Uniform Stealing Broads in Latveria - 1944

esercito sconfitto
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Re: Uniform Stealing Broads in Latveria - 1944

Post by esercito sconfitto »


In the Latverian forests, many of the ambushes carried by the Gypsy girls active in the guerrilla war against the all female units of the occupying enemy army, are performed without firing a single round; despite the relative abundance of Sten machineguns parachuted from the British SOE to the local resistance movement, the partisan Tsura seems to prefer using the automatic gun like a club, with devastating effects on the enemy

The " Hydra-Wehrmacht" at the direct orders of the General Von Streicker , was at 1944 so concentrated on the task of defending the capital from the advancing armoured columns of the 4th and 5th Leningrad Front, that the High Command underestimated the problem of some partisan gypsy girls in the woods of the most distant countryside; like in other similar cases, the disappearance of a group of female recruits ( "soldatinnen") marching to reach the EasteernFront ended unnoticed

Willing to be helpful to her gypsy friend, Battler Brittany , just after a pair of days from her emergengy parachute landing in the enemy country, is now happily fighting the Hydra soldierettes like an expert partisan!


after each victorious skirmish in the forest, Battler Brittany and her friend the Latverian Gypsy partisan Tsura take their time to relax, have fun and collect the booty, and eventually securing the captured enemy troopers

Battler Brittany, until a week ago WAAC auxiliary of the Royal Air Force, stationed in a comfortable facility in the most enchanting and peaceful English countryside , and with the only task of examining the photos taken from Lancaster bombers during aerial reconnaissance missions over Latveria, to locate the hidden V2 launch sites, changed her destiny after discovering a possible enemy base . The next reconnaissance mission, aiming at the suspicious area spotted, ended with the RAF aircraft shot down by the AA fire of a Hydra FLAK unit, and Battler Brittany being the sole survivor, after a risky parachute landing near the burning Lancaster bomber

Looking for revenge, Battler Brittany keeps writing everywhere the popular line " Kilroy was here", used as a personal trademark. Once spotted by the Hydra-Feldgendarmerie and the Sicherheitdienst , this detail caused the unprecedented manhunt, unleashed with the intent of capturing the elusive enemy Spy 'Kilroy'

Tsura, the brisk but always smiling partisan is a young gypsy woman;she has been forced from years to survive in forest areas, since the Gauleiter Johann Schmidt, later known as the red Skull ordered the whole Gypsy populaton of Latveria to be transferred to work in German War factories with the purpose of building some wonderful secret weapon ( supposedly, the supergun V-3 or vergeltungswaffe 3 ) ; along with few other gipsy girls Tsura escaped the forced labour and deportation by finding a shelter in the woods near Doomstadt; of course she doesn't need the weapons, footwear or uniforms of the fallen enemies , but always she finds pleasure when stripping captured young Hydraryan recruits, already terrorized at the sight of an armed gypsy partisan

as in other cases, the fallen Hydra soldierettes have to suffer first the injuries of the wounds then the insult of having their weapons and uniforms confiscated by the partisan Tsura - a thieving gypsy bitch - and finally to have their underwear or naked bodies covered of strange messages written by the hateful Englander ... Battler Brittany!
esercito sconfitto
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Re: Uniform Stealing Broads in Latveria - 1944

Post by esercito sconfitto »


a little group of Latverian Gipsy girls escaped the deportation ordered and organised by the Gauleiter "Red Skull" Johann Schmidt, hiding in the woods and starting a guerrilla warfare against the too confident enemy troops, at this moment composed exclusively of female personnel .

In this case Tsura , a proud and brave gypsy partisan is attacking a detail of Hydra-Wehrmacht girls patrolling the route . The action is performed by the nomad rebel with the purpose of impressing her friend Battler Brittany by showing bravery and combat skill


despite the efforts made by the Latverian Gypsy partisan Tsura and Battler Brittany, to provide themselves with new footwear , the two Allied combatants can't find a fitting replacement! Interrogated by the Hydra-Feldgendarmerie after their recovery, some of the prettiest young soldatinnen fallen in the ambush and taken to the Military Hospital ( "Feldlazarett") in Doomstadt admitted to have been molested by the British auxiliary of the Royal Air Force, who didn't regret taking advantage of a wounded and incapacitated enemy
"she stripped me of my uniform then she groped my a## " claimed the 25 years old Adelgunde Steiner, gefreiter ( corporal) of the 345 Hydra-Wehrmacht Regiment stationed near the capital "and my breast too"
esercito sconfitto
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Re: Uniform Stealing Broads in Latveria - 1944

