again, I mean it…….I’ll get Stasis to give you a wedgie and believe me……..No one wants to get a wedgie from Stasis.” Mag says.

Angel nods her head in acknowledgement.

“Now come on, let us run at this ungodly hour.” Mag says while stretching her arms and legs.

A few minutes later the three sisters starting running, the streets were calm and empty, the only sound they could hear apart from the tapping from their own shoes was the buzzing of the street lights, they ran in a line, Angel was in the middle, Tina was on the left and Mag was on the right, they did this so they could both keep an eye on her…….For nearly three hours, the three sister just ran and ran. They ran through the parks, they ran passed the docks, down the high streets, through the business districts and even through Chinatown………At one point both Mag and Tina had to stop for a minute to catch breath, because while yes, they are both professionally trained infiltrators, running non stop for three consecutive hours can make anyone feel tired, but as they stopped they could see that Angel still wanted to keep running, so both Tina gave Mag a rub on her back as if to say “Your doing great.” Before they both re-joined Angel and once again they all continued to keep running.

Another half hour passed, and they were running down the coastline of Heartfelt’s beach when finally, Angel stopped, she turned and walked onto the beach. She heard the collapse of the waves gently slide along the sand…….It was peaceful and it was calming. Angel took several deep breathes as the freshness of the sea air filled her lungs……..Angel then gently slumped down to her knees on the sand itself……..Mag and Tina came running over to her, Tina slumped down next her to see if she was alright whilst Mag kept watch.

“Tina, I’m tired…….I can’t run anymore…….Can we go home please?” Angel asks with a very tired voice.

“Yeah of course we can, come on I’ll give you a hand.” Tina says as she wraps Angel arm around her shoulders and helps her to her feet.

Angel couldn’t run anymore, she had exhausted her body and mind enough so that when she got home she could finally go to sleep, Tina helped carry Angel all the way back home, Mag remained vigilante and was always keeping an eye out so Tina could focus all of her attention on Angel, making sure that she was safe as they headed back home.

When they did eventually get home, the quietly got in through the front door, trying not to disturb the rest of their sisters. Angel stripped down to her underwear, then Tina gently helped her get into her sleeping bag, moments later Angel fell asleep……….Tina then looked up at Mag…….Mag’s eyes were bloodshot and heavy bags weighed under them, she was just exhausted……..Tina put her hand on Mag’s shoulder.

“Go on, go to your sleeping bag and get some sleep, I can watch over Angel.” Angel whispered.

Mag looked down at Angel who at this point was in a deep sleep, she then looked at her own sleeping bag before she looked at Tina.

“Thanks, goodnight Tina, I’ll see you in the morning.” Mag quietly replied.

“Goodnight Mag.” Tina replied with a smile.

Mag stripped down to her own underwear and climbed into her own sleeping bag before she too fell asleep a few moments later. Tina herself then rubbed her eyes in tiredness, she then stripped down to her underwear, before she grabbed her sleeping bag and pillow, then moved it close to Angel’s………She smiled and gave Angel a friendly rub on her shoulder to let Angel know that she was close by, Tina then got into her own sleeping bag, fluffed up her pillow and got herself comfy………Just a few seconds later, Tina was fast asleep.


The next morning………

Mag and BB are playing a game of battleships together, Marie, Angel and Tina are tidying the kitchen, Stasis is watching the great British bake off, Libido is reading a magazine, Tinker is on her computer going through schematics and Soph is listening to heavy metal music on her headphones.

Mag pulls a face of sheer concentration as she studies her next move, BB sits there with a confident smile on her face, trying to psyche out Mag, a moment later Mag’s eyes narrow and she look BB in the eyes.

“Hhhhmmmm, C-thirteen.” She confidently says.

BB looks down at her board.

“Sorry, you missed.” She replies.

“Gggaahh, damn it.” Mag says as she places a white pin in C13 signalling a miss.

Whilst BB study’s her next move, Tina suddenly slides a hazelnut latte in front of Mag and gives her a massive hug, Tina is incredibly grateful and proud of Mag for supporting Angel last night. Mag gives Tina a warming half smile as she picks up the mug and takes a sip out of it.

“Just the way you like it.” Tina says as she walks away.

“Mmm, thanks this tastes great.” Mag replied as she takes another sip of her latte.

An hour passes before Tinker suddenly gets a notification on her computer. Tinker opens it up and has a read through it.

“Hey Tina, check this out!” She shouts.

Tina immediately comes rushing over.

“What’s the matter?” Tina asks.

“Just got a new notification for a job, it seems someone is looking to hire not one, but a whole group of infiltrators for a very secret job, this is strange, I’ve never heard anyone flat out say they want to hire multiple infiltrators before?” Tinker says as she studies the notification.

“Hhhmmm, maybe it’s someone extremely desperate or maybe multiple infiltrators are genuinely needed…….Wait……Has there been any Phantom activity as of late?” Tina asks suspecting a trap.

Tinker searches through her databases.

“Nothing, last time the Phantoms were active in this part of the city I believe was four days ago, since then they’ve been focusing all of their efforts in other locations.” Tinker replies.

Tina checks the maps and the databases herself as she just wants to be sure, after a while of browsing through it all, she likes what she see’s because Tina knows that her sister’s safety and well being are her first priority above all else.

“Well, a job is a job I guess, let us get going then.” Tina remarks.

Mag gives Soph a gentle tap on her leg, Soph takes off her headphones and goes to get changed as she knows what that means. All the sisters grab their equipment and get changed into their own versions of different cat suits. Libido’s is pink, Tinker’s has many compartments for her gadgets, Tina’s is naturally one of her own custom suits while Mag’s is naturally the one of the one’s that allows her to power up her combat suit and her retractable rope wrist launchers, should she need them, the other’s seem to just be wearing close to standard black cat suits.

Tinker hooks up their hearing devices and tiny hidden portable camera’s, the cameras are synchronised to a device on Tinker’s arm which allows her to see everything of what her sisters are seeing and because they are portable, they can easily attach them to new sets of clothing should any of them need to grab a disguise, which with all of them being infiltrators is a guaranteed.

With everyone ready, all nine of the sisters left their flat and made their way to the coordinates.


The sisters arrived at a stadium. Tinker checked her devices and made sure that the coast was clear before she hacked into the security systems and browsed the CCTV camera’s, it seemed like everything was all clear. Tinker made the “OK” gesture with her fingers and all nine of the sisters, breached the front door, however when they entered they noticed that the stadium was completely empty.

“Okay, this is strange, are you sure this is the correct place?” Tina asks Tinker.

“Yeah, these are the coordinates, the client says all possible candidates are going to be greeted upon arrival.” Tinker says reading her notes.

“I know, maybe they all went out for pizza!” Stasis shouts.

“Of course, how could we be so stupid, naturally they’d just abandon their job and go for pizza.” BB replies to Stasis sarcastically.

“Tehehe.” Stasis chuckles, revealing that she wasn’t being serious, she just wanted to see what her sisters would reply with.

As the sisters ponder about their next move, Tina hears something extremely faint, she closes her eyes and shuts off all of her other senses, focusing solely on her hearing, she hears the sound of maybe one………..Three……..No multiple screeches racing through the air.

“That’s sounds familiar……….A flock of birds perhaps? Hhmm no, it sounds more like an engine, kind of like a………” Tina opens her eyes and her heart starts pounding, she knows that sounds.

“Jetpack…………SCATTER, EVERYONE SCATTER!” Tina shouts to her sisters.

As soon as she says that, several stadium windows smash to bits as Jetset and her jet troopers come flying through. The sisters scatter and take cover as Jetset lands in the center of the room.

“Well, well, look what the cat dragged in, if you’re wondering why your little scanners couldn’t pick us up, it’s simple, we flew so low that your little scanner wasn’t able to detect us” Jetset boasts.

Jetset warms up her jet pack again and pulls out her guns. As she does this, Tina notices that several of her jet troopers have different body shapes, as Tina gets a better look, she realizes that not all of Jetset’s jet troopers are all Female, some of them are Male.

“Oh I’ve seen the newest members to my little sky corps, you see we KNOW how you infiltrators think, which means I KNOW that the one golden rule for an infiltrator, is that they must NEVER steal a male’s uniform, so that’s why I thought I’d hire a few of them for my corps, you know just to throw a few spanners in your works just in case your thinking of disguising yourself as one of us.” Jetset gloats.

The sister’s all look at Tina for guidance. Tina’s holds one of her hands signalling them all to hold position for now, she just needs to think for a moment.

“That’s your problem infiltrators, so predictable, so easy……….We know how you think, how you act, this is why we’re going to win………We know everything your going to do before you’ve even done…….Now jet troopers focus on the others BUT………Alpha prey is MINE!” Jetset says whilst pointing at Tina.

The jet troopers move in and go straight for the sisters whilst Jetset make a beeline straight for Tina. Mag quickly fires one of ropes launches catching one of the Phantoms by the legs and she brings them crashing to the floor. A second jet troopers flies straight for Stasis, but Stasis just leap frogs straight over them. During the initial chaos Tinker, sends a small EMP device out, rendering the Phantoms guns and equipment temporarily useless, but because their jetpacks are powered by fuel, they are still able to use them.

“Missed me, missed me, now you gotta CRISP me!” She shouts to the Phantom who flew under her.

“Hey sis, you know it’s, now you gotta kiss me, right?” Marie suddenly replies.

“Why would I want a kiss, I want CRIPS BABY WOO!” Stasis shouts with joy.

Jetset flies straight at Tina landing just inches in front of her, Tina and Jetset exchange punches and block each other hit’s, Soph jumps into the fray and punches Jetset straight in the stomach, but she seems to be unfazed by this as quickly headbutts Soph causing her to back off, Tina rugby tackles Jetset before she can harm Soph, both women go crashing to the floor. Jetset activates her jetpack and attempts to take off, but Tina grabs hold of Jetset’s foot and as she takes off into the air, Tina goes with her. Jetset notices and tries to use her other foot to kick Tina off of her.

Tina shifts all of her weight down trying to prevent Jetset from gaining any altitude, Jetset herself wriggles around trying to get Tina to fall, but unfortunately neither of them notice the wall that Jetset is currently flying towards as they are too bust focusing on each other, suddenly both Tina and Jetset look straight ahead of them.

