Story 5: To overthrow the Utopia (Part 5)

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Re: To overthrow the Utopia (Part 5) by Rufusluciusivan

Post by rufusluciusivan »

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it.

Macha gets her clothes this time. You could say that this is an improvement... for her at least.

I don't think Klenia would be interested to have an intimate scene with Macha. Now with someone else of her team...^^ And anyway, Macha would never want and, as Klenia said a long time ago, She may look, but she won't touch... unless the other wants it.^^
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Re: To overthrow the Utopia (Part 5) by Rufusluciusivan

Post by tirepanted3 »

I carved out some time and caught up on your more recent chapters. All I can say is... wow. This is a fantastic story, which keeps growing more complex and intriguing with each new installment. Part 5 has been particularly impressive in the way it juggles so many different characters, personalities, and intersecting storylines.

It's great to see how Macha has developed, from a running gag into one of the most empathetic characters in the series. More importantly, it feels natural. It's especially great that she doesn't immediately side with Aster and her friends, but instead retains her own reserved thoughts about their actions. Shayna has also been a strong addition to the group. The scene where she steals the tracksuit was among the most memorable in the saga - I especially love the detail of her taking the woman's Walkman.

Sao is also a great character - she may be a villain, but her motivation of revenge is understandable, and adds extra suspense to the fast-paced story. Her attitude about the policewomen - nothing wrong with mugging allies, so long as they don't kill them - was an excellent detail.

I also loved the soldier-ambushing scene, particularly the dialogue exchanged between Aster and Kora. And some great nuance for poor Viki.

Appreciate the use of my eponymous Paradigm ;) . Although I admit I didn't realize the Amazon costumes were a reference to "The Greatest Actress of All." Was there a specific reference to the "Amazon Island" film Karen infiltrates in that story, or to the various Amazons she meets later? I'm ashamed to say I didn't catch it.

Anyway, keep up the excellent work.
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Re: To overthrow the Utopia (Part 5) by Rufusluciusivan

Post by rufusluciusivan »

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read it (and comment it^^). I'll admit that the story became bigger than I anticipated and keeping it coherent has become a challenge. (It's actually one of the reasons why I take more time between updates now, the other being lack of time due to real life work.) It's always nice to see that for now I succeded, and to know that I could be warned by others if I don't in the future.^^

Macha' development wasn't planned from the beginning (nor was Hana's for that matter). But after spending several stories finding ways to incorporate Macha just for the gag, she ended growing up as a character.

The leaders of Olympus are a bunch of aging grey-haired men, so focusing a scene on them isn't very interesting. The fight against Olympus is a fight against a system, which by definition is personified by plenty of nameless mooks that can't be encountered twice. Therefore, I incorporated Sao (and her boss and Zoë Eudokia in the previous part) to have a named antagonist that could be used as a viewpoint. Just like with Emery or the previous antagonists, I wanted to make her (a little) three-dimensional, and not just a mere thug.

I'm glad you too liked the soldier-ambushing scene. This one wasn't planned at all in the script and was completely improvised. Initially, they were supposed to leave town in a different way. So I'm happy it works.

The scene with the cosplayers is a reference to the "Amazon Island" film Karen infiltrates, yes. The first chapter (and story) of yours I've ever read. Technically the third uniform steal if I recall, but I couldn't fit a janitress or a teamster in this story... yet.
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Re: To overthrow the Utopia (Part 5) by Rufusluciusivan

Post by rufusluciusivan »

Quick note: I realized too late that the Part 4 I posted was a slightly older version than the final one. There aren't much changes, except in the very last conversation. Due to the need of maintain the internal coherence of the story, the agent should only have been captured several days after the conversation. As I said, it's not much. You may read the last few lines of Part 4 to see the change. Just don't be surprised when the characters start to mention the capture as if it just recently happened in this chapter.

Part 5

Sao was angry.

“We're wasting our time here.” she commented.

“I'd say! North Lake City is even more gloomy than South Lake City.” Reka answered. “I miss the Ocean...”

“That's NOT what I meant.” Sao barked. “We're supposed to be searching for the Rebels!”

“Isn't it what we're already doing?”

“We know that they've left town. You heard about these soldiers found bound and gagged, just like me. This is their modus operandi.”


“Then why are we wasting our time here while Zoë is chit-chatting with the police commissioner?!”

“It's Miss Eudokia.” a third voice suddenly commented.

Sao let escape a groan of frustration.

“Thanks. We forgot. After all, it's only the third time you correct us...” Reka ironically retorted.

The guard didn't answer.

Before entering the police station, Zoë had left behind two of her guards to stay with Sao and Reka. And to watch them. Their 'guardian angels' were both tall and athletic-looking women, wearing the military uniforms of House Eudokia's militia. These clothes were similar to the ones worn by the regular army, with the exception of the white stripes on the sleeves to show they were working for the Belisaire Faction. Currently, they weren't wearing their protective helmets, but they were still carrying their machine guns (mostly for intimidation purpose) and handguns were strapped on their belts. The first guard had brown hair tied into a strict bun, tanned skin and green eyes, as well as a beauty spot on the left cheek. She was from Okéanis. The second was maybe from Lakeland itself, as she had darker skin et brown eyes. Her black hair were also tied into a bun.

“Though I still wonder why Zoë chose you two instead of one or two handsome muscular gentlemen...” Reka added with a small devious smile.

“Miss Eudokia thought that you would feel more comfortable in the company of women. Since all the men of the escort have seen you naked.” the black-haired guard answered. “Not that there was anything that impressive anyway...”

Her brown-haired companion chuckled.

Reka's smile became a grimace. She cracked her knuckles. “Oh... It is so on!”

Sao grabbed her shoulder. “Stop acting like a child. We have more important things to do...”

“Like waiting for the return of Miss Eudokia before we resume our chase.” the black-haired guard interrupted her.

Sao's left eye twitched. “Yes... Like that...”


The Flora forest may have had a bucolic name, but it was in reality one of the wildest parts of Utopia. A thick forest of huge trees, covering the western parts of Lakeland and Korê. Its enormous size made it a perfect hiding place for the Rebels. The dense foliage was also hiding them from the eyes of any passing plane. And no vehicle could drive in the undergrowth.


