Strip you said?

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esercito sconfitto
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Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:06 pm

Strip you said?

Post by esercito sconfitto »

Shado Girls

"Uhm? I thought the uniform was a black bikini with fishnets?" said Naomi, as she walked down the hallway, as she looked to other operatives.

"Bikinis? As uniforms? Doesn't sound much like an uniform!" said the young redhead girl by her side, who was showing her the base.

"I see... So... have you seen Khin Kyi around? I hadn't see her until now."

the girl looked at her. "Who?"

"uhm... an asian woman? black hair? Named Khin Kyi? She should have joined not too long ago as well. I applied along her to the SHADO Organization"

"... SHADO Organization? Sorry! This is the Shado Syndicate!"

"... what? Cazzo!. Awww, crap, don't tell me. I did a mistake on the papers" said Naomi.

"but don't worry! You will enjoy you time with the Shado Syndicate"

"I wanted to enjoy my time with Khin" mumbled Naomi.

"And besides. We got ponies!"

"Stupid ponies" said Naomi, pissed off. the young girl, Ashley, look worried to the new recruit. How she can't like ponies?!!


"What are you doing?!"

"Stripping?" answered the Shado henchwoman.

"I mean why?!" answered the heroine, Busty Bimbo.

"You said that I should strip!"

"I didn't said that!"

"you said so! That you needed me to strip, to use my uniform as disguise!"

"I'm an heroine! I don't go disguised around! ... stop stripping!" ordered the heroine, confused.

"But If you steal my clothes, when they fire me, I can get a bonus from the insuranse company for moral damage and psycological stress!" said the henchwoman.
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