“Oh, for fu-.” They both go to say as they both slam into the side of the wall.

Tina and Jetset both fall to the floor, although because they weren’t all that high up, they both land fairly lightly. Angel still knows all of her fighting styles, so she is able to put quite a descent fight against the Phantoms, she easily doges and blocks their attacks while countering them with some hits of her own. She easily overpowers and beats down three jet troopers that have tried to rush her. Soph gets cornered by two Phantoms, she swiftly kicks straight up catching one of the Phantoms right between the legs……..Soph watches as the Phantom falls to the floor in pain, she figures she’s just kicked one of the Male Phantoms in the groin…..She tries the same and kicks the second Phantom in the groin, it connects but this time a female voice is heard saying “Oooff.” The female Phantom then looks at Soph and shakes her head.

“Don’t shake your head at me, it was worth a try!” Soph shouts. As Soph and this Phantom square up and start fighting, Tina gets up and looks around, she see’s her sisters putting up a descent fight and really giving the Phantoms a hard time, but ultimately the Phantoms could have reinforcements coming at any moment, she quickly kicks Jetset in the head before sliding behind a load of crates. She then switches on her earpiece.

“Okay sister’s listen up, play times over and we got to get out of here, now their leader said that they know our every move……Well then…..Let’s change that…….Okay Tinker unleash your swarm of wasps, I’m expecting the Phantoms to block them, then while they’re distracted, Stasis I need you to fire all the purple flare balls you have on you, this will mask are disappearance, the Phantoms will be expecting a counter attack so take defensive positions, but in reality we’re going to make a break for the back door and make our way downstairs……..We’re not going to go out through the front door as we’ll be too greatly exposed giving these jet troopers the advantage, does everyone copy?” Tina says getting things sorted in her mind.

“Copy!” The other sisters respond.

“Then on my mark……”

A moment later a swarm of robotic wasps came flying through the air, the Phantoms made sure their helmets were strapped on tight before they prepared defensive counter measures, they successfully deflected Tinker’s knock out swarm but as they were doing this Stasis launched all of her purple flare balls, exploding them in every direction, causing purple smoke to fill the room.

“They’re attacking, get above!” Jetset shouted, doing exactly what Tina thought they’d do.

Jetset and her jet troopers took to the sky expecting a counter attack, however Tina and her sisters had just smashed open a side door and made a run for it.

Once the smoke clears, Jetset knew what had happened.

“We’ll flank them outside, Kheshig, Elisha, get ready they’re coming your way!” Jetset shouts over her own radio.

Jetset and her jet troopers fly out through the windows thinking they’ve still got the advantage.


In the basement, Kheshig and Elisha both wait for the sisters arrival.

“Are you sure about this?” Elisha asks.

“I am, they saved my life, it’s only fair I return the favour just this once.” Kheshig responds.

“But what if the others find out?” Elisha follows up with.

“they won’t I deliberately kept this part of the stadium off of the briefing, the others don’t know it’s here, we’ll say they left a different way and we didn’t even see them.” Kheshig replies with a somewhat eager attitude.

Moments later they hear footsteps approaching them fast, Elisha puts on her helmet so no one will recognise her, but Kheshig choses to keep hers off. The sisters run round the corner and Tina immediately forms a star position blocking her sisters from harm when she notices Kheshig and the other Phantom.

“We don’t want any trouble, honest, we just want to leave quietly, so please LEAVE my sisters alone!” Tina snaps.

Kheshig looks at her ribs which are still heavily plastered, her arm is still in a cast and her leg is still bandaged up. She then looks Tina in the eyes.

“Looks like I did remember what you said to me after all.” Kheshig calmly responds, alluding to the last thing Tina said to her before she and her sisters left on their last encounter.

Kheshig signals Elisha to open up a hatch, Kheshig is still is too much pain and she can’t bend down properly yet, Elisha bends down and opens the hatch, she remains perfectly silent the entire time.

“Who’s this and why is she helping us and why are you helping us?” Tina says with great suspicion.

“Don’t worry about her, she’s a friend of mine and the reason why I’m helping is simple, you saved my life once, so I think it’s only fair I return the favour……While I performed a mapping of the area, I knew that the best escape route for you and your sisters would be to come this way, so below us, is a sewer pipeline that runs all the way around and back into he heart of the city, I left it out of the briefing so the others wouldn’t know it’s here.” Kheshig explains.

Tina pulls at face and glares at the other Phantom who is still just standing their silently.

“You know, you can speak, again I ask, what are you getting out of helping us?” Tina asks.

“As I said, she’s a friend of mine, she has her reasons and that’s all you need to know, now I suggest you hurry, it won’t be long before Jetset gets impatient and comes inside looking for you.” Kheshig says trying to change the subject.

Tina looks at her sisters and remembers, protecting them is her first priority, she make sense of it all later when they are all safe. Tina nods and allows her sisters go down the hatch, but before Tina can jump down herself, Kheshig gently places a hand on Tina’s shoulder.

“This makes us even now, got it.” Kheshig announces.

“Fine, but don’t you ever come near any of my sisters ever again!” Tina says as she jumps down the hatch.

Kheshig closes the hatch and Elisha takes off her helmet.

“I still owe her one, she saved Felicity’s life twice, so by proxy, I still owe her at least one more.” Elisha says rubbing her helmet and thinking about Felicity.

Kheshig just looks at the closed hatch then looks at Elisha in silence, pondering and somewhat questioned everything she thought she knew about infiltrators.


Tinker uses a navigation device and manages to guide them all through the sewer systems and back into the heart of the city, they climb out of a hatch and dive into an alleyway for cover.

“Right, it won’t be long before the Phantoms come looking for us and dressed like this, we are very noticeable, so we need to go and look for disguises, then we will meet back here in an hour.” Tina relayed to her sisters.

“Remember I can still hear you and see you, so if anyone gets stuck, call it in and we call meet up.” Tinker reminds them

“Stay low and don’t draw any unwanted attention and please, if any of you need me for anything, just call and I swear I’ll come running to you.” Tina says fearing for her sister’s safety.

The sisters all agree and go off in search for some new clothes and whilst this wasn’t ideal and usually, they don’t go around mugging random women for their clothing, today was different, today was the one day that they had to make an exception to this rule if they were all going to get away safely.


Stasis wonders down a street, stopping at a quick snacks wagon to buy herself a packet of starbursts for a much-needed sugar boost. She then makes her way inside a centre hoping to find a disguise in there. As she pops one into her mouth, she overhears a woman talking on the phone.

This woman is 28 years old, she has almond brown skin, she has long brown hair tied back in a bun, she has light brown eyes and she is carrying a yoga mat under her other arm. She is wearing a solid raglan Tee shirt with sports leggings; she also has a pair of white trainers on. The shirt is teal blue, while the leggings are black with little yellow stars dotted all over them. Stasis wouldn’t know this but her name was “Laney”.

Stasis originally decides to ignore her and continues to walk passed her, only for Laney to bump into her.

“Hey, watch it and stop eating those sweets as well, do you have idea what sort of damage you’re doing to your body by eating junk food!” Laney rudly says without even saying sorry.

Stasis pops another starburst into her mouth before she frowns at Laney who is walking towards a Yoga centre.

“No one, insults MY snacks!” Stasis thinks to herself.

Laney walks into the centre.

“Yeah just some idiot eating sugary sweets again, God it’s like wake up people, your body is a temple and thus you should treat it as one, anyway what are you doing later on tonight?” Laney says as she gets ready.

Stasis watches as a cleaning lady finishes washing the yoga centres floor and places a wet floor sign over it, Stasis get that mischievous look in her eyes again. Stasis then casually walks over and removes the wet floor sign, hiding it behind a flowerpot, she then looks at what time the class should start before she jumps and grabs the clock on the wall, then she adjusts the hands, so it seems later than what it actually is before she hangs the clock back on the wall. She then loads a green ball into her slingshot and waits patiently.

Laney comes out and looks up at the clock.

“Oh my god, my class, I’m running late!” She shouts as she runs.

Laney then runs straight onto the wet floor and slips over, she then slides right into a wall, she looks up to see Stasis looking straight over with her slingshot.

“No I wouldn’t say your running late, I’d say your running into a wall hehe. Also, I’ll have you know that snacks make the world go round……..I mean could you imagine a world without snacks……..Seriously can you imagine if some evil Baking company starting putting ZERO sugar in all their cakes and cookies…….Good god, that’d just be a living hell wouldn’t it.” Stasis says.

Laney tries to sit up, but Stasis just shoots her in the face with her green ball unleashing the knockout gas, sending Laney into slumberland. Stasis then drags Laney into a empty room, Stasis never intended to steal Laney’s clothes for her disguise, but after she was rude to her, Stasis needed to teach her a lesson.

“Hey you might like to know that I actually originally wasn’t going to steal your clothes, but then you were rude to me and rude to my snacks, this something I couldn’t let slide………But you certainly did hahaha!” Stasis chuckles as she realises what she said.

“Ooohh here we go again, remember Stasis, I can still here you on this thing.” Tinker casually reminds her.

Stasis chuckles to herself, yeah she knows Tinker can hear her, that’s one of the reasons why she said it in the first place.

Stasis unlaces and slips off Laney’s trainers, she even helps herself to Laney’s pink ankle socks that she was wearing underneath, she then slips Laney out of her leggings and her top, she even helps herself to Laney’s hair band letting her long brown hair flow down her body, underneath it is revealed that Laney is wearing a dark blue sports bra and a black G-string, as a thick pair of panties might hinder movements.

Stasis grabs some zip ties that Tinker hand equipped them all with earlier and got to work. She zip ties Laney’s legs and ankles before zip ties her arms and wrists, she then uses a couple of extended zip ties to secure Laney’s arms to her sides before she grabs gym cloth that was in the room and ties it in and around Laney’s mouth to use as a gag. Stasis then gets changed into Laney’s clothes and even grabs her gym mat before she leaves the room, leaving Laney bound and gagged in the room behind her.

As Stasis goes to leave though a woman runs up to her.