Sao was observing the distant mass of green with binoculars.

“Talk about looking for a needle in a hay stack...” Reka commented while adjusting her uniform jacket.

Sao and Reka had driven several hours before finding the empty army truck. Its occupants were already long gone.

“They are in the Flora forest now. On foot, it would take them days to arrive at the center. But we would never be able to catch up with them. We would probably get lost, or come across rebels that would make short work of us. This is their turf. They know it better than us.” Reka added.

“I know that.”

Now, Sao's mood was even worst than before.

Suddenly, they heard loud bangings and muffled screams coming from the trunk of their car.

Reka shook her head. “These two are just being stubborn now...”

“Just taze them again. They're getting on my nerves.” Sao said.

Reka smiled. “With pleasure.”

The black-haired mercenary opened the trunk. The two guards were looking less smug now, with their hands, arms and legs tied with an assortiment of ropes, plastic zip-ties and metallic handcuffs. Their thick socks were filling their mouths, with several layers of tape holding them in place. They were only clad in their respective sets of underwear: blue for the brown-haired guard, red for the black-haired guard.

Sao and Reka took them out because they were annoying. And they took their uniforms because they felt like it.

Reka smiled at them while they helplessly mewled in their gags. She drew her stun gun and took the time to show it to her two now-frightened victims.

Sao's phone rang.

She looked at it. It was Max's number.

She picked it up.


“I arrived at North Lake City.”

As often, Max didn't waste time and got straight to the point.

Sao remained calm. “Oh. I guess you met Zoë Eudokia, then?”

“She was a little displeased to see that you... borrowed one of her cars without telling her. I hope you didn't break her stuff. Or her guards.”

Sao looked in the direction of the trunk. With a few jolts of stun gun, Reka had sent the two bound women back to unconsciousness.

“Not too much.” she answered.

She could hear Max sigh. ”Did you at least find something?”

“We found the army truck they used, but it was empty. They are already in the Flora forest.”

“Out of our reach, then. At least, for now. We'll regroup in North Lake City and find something. Please bring the two guards in one piece. According to Miss Eudokia, replacing them is expensive.”


Cérès' camp (really a bunch of tents around the buried galleries that containted the headquarters) was located in the center of the Flora forest. Soldiers would take days to even approach it, giving plenty of times for the Rebels to gather their belongings and hightail.

Klenia didn't like the place. Because of the foliage, it was dark and humid. And most of the people were definitively looking unfriendly. Even the youngest were carrying at least one weapon.

“Be careful. She's coming our way.” Shayna suddenly whispered.

Involuntarily, Klenia stiffened. “I guess we won't be able to avoid her forever...” she commented.

She looked at her friend. As always when Emery was involved, Shayna was worried.

“Just when Aster and Aaria aren't here... Great timing...” Klenia mumbled to herself.

Aster was currently talking with Cérès herself, while Aaria and Mikani were watching Hana and Macha in one of the tents.

“Let's just get it over with.” she concluded.

Shayna shuddered.

“Don't worry. I'm with you.” Klenia reassured her.

“Long time no see.” Emery greeted them.

The black-haired woman was walking confidently. She was in her element, surrounded by military tents stolen in the army's supplies and people in arms. She was wearing camouflage clothes and several weapons were strapped on her belt. The people around her, Cérès' agents, were looking at her with a mixture of fear and respect.

Klenia composed herself a smile. “Hello, Emery. Long time no see indeed. I'm actually happy that you left North Lake City just to be able to see us here. Do you want to share the scrapbooks?”

While she did her best to appear confident, Klenia was actually worried. To be able to arrive in Cérès' camp only a few hours after them, Emery had to leave North Lake City almost at the same time. If she made that much effort really just to see them, it wasn't a good sign. At all.

Emery stopped, then shook her head. “I realize that you haven't lost your detestable habit of joking about anything...”

“If I stop joking, then it means I'm dead. What do you want?”

Emery took a step forward.

“I heard that you brought two kittens with you. Or, more precisely, one scared rabit and one rabid wildcat. You're quite the sentimental type, uh?” In Emery's mouth, the question was clearly a threat.

Klenia stood her ground. She put a hand on Shayna's shoulder to reassure her.

“Potential recruits, yes.” she answered.

Emery blinked one time. Then she smiled. And that smile was more terrifying than any threat she could have come up with...

“Recruits? Don't make me laugh.”

The assassin took another step forward. She was now too close for comfort, invading their personal space. Silently daring them to do something about that.

“You do realize that you may be found guilty of treason for bringing them here?” Emery said.

Klenia held the assassin's stare. “That's for Cérès to decide. Not you.” she calmly answered.

Emery shrugged. “Of course. But I will maybe pay them a visit... To see what the fresh meat looks like...”

“Aster said that she would...” Klenia started.

“I remember what Aster said.” Emery interrupted her. “And it would be funny to see her try. Cute, even.”

Without waiting for an answer, she turned and walked away.

“Aster is still your superior!” Klenia said.

“For now.” Emery answered without turning back or even stopping her walk.

Angered, Klenia felt the sudden need to shut her up and have the last word.

“Dimitri died, you know that?”

This time, Emery stopped. But she didn't turn. “So?”

“That means Cérès will turn him into a martyr. I'm sure you understand the importance of PR in our war. And what is a better symbol than a martyr? The widow of a martyr, of course. If I were you, I wouldn't count on Aster falling from grace. On the contrary. I would prepare myself to see her get more power and boss me around even more.”

Emery didn't answer. She ignored the retort and rudely left.

Klenia let out a deep sigh to calm herself.

“As scabby as ever...” she commented to herself.

“Uh... Klenia?” Shayna started.


“You're still holding my shoulder.”

Klenia hesitated. “Does it... bother you?”

Shayna blushed slightly. “No. Not at all. But we're in public here. So... Can we go in a more... private place?”

Klenia felt a smile returning on her lips.


