Story 1.5: To overthrow the Utopia (Small Story 1)

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Story 1.5: To overthrow the Utopia (Small Story 1)

Post by rufusluciusivan »

Author's note: So, this one will be a brief story and less detailed than usual. I got the idea after reading a post made by bobbyredblue2 (in the Ideas, Costumes and Scene Suggestions part of the board) about mascots and fursuits. So I just wanted to try a short story involving this type of (rarely used) disguise. You may consider it a filler episode of the main series, a mission that happened between Part 1 and Part 2 of To Overthrow the Utopia. Enjoy:

Today was a hot day. For most of people, a hot day was a minor inconvenience, easily dealt with by putting on appropriate clothes or getting some refreshments.

For Vincianne, nicknamed Vin, this day was a nightmare.

On a normal day, the mascot's outfit was uncomfortable and impractical. It was designed to look like Hera's peacock. The mask was muffling the voice and the costume was restricting the movements. But on a hot day, the outfit became a furnace.

But Vin didn't have a choice.

The usual mascot was sick and, as always, the members of the cheerleading team drew lots to decide which one would take her place. Vin drew the short straw. Again. Everytime the usual mascot wasn't available, it was Vin who drew the short straw, to the point that everyone regarded her as the second unofficial mascot. The young woman was beginning to suspect that her teammates were cheating...

The second half of the game would begin soon, but Vin decided that she would take the time to drink something and, perhaps, take off that awful mask a few minutes. The mere thought of being out of this furnace, even a few minutes, was enough to put her smile on her face.

Vin arrived in the locker rooms, which were empty. Both the players and the cheerleaders were on their way to the stadium. Vin went for the locker which was used to stash the mascot outfit. There was a washbasin nearby. She let out a sigh of relief when she took off the peacock's head, briefly freeing her reddish blond locks and greeting a little fresh air. She quickly drank some water. Then, she heard a loud music from outside. The game was going to resume. This time, Vin let out a sigh of frustration and put the mask back. Well, time to go back...


Klenia left her hiding spot as the woman was putting her mask on. She grimaced.

The mascot. It had to be the mascot. Not a cheerleader. Not a server. No! It had to be the one with the most uncomfortable outfit...

Klenia moved into the attack.

And a peacock... Really? I mean, I know this is Hera's symbol, but still... The result is hideous...

(Quick author's note: picture something that looks like that:

The woman was taken completely by surprise. Her costume was restricting her movements and she couldn't properly fight back. The mask was muffling her cries for help while she was being overpowered. Klenia regretted using violence, but the mascot suit was thick and she needed to neutralize the woman quickly. At least, the suit was softening the blows a little. Hopefully, the unlucky mascot wouldn't be too much bruised after the whole ordeal.

She removed the peacock head first. Half-unconscious, the young woman was softly groaning. A few locks of her long curly reddish blond hair were spread across her face. Klenia quickly took a bottle of chloroform and a cloth from her handbag.

“Shhhh...” she whispered to her victim while making her breath the fumes. “Just breath...”

The reddish blond-haired mascot let out a small sigh, then fell asleep.

Klenia then unzipped the suit and undressed her. The inside of the cloth was hot and it was clear that the woman had sweat in it. Klenia grimaced. “I'm probably doing you a favor...” she said to the unconscious woman.

Apparently, the mascot decided to only keep her underwear under the suit, a logical choice given how hot the day was. Of course, she didn't anticipate that she would be mugged for disguise today... Once Klenia was done with her, she was lying down in her hot pink sport bra and boyshorts. Klenia then took some zip-ties and used it to bind to woman's arms and legs. She then made her sit with her legs bent, which was easy since she was still in a deep sleep, and wrapped duct-tape on either side of her knees to immobilize her legs and thighs and force her to remain sit with her legs bent when she would wake up. She filled her mouth with a few clean clothes from her bag, fashioned a cleave-gag with a disused sports towel and added two strips of tape just to be sure.

“Now, to put you out of sight...”

The girl's locker was rather big, which was logical since it was made to contain a huge mascot outfit. But it also had the side-effect of making it a perfect place to stash the young woman. Klenia left her inside, the side of her head resting on one of the locker wall. Then, she closed the door.

Klenia eyed the mascot uniform and reluctantly started to put it on. She knew she would regret it later, but she decided to keep her clothes under the suit. Once fully clothed, she grabbed one last item from her handbag and headed for the exit.


“Don't give me that look. I didn't even hurt you.”

Mikani ignored the pleading eyes of the young chestnut-haired woman in front of her. Ten minutes earlier, the mascot was minding her own business, taking a break before the start of the second half of the game.

Then, she was ambushed by Mikani who infiltrated the locker room. A few threats, and the sight of the knife Mikani was holding, were enough to convince her to keep quiet and obey her order of taking off her suit. Once she was down to her striped black and white panties and bra, she was swiftly tied up with sports towels reinforced by several wraps of tape. Other towels and strips of tape were used as a gag. Now stashed in one of the lockers, the girl was crying and silently pleading to not be locked inside.

“You'll have to wait a few hours, then you'll be found.”

Mikani then closed the locker's door.

She grabbed the bear head that completed the mascot suit and put it on. The bear suit wasn't comfortable, at all, but it would conceal her identity far batter than a cheeleader or a server outfit. All in all, this was the best choice. To any watching eyes, she was now the same bear mascot who entered the locker room 15 minutes ago.


Mikani left the locker room and entered the stadium. On the other side, the peacock mascot of the other team adressed her a specific gesture of the hand. An outside observer could interpret it as either a salute or a rude gesture. But, in truth, it was a code. Good... Klenia also got her disguise...

Mikani answered by the same gesture. Klenia nodded. They then took action.

At the beginning of the mission, Aaria had given them a small device each. They were supposed to plant it in the stadium. The things were designed to look like bombs, but they weren't meant to explode. Instead, they were designed to make the same noise an explosion would and to liberate copious amounts of smoke, to simulate a bomb attack.

Aster and Aaria would then use the chaos to steal the stadium's till.

Everyone's attention was focused on the game, so planting the false bombs under unused benches was a piece of cake. They activated them and quicly went away. The fake bombs “exploded” when they were reaching the doors leading to their respective locker rooms. The noise was deafening and very realistic, and the copious amounts of smoke were enough to convince everyone that this was a real explosion.

While everyone had still a hard time to register what just happened, Klenia and Mikani had already disappeared inside the locker rooms to take their disguises off.

Panic soon spread like wildfire.

Klenia and Mikani managed to slip through the crowd of fleeing people. Once they had exited the stadium, they quickly hurried to the parking. They climbed into their car and drove off.

Aster and Aaria met up with them 30 minutes later.

With a lot of money.


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