“Oh there you are, your class has been wondering where you got to, come on they’re all waiting for you inside?” A yoga woman says whilst grabbing Stasis’s arm.

“My class, uh-oh.” Stasis has just realised that she has just stolen the clothes from a Yoga instructor.


Jetset lands on a rooftop backed by her jet troopers where Falcon, Kheshig and Elisha are already there waiting.

“This doesn’t make any sense, they never even came my way, they must of found some other way of escaping!” Kheshig bluffs.

“It doesn’t matter, my drones should find them.” Falcon says as she unleashes her drones.

“Well why you do that, my troopers and I will scour the lower parts of the city, we will find them!” Jetset suddenly proclaims before she and her jet troopers blast off the rooftop and into the city below.


Libido looks up and see’s what could potentially be Jetset and her troopers patrolling, Libido immediately runs and heads into the nearest shop she finds. Libido hurries into a shop and hides behind a reception desk, suddenly a voice is heard behind her.

"Good morning miss, can I help you with anything?" A female voice is heard.

Libido turns around and sees a 24 year old Asian woman wearing an Elegant white spa tunic top, freshly ironed white trousers and shiny white shoes, she has medium length black hair, tied back into a bun, dark brown eyes and a name tag that reads "Kanda".

Libido steps up from behind the desk and notices a list of prices on the wall, underneath she sees that she has ran into a massage parlour. Libido quickly eyes Kanda up and down, she wants her uniform and if she was going to get her uniform, she'd need to get her someplace quieter.

"Yes, I was just wondering could I have the ten-minute full rub down and can I be seen instantly, I have the credits?" Libido said reaching into her pocket and pulling out some credits.

Kanda takes the credits and checks her schedule.

"Of course, it seems my eleven o'clock has cancelled so I can see you straight away." Kanda replies whilst checking her computer.

While Kanda isn't looking Libido quickly pulls out some her fake knock out lips and sticks them over her own lips.

"Then lead the way." She says somewhat excitedly.

Kanda leads Libido into a room and closes the door, inside the room, there are lite scented candles everywhere, although the flames are fake as real flames would insight a workplace hazard, in the middle of the room is a table with several holes to put your hands and feet through, a set of white towels are neatly folded at the end. Libido strips out of her pink cat suit and places a bag down on the floor, now she is in her flirty pink bra and panties. She lies face down on the table, Libido knew that she had Kanda right where she wanted her, but hey she did pay for this massage after all, so she was at least going to enjoy it first.

Kanda got to work and started massaging Libido's body. This lasted for ten minutes, then when the massage was over Kanda bent down to see how Libido was feeling, but as soon as she did, Libido flipped herself on her back and grabbed Kanda with her bare thighs, she then put her hands on the table and shifted all of her body weight to the left so Kanda fell onto the table with her. Libido then unwrapped her thighs from Kanda's body before backwards rolled up and over straight onto Kanda herself.

Kanda was now lying on her back on the table and Libido was now sitting on top of her half naked, she then put one hand over Kanda's mouth and put a finger from her other hand near her own lips.

"Sssshhh. Look it's fine, I'm actually not going to hurt you, I just have to be you for a bit, so I'm going to put you to sleep, then I'm going to borrow that cute little outfit you’re wearing. Oh and by the way, those hands of yours are magic, I'm not going to lie, I'm actually feeling a little bit turned on right now, and being on top of you wearing nothing but my tight little panties......Is making me SO horny." Libido whispers in Kanda’s ear.

Kanda wriggles a little bit then she suddenly feels a warm sensation running close to her waist, she then shifts her eyes up and down towards Libido so she can answer her, Libido lifts her hand slightly off of Kanda's mouth so she can talk.

"Hey, I think I can actually feel the heat coming off of your crotch, because my waist is getting very warm from where you’re sitting." Kanda whispers back.

Libido realizes that Kanda wasn't lying, being half naked on top of another woman was indeed turning her on, she then looks Kanda straight into the eyes, while blinking rapidly in a flirty manner.

"Mmmmm……..Well what can I say, your making me HOT and horny!" Libido sexually answers.

Suddenly Libido's earpiece cracks to life.

"Now, now, what would Tina say if she saw you doing that, come on Libido grab your change of clothes and let's go, the Phantom's could be closing in on us." Tinker says through her earpiece, revealing that she had been monitoring her the whole time.

"Copy that, I'm on my way." Libido then replies then turns her attention back to Kanda.

She then leans in and gives Kanda a passionate kiss on the lips, which of course in turn releases the knock out serum into Kanda's saliva and moments later she passes out fast asleep.

Libido then rolls off of Kanda's body and starts to strip her, she unlaces and removes her shoes, before unzipping and pulling off her trousers, finally she unlaces and removes her spa top, she even helps herself to Kanda's hairband so she complete the disguise. Underneath it is revealed that Kanda is wearing a bright white pair of tanga panties, a white full cup bra and a pair of white ankle high socks.

Libido then rolls Kanda on her stomach and places her hands and feet through the holes on the table, she then grabs a set of zip ties from her bag and subsequently zip ties Kanda's ankles and wrists together so her body is now stuck on the table, finally she rolls a towel into a gag and ties it around her mouth to act as the said gag.

But just as Libido gets changed into Kanda's uniform, there's a knock at the door.

"Hey how much longer are you going to be in there?" It seems one of Kanda's colleagues is looking for a room too.

Panicking Libido grabs a bottle of massage oil and squeezes a load into her hands, she then rubs her hands together and starts to gently rub the oil all over Kanda's body, including her back, arms and legs. A moment later the door opens and one of Kanda's colleagues comes in, but Libido doesn't turn around.

"Sssshhhh.......I think she's become so relaxed, that she's fallen asleep." Libido whispers as she continues to rub oil onto Kanda's unconscious body, while trying not to ger sexually aroused as she does it.

"Oh sorry I didn't know, I'll find another room." The colleague whispers in return before gently closing the door and leaving.

Libido looks down and realizes that she has rubbed massage oil all over Kanda's body, Libido then nods to herself in approval before she washes her hands and grabs her bag.

Libido then exits the room and makes sure that the sign still says "Occupied" on the door, making sure nobody will find Kanda until she wakes up a few hours later. Libido then leaves the massage parlour and goes to look for Tina and the rest of her sisters.


The Phantoms fly over several districts.

“This is hopeless, they have to be around here somewhere!” Jetset shouts.

“We took a gamble and it worked, in all fairness the noble prophet, doesn’t even know we’re out here today.” Falcon replies over the radio.

“I know I just wanted to surprise her; you know how she’s been lately. Continue the sweep, they’ve got be out here somewhere.” With that Jetset and her jet troopers double their efforts and continue to scour the city for the sisters.


BB, Marie and Tina sneak around trying to find a descent change of clothes, as luck would have two traffic wardens were heading their way……..

Rebecca and Linda had been punished for loosing their uniforms for the fourth time, they’ve sent to two months traffic warden duty, with saying that they were both aloud to wear their police uniforms, they just had to have the label “Traffic warden” attached to their shirts.

When they made sure nobody was watching Rebecca and Linda both held hands as they walked down the road together, they stopped at the end of the corner and quickly gave each other a quick kiss on the lips.

“I love you.” Rebecca said whilst blushing.

“Sweetie, I love you too.” Linda also said with a blush.

Both women were still very shy, after all this was both women’s first ever serious relationship and they wanted to make sure that did it properly as they both truly had deep feelings for one another and who knows, maybe one day they might even decide to get married.

Rebecca and Linda quickly let go of each other’s hands as a bunch of people walked passed them, while they certainly had no shame is showing the world that they were a couple as every weekend they happily walked round the towns hand in hand, letting everyone that they were an item. But on their work shifts they tried to play it cool, they knew that they had a sense of duty to uphold, and they didn’t want any news press or gossip going around about having kinky police officers if anyone should see them making out on duty.

When the people passed them, both Rebecca and Linda smiled at one another before they both turned bright red again, they just couldn’t help it, they were two nervous and very shy lovers………Suddenly though both Rebecca and Linda felt a pair of arms each wrap around their necks and violently pull them backwards into an alleyway they were currently standing in front off.

“Uuurrgghhhh……No……..Not you again……….My underwear is for her eyes only.” Rebecca shouted through her choke hold.

This actually caused Tina and Marie to stop as it is revealed that they are the one’s who grabbed them, Tina then loosened her grip a little so Rebecca could speak.

“What do you mean again, I don’t recognise you, when have I ever mugged you before?” Tina asks as she is surprised by Rebecca’s outburst

“You’re joking right, you’ve knocked us out and stripped us a total of four times.” Rebecca said.

“Plus your clearly kinky as you like to leave us in a sixty nine position.” Linda said as Marie loosens her grip.

“Wait a minute, so you’re saying that someone who looks exactly like us, mugs you for your clothes and leaves you in kinky sexual positions?” Tina reckons she knows what’s coming next.

“Yeah, except she had Blonde hair and a whip, while you two seem to have dark hair.” Rebecca looks confused now.

“Libido.” Both Marie and Tina says simultaneously.

“What are you going to do with us?” Linda asks.

“Well I overheard and I can see that you two are in a relationship and I can clearly see that you two have deep feelings for each other, which is lovely, but we do need those uniforms your wearing, so my other sisters is going to gently knock you out, we’ll take your uniforms and we’ll leave you in a place where your comfortable and safe, plus don’t worry about being discovered by some stranger, because I’ll make an anonymous call to the police and say I think I saw two officers in trouble, so that way it’ll be your colleagues who find you and nobody else.” Tina tries her best to reassure them.

“Well, your certainly different from your sister…….But PLEASE, don’t be too hard on her when you see I mean, because after all, if it wasn’t for your sisters, I never would have had the courage to ask this beautiful woman out on a date.” Linda says while staring at Rebecca.

A smile goes across Tina’s face.

“Quick BB, use your gloves before I change my mind and let these two love birds go.” Tina jokingly says as she like love in all of it forms.