Hieron had been tasked with staying with Hana and Macha, to make sure they wouldn't try to escape. Mikani was glad that he was the one chosen and not someone like Emery. At least, the man was friendly.

The redhead was seated on a box, in a corner of the tent in which they were consigned. She had been allowed to not spend her days tied up, but she was forbidden from roaming the camp unsupervised. Not that she would have wanted to anyway... Mikani was feeling a little bad for her. Macha was keeping quiet, but Mikani she could see the the fear in her eyes.

Hana was being briefed by Hieron about what she was supposed to do for Cérès. She was looking pale and scared, but there was also a new determination in her eyes. She had made her mind and now intended to go all the way.

Aaria was waiting for Aster's return. She was looking morose.

"Don't you want to leave and get some fresh air outside?" Mikani asked her.

"Don't you?"

"I want to stay with Hana as long as I can. She'll probably feel safer if I'm around."

Aaria nodded. "Logical..."

Mikani hesitated. Aaria was looking very morose. "You didn't answer my question." she insisted.

"I don't want to go out. I recognized some faces." She looked at Mikani, then explained: "A few of the rebels that were working with my family, before..." She interrupted herself.

Before she lost her husband and daughter when Olympus tried to hurt her family through her... Mikani understood. "I..." she started.

"Deep down inside, I know that I haven't forgiven them. If it weren't for them, Olympus may have not..." Aaria shook her hand. "Now don't get me wrong. I don't regret anything that I've done with Aster. I'm happy to have met her, and Klenia, you and Shayna. It's just... I can't help but imagine what my life would have been if they didn't burn the farm that night..."

"I... I'm sorry."

Aaria sighed.

"The dead exist in the past. We must attend to the future. It's just... hard sometimes. I just hope Aster is almost over. This waiting is killing me. I need some action."


Cérès wasn't a pretty woman. By far. She was tall and skinny, with the dark skin typical of the people of Korê and Lakeland. Her face was covered with acne scars, she had a crooked nose, and her upper lip was severed by a harelip.

However, Aster could see the cunning in her eyes. Cérès was seated behind a metallic folding table full of maps, and even that relaxed posture was giving an aura of authority. Clearly, this was a woman who was used to giving orders... and being obeyed.

Seated in a small chair in front of her, Aster was well-aware of the presence of 'Kora' behind her. She was also well-aware of the fact that, in her position, she wouldn't be able to do anything to defend herself. All Cérès had to do was to slightly move her head, and 'Kora' would slit her throat before she could even get up.

“You do realize that you're putting me in an uncomfortable position.” Cérès finally said.

“For that, I apologize. I had to improvise and prioritize. Klenia and Mikani say that Hana is genuine. I trust their judgement.”

“The girl from Smog could be a valuable asset. Denys needs help. But her friend... I don't think she'll help us. She's from Ares.”

“Dimitri is dead, Cérès. Nearly everyone I know is either dead or missing in action. We were hunted by the police. I couldn't think straight.” Aster blocked the intense emotions that were threatening to overwhelm her.

Cérès looked sympathetic. “I understand. I'm sorry.”

“As for the redhead, I don't think she will cause trouble. She's not stupid. You could keep her as leverage on her friend. And it's not in our interest to kill civilians now. Especially since we are near the mass uprising. We wouldn't want Olympus to turn the public opinion, or the international opinion, against us.“ Aster knew that Cérès wouldn't listen to any call to compassion. When one had to protect a resistance network, compassion was often a weakness. But Cérès would understand cold logic. Therefore, Aster adjusted her rhetoric.

Cérès thought for a moment. Then, she finally nodded. She gestured to 'Kora' and the woman took a seat to the right of Aster. The latter suppressed a sigh of relief.

“Your argument makes sense, in a way. I guess we can allow her to live.”

Aster suppressed another sigh of relief. Emery would certainly be furious, but Aster could deal with that later.

“However, I'm glad that you mentioned our mass uprising.”

“Because you have a job for me?”

“Because there has been a change of plan.”

Aster hid the twinge of fear she was feeling right now.

“What change?”

“The attack on Dimitri's warehouse was a disaster, but there is one upside. The Olympians didn't get their hands on the datas we collected. They still ignore that we're planning to cause a mass uprising. From what I could gather, Thorn escaped with the external hard drive with the informations. He's currently still on the run.”

Thank Goodness for that... At least, someone else managed to escape.

“However, others haven't been so lucky. One of the agents we sent has been killed. The other managed to escape with Thorn and had been hiding several days in the Tzimiskes Hills. However...”


“The information has just arrived to me. He has been caught today. He's supposed to be transferred to Colonel Alaric's camp for interrogation.”

“Isn't it the camp you wanted us to raid?”


“So you're thinking of killing two birds with one stone. A raid and a rescue mission.”

Cérès smiled. “I like working with smart people.”

“Can you explain?”

“The agent the Olympians caught didn't know the content of the external hard drive he was carrying or our plan, so they won't be able to squeeze the informations out of him. However, he may know where the hard drive is. Or where Thorn is carrying it right now. I don't want to take any risk.”

“I see.”

“And there's one last reason. Olympus takes pride in having the so-called best army of the world. But now, imagine if we could utterly humiliate them by busting one of their prisoners right under their nose...”

“The people will see that they are not invincible.”

“We already made one step in the right direction, when you girls left these soldiers in their... embarassing positions. Now, it's time for the final blow.”

Aster nodded. “I see one problem though. It will take us a few days to send everyone out of the forest and near the military camp. Do you think the guy will still be able to walk? Olympian inquisitors aren't very gentle.”

“The transfer hasn't happened yet. I hope that we will move quickly enough to arrive not long after him. Also...” Cérès hesitated. “I think they will show some restraint with him. He's from Okéanis, and he's the son of a high-ranking administrator there.”

Aster didn't try to hide her surprise. “An Okéanis with the Rebellion?”

“How do you think we managed to get our hands on the datas in the first place? Almost no one knew about him. He was one of our trump cards. Anyway, I hope he won't be too messed up once we find him. If not... Emery will be part of the operation.”

