No Escape

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esercito sconfitto
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Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:06 pm

No Escape

Post by esercito sconfitto »


Nurse: Thank you for coming officer. Our patient was acting rather odd this morning. He refused to talk to us and when we sent his psychiatrist over, she was was attacked brutally. The doctors said he was suffering from some sort of delusion that makes him feel like he was wrongfully placed here against his will.

Officer.: I'll have to investigate him and ask some questions. Will you show me his cell?

Nurse: Of course.


Nurse: Here we are!

Officer: Nurse, there's no one here. What is the meaning of this?

Nurse: Of course he's not here. Prisoners aren't allowed in other prisoners cells.

Officer: What are you trying to imply?

Nurse: I'm saying that I made this cell for you. You are my prisoner from now on and no one will be allowed to visit you but me.


In a sudden turn of events. The nurse jumped onto the policewoman with a rag of chloroform over her mouth. The officer protested with kicks and moans but she was taken by surprise and had not calculated the possibility that she would become a patient of the asylum before she arrived. It was only a matter of seconds before she loses total control of her body.


Nurse: Later bitch. Thanks to your stupidity, many of your colleagues in your workplace will fall into the same fate. While I am gone, I have arranged my assistant to bring one of our most dangerous criminals to your cell. He was charged with over 20 cases of sexual assault. May the two of you have a fun time!
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