BB emerges and gently places her gloves over Linda and Rebecca’s mouths, the green switch was enabled and both women’s eyes go dizzy before they gently fall asleep in Tina and Marie’s arms. With this, they quickly strip Rebecca and Linda of their uniforms, once they’ve been stripped it is revealed that Rebecca is wearing a pair of blush pink French cut panties and an olive green push up bra, while Linda is wearing a pair of peacock bleu hipster panties and a bright white balconette bra.

The three sisters then prop up the two women back to back, they then wrap their arms around each other’s and using some rope form the supplies Tinker issued them, they quickly secured their arms together, they then tied their ankles and legs up, before they wrap several layers of rope around their bodies, securely tying them back to back. To finish up Marie grabbed a roll of tape and peeled off several layers before placing them over their mouths as gags. Tina then grabbed a thick quilt cover from one of the skips and covered them with it, Tina knew it wasn’t the most glamorous way to hide them, but she really didn’t want anyone other than their colleagues finding them as Tina didn’t like the idea of seeing these two shy lovers getting harassed……..Or worse.

Once Tina made sure that both Rebecca and Linda were safely tucked away, Tina got changed into Rebecca’s uniform while Marie got changed into Linda’s uniform, they then both turned to see BB sighing while peering out the alleyway.

“Hey sis, what’s the matter?” Marie asked.

“Just look at them, all the women are all normal sized, none of them are even close to fitting me, once again I’m just going to look so frigging stupid when I get my change of clothes aren’t I?” BB worries.

“Hey come on now, you ARE a normal size, do you remember what I said to you a little while ago……..I said to you, what person in their right mind wouldn’t want to wake up every morning next to a tall, elegant, beautiful and loving woman such as you.” Tina immediately replied.

A faint smile goes across BB’s face.

“Tina’s right, you have such a loving heart that you genuinely need to be this tall, just to fit your massive sweet heart in.” Marie further continues.

This causes BB to turn around and scoop up both Marie and Tina in her arms and gives them both a friendly bear hug.

“See, there you go sis, come on, we can find you something to wear, we just need to think that’s all………Besides, don’t be embarrassed of your size, embrace it, let this whole damn city see that you are one hell of a woman!” Tina says as she holds onto BB.

“I’ll try, I promise I’ll try.” BB replies feeling more confident in herself.

“Hey, that bear hug just gave me an idea.” Marie says pointing over the road.

Over the road a female wearing a gigantic teddy bear mascot suit is handing out leaflets for the “Build A Bear” company. She’s wearing a giant light brown teddy bear costume with a full teddy bear mask.

“Well, it’s better than nothing, at least that’s a costume that would actually fit me for once.” BB says realizing that the bear costume might actually fit her.

“Perfect, hey Marie, seeing as how we’re impersonating these policewomen, we might as well use their uniforms to our advantage.” Tina suggests.

“Sounds good, I’m right behind you.” Marie replies.

Tina and Marie leave the alleyway, cross the road then approach the woman in the teddy bear costume.

“Good morning officers, is everything alright?” The woman asks.

“Yes, it’s just we’ve been alerted that an infiltrator is going around robbing people after she stole a bear costume.” Tina says.

“Oh heck, well I promise you it wasn’t me officers, I swear.” The woman takes the teddy bear head off, to reveal that a 29 year old, Ebony black skinned woman with short black hair and dark brown eyes in underneath that costume. Her name wouldn’t matter to the sisters at this point, but her name was “Anika”.

“While we want to believe you, we can’t take that as proof enough, can you please follow us, we just want to quickly ask you a few questions to make sure you’re telling the truth.” Marie says this time.

“Yes of course, officers, please lead the way.” Anika replies.

Marie and Tina lead Anika back into the alleyway, once they are out of sight, Marie pulls out a small note pad from her uniform pocket then reveals her knock out pen from another pocket.

“Just going to make a few notes.” Marie says.

She then discreetly aims the pen towards Anika and double clicks the top of it. A dart quickly shoots out and pierces the bear suit as the fabric thankfully isn’t too thick, the dart hits Anika’s stomach and moments later Anika feels all faint before she starts to fall limp.

“Ooooooohhhhh……….Mmmmmmmmmm.” Anika says with a smile as she apparently got some kind of sexual arousal from the effects of the dart before she fell to the floor unconscious.

Once she’s out cold, Marie looks at the smile across Anika’s face and shakes her head.

“God damn it, why does that keep happening to me, how do I always seem to knock out the one’s that are going to get turned on by the sleeping darts effects.” She asks.

BB and Tina exchange glances then shrug.

“Honestly, I’m not sure how to answer that, if I’m being honest.” Tina says with a confused look.

“Maybe it’s luck of the draw?” BB suggests.

“Hhhmm, maybe?” Marie replies.

With that both Marie and Tina stand outside the alleyway and keep watch, so BB can some privacy while she strips Anika for her bear costume. BB unzips the back of Anika’s bear costume and removes from her suit, once she pulls Anika out of her costume it revealed that Anika is wearing a pair of grape purple tanga panties with white polka dots and a matching grape purple padded bra, which also had white polka dots. BB then grabbed some ropes and tied up Anika’s ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows and forearms before tying ropes round her body securing her arms to her sides in the process, she too then grabbed some tape and stuck a couple of layers over Anika’s mouth, BB then lifted Anika’s unconscious body and lay her next to Rebecca and Linda’s bodies before she covered them back up with the quilt sheet. With this done BB then got changed into Anika’s bear costume……..It actually fit quite well.

Tina gave BB a hand with the zipper at the back before BB put the teddy bear mask over her head.

“Well. It’s not my first choice, but honestly, I’m actually just happy I’ve found a disguise that genuinely fits me for once.” BB says seeing the positive side of things.

“Exactly, see, you are such an awesome sister BB, you need to believe in yourself more, doesn’t she Marie.” Tina said trying to give BB more of a confidence.

“Heck yeah you’re an awesome sister, I love the fact that I get to go around boasting that I have seven-foot-tall sister, with an even bigger heart.” Marie adds.

“Thank you, both of you, I needed that boost.” BB happily replies.

All three women now leave the alleyway and make their way down the street.


Stasis is ushered into a classroom where fifteen women all wearing Yoga outfits are staring straight at her. Stasis just casually smiles and places her yoga mat down on the floor.

“Namaste!” All the yoga say to Stasis.

“And an OOGA BOOGA to you too!” Stasis while waving her hands in the air.

The yoga just look at each other in confusion as what kind of yoga instructor responds with that.

Stasis yawns and stretches her arms then realizes the class are copying her. Stasis pulls a curious face then she stretches her right leg behind her and funnily enough the class copy her, Stasis once again pulls a curious face.

“So, what ever I do, you are copying me?” Stasis asks.

“Yes of course, you are our instructor aren’t you, we have to do what you tell us to do.” One of the pupils.

A big smile and a mischievous look appears on Stasis’s face.

“Cool………Okay in that case class, today’s lesson, I want to try something new, I want you all to do the calzone pose.” Stasis says clearly very happy.

The class look at each other completely baffled.

“Oh it’s easy look, just lie down on your side, bend your body like a banana then stretch one of your arms and legs up to look like a calzone.” Stasis says, clearly getting excited that they are actually listening to her.

Sure enough about five minutes later all fifteen of the yoga pupils were all lying down looking like a bunch of calzone’s while Stasis walks in between them.

“Now, tell me, our calzones are empty, so what should we put INSIDE our calzones.” Stasis says trying to sound all spiritual.

“Love………Peace……..integrity………..Joy………Love?” All the pupils take it in different turns to respond.

Stasis though just raises her hand shakes her head is disapproval.

“No, no, no, I was thinking things like………..Meatballs, chorizo, chicken, tomato sauce, melted cheese, that sort of thing.” Stasis says as her mind fills with ideas.

The class all look each other, once again completely baffled.

“What about spicy sausage?” One of the pupils gives in and asks.

Stasis’s eyes widen in delight, she loves that idea!

“YES! That sounds delicious, now your getting it……….I hope the rest of you are paying attention, because this one gets it!” Stasis shouts pointing to the woman who shouted the idea.

While Stasis is clearly having way too much fun whilst impersonating the real yoga instructor, Soph, Tinker and Angel are still looking for their change of clothes.

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Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:08 am

Re: Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

Post by Trackman281 »

BE AWARE: This part TWO, scroll up for the first part. :D


Soph, Tinker and Angel walk through a rather dodgy looking street, it doesn’t take them long to start getting noticed because of the cat suits that they are wearing.

Three punk girls notice the three sisters and start shouting things at them.

The first punk girl has long dyed green hair, white skin, blue eyes and is 21 years of age. She has red ankle high boots with long thigh high black socks, she’s wearing black fingerless gloves a black and red braided skirt and she’s wearing a jet-black T-shirt with the word “Rebel” sprayed across it, her name was “Jodie”.

The second punk girl had warm beige skin, long dyed pink hair, Liz blue eyes and is 24 years of age. She is wearing black knee-high boots, cheetah skin trousers, a white T-shirt with a black leather jacket over it, her name is “Simone”.

The third and final punk girl had very pale white skin, short black hair, bright green eyes and was 22 years old, she had black jeans with styled rips in them, she had black doc martin shoes on, she had a black and white stripped long sleeved shirt on and a black cap with the skull and crossbones symbol on it, her name was “Blaire”.

“Whoe, check it out I guess the circus is in town, huh girls!” Jodie shouts at them.

“Check out the one with the blue hair. HEY, you look like you fell into a tub of popping candy!” Blaire shouts at them too.

The three punk girls start laughing.

“HEY! You shout at my sister one more time, I’ll come over there and I’ll shove yours heads up your arses, how’s that sound!” Soph says defending Angel.

“Come on, Soph, don’t let these idiots get to you, there just punks.” Tinker says trying to calm Soph down.

“HER NERD! Bet you’ll never know what it’s like to have a really orgasm, you dumb geek!” Simone shouts this time.

Soph looks and see’s that Tinker got a little offended by that.

“Oh yeah, well look at you, you like someone stuck your head in a candy floss machine and you with the green hair…….Jesus Christ did someone use your head as a tissue, because man that looks like a load of snot hanging off of your head!” Soph shouts, once again defending her sisters.

The three punk girls look at each other then get to their feet and walk over to them.