The implication was clear. Aster had already seen the state in which people were left after an Olympian 'enhanced questioning'. Killing them was actually an act of compassion.

“What do I have to do?”

“We'll move out of the forest in an hour. Here's what your team will have to do...”


”You will wait for the night. The camp is protected by patrols. If we want to have the bulk of our squad approach it, we'll have to take a few of them out. That's where you step in.”


The night wasn't exactly warm, without being fresh either. As it often was on Utopia.

Sigyn hated being on patrol. She hated Lakeland. She hated its monotonous lowlands, with tall grass and bushes as only vegetation. She hated the distant sight of the Flora forest, with its tall broad-leeved trees.
Sigyn was from the mountainside of the Province of Shield. She grew up in a world of steep slopes and rocks, of snow in winter, of wild torrents and coniferous forests.

Then the recruiting sergeants came to her small town. Orders from the capital city. New troop mobilizations. One child per family had to be conscripted. And now she was here. Watching the surroundings of Colonel Alaric's camp.

The camp was situated at the center of a grassy plain. There were hollows and small hills that could be used as hiding places nearby, but they were still far enough from the camp to not be a security threat. Any attacker was supposed to be spotted before reaching the fence and barbed wire, or even the mine field. At least, it was the case at first.

However, now the rebels had gotten their hands on long-distance rockets. Therefore, the Colonel had to send patrols to check the surroundings of the camp during the night, as the sentries on the watchtowers couldn't see far enough in the dark. Sigyn's patrol wasn't even allowed to use the jeep near the hollows. They had to park it and go on foot to carefully watch the each hollow separately.

Sigyn hated being on patrol, but she had no other choice. Not if she wanted to be released from duty one day and come back home. She had to obey, and with the smile.

She turned her head to watch the other members of her patrol.

They were all wearing the same dark-grey camouflage uniform as her, with black boots and protective pads covering their knees and elbows; as well as a combat helmet, with a headlamp to light their way. They were carrying small machine guns, with handguns and knives strapped on their belts.

Eiko was looking as sullen as ever. The red-headed young woman from Kachikuni was also a conscript, and she was making no mysteries about the fact that she would have wanted to be at her home rather than here. This also was the reason why she was always stuck with the most tedious tasks.

Black-haired Estzer was the only one taking this patrol seriously. She was from Ares, and was also the only member of the patrol who actually volunteered to join the army.

Suki was quiet and reserved, as always.

Cherisa was nervously fidgeting the radio she was carrying. She hated the dark.

Blond-haired Zia was carefully observing the surroundings. She too was quiet and composed, but not timid like Suki. And while she rarely spoke, her interventions were always pertinent. Sigyn also knew that Zia was actively trying to find a way to desert (contrary to Eiko, who could only complain all day long). She even had been involved in Will's and Kally's attempt to flee the camp three weeks ago, but covered her tracks well enough to not be suspected. Sigyn knew about that, but she didn't say anything to anyone. It wasn't her business anyway...


Clad in dark camouflage clothes in order to better hide in the night, Aster was hearing the voices of their targets. She turned to her teammates and friends. Klenia, Mikani, Aaria and Shayna were similarly dressed. Shayna also had to wear a hood to hide her blond hair.

“It's almost time. Is everyone ready?” she whispered.

“I wish we didn't have to leave Macha and Hana behind.” Klenia commented

“For now, they're safe. Cérès won't harm them and Emery is here.” she reassured her.

Not exactly 'here', as Emery was conducting another team on the opposite side of the camp. She was tasked with taking out another patrol. This one was comprised of regular soldiers, and not conscripts. Theorically, they would be harder to deal with. But Aster knew that in spite of their training, they wouldn't live to see another day.

“We have the choice. We can do it our way. Or we can do it Emery's way.” Aster added.

The others looked at each other.

“I think you don't even need to ask the question. We agreed to deal with the side patrolled by conscripts, and not regular soldiers, for a reason.” Mikani answered.

“Good. Then let's go.” Aster looked at Aaria. "You wanted some action, you'll have it."


The first incident during the patrol happened when Eiko suddenly lit a cigarette.

Sigyn gave her a disapproving look. “Eiko! What are you doing?” she exclaimed.

“Isn't it obvious?” the redhead retorted. “I'm smoking.”

“But the protcol...” Sigyn started.

“Screw your protocol! I'm tired, I'm thirsty, and I don't give a sh*t right now!”

Sigyn bit her lips. Her sense of organization was noticed by the higher-ups, hence the reason why she had been chosen to be a patrol leader. However, she was lacking the authority of a true officer.

“Besides, I should be at the ranch helping Pa' and Ma' with the livestock instead of wasting my time here!” Eiko added.

“You shoud feel honored to have been chosen!” Estzer retorted.

Eiko blew some smoke at her.

“Honored? From which planet are you from? I'm not gonna thank them for forcing me to die for their cause! I'm not an idiot!”

“Then if you're so smart, why don't you try to run away?” Zia intervened.

“And be executed for desertion? No way! Do you remember what they did to Will and Kally?”

The other guards of the patrol shuddered.

“I remember... I still see it in my nightmares sometimes...” Cherisa muttered.

They all shared uncomfortable looks, even Estzer.

“Let's... Let's move out...” Sigyn concluded.

“Just a second. The time to finish my cigarette.” Eiko retorted.

This time, Estzer lost patience. “That's it, you good-for-nothing hillbilly! I'm gonna teach you a lesson!” She tried to grab her by the collar, but Sigyn and Cherisa held her back.

Eiko laughed. “I'm so scared...” She blew smoke at the black-haired girl from Ares a second time. "Ma', help me! The lamebrain is after me!"

“I'm gonna make you eat your cigarette, you sardonic twat!” Estzer exclaimed.

“Estzer stop! We'll all be in trouble if you start a fight!”

“I'm starting a fight?! She's the one who's...”

“Just shut up!” Zia interrupted her. “Something's off!”

Sigyn frowned. “What do you mean something is...” Her eyes widened. “Wait... Where is Suki?”