Post by esercito sconfitto »


in summer 1944, when the Hydra occupied Latveria was threatened by the advancing armoured columns of the 4th and 5th Leningrad Front , aimed directly at the Capital Doomstadt, the local Gauleiter Johann Schmidt reacted fast; after transferring his headquarters from the principesque residence in the countryside to a bunker in the centre of the city, he established martial Law and dedicated all the efforts to the final goal of the City defence from the subhuman hordes of the savage Soviet Army. Under his spirited leadership , soldiers and citizens strengthened their faith , fighting with fury and eventually halting the filthy red soldiers , at the course of vicious tank battles fought in sight of the Capital Doomstadt


sent to Latveria with the order of solving the problem posed by the presence of a tribe of Gypsy girls in the now occupied Country, the future leader of Hydra , later known as 'the Red Skull' carried out the task so brilliantly that he earned the gratitude of all the Latverian-Volksdeutsche residents, delighted to see that all the tzigane people and almost all the Latverian Slavs, and other minorities reported as 'unworthy of mention' have been sent to the German War factories to be healed of their so far incurable laziness and bad attitudes

Often incorrectly portrayed like a masked human, Johann Schmidt ( " the Red Skull" ) is indeed a recognizable Red Toad, whose inner strength and determination , courage and other distinguished qualities brought him to a highest level of Command, always inspiring with his example all the people he met
esercito sconfitto
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Re: Uniform Stealing Broads in Latveria - 1944

Post by esercito sconfitto »


Although in command of the whole defensive lines around Doomstadt, General Von Strucker is said to have halted, fighting alone in the early days of August 1944, the advancing masses of soviet tanks at the order of the Fourth Leningrad Front, on its way toward the Capital of the Hydra occupied Latveria


the improvements brought by the mild and kind administration of the newly appointed Gauleiter to the Latverian State earned him the respect and gratitude of a part of the local people. After the deportation of all the Slav and Gypsy inhabitants, the remaining Latverian-Volksdeutsche people developed a special devotion to their beloved Gauleiter, later known as 'The Red Skull'; especially young women and girls are among his most faithful admirers.
at the time, all the local women are requested to proudly wear the Dirndl, unless not enlisted in one of the many -or countless- military organisations at the service of the Hydraryan Reich
esercito sconfitto
Posts: 7159
Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:06 pm

Re: Uniform Stealing Broads in Latveria - 1944

Post by esercito sconfitto »


For the first time of her life being on board of the RAF Lancaster bomber engaged in a reconnaissance mission, and sent to find the launch sites of the V2's and other secret weapons supposedly concealed in Latveria, the 23 years old British WAAC auxiliary experienced the terrible moments of the aircraft damaged and shot down by the precise AA fire; she escaped death by making a dramatic but successful parachute landing, eventually being the sole survivor of the doomed crew

Having been downed in the nazi-occupied Latveria, the British WAAC auxiliary Battler Brittany vowed revenge, and after some hourse she gained some satisfaction at the expense of the Hydra-Flak outpost responsible for the crashing of her Lancaster.

At the said date, in the country of Latveria, occupied by the 'Hydra-Wehrmacht' and ruled by the newly appointed Gauleiter Johann Schmidt ( later known as 'the Red Skull") , Flak antiaircraft artillary and searchlights are manned by all female personnel, especially Hydrarian girls fanatically devoted to the beloved Gauleiter Red Skull.This measure was intended to spare soldiers, badly needed on the Eastern Front...

Despite all odds, alone in an unknown enemy territory and still shaken by the hard landing, and armed only with a Sten machinegun, Battler Brittany was able to locate and to attack the enemy Anti-Aircraft FLAK installation isolated in the countryside, eventually taking out all the Hydra-Wehrmacht Gun servants, too surprised and shocked by the unexpected action to react or take cover

Just after the brief assault, realising that the fallen enemies were cute, blonde girls of her same age, Battler Brittany decided to stay a little bit more, having fun in a girly way with the hapless and now unresponding bodies of the young Helferinnen; and taking away some little souvenirs like their uniforms ; and leaving some friendly messages written on each blonde FLAK servant

The resulting misunderstanding - mainly caused by the lack of knowledge about a popular Allied expression - provoked a massive manhunt organized by Felgendarmerie, Sichereitdienst and other Polizei forces at the order of the suspicious Gauleiter Red Skull; all of them looking for the elusive and mysterious enemy spy whose name is Kilroy ...
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