“Seriously, Soph, let’s just leave it eh? They’re not worth it.” Angel says trying to defuse the situation

Jodie gets right into Soph’s face.

“Oh yeah, and what’s with those dumb catsuits your wearing, you late for a catwoman convention or something, you look so frigging dumb!” Jodie says.

“So your saying then, if we want to be edgy and cool like you, then we should be wearing your clothes, is that what your saying?” Soph says with a smile.

“Yeah, but you’ll never get our clothes, we’re too bad arse for you, you little slut!” Simone adds fuel to the fire.

The three punk girls then pull out switch blades to act hard and try to intimidate Soph………But Soph just smiles and cracks her knuckles together.

“Hey Angel, Tinker, your going to want to turn around sister’s, because your might like to see what I do to these little punk bitches.” Soph says with a massive grin on her face.

Angel and tinker both just look at each other then turn around and start whistling to themselves. Angel knew that she couldn’t stop Soph from beating the daylights out of these punks, but she also hoped that Soph didn’t go too rough on them. Now Soph is a professionally trained fast, but brutal striker, so three basic punk girls don’t stand a chance.

Blaire tries to slash Soph, but Soph just grabs her arm, she then pulls her forward and knees her straight in her stomach, Blaire splutters as Soph’s knee connects but before she can fully grasp how much pain she’s in, Soph elbows her in the back of her head knocking her out. Jodie tries to stab Soph, but she just grabs and twists Jodie’s wrist until she drops the knife, she then lets go and watches as Jodie stumbles backwards, this is before she looks up and see’s Soph’s fist heading right for her face. Soph punches Jodie right in the forehead causing to fall backwards hitting the floor and getting knocked out in the process. Simone tries to lunge Soph, but Soph just side steps out of the way so Simone completely misses, Soph then kick at the back of Simone’s legs causing her to fall to the floor, she then wraps her arms around Simone’s neck and applies and strong, tight sleeper hold. Simone tries to elbow, Soph but she is already too late, as a few moments later, Simone stops wriggling around and falls into a deep sleep.

Tinker and Angel, turn around and see’s Soph standing triumphantly over the three knocked out punk women.

“Okay, let’s grab one and get them stripped.” Soph says as she grabs hold of Blaire’s ankles.

Each sister drags one of the punk girls behind a building which luckily also had a dumpster, the three sisters then stripped the three punk women of their clothes, once they had been stripped, its here we see that Jodie was wearing a pair of sage green panties and a raisin purple bra. Simone was wearing a matching pair of black and red braded patterned bra and panties whilst Blaire was wearing a pair of black panties with white skulls on and a black push up bra with little red skulls on……..The term *was* is used here and they were wearing their underwear, but to add insult to their injuries, Soph stripped the three punk women of their underwear too, she then rolled their panties up and shoved them into each of their mouths and she just their bras down a drain pipe and into the sewer so they couldn’t get them back. All three of the punk girls were now completely naked.

Soph then grabbed some tape and stuck a few layers over their mouths to both act as gags and to make sure that their panties stayed firmly locked in their mouths, she then grabbed some zip ties and tied up all three women’s ankles, thighs, legs, wrists, arms, elbows and forearms, she even went to the length of grabbing some rope and strapping it through their crotches, so the rope nestled in between their vaginas and their arses. She then scooped up each punk woman one by one and casually put them into the dumpster.

“I went to these lengths because that’s what you get for bullying people and pulling knives on them, when you wake up if your all wondering what that taste is, that’s because I’ve shoved your own panties into each of your mouths and left you completely naked. Well pleasant dreams ladies, night, night.” Soph says as she closes the dumpster lid.

Soph gets changed into Jodie’s clothes, Tinker gets changed into Simone’s clothes and Angel gets changed into Blaire’s clothes, so she can use the cap to hide her blue hair just in case the Phantoms fly over, afterwards though, Angel approaches Soph.

“Was all of that really necessary, I mean yeah they were stupid punks, but leaving them fully naked, gagged by their own panties and wrapping pieces of ropes in-between their vagina’s and arse’s, are you sure that, they’ll be fine.” Angel says.

Soph walks over and places one of her arms around Tinker and her other arm around Angel.

“Listen, you are my sisters and no one belittles or bullies my sisters……..No one!” Soph says with confidence and revealing a little bit of her caring side in the process.

Tinker and Angel can’t help but smile a little bit by Soph’s statement then together all three sister’s leave from behind the building and go to regroup with the others.


Libido walks down the street casually minding her own business, peering into windows then she just so happens to pass the yoga studio and peer into the window, she can’t believe her eyes as she see’s Stasis instructing the class, Libido can’t help it but goes in for a closer look.

Inside the classroom Stasis is now leading the yoga class in a strange dance, that Stasis swears is definitely relaxing, the class all get ready to follow Stasis’s instructions.

“Okay we all ready and follow my lead, okay here we go and……….To the left…….Take it back now, y’all……….One hop this time…………Right foots, let’s stomp……….Left foot, let’s stomp……….Cha, cha real smooth.” Stasis starts to instruct.

Stasis looks up and see’s Libido shaking her hips to Stasis’s dance choice, Stasis is pleased Libido has arrived as instead presses pause on the radio.

“Okay class, that’s all we have time for today, so I hope you all have a great afternoon.” Stasis declares.

“Namaste!” The class shout and bow.

“And an ooga booga to you too!” Stasis proudly says once again.

Stasis then runs over to Libido.

“Nice, you went for a yoga instructor disguise, mmmmmmm…….If this was me I was have made them all do downward facing dog while I watch them from behind………..Mmm, so sexy.” Libido fantasises.

“Nnnaahh, I just made them do food related things.” Stasis replies.

“Oh nice, pound it sister!” Libido offer Stasis a fist bump.

Libido and Stasis then share a well-deserved fist bump before they both chuckle together. They then leave the yoga studio to go and find their sisters.


Mag still searches the streets for her change of clothes, but every woman she comes across is either with someone else or is in a place just too crowded, but thankfully it seems Mag’s about to catch a break, although not in the way she probably imagined. She finds a woman who is just out of the way enough for Mag to grab and swipe her clothes, the only problem is, the woman who Mag is replacing………Is a Mime.

This woman is 33 years old, she has honey brown skin, she has old world blue eyes, long black hair tied back into a Dutch braid, she’s wearing white face paint with black splodges over her cheeks and eyes, the usual mime look. She’s wearing black tight trousers with suspenders attached to them, black high heels, white gloves, a black and white striped long sleeved shirt and a black beret, she also has a cherry red neckerchief tied around her neck. Not that Mag would know as a rule of a Mime is to never speak, but the female’s name was “Cynthia.”

“Oh, come on, you got to be kidding me.” Mag says to herself after realizing her only option is to steal the clothes off a mime.

Cynthis performs various different routines like being stuck in a box unaware that Mag has wondered into the alley behind her, Cynthia the mime then pretends like she’s just been lassoed……Unaware she’s about to get the real thing in just a moment………Sure enough a moment later Mag fires her retractable wrist rope launcher and it quickly wraps around Cynthia………Now Cynthia might have been able to just simply open her mouth and called for help, but Cynthia took her role as a Mime, very seriously so not a single word left her lips.

Mag quickly retracted her rope bring both it and a tightly wrapped up Cynthia along too, once she was in Mag’s arms, Mag quickly gave her a nerve pinch right to the side of her neck. Cynthia felt a warm feeling overflow her body as if she had just stepped into a nice hot bath at the end of a cold day…….this feeling flowed over her as she gently closed her eyes and passed out fast asleep in Mag’s arms.

Mag then sighed to herself as she lay Cynthia on the floor and started to strip her. She slipped of Cynthia’s shoes, before she unbuckled and removed her suspenders, she then unzipped and slipped off her trousers before she sat her up against the wall and pulled her shirt up and over her head, making sure to grab the beret in the process, she also unties and takes the red neckerchief that was around her neck, finally she slipped off Cynthia’s white gloves. It here we see that Cynthia takes her job as a role very seriously as she’s wearing a pair of white and black striped boy short panties and a white and black strapless bra.

Mag just rolled her eyes at the sight of Cynthia’s underwear, before she used the rope that she had just used to grab Cynthia and tied her up with it. She put her flat on her stomach, then tied her wrists behind her back, she then tied her ankles together before she lifted her legs and behind her back and tied a few more additional pieces of rope joining the bonds around her wrists and ankles, Cynthis was thrust up like Christmas turkey. Mag finished up by grabbing some tape of her own and swiftly putting a few layers over her mouth as a gag……..Although she wondered if she needed to with Cynthia being a mime and all…….But she still gagged her anyway, just to be on the safe side.

Once this was done Mag reloaded her wrist rope launcher just in case, she needed it again, then she got changed into Cynthia’s mime clothes. Once she was changed she left the alleyway and immediately noticed her reflection in a puddle on the side of the street.

“My god, I look ridiculous.” She says to herself.

“Hey mimes can’t talk hahahaha!” Two women said as they walked passed Mag.

Mag just quickly makes a gesture to the women with her hand as they walked away then she quickly runs off to regroup with the rest of her sisters, the sooner she meets up with them, the sooner she can get out of these terrible Mime clothes.


Jetset and her troops fly as quickly as they could, when an alarm starts beeping on Jet’s arm, it isn’t long before the other jet troops alarm starts buzzing as well. They’re jetpacks are starting to run out of fuel, and they need head back to be refilled. Jetset orders a halt before both her and her troops stops in mid-air but maintain altitude.

“Damn it, we’re out of time, Falcon we need to head back and refuel before it’s get too late, can you maintain your drones presence?” Jetset radios in.

“Affirmative, I can keep the drones up for a little while longer, with and luck I might be able to get a read on them, then I can track their positions.” Falcon replies.

“It’s going to have to be, alright everyone on me, we are RTB at this point.” Jetset signals her troops before they all turn around and start to fly back to base to refuel and rearm.

Falcon’s drones maintain positions.


Tinker sends coordinates to all of the sisters and a short while later all the sisters are reunited in one of the town square’s

“Hahahahaha! Oh my god, look at you, this was so worth the wait!” Stasis bursts out laughing when she see’s Mag appear in her mime disguise.