The others exchanged perplexed looks. While everyone's attention was focused on Estzer and Eiko, their quiet companion had simply vanished. They couldn't see her anywhere in the dark.

“Maybe she went into one of the hollows to pee...” Eiko proposed while throwing off her cigarette.

Estzer punched her in the arm. Hard.


“You asked for it!”

“Knock it off you two.” Zia said.

“She probably didn't go very far.” Sigyn added. “We'll find her. Follow me.”

Their group started to move forward, calling the name of their missing companion. Sigyn was leading the way, closely followed by Zia, Estzer and Eiko. Cherisa was walking at the back.

After one minute of fruitless research in the dark, Sigyn started to be worried.

“Cherisa, call the headquarter.” she said without turning back. “Tell them we have a problem here.”

No answer.


They all turned around.

Cherisa was gone too.

“But where did she...”

Sigyn was now realizing that something wrong was going on. Something very wrong. And they just lost their radio operator. They were on their own.

"It's like one of these horror movies..." Eiko stammered. "W... What do we do?"

Now, Sigyn was afraid. Until now, she had seen patrolling as a tedious and useless job, that was done out of habit and just to be safe. She never thought she could have been confronted with real danger at some point. “R... Rise your weapons...” she hastily ordered.

The others complied.

Sigyn firmly strengthened her grip on her machine gun to restore her confidence. She wasn't helpless. If some sicko was trying to get her, she would greet him with a good hail of bullets. “Whoever is here, just show yourselves! Hands raised! Or we'll shoot you!”

She looked at the others and admitted to herself that they were somewhat impressive-looking, with their military uniforms and combat helmets. Surely, no assailant would guess that they were mere conscripts and had only received the bare minimal of training?

Then she realized her mistake.

They were all deployed facing the same side, leaving them completely open for an attack from behind.

She tried to give another order, but a hand suddenly gagged her, allowing her to say nothing but a mere muffled shriek. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Eiko and Estzer being ambushed the same way by women wearing dark camouflage clothes. They didn't even see what hit them. Zia was actually the only one who realized what was about to happen, apparently a few seconds before Sigyn herself as she was already turning around when the attack happened. Ironically, the one determined to desert was also so good at pretending to be an obedient little soldier that she was actually the most efficient of their patrol as well.

Though it didn't do her any good this time. The woman facing her may have been smaller and skinnier, but she neutralized Zia with two fluent moves. A kick to disarm her and a punch in the stomach to cut her breath.

This is bad... Sigyn thought to herself. Very bad...


This is good... Aster thought to herself. Perfect even...

The conscripts barely had the time to realize what was happening to them before being dragged in the hollow in which their two already-unconscious companions were hidden. The muscular black-haired girl posed them a little trouble, so they had to be rough with her, but they were all ultimately subdued without the alarm being raised.

Aster couldn't help but smile when she heard Klenia say: “And now, time for the funny part!”

The unconscious conscripts were lined up and quickly undressed. Their uniforms, weapons, boots and helmets were carefully piled up out of the way. Once they were stripped down to their underwear, the team quickly made sure that they would remain quiet and still for a while, with the help of several rolls of strong black tape and lots of ropes.

Eiko and Estzer were tied together, secured while facing one another. The redhead was wearing a light green t-shirt bra and white panties, while her colleague was clad in matching dark blue sports bra and boyshorts. Tape was wrapped around their lower faces to keep them quiet, as well as around their legs, their wrists, and their upper-bodies to pin their arms on their sides, with a few ropes just to be safe. Their bodies were squeezed up against each other because of the bonds, their gagged lips pressed together.

“I figured out they could need to learn to appreciate each other more...” Klenia explained when Aster raised a questioning eyebrow.

The others' bonds were more conventional. Their hands were tied behind their backs with tape and ropes. Their ankles and thighs were tied as well. Tape had been wrapped a few times around their upper-bodies and their lips were sealed with tape, holding in place the cloth filling their mouths. Contrary to their two companions, they were all wearing the standard plain grey cotton underwear that were given to each recruit. Klenia called their choice of undergarments boring, even though she admitted they were also looking cute in it. (Albeit not as cute as Shayna, of course, much to the latter's embarassment.)

The conscripts were lying next to each other, peacefully breathing through their noses as if they were taking a nap. Some of them were starting to stir up though. They would wake up soon.

Once she was fully uniformed, Mikani went to recover the patrol's jeep, leaving her four friends to watch their unlucky donors and wait for the arrival of Cérès' men.

“I'm still surprised that Cérès allowed you to do things your way. She's not exactly known for being merciful.” Aaria commented while putting on her helmet.

“But she's clever.” Aster pointed with her finger the other side of the camp in the distance. “Emery's doing her own stuff here.” she added. “But she's doing it to Olympian soldiers who willingly joined the army. Cérès is sending a message.”

“So when the news will spread, every conscript of the army will know that we'll let them leave if they surrender to us... There will be desertions.” Aaria understood.

“And think of the good PR with the foreign countries.” Aster concluded.


“All done!” Klenia, now fully uniformed, happily exclaimed. “So, what's the next part?”

“The next part?” Aster asked.

“You know, the part where we use our disguises to infiltrate the camp, mug higher-ranked soldiers, and free the prisoner!”

Aster and Aaria exchanged a quick look, then chuckled.

Klenia frowned. “What? Did I say something funny?”

“Our part is over.” Aster explained. “We now take the place of the patrol and turn the other eye when Cérès' men arrive with the rockets.”

Klenia looked disappointed. “So you mean that... we've already done our part here? That's it? Nothing else?! It's so anticlimactic!”

“Then it means the plan was a success.” Aaria answered with a smile.

“We're not the only ones that can get work done around here, you know.” Aster added. “Besides, the part of the camp we could have reached from here is about to be bombarded by rockets. Not the safest place we could find...”

Aaria suddenly looked pensive. “Rockets. They will do a lot of damage...” she commented.

“This is the part of the base in which the regular army is stationed. Most of these soldiers are from Olympus.” Aster replied. “I'm not saying that what we're doing is fair, but at least we're not bombarding conscripts that didn't have a choice in the matter.”

Klenia had stopped smiling. She was being serious. “There's no turning back now, right?” she asked. “The news of tonight's attack will spread, and once Thorn is safe with us, we'll use his datas to fan the flame of the revolt. We can safely assume that the mass uprising is basically beginning tonight.”


Saying anything else would probably have ruined the seriousness of the moment, so Aster didn't.

Finally... she simply thought.

“Girls? Could you come here for a sec?” Shayna called them from the hollow in which the conscripts were hidden.

“What is it?”

Several conscripts had already woken up, including their dark blond-haired patrol leader. Estzer and Eiko, clearly annoyed by their predicament, were trying to distance themselves. But all they could manage to do was grunt and rub their bodies against each other.

Shayna mentioned the blond-haired conscript, the one who nearly managed to fight them back. The girl was trying to say something, mmfffing through her gag.

“I think she wants to talk to us...” Shayna added.

Aster kneeled down near her.

“You do realize that if you try to scream, I will have to crush your throat?”

The girl nodded.

Aster shrugged and removed the tape.

The blond-haired coughed the cloth filling her mouth, then looked her in the eyes. “The name's Zia. Do you consider taking hostages? I would do anything to leave that place. And I'm not the only one here.”

Her patrol leader let out a muffled shriek and stared at her with big round eyes.

Aster couldn't help but laugh at the boldness of her proposition.

“What a nerve!” Klenia commented while smiling.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Aster noticed that Cérès' men were arriving. She lost her smile. They were carrying the rockets.

“We'll see about that.”

Cérès' agents were efficient. The weapons were quickly put in place.

"Now, they will wait for the signal." Aster explained. "Emery is probably already somewhere in the camp, on her way to free the prisoner."

They waited for a moment.

Then, suddenly, the phone of one of the men bipped.

Forty seconds later, the first rocket was flying in the sky.
Last edited by rufusluciusivan on Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:46 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: To overthrow the Utopia (Part 5) by Rufusluciusivan

Post by tirepanted3 »

Another tense and exciting chapter. It really feels like the story is building to a climax.

Great scene with Sao and Reka mugging the two guards. They make an interesting anti-hero duo, nicely countering Aster's more altruistic team. I would have preferred some more space between their two scenes (since time has clearly passed between them), but their subplot continues to intrigue.

And another great soldier team takedown. The differing personalities of the six guards were well-developed in their brief introduction. And there are some wonderful details, particularly the way Klenia ties Eiko and Estzer. Guess they'll have to start getting along now. ;)
esercito sconfitto
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Re: To overthrow the Utopia (Part 5) by Rufusluciusivan

Post by esercito sconfitto »

wow this story is heading exactly where I was hoping

rufusluciusivan...only a straight question; are you familiar with a tale by Achast, "All is quiet", about the misfortune of the soldierette Pella?

Posts: 1228
Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:08 pm

Re: To overthrow the Utopia (Part 5) by Rufusluciusivan

Post by rufusluciusivan »

I've read it a few years ago. Now that you mention it, there are similarities. However I didn't use it as a source of inspiration. Maybe unconsciously...^^
Posts: 191
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:43 am

Re: To overthrow the Utopia (Part 5) by Rufusluciusivan

Post by dummy76 »

Great story! Would it be possible to request a side scene of how the professional soldiers were dealt with?
Posts: 1228
Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:08 pm

Re: To overthrow the Utopia (Part 5) by Rufusluciusivan

Post by rufusluciusivan »

Thanks! As for the request, I apologize, but I probably won't.
Posts: 1228
Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:08 pm

Re: To overthrow the Utopia (Part 5) by Rufusluciusivan

Post by rufusluciusivan »

Part 6

The raid turned out to be a rousing success.

Alaric's camp suffered huge damages and the agent, Eleo, was successfully rescued. Thanks to his knowledges, Cérès' men were able to locate Thorn, recover him. And recover the datas he was carrying.

Ultimately, the datas they collected weren't even that impressive. (Klenia even complained about that. So anticlimactic!) No big government conspiracy. Just a collection of various atrocities and lies spread by the government, sprinkled with a few corruption scandals.

But it was enough.

They hacked the government's own networks to broadcast the news on every TVs of the country. Hana's help proved to be was crucial during this part, which secured her future and position among Cérès' network.

The agitators working for the resistance networks did the rest. Olympus couldn't prevent the news from spreading. The towns started to riot one after another. Fighters trained by the rebellion and armed with gears provided by foreign nations then stepped in to lead the populace. Weapons were distributed and militias were formed to liberate the Provinces.

Olympus' army was better-trained and had better equipment, but the Rebellion had the advantage of the number. Only Okéanis, Ares and Hera were remaining loyal to Olympus. All the other Provinces were revolting and the government had to spread its forces on multiple fronts.

And the resistance networks were sending numerous agents to sabotage the Olypian war effort...


The soldier was walking confidently. She wasn't especially old, probably in her mid-thirties at most, but it was clear the she was feeling powerful thanks to her dark grey uniform and the weapons strapped on her belt.

It was late in the night, and she still had a lot of work to do. Combat aircrafts were supposed to leave the aerodrome next morning to bombard positions held by the rebels in northern Lakeland. The black-haired soldier was supposed to check them one last time.

“The provincial scums will never know what hit them...” she muttered to herself, smiling while looking at the impressive engines, stationed in their hangars.

Two hands suddenly grabbed her before she could understand what hit her.

The woman disappeared in the dark, between two warehouses. There was a muffled gurgling, then the sounds of a few punches and small grunts. Then, the rustle of clothes being removed.

Klenia didn't have time for complex or inventive bonds. Two zip-ties: one for the wrists, one for the ankles. A quick tape-gag. And a small injection of drug to make her sleep. Not much fun, but Klenia could live with that. Time was of the essence in her mission.

Klenia put on the soldier's still warm uniform. Then, she grabbed the underwear-clad soldier by her bound ankles and dragged her in a blind spot between two buildings, and behind some wooden boxes, then left her there.

She had to be quick. Shayna was waiting nearby in their get-away car.