“Yeah, yeah laugh it up.” Mag replies.

Libido tilts her head sideways and reads the name tags on the police uniforms that Marie and Tina are wearing.

“NO WAY, you bumped into those two, oh please tell me you tied them up together!” Libido pleads.

“No we didn’t and by the sounds of it, you’ve bumped into these two women haven’t you, at least four times from what they told us because they were surprised when we didn’t leave them in the sixty nine position.” Tina said looking at Libido.

“Eeerr, alright you got me, but I can’t help it, there so cute together.” Libido says defending her actions.

But surprisingly Tina isn’t angry, in fact quite the opposite, Tina just walks up to Libido and places a loving hand on her shoulder and smiles at her.

“They also asked me to thank you for bringing them both together so they could finally have the courage to ask each other out, as apparently their quite in love with each other.” Tina passing on the message from Rebecca and Linda.

A massive cheeky and flirty smile goes across Libido’s face.

“Heck yeah, you know me, I bring women together babe!” She shouts clearly showing that she wants to do it again.

“But, please be aware that while it may of worked with these two, there are plenty of guards and sentries that we knock out that are in serious and committed relationships, so I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be too thrilled if they woke up, face deep in another women’s vagina now would they?” Tina says still retaining her smile.

“Hey, you know I wouldn’t do that, I’m a lover, not a fighter.” Libido says as she winks at Tina.

Tina just rubs Libido’s arm then turns to face her sisters, then she notices all the various outfits that they’ve all acquired.

“Okay well, it seems we’ve all chose some eerrmmm……Interesting outfits to disguise ourselves in, although I’m not going to lie, we stick out in these various costumes and uniforms don’t we.” Tina says after seeing how all of her sisters are dressed.

“Especially, Mag. Hey, hey pretend to throw a pie at something, or pretend that your stuck in a box or something, haha!” Stasis says, clearly loving the mime costume that Mag is wearing.

“Okay that’s it, I need a new disguise.” Mag replies as she really doesn’t fancy the idea of walking home with Stasis joking all the way.

Tinker’s wrist screen goes haywire, it seems to be picking up a signature from above. She checks it on her device then looks up at the sky, although the sun is still shining bright, she manages to spot a glimmer of a sparkle of the sun reflecting off something metallic high in the sky.

“Tina, we got to go now, there’s a drone homing in on our position just above us!” Tinker relays.

“Damn it, okay we need to go now, we need to find a way to blend in more too!” Tina says as all nine sisters gather together and run off into the city.

After a while of going down various streets and neighbourhoods, they finally come across something that none of them would expect. It seems that today Heartfelt City was having a street parade.


Tina and her sisters made their way through the crowds until Tina noticed something, there were several groups of Majorette bands that would be marching in between the parade floats, the best part was, all the Majorette bands consisted of nine women in three lines of three.

“Okay, I think I know how we’re going to get away.” Tina says as she looks at her sisters then looks at the Majorette’s uniform.

“Oh wow, talk about convenience, that we just so happen to come across groups of nine majorette bands and their just so happens to be nine of us.” Stasis says with a cheeky wink.

But no one heard Stasis as the other sister’s were already moving in closer to get a better view…………..

The sister surveyed the area, it seems the majorette’s teams were going out at different stages, but they all seemed to have their own tent to get ready in, Tinker activated Ebony and Ivory, both her spider bots crawled into one of the tents for a better view.

Inside the tent, there were indeed nine female majorette members all wearing the same uniforms, their uniforms consisted of a red and silver sequin dresses, these dresses covered their waists and went down to their thighs, it opened up a little bit at the top to let their cleavage show off, they had white knee high boots with red laces, they had two arms bands, one that was red with a white cotton ball on it and a white arm band with a red cotton ball on it. They had red and silver hate which styled perfectly to the sides of their heads, they each had a whistle around their necks and a baton in their hands.

Now all nine of these women, had names, dreams, different views on things, but here they were all just one majorette band, hoping to look good in the parade, some of the women had white skin, some had olive skin and a few of them had black skin, with all different hair colours, eye colours and styles, but once again, this did not matter as nine of these women were focused and ready for the parade……..Or so they thought.

“Okay, there’s no way we’d be able to rush them and not have a single one of them cry for help, Tinker I’m really relying on you for this sis.” Tina says placing a confident hand on Tinker’s shoulder.

“Leave it to me Tina, I won’t let you down.” Tinker says as she recovers Ebony and Ivory.

Tinker then tip toes over to the tent where she can hear the nine majorette’s inside disguise the parade, Tinker then makes sure that the tent is zipped up, before she opens up her back pack and slides it just underneath the tent, Tinker quickly tip toes back and presses the green button on her wrist.

Moments later dozens of buzzing noises are heard from inside the tent followed by a series of grunts and noises as the robotic wasps appear.

“Huh?.......Ow……Ouch…….Eeepp……..Ow……Ooofff……” Is all that is heard inside the tent as the nine majorette’s are quickly stung by the wasps and their knock out serum.

About ten seconds later, the grunts and shrieks stopped and a series of thuds followed, Tinker knew that this was the majorette’s all falling down unconscious, sure enough as Tina and her sisters unzipped the tent and moved in, they saw that the wasps had all retreated back inside Tinker’s backpack and just below their feet was a pile of nine majorette women all stacked on top of one another, moaning and groaning as they all drifted off to slumberland.

“Amazing work Tinker.” Tina said giving a thumbs up.

“Well, you know me.” Tinker said blushing a little.

The sisters all got into the tent and zipped it up again, they all grabbed one of the knocked-out majorette’s that looked roughly their size before they all got to work and stripped them of their costumes. A few minutes later their were nine heavily unconscious women tied up and bunched together in a circle in only their underwear. They al had their ankles and legs tied up, their wrists and arms tied behind their backs, they had their fingers tied together so they couldn’t undo each other knots. They have all been tied together in the said circles by dozens of strands of rope around their bodies, holding them all together, they’ve all been gagged by either tape of pieces of cloth found inside the tent. They all had the same underwear on, which consisted of crimson red tap pants and white full cup bras. With them out of the way, the sisters got changed into their uniforms.


Once all the sisters had gotten changed, Tina noticed that BB was staring at herself in one of the mirrors inside the tent, she once again found out her disguise was just too small for her and her tall frame was really stretching the majorette dress. BB let out a massive annoyed sigh as she closed her eyes and shock her head in annoyance.

Tina immediately walked over and grabbed her sister’s hand.

“Look at me Tina, their all going to laugh at me out there, aren’t they?” BB says to Tina, with worry in her voice.

Tina squeezed her hand gently then looked up so she could stare her sister in the eyes.

“Listen sister, when we go out there, I want you to try something for me okay……..If you see people laughing or snickering at you, I want you smile and laugh with them………You let them see that you don’t give a damn what they think, you let them see that you are proud of your height and that you won’t let their pathetic childish pettiness bring you down, I want you to have a big smile on your face the whole time, you are so much better than them, don’t let them see that it bothers you.” Tina’s says trying to give BB a well needed confidence boost.

“But it does bother me Tina.” BB replied.

“I know it does sister, I know it does. But don’t give them the satisfaction, so please, go out there and please, don’t stop smiling.” Tina reinforces her suggestion.

“I’ll try, I promise you I’ll try.” BB says with a hint of confidence in her voice.

Tina rubs BB back in support.

Libido meanwhile breathes deeply and starts to sweat a little bit, she is staring at the nine majorette women, all bound and gagged, moaning and resting against each other in their underpants, this doesn’t help that moments later one of the bound women wriggles in her sleep, letting het tits jiggle around right in front of Libido’s eyes.

“Oh god…….Don’t get horny, don’t get horny………Uh-oh………I’m SO frigging HORNY!” Libido tries to calm herself and tries her best not to sexually turned on by the sight of so many women bound and gagged.

This further doesn’t help, that moments later, one of the bound majorette’s is clearly having a pleasant dream as she lets out a faint but rather noticeable sexual moan under her gag………Libido loses it and runs over to Tina.

“Tina, please, please, we have to go right now!” Libido says nearly jumping up and down on the spot.

“Is everything alright, what’s the matter?” Tina asks.

Libido waves her hand so she can whisper in Tina’s ear. Tina leans in and Libido gets in close to Tina’s ear so she can whisper properly.

“There are so many bound and gagged women in their underpants I’m……..I’m………I’m getting so turned on and horny right now and unless I’m mistaken, I’m also getting very wet……….Please Tina we have to go.” Libido whispers.

Tina pulls a face, while she wasn’t exactly thrilled to hear that her own sister getting turned on and even getting wet, she was also very thankful for Libido coming to her as Tina knows that Libido’s sex drive in through the damn roof on the best of days, so today was probably driving her crazy. Tina smiles and hugs onto Libido.

“Thank you for coming to me first instead of acting on your urges, I mean it, I’m so proud of you.” Tina says as she embraces Libido.

“Well, I made you a promise didn’t I, I have to try and stick to it.” Libido replies.

As tina comforts Libido, Stasis immediately catches sight of a massive marching band drum sitting on one of the tables.

“Oh wow, mine, mine, that is MINE!” She shouts as she rushes over to the drum.

She straps the drum around her body and bangs it as loud as she can, making all the other sisters jump.

“Oh great…..She found a drum.” Tinker sarcastically says.

“Stasis, we’re impersonating a majorette band, we don’t need the drum.” Mag says.

“I know, but can I take it home anyway, it’s awesome!” Stasis replies with a hopeful tone.

“NO!” All eight of her sister’s respond at the same time.

“Pfft, killjoys.” Stasis says as she puts the drum down.

“Okay sisters, here we go, we’re going to out there in three lines of three, one in front of the other, I want us all to stay close and stay vigilante, but we need to look the part too, so please use your disguises and let’s not raise any suspicion, right Tinker, you’ll be monitoring for any activity, let us know if anything seems out of the ordinary, now I want us all to go out in this formation……” Tina started to explains her strategy to her sisters.

As per Tina instructions, the lines were set up accordingly.
Line one consisted of Tina, Angel and Mag.
Line two consisted of Marie, Soph and BB.
Line three consisted of Stasis, Tinker and Libido.

With that they all left the tent and zipped it up again so no one would find the real majorette band until after the parade was finished.


The sisters all did their best to play the part, their was a float behind them and a float in front of them, Stasis was really getting into it and twirling her baton around like a pro, Tinker was just tossing it around as she really didn’t know how to do this sort of thing, Libido kept on giving flirty winks to anyone she found attractive as she twirled her baton, BB just smiled to anyone she thought was giggling at her, while the rest of the sisters just did their best to keep up appearances.

“Well for the second time today, I feel like an idiot dressed like this.” Mag says as she twirls her baton.

“If it makes you feel any better, at least we all look ridiculous with you.” Tina replied.

Mag just shrugged; in a way it did make her feel better.

“Hell yeah, this is awesome, we should impersonate majorette bands more often!” Stasis declares as she twirls her baton, clearly enjoying herself.

“Maybe for you, but I’m a heavy metal lover and a brawler, this is so degrading for me.” Soph replies as she twirls her baton too.

“Yeah well, at least all of your disguises fit you, think of me.” BB chips in.

“If its any consolation, I think your doing a fantastic job.” Marie responds to BB.

BB smiles and nods to Marie, to which Marie gives a nod in return.

“Exactly, we all look out for one another, because I know that when we’re together, we’re god damn Unstoppable!” Tina says as she twirls her baton, clearly proud of all her sisters.

“Heck yeah we are.” Angel responds with a smile.

Tinker checks for activity.

“The Phantom’s drones are directly above us, but with all this commotion, all this noise, all these people, they can’t pinpoint us, this is it, just keep doing what we’re doing and they’ll never notice us.” Tinker says with confidence.

“Excellent, thanks Tinker, okay sisters we’re almost out of this, just a keep up your disguises for a little longer.” Tina relays to her sisters.

“Right!” The rest of them shout.

The sisters kept up their disguises right the way through to the end of the parade, then when they had an opening they broke away from the rest of the parade and disappeared into the city.


“What do you mean, we’ve lost them!” Jetset shouts.

“Face it, that parade really screwed us over, there were thousands upon thousands of people, so many costumes, so many wacky outfits and disguise possibilities, those infiltrators could have been anywhere, it was just impossible to pinpoint their location.” Falcon responds.

“What about the majorette groups, they travelled in groups of nine, the infiltrators would have replaced one of the groups.” Jetset deduces.

“Yeah and which group would that have been, I have it confirmed that there was at least thirty groups of majorette’s at the parade today, which group could it possibly have been!” Falcon snaps back.

“God damn it, you wait infiltrators, one of these days, just one of these days! None shall defy the Phantoms and we will return, we will……..” Jetset says with absolute venom and hatred in her voice.


The sisters walk down a street and make their way home, as they pass a car, Libido stops to check herself out using the reflection of a shop window, but as she does, she feels a pair of arms grab her and quickly pull her into an alleyway behind her.

Libido is held against the wall by a woman in her early thirties, she had shaggy blonde hair, dark blue eyes, white skin and she has a few tattoo’s down her arms, she’s wearing a prison orange overall with orange trainers.

“Okay you, no funny business, I just broke out of jail and I need a change of clothes, so give me your clothes!” The prisoner shouts at Libido.

Libido just smiles.

“Seriously, this is kind of kinky and I must admit this would make a great sexual fantasy, but here’s the thing, you see………I’m a REAL infiltrator and I know, you probably just saw us as a bunch of majorette women walking when you thought you could grab the one at the back and replace…….I know, I’ve done that dozens of times myself.” Libido starts to explain.

“I don’t care, I’m still taking your clothes!” The escaped prisoner shouts.

“You didn’t let me finish did you………Now the other women I was walking with, weren’t just ordinary women, oh no, they were all my SISTER’S and they are ALL infiltrators too………Which means that we mugged the original majorette band then stole their clothes!” Libido says with a joyful tone.

“Wait……..They were all your sisters?” The female convicts eye’s widen, as she starts to realize, she’s just made a big mistake.

“Yep and eerrmmm……….This is the part where you turn around now and see what’s behind you.” Libido says quite excitedly.

The female convict gulps deeply, let’s go of Libido’s dress and slowly turns around…………As she turns around she sees the other eight sisters have boxed her in and their all staring at her.

Before the convict can speak, BB grabs her by her overall’s with one hand, lift her up and pins her against the wall a few inches above the ground.

“Now, now, you weren’t trying to steal my sisters clothes, now were you?” Tina asks.

“Oh, look I’m sorry, I really am, I didn’t know, I just needed a change of clothes that was all.” The convict pleads after realizing she doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell against nine infiltrators.

“Yes, I noticed that orange prison outfit of yours and I’m guessing you haven’t just come from a fancy dress party which means you an escaped convict. Now unfortunately for you, we are actually GOOD infiltrators, which means we’re going to call the police so they can come down here and get you…….But first……You did just try and steal my sisters clothes and with us being infiltrators, we take that as a huge insult, don’t we sisters.” Tina monologues.

The sisters all smile and nod in agreement.

“Here’s the thing, you can either strip willingly and let us tie you up in your undies and leave you for the police to find, or my sister here can beat you up and we still tie you up in your undies for the police anyway, which one would you like?” Tina asks the convict.

The female convict looks and watches as Soph cracks her knuckles with a big smile on her face, Soph is hoping this convict chooses the hard way.

“Okay, okay, just please don’t hurt me, I’ll strip, I’ll strip!” The convict pleads.

“A wise choice, okay BB give her some air.” Tina says.

BB let go of the convict and she quickly stripped out of her orange overalls and removed her orange trainers; she then removed her white vest underneath until she was only wearing a rather dirty looking white bra and shaggy old pair of white panties. The convict then got on her knees and raised her hands in the air as she surrendered. The sisters did not exactly want to touch the filthy looking convict, so Tinker just activated Ebony and Ivory. The two tarantula bots quickly scurried over and tied up the convict, they completely mummified her, making she was fully tied up, from the tips of her toes, all they way up to her the blades of her shoulders, making sure she thrust up everywhere in-between, the tarantula bots then quickly wrapped some of their webbing around the convict’s mouth as a gag before they scurried back inside Tinker’s backpack.

BB then ripped the convicts clothes and chucked them in the bin, just for a little extra humiliation, whilst Tina phoned the police, after a few minutes the sisters heard police sirens in the distance and decided it was time to leave, they left the alleyway leaving the convict to wriggling around in her mummified bonds and gag as two police cars rolled up by the alleyway.

A little later the sisters all walked in through the front and sat down, exhausted. Tina looked at all of her sisters and saw just how tired they all were. An idea suddenly came into her head.

“Okay sisters, listen up, we are not accepting any calls or any assignments tomorrow, we are taking the day off and we are going to the beach for a well needed day of relaxation.” Tina announces.

The rest of the sisters all smile and nod, they like the idea of finally a day to relax.


The next the sisters did just that, they all got changed into their various bikini’s and went down the beach, the shine was shining, the sky was blue and the weather was nice and hot. The sisters found a nice, secluded part of the beach where they would not be disturbed by anyone, although they made sure that the Tiki bar could be seen for when they wanted to order drinks. The sand was gold and the sea sparkled clear blue.

Each of the sisters wore bikinis based on their personalities. Libido wore a flirty pink bikini, Stasis wore a bikini with hot dog patterns on it, Mag wore a military fatigue bikini, Soph wore an all-black bikini, Angel wore an all blue bikini, Tinker wore a bumblebee coloured bikini, Marie wore a dark red bikini, BB wore a full body grey swimsuit whilst Tina wore a white bikini.

“CANNONBALL!” Stasis shouts as she jumps off a rock into the ocean.

She then walks out the ocean and shakes her hair around like a dog that has just gotten out of the bath. Libido is working on her sun tan, BB is solving sudoku puzzles, Marie, Soph, Mag and Angel are playing net ball together, Tinker is testing out potential new water based gadgets and Tina is just relaxing on a reclining deck chair watching all of her sisters relax and enjoy themselves.

“Hey Tinker, come on, the waters lovely and refreshing!” Stasis shouts.

“Oh, no thanks, besides I don’t really want to get my hair wet.” Tinker foolishly replies.

Stasis gets that mischievous look in her eyes again.

“Did you hear that sisters, Tinker here doesn’t want to get her hair wet, well whatever shall we do!” Stasis shouts to her sisters.

Moments later Tinker looks up from her gadget and see’s Stasis, Soph, Marie and Libido looking over her.

“Don’t you dare, don’t even think about it………Hey………Get your hands off me, I said I don’t want to go in the water!” Tinker protests as the four sisters grab her.

Marie grabs Tinkers right leg, while Soph grabs her left leg, at the same time Stasis grabs Tinkers right arm and Libido grabs her left arm. The four sisters carry a protesting Tinker down to the water while laughing their heads off in the process.

“Okay ready, after three……….One……….Two……….Three………GO!” Stasis shouts as they swing Tinker into the water.

“Wwwaaahhh!” Tinker shouts as goes into the water, while her sisters continue to laugh.

A few seconds later, Tinker stands up with a massive load of sea weed dangling on the side of her head.

“You jerks!” She shouts as she pulls the sea weed off of herself.

The four sisters just continue to laugh though.

As Tina watches and has a little chuckle to herself at what she just saw, a waitress comes up to her with a tray of drinks, Tina quickly hides her stomach with her towel so the waitress doesn’t notice her lack of a belly button.

“Here you madame, nine non-alcoholic fruit drinks.” The waitress says placing the tray on a table.

“Thank you very much.” Tina says as she tips the waitress a few credits from her bag.

Tina then turns to her sisters and puts her towel back down on the floor.

“Come on sisters, drinks are here, come and get them!” She shouts.

The rest of them wonder over and retrieve their drinks, then in a perfect line, all nine of the sisters sit back in their own reclining deck chairs, put on their sunglasses and lean back to enjoy the sun and the sea air.

Tina looks around and notices how happy all of her sisters are, which in turn makes her happy, she leans back in her chair and gets comfy with her drink in her left hand before she gently closes her eyes and smiles.

“Life is good.” Tina thinks to herself as she relaxes.