Klenia checked her watch. Right on schedule... She took the back-pack that had been given to her. It contained dozens of small bombs. Not strong enough to create big explosions, but they would be useful to destroy the planes' engines. Klenia was supposed to sabotage all the aircraffts. Better get going...


Shayna was waiting at the edge of the aerodrome, in an official military car used by officers to travel. Dressed in a soldier uniform, she was nervously tapping the steering wheel.

Suddenly, the passenger door opened and Klenia sat on the passenger seat.

“I'm here! Did you miss me?” She quickly kissed Shayna on the cheek.

Shayna smiled. “I was almost starting to be worried...”

“Then, let's just go. I'll activate the bombs once we're far from this place.”

“What about her?”

Shayna pointed with her chin the sleeping woman lying on the floor beneath the back seat. She was tied with rope and cleave-gagged. She was also only clad in her pink girlish undergarments. This unfortunate blond-haired woman was the original driver of the car, whose outfit was currently worn by Shayna.

“We'll leave her on the side of the road in a few kilometers. She'll simply have to return to the aerodrome on foot.”

Shayna chuckled. “I love you.”

Klenia smiled. “I know.”

Shayna quickly drove them out of the aerodrome.


Aaria wouldn't have admitted in front of the others, as it would have created unnecessary ego conflicts, but she was happy to have been sent away from Cérès' camp. She couldn't bare seeing some of the resistants here.

“Railway's destroyed.” Mikani announced.

“Perfect. I'd like to see them try to send new weapons to the front now.” Aaria answered.

“And a huge thanks to our helpful donors...” Mikani added.

The two women with whom she was talking couldn't have answered, even if they wanted. Which was logical since their mouths were currently covered with several layers of silver duct tape wrapped around their lower faces. They were supposed to be railroad workers, but it was currently hard to guess due to their state of clothing. Mikani and Aaria were wearing their helmets, white shirts, blue overalls and black protective shoes, leaving them in their underwear. The youngest of the duo was a petite brunette, with cute hazel eyes and whose hair was tied into a small ponytail. She was wearing a white full-cup bra and beige panties. The oldest, probably in her early-forties, had short dark brown hair. She was clad in a grey tank top and matching briefs. Both were unceremonously lying on the floor of the back of their van, hog-tied with spare cables they were carrying in it.

The two women looked at their captors with fear.

“Don't worry. It's almost over now.” Mikani said to reassure them. “Just a few hours, and you'll be able to return to your normal lives.”


Aaria and Mikani were driving on the small private road that was running along the railway track, when they came across a police car blocking their road.

Aster was waiting inside, dressed in the dark blue uniform of Olympus' policewomen.

“Can I give you a ride?” she said.

Aaria smiled. “With pleasure.”

Mikani and Aaria quickly hopped inside.

“With this little baby, we'll avoid the army patrols. I trust that the sabotage went without a hitch?” Aster said.

”Yep.” Aaria answered. “Brings back memories, right?”

Aster chuckled. “Just like the old times...”

“Memories? Old time?” Mikani asked.

“We actually started by sabotaging railway tracks.” Aster explained. “But Olympus quickled caught up and we almost got captured on our third try.”

“That's when we decide to change our methods and use the whole 'infiltration' angle." Aaria added. "We started with robbing Olympian officials in hotels. We figured that it would be the easiest places to infiltrate. You can easily enter them by pretending to be a client, and acquiring a maid uniform isn't that hard. With your bedroom, you even have a place to stash her that is practically gift-wrapped to you. This was actually Dimitri's idea...”

Aaria quickly stopped herself.

Aster sighed. “I guess things will never be just like the old times anymore...”

There was an awkward silence.

Then Aaria asked: “And what about your own mission?”

This was an easy way to change the subject, but Aster took it anyway. “Went without a hitch. These tanks won't be going anywhere any time soon. As you can see, I even managed to borrow a car and a new uniform.”

“I trust that the previous owners of the car weren't exactly willing to part with their vehicle.”

“I found the right arguments.”


Primrose was thinking that, in hindsight, getting their transfer was a bad idea.

Yet, at first, it seemed to be the perfect solution. After the whole debacle of the sabotage of Wheat Junction's weapon factory, during which she and Yusufa were found bound and gagged in their skivvies, the other colleagues at their police station never let them live that humiliation out. Hence the reason why Primrose and Yusufa asked to be transferred to another police station, to the north of Korê.

The Rebels started their big uprising three days after. The entire province of Lakeland, with the exception of its southernmost part, was under their control. The army had been sent to protect the border and the police forces were supposed to maintain order alone.

And during their latest patrol, Primrose and Yusufa were stopped by a woman dressed as a soldier. Primrose wasn't suspicious of her. She should have.

The woman mopped the floor with them in a few seconds. How humiliating...

Now, Primrose had been robbed of her car... and her uniform. The only things the woman left her were her lacy blue bra and lacy white panties with a pink trim. Better than being left naked, I suppose... Well, at least the assailant was fair enough to also strip Yusufa, even though she technically didn't need both uniforms. The latter was clad in her lacy black bra with a floral pattern and matching briefs. They were supposed to have a date tonight...

Currently, the two policewomen were seated on the backseats of the military car their attacker had been using as part of her disguise. The vehicle was hidden out of sight behind a thick grove. Primrose and her partner were bound in the same way: hands tied behind their backs, ankles and thighs tied with rope, mouths filled with a wadded scarf each. A cleave-gag was there to make sure they couldn't spit the cloth out, with several strips of black tape in addition, just to be sure. The ropes were rough, and the contact with her bare skin was unpleasant.

Though Primrose wasn't going to lie, it was nice to feel Yusufa's head resting on her shoulder. Her girlfriend had left her brown hair dyed with some stripes of yellow grow. She wanted to have a ponytail as long as Primrose's. It was looking good on her. Now if only Primrose wasn't tied up... She had to admit, it was somewhat hard to focus when looking at her girlfriend's half-naked form.

Sometimes, they could hear some movement, as well as bangings and muffled mewlings, coming from the trunk of the car.