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Re: Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

Post by rufusluciusivan »

That title! THAT TITLE! Did you truly make that joke? I am at a loss for words... :lol:

Your series take their time to highlight how hard it is for Angel to overcome her inner demons. Some people might think that it drags on a little, but personally I think it's more realistic. PTSD is a nasty thing, and recovering from it is a long hard process, sometimes you even never fully recover. I found the idea you mentioned in a comment at some point: when it comes to protect their sisters (and Angel in particular), Tina has an 'cuddly' more nurturing nature while Mag is less about cuddling them and more about pummeling any person foolish enough to threaten them!

Good use of the Phantoms for this story's threat. They are shown to be dangerous and resourceful, cleverly devising tactics to counter uniform stealers. Plus, they allowed for this story to have a change of pace, a different feel: instead of trying to quietly get inside a place, they have to flee while disguising themselves on the spot to escape their enemy.

I guess the internal dissenssions that seem to appear are foreshadowing future developments...

Indeed, as you predicted in a previous, this specific setting allowed for less common more unique uniforms: yoga instructor, spa employee, teddy bear mascot (!), mime(!!!), majorettes. I mean, I love a good old-fashioned guard-mugging or policewoman-mugging, but after a while this can get redundant.

Also punk girls, the fiends! If Kenshiro taught me anything, it's that punks are always bad news. I guess these three were lucky to be in a story where the villains end up bound and gagged, not exploding in a bloody mess of gore. Plus, they allowed Soph to have a nice character moment when she protects the dignity of her two sisters who have more trouble to impose during social situations (Tinker and Angel).

Poor Marie keeps having a rather 'peculiar' luck with the woman she uses her dart on. I'm sure there's a logical explanation to that... :P

Rebecca's and Linda's subplot continues to be amusing, and their relationship reaches the next stage. They are so awkwardly endearing... :lol: Though unfortunately their uniform stealing-related misadventures aren't about to end any time soon. "My underwear is for her eyes only." I just love that line, I don't know why. Tina must have felt awkward. The downside of having a sister like Libido I guess... Libido's status as a cupid is now official.

The scene with the masseuse was quite the spectacle, but that you already knew. ;)

I pity Cynthia though. It is not enough that Everyone Hates Mimes (at least that's what Tv Tropes said to me), but now they're also target for uniform stealers! Plus, she looked so dedicated to her job, only to end up hogtied and gagged in an alleyway at the mercy of all those mime haters! Everyone, protect the mime! :lol: Here scene was probably the one that caught the most my attention because of these little details. Hopefully, Tina will call the police so she can be rescued in time. Hopefully, Tina isn't secretly a mime hater... :lol:

Though the offscreen takedown of the majorettes was also quite the nice moment. With them being bound in a circle, it's definitively a close second.

I'm a more mixed about the sudden appearance of that prisoner at the end. It came out of nowhere with no foreshadowing. It was a little weird. Very funny (Libido's nonchalant reaction :lol: ), but weird.

As always, some nice moments to highlight the bonds between the sisters: Tina comforting BB in the majorettes' tent, Libido who seems to be having some character development as she's trying to control some of her urges, and of course the BEACH ENDING. :lol:

I'll mention a little detail, but lines such as Tina's "because I’ll make an anonymous call to the police and say I think I saw two officers in trouble" are a great addition, I think, because they highlight her kind nature, and then when she comments that she's one cut above the general corruption of Heartfelt City, it feels justified. Though if she could tell her sister Mag to stop harassing mimes and leaving them trussed up in alleyways... :lol: Poor Cynthia... :lol:

Of course, I'm delighted to have one story from you every week. Out of curiosity, I can't help but ask how long you think you will keep up with that pace?
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Re: Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

Post by Trackman281 »

Rufusluciousvan - Haha yeah that title was just too good of an opportunity to pass up, I had to use it. :lol:

Yes as you very well know Tina will always be the cuddly one, who enjoys hugging her sisters as this is her way of showing them their loved. Mag naturally loves her sisters too but again yes you are right, she shows it by acting as a barricade of strength, so while Tina comforts them and checks them for any injuries, Mag will stand there and guard them from anyone else who might be trying to hurt them. :D

I really wanted an excuse in this chapter to have the sisters steal all those different and unique uniforms, so I figured the Phantoms would be a great excuse, but sooner or later they will have to deal with the phantoms. :D

Indeed this chapter was also a perfect opportunity to feature scenes with the sisters who don't get as much screen time, or to be more specific, Soph, BB and Marie. :D

I thought you were going to say PENculiar for a moment there. :lol:.............. But I think it is as BB and Tina said, I think she's just unfortunate that she keeps coming across the women who enjoy it. :)

Oh yeah definitely, I think that's why Tina released her choke hold for a second as she wanted to know the full story as to how Rebecca and Linda knew about them....... But something tells me she wasn't expecting that either. :lol:

Haha indeed, the scene with Libido and the masseuse was definitely a lot of fun to write, but as you said, you already knew that ;) ....... But honestly, thank you very much again for your opinion on that scene, I just needed to make sure that it didn't cross the line, so I was grateful to have had a second pair of eyes on that bit. :D

Hahaha, don't worry even if Mag is a Mime hater, we know she wouldn't let a innocent woman suffer, so I imagine she told Tina when they all met up and of course Tina being Tina would have phoned through for someone to go and rescue poor Cynthia. :D

I've been waiting for an excuse to use a majorette group as a means for the sisters to replace, so I just couldn't let this opportunity go to waste. :lol:

I've had that idea in my head for a couple of weeks now about all the sisters crowding around a wannabe uniform stealer, making her realize just how big a goof she made haha. Then I saw it in your previous story with Amai and the sisters at the very end and I thought "he's beat me to the punch" hahahaha. :lol: :D

I loved writing that beach ending, everytime we see the sisters bonding they are always in their flat, so I just thought it would be nice to see them somewhere else and relaxing for a change. :D

Of course and I think when Tina discovered that Rebecca and Linda were a couple, she felt like she needed to make sure they were safe even more, because you know how Tina is when it comes to love and couples, so she really didn't want anything bad to happen to the sweet, young couple. :D

Hahaha, your really concerned about Cynthia aren't you. :lol:, don't worry I'll make sure she gets picked up safe and sound for you. :D ;)

Of course, I'm delighted to have one story from you every week. Out of curiosity, I can't help but ask how long you think you will keep up with that pace?

Aahh, now that is the million pound question. Honestly I'm not a hundred percent sure, I probably will take a short break soon, so I can come up with some more unique and interesting adventures for the Sisters, I can say though that if I do write a chapter next week, there will be a delay in it, simply because with this weekend being the Easter Bank Holiday weekend, I plan on using those extra days off to just chill. So yeah there will be a delay in the next chapter. :D
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Re: Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

Post by rufusluciusivan »

I thought you were going to say PENculiar for a moment there. :lol:
Puns! Puns everywhere! :lol:
I've had that idea in my head for a couple of weeks now about all the sisters crowding around a wannabe uniform stealer, making her realize just how big a goof she made haha.
Well, as said, the idea was spot-on. I was just a little surprised to see this character pop up so suddenly with no foreshadowing.
Aahh, now that is the million pound question. Honestly I'm not a hundred percent sure, I probably will take a short break soon, so I can come up with some more unique and interesting adventures for the Sisters, I can say though that if I do write a chapter next week, there will be a delay in it, simply because with this weekend being the Easter Bank Holiday weekend, I plan on using those extra days off to just chill. So yeah there will be a delay in the next chapter. :D
Well, the past few weeks have been quite hectic, so I understand why you'd want to take a break. ;) I'll patiently wait to read what you've in store next... ;)
esercito sconfitto
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Re: Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

Post by esercito sconfitto »

what can I say... I am so moved by your gift! thanks for the majorettes!
Posts: 1600
Joined: Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:08 am

Re: Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

Post by Trackman281 »

Rufusluciousvan - Hahaha, of course the more terrible puns the better, we need more. :lol:

Honestly what I've got in store next as you've probably already guessed, I do want to bring in The Mindbender and I wouldn't mind bringing back The Puppeteer for one more round as she proved to be more popular that what I thought she was going to be, but I keep going through of whom the next chapter should focus on, I'm tempted to let Soph, Marie and Tina team up in the next one as I reckon it would make for some interesting scenes of dialogue between these three as Marie and Soph don't get much of the spotlight. :D

This is of course, unless you'd prefer to see a different team up. :D

Esercito - Honestly, it was an absolute pleasure, as I too am quite fond of Majorette women, so I've been waiting for an excuse to have the sisters replace a group of them for some time. :D
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Re: Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

Post by rufusluciusivan »

Soph, Marie and Tina team up in the next one as I reckon it would make for some interesting scenes of dialogue between these three as Marie and Soph don't get much of the spotlight.
To quote M. Bison: YES! YES!

I mean, I love Angel, Libido, and Stasis, but I'm sure they won't mind giving their sisters the occasion to shine. ;) Come to think of it, Marie and Soph were the first two sisters that got focused on... Feels so far away... I'm all in to see them more!
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Re: Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

Post by Trackman281 »

rufusluciusivan wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 7:00 am
To quote M. Bison: YES! YES!

I mean, I love Angel, Libido, and Stasis, but I'm sure they won't mind giving their sisters the occasion to shine. ;) Come to think of it, Marie and Soph were the first two sisters that got focused on... Feels so far away... I'm all in to see them more!
YES! You do remember correctly, in the very early / beginning chapters, as you remember Soph and Marie were the one's who interacted with Tina the most and as I'm sure you remember, they were VERY different weren't they before Tina opened their eyes and encouraged them to think freely and independently, so I want to write a few scenes of just the three of them discussing these things and talking about how far they've come and what they've been through since we first met them all the way back at chapter one. :D
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Re: Chapter 29: The Phantom Menace

Post by meditions142 »

Love the little discussion between Marie, Tina and BB about the dart turning the victims on. It actually creates and interesting issue in that different women have different reactions to the drug and some get turned on and some apparently don't. Although the important thing is they all end up getting knocked out.

Given the different reactions I wonder if at some point a woman will get so turned on she ends up having a full blown orgasm as she is being knocked out! That could be fun
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