I guess this is the true owner of the car and the soldier uniform...


Hana was looking for her friend.

Now that the war effort of the Rebellion had reached its peak, and that she had left the Flora forest to join the Rebellion's main forces, Cérès had declared that she couldn't accept a dead weight anymore. Therefore, Macha had been sent to help tend to the injured in the camp's medical tent.

She opened the tent flap.

“Macha! I...”

She didn't finish her sentence.

Right in front of her, Emery was shooting her a murderous stare.

Frightened, Hana took a step back.

Emery muttered a very unflattering comment in her beard and went back at bandaging the arm of a man seated on a camp bed in front of her. The guy had been wounded during the last successful offensive to claim control of the towns of southern Lakeland.

Another man approached her.

“Well, hello. What do you want?” he asked.

Hana felt a little relieved. Hieron was a lot more amiable and one of the only Rebels (along with Mikani and her friends) she felt comfortable talking to.

“I was looking for Macha. I'm... I'm just surprised to see Miss Emery here.” she answered.

“Are you kidding? Emery sewed me up more times than I can count!” Hieron answered.

“A good assassin has to be knowledgeable in anatomy.” Emery added without turning back.

Hana nervously smiled, unsure about how to answer.

“Don't pay attention to her! She's just being her usual charming self.” Hieron cheerfully exclaimed. Emery gave him a mean look, which he completely ignored. “Your friend is over there.” he added.

Hana thanked him, then caught up with Macha. The redhead was taking care of the most basic tasks: changing bedsheets, cleaning the wounded and changing bandages. She was wearing a dull grey shirt, along with white pants and a white apron, probably to highlight her role as some kind of nurse. Her red hair were tied into a strict bun.

The two of them briefly embraced to greet each other. They hadn't seen each other during the past few days. Macha didn't blame her friend for what happened. Her friendship with Hana was stronger than her loyalty to Olympus. She understood why Hana chose to rebel against Utopia, and she understood that Hana's collaboration was their best bet to make it out alive. Now, she didn't care much about anything else than their safety, Hana's and hers. She was simply glad to be still alive.

“How are you doing?” Hana asked.

“Fine. More or less.” Macha quickly eyed in Emery's direction. “I feel better when she's not around... Cérès sends her here from time to time to lend a hand when she's not on a mission.”

“She scares me...” Hana whispered.

“Well, at least I heard that she's leaving soon. She and Aster are supposed to go on another big mission.”

“The Rebels control Rift and the northwest of Kachikuni, as well as huge parts of Karst and Shield." Hana said. "Now that the Rebellion has also seized control of Lakeland, their next goal is Korê. I simply wonder what their mission will be...”


“When you will meet the Olympus Flamen, bow your head to salute but don't talk first. Don't sit until he allows you. And, more importantly, don't mug any of his employees on your way here.”

Sao silently nodded, even though she was smiling internally. Zoë still hadn't come to terms with the embarassing way her guards were defeated.

“Still, I wonder why the man in charge wants to see us...” Reka commented.

“The Flamen has a mission for you.” Zoë answered.

Of course. Why would he want to see to low-life thugs otherwise? Sao thought to herself. Still, getting in the good grace of the Government could be an asset to find Calypso. At least, if the Government won the war. Sao was starting to doubt their capacity to defeat the Rebellion.

Well, maybe she could do something to fix that. She still had a score to settle with certain Rebels...

They finally arrived. Two heavily-armed guards took a long time to search them, making sure they weren't carrying any concealed weapon, while three other guards were watching them.

Then, they were allowed to enter the next room.

Flamen Arcadius Zeno, leader of Utopia, was a small man wearing a sharp suit. His grey hair was streaked with blue dyes. He was sitting behind his desk, writing some paperworks.

Zoë walked in first. Sao and Reka were following her one step behind. They lightly bowed their head to salute the Flamen.

“Greetings, Zoë Eudokia of the Belisaire Faction.” he said.

“Greetings, Arcadius Zeno of the Zeno Faction.” she answered.

Sao mentally rolled her eyes. For Olympians, the Faction was just as important as the family name, and therefore they insisted to use it during presentations. Formal meetings were incredibly tedious because of that.

“I have brought you the women you requested.” the redhead continued.

“Very well. I thank you.” Arcadius Zeno turned to watch Sao and her partner. “I welcome you. I have talked with your accountant, Maximilian Shroud. He had nothing but praises to say about your talents.”

“You are too kind, Flamen.” Sao answered. “I trust that you have a mission to put our talents to good use?”

“Indeed. I need competent agents, ones that can work outside of the ordinary structures. Or outside of the law, for that matter.”

“This is in our wheelhouse, Flamen. What is the mission?”

“Our army is stronger, but the Rebels are crippling it with operations of sabotage. Their teams are extremely well-organized, and our usual strategies are inefficient against them. I want you to help us counter their infiltrators. I chose you because I have heard that you already had a few run-ins with some of their teams.”

Sao clenched her fist. He's probably mentioning Aster and her girls. The ones who captured Calypso. She was going to enjoy this mission...

“I heard that you were defeated during your last attempt." Arcadius continued. "However, this time you will have more resources. By that, I mean people working for you. Train them. Deploy them. Use them to capture these infiltrators. You may dispose of the prisoners at your leisure. Zoë will help you. I believe now that one of these Rebels, Aster Demeter, was the one responsible of the murder of the late Heraclius Eudokia of the Belisaire Faction. House Eudokia's vendetta still hasn't been satisfied.”

Sao exchanged a glance with Reka. Her partner silently nodded. Both women smiled.

A chance for revenge...

“I will gladly carry on your orders, Flamen.” Sao answered.


Author's note: Another update... And it's not one month later?! What's going on here?!^^ Though it will probably the last update before at least a few weeks, the end of the month will leave me a lot less time to write. Not much story in this installment. Just a small transition chapter to show that some time passes, and our team takes part in the war effort while doing what they do best. The climax is nearing though. The goal is to try to finish the story before the end of the year. Fingers crossed.
Last edited by rufusluciusivan on Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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